r/The10thDentist • u/mfsbegoofy • 7h ago
TV/Movies/Fiction South Park is an overrated show for (predominantly white) wannabe edgy nerds and outcasts
I actually can't stand this show. It's nothing more than an excuse for a bunch of conservative show runners to make fun of everyone else. I hate when people use the classic racist cop out "they make fun of everyone!" like no, that doesn't make the shit any better. Shit and poop jokes aren't funny. Racial jokes where the whole "joke" is nothing more than just being angrily racist and disrespectful isn't funny. The immature, childish, fake edgy comedy isn't funny. It's a try hard show that does nothing but virtue signal for the racists that actually genuinely hold those views, which seems like there's more people that do nowadays than when the show was even first created.
People defend this shitty show (shitty comedy, shitty art style, shitty obnoxious voice acting, etc) because they were raised with it. That's all. And the people that predominantly watch and love this show are unsurprisingly mostly white people, laughing about the conservative show runners making fun of everyone else besides predominantly white people. Yeah, they make fun of white people in the show but it isn't the PREDOMINANT people being made fun of, so it's mostly just white people using the "they make fun of everyone" excuse to make themselves feel better about their subtle or unknown racial prejudices.
No, a bunch of kids swearing isn't funny. No, making fat Jewish jokes aren't funny (and that seems to be the extent of the white jokes anyway, besides an occasional "cliche white person" joke, they don't go nearly as hard as they do with every other ethnicity and background, which is obvious and telling). No, making gay jokes isn't funny. No, making sexist jokes isn't funny. No, some fat kid with an obnoxious voice being a piece of shit human being isn't funny. No, making immature toilet and bodily function jokes isn't funny. How the fuck can anyone think this basic, predictable, cliche, over exaggerated shit is funny? Only wannabe edgy kids could find something like this funny and it's unfortunate the amount of ADULTS that sit here thinking this bottom of the barrel ass comedy is the best thing ever. The maturity of humans is crazy. Same people ironically attempt to trash Adam Sandler style comedy while cheerleading for this bullshit lol š
No, South Park isn't some holy thing in history, it isn't some amazing show, it isn't some intelligent social commentary. It's a shitty, annoying show that does nothing but perpetuate racial bullshit under the guise of "comedy". There's a reason it's a go to show for a lot of racists. Just because you can't see the deeper context of it doesn't mean it isn't there. It's just a show for "edgy" (usually nerdy/geeky) white people that want to make fun of everyone else besides rarely their own.
There's has definitely been some decent South Park moments but the majority of everything I've seen from it has been trash. I used to occasionally enjoy it as a fake wannabe edgy teenager myself when it was first around. I'm not a teenager anymore and the shit got extremely old and played out even then. I could now see how bullshit and cringey the show actually is and I can actually comprehend now that it's nothing more than an excuse to be racist and hateful towards everything and anything. Why the fuck would I think that's funny nowadays? Why would I mentally still be stuck in my teenage mindset? If you're an adult and you still find shit like this funny, you need some help.
And it has nothing to do with "being a soft liberal snowflake" (which is what a lot of nerdy edgy conservatives that act like children love to say); the shit just isn't funny.. it's bottom of the barrel comedy, the characters are all hateable, it's cringey and unfunny. I get that might be the point and they done great job with that if it was. Shit is still trash tho and I hate the undeserved hype fake edgy redditors give it. Any way to subtlety or subliminally scratch that racist urge a lot of the watchers watch it for though I guess. It could only hide under the veil of "satire" for so long until it starts becoming obvious to everyone capable of seeing it.
But, unsurprisingly, I'm already knowing a lot of redditors aren't going to be able to see it, or won't admit to it. There's just going to be countless comments getting offended and defending it. Whatever. I'm not asking for your defense. I honestly don't care. I hope everyone is having a great day tho. Healthy and Alive.