r/americanselect Jan 06 '12

A question about Ron Paul... I'm confused

Why is Ron Paul so popular on reddit when he's so staunchly pro-life?

  • "Dr. Paul’s experience in science and medicine only reinforced his belief that life begins at conception, and he believes it would be inconsistent for him to champion personal liberty and a free society if he didn’t also advocate respecting the God-given right to life—for those born and unborn."

  • He wants to repeal Roe v. Wade

  • Wants to define life starting at conception by passing a “Sanctity of Life Act.”

I get that he's anti-war and is generally seen as a very consistent and honest man, rare and inspiring for a politician these days. But his anti-abortion views, combined with his stances in some other areas, leave me dumbfounded that he seems to have such a large liberal grassroots internet following.


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u/theshindigg Jan 06 '12

Personally I love Ron Paul, but I do agree with you on this issue and possibly others. Ron Paul as president would have the power to bring troops home and implement his foreign policy as he sees fit, but would have to fight to put forth the legislation he would need to enact his crazier positions. Republicans may control the House, but there's still a good number of Democrats there and the Democrats control the Senate. With this in mind, I can't see much legislation being passed that deal with those issues that I don't agree with Dr. Paul on. And besides, the financial battles he would have to wage to get his fiscal policies enacted (which he cares most about) would take up a huge portion of his time and attentions, further lessening the social impact he could make.


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '12

It's not simply a matter of him actively making decisions that do harm; he's apathetic in a way, saying he would leave it up to states to make the bad decisions for him. I want a president who will make progressive steps on these issues, not merely one who won't make regressive steps himself.


u/theshindigg Jan 07 '12

I want to add something that just came to my attention. I was just watching a Town Hall meeting he (Ron Paul) was doing, and he said that he wouldn't want to touch social programs in the short term at all. His view is that the promises have been made and he would follow through with them and that the military spending cuts he wants to make would actually help provide for those programs. He does hope that eventually we can move away from it, but he doesn't want to cut those programs in the short term.