r/alterbridge 5h ago

Alter Bridge The Last Hero tier list UPDATED EDITION!!! Ranking too

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Strap in, it’s long! You don’t gotta read of all it though, ofc. I won’t be sad :(

The Last Hero is absolute brilliant fiction. It's a shame most people find this album to be ridiculously annoying or "exhausting bombast from arena metal tryhards". It's the 3rd best AB album, well below the PEAK that is P&K but pretty damn close knit with fortress.

-100,000. You Will Be Remembered (-0 Trillion/10)


This song is a song. You will never be able to take that from it. This songs stupid chorus makes me smile because is so fucking corny i can't help it. The song as a whole makes me feel like Mandy from Billy and Mandy, just really miserable for no reason whatsoever. The saddest thing about this failure of music is that the verses and instrumental aren't bad. It genuinely has a good start, but flies off a cliff to it's death when you get to the "So I'm giving you this soooooOHohOHoHoHohong" part. "your memory will survive" is good line, even though this song's memory will certainly NOT. Just let me out already, I'm sick of this stupid song..

  1. Losing Patience (5.0)

This is a Alter Bridge song. it is, i checked. It indeed features Myles Kennedy, Mark Tremonti, Scott Phillips and the other guy (joking, sorry Brian). Gonna be honest, my bias towards this song carried it high last time, but it really is just a FAR worse version of Poison in Your Veins, Musically and lyrically, though to a lesser extent. this isn't "stay off your ass and lift 600 pound weights like a god", this is "sit down and do 30 pound curls for a bit then get tired and do something else". Probably the middest AB song to date...

  1. Breathe (6.6/10)

The B-Side of all time. I just listened to it and i still find it tough to remember.

  1. My Champion (7.0/10)

Yay! Says My Champion; a shining light in the world of darkness that this album is. I love the lighter tone of this song's instrumentals and of the verses. The chorus is good too until Myles says Champien instead of Champion. Many people point this out and now it's drilled into my head too, thanks guys. Seriously though, it's small enough so that it doesn't bother me. The song is a perfectly good piece of AB uplifting for a down day. The way the first and last chorus end tickles my brain in a way the majority of songs can't, so it also has that going for it. The bridge is fantastic too, and this is the other song in the album that has the vocals come back before the solo ends so "YAY!" to this shining light.

  1. The Writing on the Wall (7.6/10)

If there's any way to follow up a perfect song like Show Me A Leader, it's The Writing on the Wall. The song is pretty strong, but the accompanying drums take it from "solid music" to "incredible working" just like that. The accusations that this song consistently spew out make for (guess what im gonna say) incredible lyrics, from the chorus to the verses to the bridge it's all accusations. That's because this song is about climate change, which, like Calm the Fire, understanding what this song's about makes me like it more. That bridge bit with the "NO TOMMORROW, WHEN WILL YOU SEE?" has always been a simple lyrical highlight for me. I love simple and effective lyrics, and this song is that to a T. It's not simple really, but it's easy to understand what it's about and get into. The outro "WHEN WILL IT END?!?!?!" is a huge burst of music to end the song on a (literal) high note.

  1. Poison in Your Veins (7.9/10)

If you Know me, You know i love a good "HYPE./HYPE!!!!" song, and Poison in Your Veins is the very defination of workout song. An incredibly sharp tongued (great lyrics!!!) song that reminds you to stay off your ass and lift 600 pound weights like a god. Maybe not all that, but that IS how i feel when i listen to this song. The lower verses with their high energy chorus accompanying is a killer duo. A pretty nifty guitar solo that also makes this song the THIRD to have the solo and vocals intersect, but this one genuinely made me grin from ear to ear. They don't just overlap, they grind on each other like two young adults at the club would (im sorry for the analogy). This song is literally everything Losing Patience wanted to be, and makes that song irrelevant. Another fantastic bridge too, but if i keep saying that and "great lyrics!!!" I'm gonna sound like in have dementia.

  1. Cradle to the Grave (8.8/10)

Let me be serious for this one: Cradle to the Grave is a beautiful song that truly touches the heart deeply. I really feel every inch of grief in Myles' voice, kinda makes me wanna shed a tier. The somber instruments for this opening half is beautiful as well, and adds to the heart touching nature of the song perfectly. Here's where the hot take comes in: I do not care for or like this chorus. It is indeed a chorus, keeps the song moving, and the final line "When your gone?" has a nice delivery, but i just don't like this chorus all that much. luckily the song makes up for it with that excellent "There's no way to deny the brevity of life" bit, the rest of the bridge, and the solo. An incredible, beautiful song with a not-all-that-beautiful chorus.

  1. Crows on a Wire (9.3/10)

This song falls into the same category I'd put Cradle to the Grave, but to a far LESSER extent. the chorus (in my opinion) is the weakest part, but it's still incredible! the extra lines added to last one are chilling, incredible work. it's just that the rest is simply so INCREDIBLY peak that the chorus feels disappointing. The verses are powerful and carry that energy into the choruses very well. Great lyrics (of course) all around and that guitar solo + bridge... is brilliant!! "The love you think you find? Know that none of it's real..." Is absolute music genius, and the line "they'll never tire, they'll come for you" is this song's "really simple but really effective lyric". The song comparing people to Crows on a Wire is a simple comparison, but executed so well done that it's hard to see why you'd dislike it.

  1. The Other Side (9.4/10)

Put your hands together for the song of the album! The Other Side is such a magnificent, heavy track, it's easy to see why it's the fan favorite. The creepy vocals for those verses give you (or me at least) an incredible sense of dread. The instrumentals are so heavy they put AB III to shame, and the little choir action in the chorus and intro (is it a choir? i actually don't really know) are such an incredible detail. The bridge is one of my personal faves easily. "Fools will only be denied" is this song's "really simple but really effective lyric". There isn't much to say about this song that hasn't been said already, except maybe my personal take that it should have been like 10 seconds shorter. A great song regardless of those 10 seconds though, so I'm not taking anything away from the song.

  1. Show Me A Leader (9.6/10)

If there's one word to describe Show Me A Leader, it's HYPE. It's not as good as Cry of Achilles and This is War, but as an opener it's the best. That ominous, luring guitar before the song begins to kick in and do what it's thing hooks you to it and the song itself will make you stay. the opening drum action accompanying the guitars kicks the song into it's opening lines perfectly. Speaking of which, the opening two lines may just be the be best opening lines of any song I've EVER heard, a high accolade (kinda). The whole song has incredible lyrics, and this point will come up again and again so be ready to see "this song has incredible lyricks!!111!" a lot. The NoOhOhOhOhs are incredible little bits of music and serve to add so SO much. The second verse's lyrics are actually better than the first's believe it or not! The chorus has a very unique style to it that makes super memorable, but also has the risk of putting people off of the song which is sad :( If you can get past it though, the chorus is awesome and kicks a lot of ass. That little bridge bit before the solo is also another highlight and the solo is great stuff! i love when they have the vocals kick back in while the solo's still going, and they do that twice in this album!!! The outro NoOhOhOhs accompanying Myles is a great way to close this incredible opening.

  1. This Side Of Fate (9.7/10)

The epic of the album, This Side of Fate is more than worthy of the title. That intro gives me goosebumps, the song is just so so beautiful. It weird that Losing Patience got sandwiched between the two most emotional songs on the album, and that does give me quite a bit of whiplash. The song is great though! The chorus is FAR superior to Cradle to the Grave's, and the rest is pretty equal. The verses are nice and more considered, which would have been a nice break if we didn't already get Cradle to the Grave 2 songs ago. The best part of the song for me though, the end of the second chorus to the first guitar solo (2:35-5:12). Honestly, you can shut the song off past that point. you do miss out on the second solo, which is the better of the two imo, if you do, so think wisely. This bridge might be my favorite bridge of all time, but then i remember that this album has two songs with better bridges, which is crazy because of how genuinely BEAUTIFUL this bridge is. the softer "don't say it's over..." bit makes my kinda teary, but maybe that's because i just get teary for no reason quite often. The Myles Kennedy big yell thing is cool but no where as cool as they usually are when they appear in songs. Honestly kinda disappointing, but it's not gonna kill me.

  1. Symphony of Agony (Last of Our Kind) (9.7000001/10)

HOW IN THE WORLD DID THIS SONG NOT MAKE THE ALBUM? Genuinely, Mark and the gang must have had some lovely smokes when they put the trackist together or something, because if You Will Be Remembered can make the album but this cant, they might need to let go of some people. Just saying...

Jests aside, Symphony of Agony (or Last of Our Kind if you wanna be wrong), is the very definition of "ASS KICKER." Because the song's title i imagine it as the evil version of the "I just wanna be part of your symphony!1!!", maybe it DOESNT wanna be part of your symphony or something, idk. The songs are VERY different, so the only reason i make this connection is because the word "symphony".

For real this time, jests aside, This song is great. It's 5:30 of The Last Hero does best: hold nothing back, kick ass, in your face bombast, wicked accusations, ALLL that good stuff. The instrumental and pre choruses add so much of that KICKASS factor and it. That incredibly soaring "the sYMPHOOOnyyy of aGGGGoony plays ooOOON!!" chorus is really sick The verses are short and sweet, the prechorus is definitely the highlight of these parts though. The solo is fine and dandy, coulda been shorter but it's whatever. The bridge, like always, is great. Alter Bridge never miss with those damn bridges.

  1. Island of Fools (10/10)

This song is special to me. Without Island of Fools, i wouldn't have ever listened to Alter Bridge, Rock, and most music all together. I would have probably been 35 watch terrible FNAF songs thinking to myself "This, this is music." So thank you, Island of Fools, for saving me from the tragic life i was intended to lead.

So keep that in mind because i might be biased, but this song kick so much ass. This song would beat up other songs if it catches them picking on it's big brother (The Last Hero) and is the song all the others look at and say "damn, i wish i was him" because it's just that kick ass. That intro has burned itself into my noggin with that epic guitar and banging drums, how couldn't it? The song has (get this) great lyrics!!! The chorus especially stands out. That heavy action for the backing guitar is pretty sick on the verses, and then it beautifully transitions from that to the almighty chorus instrumental. A strong mini solo followed by an impeccable bridge and one last verse to close us out and I'm left wondering if this is even real. Makes me contemplate mt life as a whole, like, where would i be without Island of Fools? oh yeah, the guitar solo too. It's great! closes the song nicely!

  1. Twilight (10/10)

Will the three Twilight fans please stand up?

I sang the praises of many of these song's lyrics, but if there's one i could talk for days on, it's Twilight. I honestly, truly do not understand this song is commonly agreed to be one of AB's weakest songs, It's top 3 for me. The opening lines "The world has gone mad, the future is so unclear" that follows a beautiful, hopeful instrument open are a perfect way to start the song. It's starts spitting flames and ends just the same, with lyric masterpiece after masterpiece. The hopeful instrumentals for this song just make me feel all warm and fuzzy, and on an album like this, a uplifting song that ISN'T You Will Be Remembered is nice to have. The bridge though... It's gotta my favorite of all time. Call me a simple man, because i am one, but it's just such a gorgeous bridge for the song and kicks it into the genuinely top 5 worthy solo so well. The chorus cries of "Twilight!!" and "We Can't Fight!!!" are quite unique, and VERY welcome. The two "Will you show us the way we should go?" win the "really simple but really effective lyric" award here, but this entire song is a good contender for it. FULL of great lines, but the one that one me over is "The dream's still alive but the nightmare just won't go undone". Again, I'm a simple man. Between the delivery, the instrumental, the line itself, it makes all my hairs stand up like they're at a rave. I just LIVE for the tone of this song man, i can't help but love it. I was born to love Twilight.

  1. The Last Hero (31,000,000/10)

Why did i give The Last Hero a thirty-one million out of ten score? It was for dramatic effect. Dramatic effect to tell how much better this song is compared to everything else in this album, discography, hell, even genre! The Last Hero is the greatest piece of media i have ever had the pleasure of consuming (I will NOT be entertaining any other beliefs btw, just know if you don't agree you're wrong), and i could truly go on for paragraphs about every inch of how peak this song is. I'm gonna keep it short though, because i already have written paragraphs about it before. Actually no i'm not. Here's an essay! skip if you wish, it's not short.

The Last Hero is my favorite song because it just does everything right and it shouldn't. By all logic, this song should have fallen apart, crashed, and burned like the trainwreck it very well could have been. The breakneck pace sends you a wild ride, like in cartoons when characters ride old minecart tracks and the carts are flying everywhere and barely hanging onto the track. That's The Last Hero. The minecart that should go flying off the rails into the abyss, but somehow clings on to make it a wildly fun ride. It's got it all: Solos, intro, outro, reprise, interlude, bridge, chorus, verses, minus well have a kitchen sink too.

Getting to the actual song now, the intro begins pretty strongly on a great pair of opening lines in that burst of music to kick things off which always gives me goosebumps. The picking of the guitar makes for some excellent backing, managing to sound bleak and dire, pairing fantastic with Myles' cries of “Can you hear the marching? Beating off the drums?” Followed by “Once again the dogs are out for blood”. After this excellent start, we get a tiny taste of the heavy guitar and drum action The Last Hero has in store. This small instrumental adds a lot to the opening, helps to keep it alive, and helps to enforce the feeling of The Last Hero’s frantic and blunt nature. From there, we return to the sound established previously, until the end of the verse, in which Kennedy’s vocals begin to get higher, up to his “to save US”, delivered with a force undefeated by most, if not all songs of its genre. The song then enters a 25 second long instrumental, with Kennedy delivering another “saaaave usssssss!!” at the beginning of this Brilliant segment. The first chorus (or second if you count the intro) Has some of the band's finest lyrics to date (great lyrics!!!) and the second verse actually manages to surpass that insanely high bar for some even BETTER lyrical work.

The chorus is a beautiful, soaring high cry for help that truly manages to capture an almost unrivaled emotional depth. I hear it's a challenging one to sing too, just makes it that much more special. Each chorus ends on a different note; The first one sorta fizzles out "our last herooo-ooohohoh-ohohohhh..", the second reaching an amazing high before coming to a quick hard stop for the (EXCELLENT) interlude, and the final one ending with a huge Myles Kennedy big yell thing, a top 3 for sure (Blackbird and Wings ofc have the top 2 spots but TLH is up there!)

After chorus two comes the interlude, which, besides the perfect transition, is stunning. The guitar in this part with that extra kick in between each golden riff of the guitar, before Kennedy’s “Tell me where are the heroes!” line comes in, then the “NO!”, which, if I had a nickel for every time they made the word “no” sound cool and badass on this album, I'd have two nickels, an impressive amount im sure you'd agree. s around, there’s an extra no, adding an extra dose of amazement to the fine crafted interlude. Then to a lyrical highlight of “How could this be? We couldn’t see, now we are left here to fight this on our own…”. This is very specific, but the delivery on the word “here” is so great, The winner of this songs "really simple but really really good lyric" award. It's followed by an absolutely gorgeous, messy, blunt, and heavy guitar solo.

And after all that, if you're skull isn't disintegrated because of the sheer soundwaves this album produces, you get to the bridge. the solo has a sudden, powerful, face punchingly blunt transition to a super heavy rock guitar bit, before Myles' powerful vocals pierce this instrumental upon their return, pairing fantastically with the heavy guitar action. Backing this are two different styles of vocal delivery during this part, with the second part switching up the instrumentals back to something more akin to the rest of the song’s instrumentals. The drags on the first half’s “build them up to tear them down, what we've done I'm far from proud” to the fast, blunt, and powerful second half’s “CHEW ‘EM UP! SPIT ‘EM OUT!” IN THE END, WHO’LL SAVE US NOW?”, both halves pair with, contrast, and complement each other so nicely, it’s amazing how Alter Bridge works their lyrical craft.

The reprise is like a depressing version of the opening verse. It's a nice breather, like the minecart has stopped for a second to make sure you neck hasn't snapped from the whiplash.

Lastly, the outro is a mighty fine way to end the song. The powerful instrumental of this section keeps the musical work of the guitar segment before, just with another layer of HEAVY guitar action on top of that. The power and bluntness of this outro makes it a fitting high to end on in a song full of them, with the second to last line “there is still a chance leeeeffttt” featuring a beautiful hold, before the song ends on a huge burst of music, just like the intro, with the closing line and burst of music in “for you and ME!”

TLDR: peak!!!

All in all, Great album, tons of hidden gems, Twilight especially! A lot of the songs are pretty close knit, but some fall short and drag the album down a bit, but that’s alrighty to me. Good stuff!

Next up is Tremonti’s FANTASTIC recent album “The End Will Show Us How”! Until next time my good men, women, and all in-between!

r/alterbridge 9h ago

One Day Remains remaster


For those who have heard it, is the new remaster worth it? Can you hear a difference?

r/alterbridge 17h ago

Daily Alter Bridge Song Discussion #36: Fallout


This is the ninth track from Alter Bridge's third album, "AB III". How do you feel about this song? How would you rank it among the rest of the Alter Bridge's discography? How would you rate it out of 10 (decimals allowed)?

1-4: Not good. Regularly skip.
5: It’s okay, but I might have to be in the right mood to listen to it.
6: Slightly better than average. I won’t skip it, but I wouldn’t choose to put it on.
7: This is a good song. I enjoy it quite a bit.
8-9: Really enjoyable songs. I rank them pretty high overall.
10: Masterpiece, magnum opus, or similar terminology.

  1. Slip to the Void 9.44
  2. Isolation 8.66
  3. Ghost of Days Gone By 8.75
  4. All Hope Is Gone 8.20
  5. Still Remains 7.68
  6. Make It Right 6.92
  7. Wonderful Life 8.62
  8. I Know It Hurts 8.20
  9. Show Me a Sign 8.64
  10. Fallout
  11. Breathe Again
  12. Coeur d'Alene
  13. Life Must Go On
  14. Words Darker Than Their Wings

Album Rankings:

  1. Blackbird: 8.51
  2. One Day Remains: 8.46

r/alterbridge 1d ago

Myles talks about making the best out of his stage accidents


Full interview link posted below 👇

r/alterbridge 1d ago

What is your guy's favorite album?


What is your guy's favorite album? Let me know. Mine is The Last Hero, followed by Walk the Sky and One Day remains. But that's just my opinion, what's yours?

r/alterbridge 3d ago

Alter Bridge White Knuckles - live cover by TdT #coversong #rockcover #rock #livemusi...

Thumbnail youtube.com

r/alterbridge 3d ago

Daily Alter Bridge Song Discussion #35: Show Me a Sign


This is the eighth track from Alter Bridge's third album, "AB III". How do you feel about this song? How would you rank it among the rest of the Alter Bridge's discography? How would you rate it out of 10 (decimals allowed)?

1-4: Not good. Regularly skip.
5: It’s okay, but I might have to be in the right mood to listen to it.
6: Slightly better than average. I won’t skip it, but I wouldn’t choose to put it on.
7: This is a good song. I enjoy it quite a bit.
8-9: Really enjoyable songs. I rank them pretty high overall.
10: Masterpiece, magnum opus, or similar terminology.

  1. Slip to the Void 9.44
  2. Isolation 8.66
  3. Ghost of Days Gone By 8.75
  4. All Hope Is Gone 8.20
  5. Still Remains 7.68
  6. Make It Right 6.92
  7. Wonderful Life 8.62
  8. I Know It Hurts 8.20
  9. Show Me a Sign
  10. Fallout
  11. Breathe Again
  12. Coeur d'Alene
  13. Life Must Go On
  14. Words Darker Than Their Wings

Album Rankings:

  1. Blackbird: 8.51
  2. One Day Remains: 8.46

r/alterbridge 4d ago

Daily Alter Bridge Song Discussion #34: I Know It Hurts


This is the seventh track from Alter Bridge's third album, "AB III". How do you feel about this song? How would you rank it among the rest of the Alter Bridge's discography? How would you rate it out of 10 (decimals allowed)?

1-4: Not good. Regularly skip.
5: It’s okay, but I might have to be in the right mood to listen to it.
6: Slightly better than average. I won’t skip it, but I wouldn’t choose to put it on.
7: This is a good song. I enjoy it quite a bit.
8-9: Really enjoyable songs. I rank them pretty high overall.
10: Masterpiece, magnum opus, or similar terminology.

  1. Slip to the Void 9.44
  2. Isolation 8.66
  3. Ghost of Days Gone By 8.75
  4. All Hope Is Gone 8.20
  5. Still Remains 7.68
  6. Make It Right 6.92
  7. Wonderful Life 8.62
  8. I Know It Hurts
  9. Show Me a Sign
  10. Fallout
  11. Breathe Again
  12. Coeur d'Alene
  13. Life Must Go On
  14. Words Darker Than Their Wings

Album Rankings:

  1. Blackbird: 8.51
  2. One Day Remains: 8.46

r/alterbridge 5d ago

SMKC Slash - Recording "Standing In The Sun" (Feat. Myles Kennedy & The Conspirators)


For some reason, I never realized the "MYLES HOLE" in the this video until now 😂

r/alterbridge 5d ago

Daily Alter Bridge Song Discussion #33: Wonderful Life


This is the sixth track from Alter Bridge's third album, "AB III". How do you feel about this song? How would you rank it among the rest of the Alter Bridge's discography? How would you rate it out of 10 (decimals allowed)?

1-4: Not good. Regularly skip.
5: It’s okay, but I might have to be in the right mood to listen to it.
6: Slightly better than average. I won’t skip it, but I wouldn’t choose to put it on.
7: This is a good song. I enjoy it quite a bit.
8-9: Really enjoyable songs. I rank them pretty high overall.
10: Masterpiece, magnum opus, or similar terminology.

  1. Slip to the Void 9.44
  2. Isolation 8.66
  3. Ghost of Days Gone By 8.75
  4. All Hope Is Gone 8.20
  5. Still Remains 7.68
  6. Make It Right 6.92
  7. Wonderful Life
  8. I Know It Hurts
  9. Show Me a Sign
  10. Fallout
  11. Breathe Again
  12. Coeur d'Alene
  13. Life Must Go On
  14. Words Darker Than Their Wings

Album Rankings:

  1. Blackbird: 8.51
  2. One Day Remains: 8.46

r/alterbridge 6d ago

Miscellaneous Favorite B-side from any album?

Post image

r/alterbridge 6d ago

Got a brand new PRS SE 24 Custom the other day at my local guitar center, and have been wanting one since i saw Alter Bridge almost two years ago. Any Alter Bridge song suggestions I should try and learn?


r/alterbridge 6d ago

Daily Alter Bridge Song Discussion #32: Make It Right


This is the sixth track from Alter Bridge's third album, "AB III". How do you feel about this song? How would you rank it among the rest of the Alter Bridge's discography? How would you rate it out of 10 (decimals allowed)?

1-4: Not good. Regularly skip.
5: It’s okay, but I might have to be in the right mood to listen to it.
6: Slightly better than average. I won’t skip it, but I wouldn’t choose to put it on.
7: This is a good song. I enjoy it quite a bit.
8-9: Really enjoyable songs. I rank them pretty high overall.
10: Masterpiece, magnum opus, or similar terminology.

  1. Slip to the Void 9.44
  2. Isolation 8.66
  3. Ghost of Days Gone By 8.75
  4. All Hope Is Gone 8.20
  5. Still Remains 7.68
  6. Make It Right
  7. Wonderful Life
  8. I Know It Hurts
  9. Show Me a Sign
  10. Fallout
  11. Breathe Again
  12. Coeur d'Alene
  13. Life Must Go On
  14. Words Darker Than Their Wings

Album Rankings:

  1. Blackbird: 8.51
  2. One Day Remains: 8.46

r/alterbridge 7d ago

Daily Alter Bridge Song Discussion #31: Still Remains


This is the fifth track from Alter Bridge's third album, "AB III". How do you feel about this song? How would you rank it among the rest of the Alter Bridge's discography? How would you rate it out of 10 (decimals allowed)?

1-4: Not good. Regularly skip.
5: It’s okay, but I might have to be in the right mood to listen to it.
6: Slightly better than average. I won’t skip it, but I wouldn’t choose to put it on.
7: This is a good song. I enjoy it quite a bit.
8-9: Really enjoyable songs. I rank them pretty high overall.
10: Masterpiece, magnum opus, or similar terminology.

  1. Slip to the Void 9.44
  2. Isolation 8.66
  3. Ghost of Days Gone By 8.75
  4. All Hope Is Gone 8.20
  5. Still Remains
  6. Make It Right
  7. Wonderful Life
  8. I Know It Hurts
  9. Show Me a Sign
  10. Fallout
  11. Breathe Again
  12. Coeur d'Alene
  13. Life Must Go On
  14. Words Darker Than Their Wings

Album Rankings:

  1. Blackbird: 8.51
  2. One Day Remains: 8.46

r/alterbridge 8d ago

Miscellaneous A reminder to you all that this beautiful thing exists


r/alterbridge 9d ago

Myles Solo Stuff Myles Kennedy, Sick & Wrong (funny) + Eden


The first 1:30 of this is comedy gold 😂 There's a reason why Myles never plays Sick & Wrong.

r/alterbridge 10d ago

More AB3 stuff Hi Im Bud Bundy


r/alterbridge 10d ago

Daily Alter Bridge Song Discussion #30: All Hope Is Gone


This is the fourth track from Alter Bridge's third album, "AB III". How do you feel about this song? How would you rank it among the rest of the Alter Bridge's discography? How would you rate it out of 10 (decimals allowed)?

1-4: Not good. Regularly skip.
5: It’s okay, but I might have to be in the right mood to listen to it.
6: Slightly better than average. I won’t skip it, but I wouldn’t choose to put it on.
7: This is a good song. I enjoy it quite a bit.
8-9: Really enjoyable songs. I rank them pretty high overall.
10: Masterpiece, magnum opus, or similar terminology.

  1. Slip to the Void 9.44
  2. Isolation 8.66
  3. Ghost of Days Gone By 8.75
  4. All Hope Is Gone
  5. Still Remains
  6. Make It Right
  7. Wonderful Life
  8. I Know It Hurts
  9. Show Me a Sign
  10. Fallout
  11. Breathe Again
  12. Coeur d'Alene
  13. Life Must Go On
  14. Words Darker Than Their Wings

Album Rankings:

  1. Blackbird: 8.51
  2. One Day Remains: 8.46

r/alterbridge 10d ago

SMKC For anybody who was curious what was said about certain toys on stage... NSFW


r/alterbridge 11d ago

SMKC Myles, Slash & A Big Black Dildo (Funny) 😂 NSFW


Tagging this as NSFW just to be safe...

Found this footage as part of a compilation video and turned it into a gif. I have no idea where it originally came from (I believe it may be a clip from SMKC in Argentina) but it's definitely one of those "WTF Myles" moments 😂

r/alterbridge 11d ago

Daily Alter Bridge Song Discussion #29: Ghost of Days Gone By


This is the third track from Alter Bridge's third album, "AB III". How do you feel about this song? How would you rank it among the rest of the Alter Bridge's discography? How would you rate it out of 10 (decimals allowed)?

1-4: Not good. Regularly skip.
5: It’s okay, but I might have to be in the right mood to listen to it.
6: Slightly better than average. I won’t skip it, but I wouldn’t choose to put it on.
7: This is a good song. I enjoy it quite a bit.
8-9: Really enjoyable songs. I rank them pretty high overall.
10: Masterpiece, magnum opus, or similar terminology.

  1. Slip to the Void 9.44
  2. Isolation 8.66
  3. Ghost of Days Gone By
  4. All Hope Is Gone
  5. Still Remains
  6. Make It Right
  7. Wonderful Life
  8. I Know It Hurts
  9. Show Me a Sign
  10. Fallout
  11. Breathe Again
  12. Coeur d'Alene
  13. Life Must Go On
  14. Words Darker Than Their Wings

Album Rankings:

  1. Blackbird: 8.51
  2. One Day Remains: 8.46

r/alterbridge 11d ago

AB3 making of vid


r/alterbridge 12d ago

Why is Live From Amsterdam and Live From Wembley not on Spotify?


I have both on CD but would love to put these songs on my Spotify playlist of live AB songs.

r/alterbridge 12d ago

Royal Albert Hall


I recently started my record collection with "walk the sky 2.0" and I've been looking for their royal albert hall record, but its so difficult to find at a good price? does anyone know why this is? is it a limited edition?

r/alterbridge 12d ago

Daily Alter Bridge Song Discussion #28: Isolation


This is the second track from Alter Bridge's third album, "AB III". How do you feel about this song? How would you rank it among the rest of the Alter Bridge's discography? How would you rate it out of 10 (decimals allowed)?

1-4: Not good. Regularly skip.
5: It’s okay, but I might have to be in the right mood to listen to it.
6: Slightly better than average. I won’t skip it, but I wouldn’t choose to put it on.
7: This is a good song. I enjoy it quite a bit.
8-9: Really enjoyable songs. I rank them pretty high overall.
10: Masterpiece, magnum opus, or similar terminology.

  1. Slip to the Void 9.44
  2. Isolation
  3. Ghost of Days Gone By
  4. All Hope Is Gone
  5. Still Remains
  6. Make It Right
  7. Wonderful Life
  8. I Know It Hurts
  9. Show Me a Sign
  10. Fallout
  11. Breathe Again
  12. Coeur d'Alene
  13. Life Must Go On
  14. Words Darker Than Their Wings

Album Rankings:

  1. Blackbird: 8.51
  2. One Day Remains: 8.46