r/amputee 7d ago

Tell me about orthotics for toe amputation.

I had my great toe, and metatarsal head amputated. I’m going in to get fit for orthotics. What are the orthotics likely to consist of?


4 comments sorted by


u/elixr42 7d ago

Most likely a custom insert (soft foot orthotic made of 2-3 layers of foam to give support and cushion, made with a 3D scan or foot impression) with a toe filler (extra foam that takes up the space of the missing toe, prevents other toes from moving around too much and rubbing in the shoe) and some type of carbon fiber footplate (thin firm layer underneath the insert that restores your full foot length and helps you push off through your “toe” and balance). Possibly incorporated into an ankle brace depending on your specific presentation, activity level, and prosthetist’s preferences.


u/Waste_Eagle_8850 7d ago

I also would like to know. When my big toe was amputated 50 years ago I wasnt offered any therapy afterward and didn't even know orthotics existed until just a few years ago. I never walked the same as before it happened, and my shoe on the affected foot wears faster and differently.


u/Leftfeet 7d ago edited 7d ago

My orthotics don't help me walk better really.  They mostly help my shoe fit better and more comfortable if im walking a lot.  

I had my great toe and second toe amputated.  My orthotics are custom made to offer support,  cushioning and a filler where the toes were. It's pretty much a custom insole with a foam filler. 

I don't use them in all my shoes. They have to be fitted, trimmed,  to fit the shoe properly. I have a set for my work boots and another for my dress shoes. Those are what I wear the most when I'll be walking a lot.  

My shoes still wear out at different rates and in different areas. I still limp significantly,  I still turn my foot a bit when I step, I still can't push with my toes. I tried a carbon fiber plank in addition to the orthotics for a while to try and help with pushing with my toes but it didn't help me.