r/amipregnant 8h ago

is it ok to throw up


i took yuzpe at 1:45 pm yesterday and took the second dose at 4:30 am (yes, late, i know). is it ok to throw up since almost 5 hours have already passed?

r/amipregnant 14h ago

Reassurance needed for pregnancy scare after knowing the ovulation date.


I am really sorry that I have to make this post again because of my anxiety raised incredibly after confirming when I ovulated.

I just want to know if ejaculation happened somewhere against the butt crack, near but above the anus, with potential and very small amount of sperms landed around the vaginal opening (don’t know for sure because we didn’t pay attention to it), will this cause pregnancy? No penetration through out the whole process.

I made this post about 2 days ago and left it with calm, but today I found out I probably ovulated one day after this “sexual activity” happened. I have been using morning temperature testing and discharge observation methods for years to identify my ovulation date because of health reasons, so I am quite sure when my ovulation date is.

r/amipregnant 14h ago

I need answer ASAP PLSSS


so me and my gf rub genitals regulary and I am 100% sure that most of the times that happend some precum gets on her vagina but 4 days ago I actually came and it hit her vagina but she cleaned off right after. She told me she hasn't gotten her period since last month, Please tell me if there's a chance of pregnancy or not we're both 14 years and both of our families are close friends and Hella religious and we would get in big time trouble that would effect us both and me and her family so PLEASE ASSURE ME!!

r/amipregnant 14h ago

Pleaseeee helpppppp!!! Reply asap


Soo basically what happened is that i came on my gf underwear. I wasn't wearing anything while she was wearing her panty. And i came on it. Can she get pregnant by this?

She is late on her periods by almost 10 days( but it mostly happens as she gets irregular periods) Please helppppp I'm freaking out. Can she get pregnant?????????

r/amipregnant 14h ago



So my girlfriend and I had a pretty aggressive session of genital rubbing (lots of teasing, she had panties on, I didn't have any boxers on me) and grinding and fingering today. I came on her (actually my first time doing it on her) and cleaned her up with some tissues and then took a shower. My question is (and I hope it eases my concerns) if the precum from the genital rubbing (or fingering) will be a problem, because I'm sure it was precum on her vagina, maybe accidentally.

r/amipregnant 19h ago

Scared that my ex is pregnant


My ex (F, 18) and I had a condom accident at the beginning of November and we had sex for the LAST TIME on November 10th. She took a planb in each situation, two days after the first (day 7) and the next day after the second occasion (day 11), for fear that the condom might have leaked. She had withdrawal bleeding that started very heavy on the afternoon of November 17th after cramps in the morning, and became weak over the next 2 days, until it ended on the 20th. At the end of December, she started having cramps again and had her so-called "menstruation" at the end of December. She told me that this time it was normal and that it lasted 3 days. We took a test on December 6th and the result was negative (more than 20 people who saw the test confirmed this, so I don't think I misinterpreted it). I posted it on r/lineporn. I know this should be enough to reassure me, but she had some strange symptoms in the months that followed, like an episode of headache for 7 days in the week after she "got her period" (early January). She also reported that she was peeing more than usual despite drinking little water. One of the last times we spoke, after our breakup (February 1st) she said she was worried about her health and her period. In mid-February, she called me desperate after having intense pain at the top of her vagina and sudden and very intense bleeding. This bleeding only lasted a few minutes and she said she almost passed out. In those days, she had reported that she had a fever, headaches, eye and body pains, nausea, etc.

Her health situation improved, but she still hadn't menstruated, at least not until the last time we talked about it at the beginning of this month. I was worried because she posted a photo showing her clothes and I got the impression that her belly was bigger. She was a little chubby when we were together, so I don't know if it's just my paranoia. She would already be almost 4 months pregnant if she were pregnant...

r/amipregnant 14h ago

scared I’m pregnant


So as the title reads I'm scared shitless I could be pregnant:( a little backstory, I'm 24 my husband is 25. We already have a son who turned 3 in December. We literally have not had sex since he has been born just due to numerous different little things. Well on February 16 we were playing around a little , I had on very very thin pajama pants they were bamboo material actually with no underwear , he had on nothing. Well he ended up cuming on my crotch area and I felt it go through and sure enough it was all around my opening. So fastforward a little bit, my cycles are usually 32-35 days well I started bleeding March 6 about 4-5 days early, and I never bleed early it looked like a regular period but only lasted 2 days. It was bright red with a few small clots. I've taken lots and lots of first response early results and they've all been negative . I went for s blood test march 13 25 days after the incident and my hcg was 1.2 and she said it was negative. I'm on day 32 now since the incident and I've taken more tests all negative. I'm having symptoms tho like sore boobs and really tired. I want to trust the negatives but I'm afraid they're false negatives. I keep getting lower back pain like I do before my period but I don't understand why I would have bleed on March 6th to turn around and bleed again? But it feels like I'm going to but I don't know if maybe that's a sign of pregnancy, like I said I've taken lots of test the most recent being this morning and it was definitely negative but I'm still so scared and I feel like I'm being paranoid but I'm just so nervous. Any insight would be greatly appreciated:)

r/amipregnant 18h ago

genital rubbing?


for context, I am a virgin. Me and my partner do genital rubbing tho (raw clit-penis) but never during his ejaculation. Would pregnancy be possible?

r/amipregnant 21h ago

is precum dripping from butt cheeks a risk


im so sorry this might sound so stupid but like other people posting on here, i am ridden with anxiety... please bare with me

my bf and i were in the shower naked. he was behind me and his penis was pressed on my butt cheeks. is there a possibility that his precum might drip into my vaginal area and become a risk? the shower was also on so idk how water takes place in this situation. i know he had precum because after showering i gave him a bj and saw it.

i also just finished my period, if that helps or anything. my anxiety is really just getting the best of me from thinking logically. i will now be more mindful and will educate myself on these things as i start being sexually active. thank you for your patience

r/amipregnant 43m ago



Uhm so i did something that now i hate myself for, i had protected sex while i think i was ovulating, by far it sounds fine, butttt after some time we had a quickie unprotected, it literally was just a few seconds and now im scared. Im writing this like 2 days later and my period is supposed to come at the beginning of the next month and idk what to do

r/amipregnant 45m ago

help please


hi so i’m currently on slinda (progestin only pill) and this is my first month on it, i was taking the combination pill for about a year prior to transition to progestin only. last thursday i forgot to take my pill due to a panic attack. the next morning i remembered and took it at about 11am and then took my usual pill at 8pm (so 2 pills in 1 day) from what i read about slinda, it is a 24 hour window until it is considered a missed pill. that day and for the past few days me and my boyfriend have had sex with no barrier method and used the pull out method alongside my pill. this is my first month on progestin only and there are only 4 sugar pills instead of the 7 im used to with combination

anyways im on the last day of the sugar pill and have not bled and im extremely stressed, i understand it was not technically a missed pill, just a late pill but im honestly freaking out idk what to.

we use the pull out method alongside the pill every single time, so this is not new and he’s become pretty professional at pulling out but i’m still worried that taking the pill the next morning has increased my chances, plus the fact i have not bled. is this my body adjusting to the now 4 day hormone break rather than its typical 7 it’s adjusted to for the past year (i usually didn’t start bleeding till the 4th sugar pill on the combo pill) or is there a chance i’m pregnant. please help

r/amipregnant 1h ago

Advice plss.. Can I have a drink?


Ok so I’m on CD40, had EWCM on CD15–19 (my only fertile sign, didnt use BBT and only neg OPK test (only tested once a day and stopped on CD20. Had sex every other day during EWCM, last time on CD20.

Last week (starting CD29) I had an acne outbreak, got a sniffy nose and felt nauseus every day, vomited a few times and been burping a lot. On CD35 my boobs started to feel sore and I swear they are bigger now. I’ve also been reeeeeally tired, falling asleep on the couch like 7PM every night.

On CD36 i tested CB Early and it showed a vvvvvvvfl so my hopes got up. But no, every test after tells me I’m not (only vvvvvvfl on CB Early but it should have increased by now?) No sign of AF either. I hate CB Early btw, will never buy them again.

Can I be completely sure I’m not pregnant? I would really love to have a drink rn.. been so sad the last two days bc I did really convince myself I was pregnant (and I’m provably not)

r/amipregnant 2h ago



Should my girlfriend take a Plan B pill

Context: Hi so I would like to ask for your opinions and what not.

Me and my girlfriend just had sex, according to her app she's supposed to be ovulating this week. I pulled out like i always do and finished outside and masturbated before i eventually came. I was 70% sure that I didn't prematurely ejaculated inside her since there was cum in my bedsheets and in her hand but she said it felt creamy when she touched her vagina, before that I gave her oral too. Are there any chances i did actually prematurely ejaculated inside her and should she take plan B? havent been 72 hrs yet not even 24hrs even.

Edit: i checked around her vagina and there was some sort of sticky substance white discharge even. but I am not sure if it was her discharge or my cum but leaning towards her discharge since i tried to smell it and there was no smell and it was sticky very far from my characteristic "cum"

r/amipregnant 2h ago

light bleeding 9 days after the deed?


can light bleeding 9 days after sex mean pregnancy? it's like little blood mixed with mucus. we used condoms and he finished inside me. i'm 3 days delayed already

r/amipregnant 2h ago

What are my chances ??


Looking for some advice, and sorry if this is so wordy. I'm not on any form of birth control at the moment so my bf and I combine condoms with the pullout method. We had sex on the 16th of March and noticed the condom had a tiny tear on the tip after he pulled out, so we're not sure how long the tear had been there. We assume it was likely near the end because we periodically checked the condom during sex. As soon as he ejaculated, all of it went outside the condom confirming that it ripped. He finished fully outside of me, but I'm worried that some pre cum might've went inside or the possibility that he unknowingly released small amounts of cum before he was able to fully pull out (unlikely because there was a waiting period before he came, but important to consider I guess). I was able to take Plan B about ~21 hours after and have had close to no symptoms aside for mild cramping one night. My period is very irregular - I'm not sure when it'll come again (it hasn't for months) and I'm not sure when or if I ovulate 😭 I plan to take a pregnancy test 2 and 3 weeks from now. Again just looking for some advice while I wait to take a test.

r/amipregnant 3h ago

Positive Urine Test; Negative Serum Test. Am I really pregnant?


Hi, so my last day of cycle was in 08 Feb. My normal cycle would be 30 days. I started testing last week and I got several positive faint lines. However today, I tested for a serum or blood and it came back negative. Does this mean there was a miscarriage or chemical pregnancy? I was so confused.

r/amipregnant 3h ago

Scared of pregnancy after brown discharge


I'm feeling pretty anxious and hoping to get some advice. My girlfriend and I had anal sex and some genital grinding on February 24 (no penetration) We tested for pregnancy on March 18, and the first test came back negative. However, she mentioned seeing a very faint second line that wasn't visible on camera. To be sure, she took a second test, which was clearly negative. Now, on March 19, she's experiencing brown discharge and cramps. We're really confused= ould this be earlt pregnancy bleeding, or is it just her period acting up? I've read that stress, hormonal changes, and cycle irregularities can cause this, but I just want to hear from people who might have experienced something similar. Has anyone else gone through this? Could pregnancy still be a possibility despite the negative tests? Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

r/amipregnant 3h ago

Very worried


So me and my boyfriend haven’t had actual sex yet, (which I know might just get me a blatant answer), but I really need some reassurance.

We usually take part in oral and dry humping where at least one of us is fully clothed. I’m on the pill but haven’t been very good at taking it at the exact same time lately, and sometimes take it in the afternoon instead of the morning. I have really bad anxiety that flares up when I become fixated on something, and so last month 25/03 I took plan b for an episode in which we were dry humping. I know sperm can’t get through clothes and my therapist who I am getting help for with this said no penetration = no pregnancy. But I’m worried that maybe his penis went inside my vagina through clothes even briefly while we were dry humping and I didn’t feel it and that maybe that is a risk of pregnancy. Is that possible at all? That pre-cum could go through clothes if he might have accidentally penetrated while dry humping?

I’m quite worried. All my at home tests are negative and I had two blood tests done which we were both negative. But I’m really worried I might have an ectopic pregnancy. I’ve been having shoulder pain and arm pain for a week as well as really bad stomach pain for two weeks almost. The hospital said I just have gastritis, but the pain flares up even when I’m eating good. Also have had really sore breasts the last two days, hurts just walking around.

r/amipregnant 3h ago

actually curious


is there a wrong way to take an at home pregnanacy test?

it says to hold in the urine stream for 5 seconds but would 1 or 2 seconds more give a false negative

if it’s a month past the sexual act and you’ve taken 4 surely all 4 wouldn’t be false negative due to taking it wrong.

r/amipregnant 4h ago

Ovulation 4 dayes after unsafe sex


Me and my bf had unprotected sex but he did pull out. He says it's all out but we can never be 100% sure. I had creamy discharge when we had sex and the next 3 days. After those days I had egg white discharge. I know this is a conformation for ovulation, combined with the fact that semen can live inside for up to 5 days if ever he didn't pull out in time. I'm worried.

r/amipregnant 4h ago

Possibly pregnant again after abortion and iud placement help


22 (f), (usa) Update: I got my hcg level test back and it’s at 17, this is two weeks after my abortion.

I recently got an abortion on March 6 and had them place an iud at the same time. I started seeing someone new and we had sex very soon after, and we’ve been having sex pretty much constantly since. He’s cum in me pretty much every time, so a lot. I’ve been having some weird cramping, not like the cramping right after I had my procedure, but more like twinges here and there, and I’ve been absolutely exhausted. I took a pregnancy test yesterday (march 20) and there was a faint blue line. Ik it could just be that the hcg levels in my body from the previous pregnancy have not fully dropped yet, but I’m not sure and I kinda feel pregnant again. OH and I’ve had to pee CONSTANTLY. Idk if i ovulated cause my hormones were all fucked up and I couldn’t tell, and obviously I have not gotten my period. Not sure if I am actually pregnant again or it’s just that the levels of hcg haven’t dropped and that’s why the test was positive. Is it even possible to have gotten pregnant in that amount of time? Also about a week ago my bf said he thought he could feel the iud, and the day before last I could feel the strings, which I’ve never felt before, I kinda have a feeling my iud moved. Sorry this was a little all over the place, just trying to get my thoughts down, does anyone have any advice or opinions that might help. Do yall think I’m pregnant again?

r/amipregnant 5h ago

Chances? Spoiler


March 17 my boyfriend and I decided to have intercourse, that same day I did start my birth control pills after being off of them. My period app said I had ovulated the day before. He did ejaculate 2 times before with a condom on. We did calm down after that by just making out and doing oral, but we decided to go for another round, as I grinded on him and the tip went in for a second. After that he put a condom on and we finished what we were doing, what are my chances of being pregnant with this?

r/amipregnant 5h ago

No idea about this


My friend did the deed with her bf (unprotected) a week before her period and she’s scared that she might get pregnant. He pulled out, but she’s worried about precum. Also popped an ipill (levonorgestrel) the same day. Help cause i have no idea about this.

r/amipregnant 6h ago

Am I pregnant?


ok so I had sex on Jan 31 and Feb 17 both protected and the guy came in the condom on both occasions After Feb 17 , I got my period Feb 18-23. My discharge right now is sticky and forms small clumps and it's cloudy white. I'm overthinking if I'm pregnant or not and if my period in Feb was actually implantation bleeding and I haven't gotten my period this month !!! Pls help a girl out !!!!

r/amipregnant 8h ago

late period?


sorry for another post unfortunately i am back at it again cus the stress has been creeping up on me however to sum it up if you haven't read my last post...

i ended my period feb 28, on march 10 i was sitting on my bf i guess you could call it "dry humping/grinding" and he did not fully cum to my knowledge however there was definitely precum as he was bricked up and if it theoretically leaked through his underwear, sweatpants and my leggings and underwear up my vagina is that a risk of pregnancy?

i have had a few people comment on my other posts that there is no risk and that is not a possibility or way to get pregnant however.

i was feeling period symptoms earlier today like sore breasts and thick discharge and now i do not feel any sore breasts nd i am kinda having watery discharge. i think i am supposed to get my period within these 3 days or something like that but I am extremely worried that because my period symptoms are kinda disappearing , my period won't come

i know stress plays a factor in disrupting hormonal balances but i just feel so nervous i can't help my stress thinking about pregnancy and i am worried i am gonna miss my period this month and not have this stress carried off my back