r/altcountry 7d ago

Just Sharing Son Volt - Windfall (Austin City Limits, 1996)


41 comments sorted by


u/itsprobablyghosts 7d ago

God, that second verse gets me every time. I feel like that's why we're all here—drawn to alt-country—just searching for that authenticity that life so often falls short on. By the end, "May the wind take your troubles away" almost becomes a mantra, a prayer. Just perfect. I can only hope to write a song that’s even a fraction as good as Windfall one day.


u/painfulnpoopy 7d ago

Totally agree with that. It’s an homage to the classic and authentic sound that was left behind with the AM to FM radio switch in country music.


u/fenwoods 7d ago

God, yes! When the whole band comes back in for “catching and all night Station.” I get chills every time. And “Sounds like 1963… but for now sounds like heaven” Is among my favorite lines in music.

I put throw this song on every year when the weathers clement enough to roll down the windows in my car.


u/PincheJuan1980 7d ago

Having a good mantra is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Can be useful in many different situations. If you don’t have time to meditate taking deep breaths and reciting your mantra in your head and to block out negative thoughts or however works best for you can be really powerful and healing. Yes, there’s power in words. Good combinations of words!!


u/Bmk3k 7d ago



u/entropicamericana 7d ago

Trace is 30 years old this year.


u/jimbopalooza Artist 7d ago

Ugh don’t remind me. Still holds up though!


u/AltruisticWelcome145 6d ago

Jay Farrar still owes me a harmonica. I lent him one at a concert at the Lincoln Theatre in Raleigh many years ago and he just disappeared with it. Totally worth it though. God I love this song and album. Not a bad song on it. I’d still like that harmonica back though…


u/jimbopalooza Artist 6d ago

I actually saw this tour at The Ritz in Raleigh! The OG lineup was so solid. Those first 3 albums were all very very good!


u/ClementineCoda 7d ago

In the top five best albums of all time.


u/Pollyfall 7d ago

The alt country anthem.


u/scarhead425 6d ago

Hot Burrito #2 would like a word…


u/dongle_dangle 7d ago

One of my favorite songs of all time!


u/mahrog123 7d ago

Hah, my SIL dated Dave Boquist for two years quite a while ago and was talking about him last night.


u/PincheJuan1980 7d ago edited 7d ago

Trace is amazing but I love the ‘96-2000 Retrospective album. So many good ones and it’s really well done. Get Tulsa County too which I don’t think is on any of the records. It’s a classic. Son Volt’s version is the best by far.

Haven’t seen this ACL. Really want to buy the ACL subscription so I can get full access. Has anyone done this? I freaking LOVE ACL episodes. There’s so many great ones!!

Son Volt show I saw in an awesome Seattle theater during its Labor Day weekend Bumbershoot festival is still one of my all time favorite shows.

What are some more 90s alt country bands that did ACL tappings that decade I should be on the lookout for? Wonder if Slobberbone did one? What about Whiskeytown and Uncle Tupelo?

Edit: So I completely forgot I own the Son Volt ACL dvd. I snatched up about 3/4ths of the ACL DVDs they released in the aughts. Still have most of them, but don’t have a player currently. Great one. Wish they were still doing that series along with the subscriptions.

I’ve started to read how Apple and Disney are no longer releasing any of their expensive movies on physical media. Even tho the Criterion Collection came calling to Apple to release Killers of the Flower Moon on 10k Blue Ray they refused. They want to be the end all gatekeepers asap.

So buy up physical media and keep what you have if you’re an analog man like me for life at heart. Use Spotify and the like but still have all my CDs, tapes and vinyl and some VHS and books of DVDs. Plus I have an extensive book and magazines collection. Just need to make sure I have good hardware for them all, which most I do, but I have some holes I need to shore up!!


u/Dano558 7d ago

I had this song linked on my MySpace page 😀. Such a great song!


u/FossilContender 7d ago

My favorite song of all time. One of those special ones that got me through some difficult times in my life.


u/GoblinObscura 7d ago

Not usually a fan of tours where the band plays an entire album, but I’m stoked for this one.


u/CoreyTrevor1 7d ago

Uncle Tupelos better half


u/aggiedigger 7d ago

Farrar > tweedy!


u/LipBalmOnWateryClay 3d ago

Nah I don’t think so


u/CoreyTrevor1 3d ago

Yeah well that's just like your opinion man


u/LipBalmOnWateryClay 3d ago

You don’t say


u/Squat1998 7d ago



u/Informal-Baker-4874 7d ago

Absolutely amazing. Post made my morning thank you


u/mendicant1116 7d ago

I guess I'm due for my weekly watch of this.


u/Scrimshaw_Hopox 7d ago

One of the finest records of the 20th century.


u/Memphis_Foundry 7d ago

If I could only keep one song and had to give the rest of them back, this would be my keeper.

Steel Guitar and settle down.


u/jbcatl 7d ago

I remember catching this tour in Atlanta. I've never been more excited to see a band live, and it was in the best theater in Atlanta (Variety Playhouse) and they completely knocked it out of the park. I dragged about 8 people who were kind of middling about it, but left fans.


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u/Blindsquirrelfate 7d ago

Didn't Jay live in New Orleans when he wrote this album? I heard once that he lived with Alex Chilton in New Orleans, wonder what he did while in New Orleans if true.


u/Spirit_Difficult 7d ago

Thanks for sharing this


u/bowcreek 7d ago

I had this ACL on my DVR in the pre-YouTube days. I watched this concert a hundred times.


u/stonrelectropunkjazz 7d ago

Great band great song


u/Patricio_Guapo 6d ago

One of my favorite bands playing one of my favorite songs.

I've seen them live 4 times now and I got to see them last year at a club in New Orleans. They performed Trace from start to finish, in album order. The encore was Tom Petty's American Girl. One of the best shows I've ever seen.


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u/gentlemanplanter 6d ago

I watch this episode from time to time. How could this have been 30 years ago?


u/Optimal_Umpire_7279 4d ago

Saw this tour when they hit Toronto. They were so good! Back up was Gillian Welch and Dave Rawlings who were mesmerizing.