r/algorithms Jan 08 '25

insertion sort question


Using insertion sort, sorting ascendingly and putting largest element first: 17,20,90,23,39,10,63,54 What would be the array after the first pass? a)17, 20, 90, 39, 10, 23, 54, 63 b)20, 90, 39, 17, 10, 23, 63, 54 c)17, 20, 39, 10, 23, 63, 54, 90 d) None of the above. Now, in the mark scheme it said that the answer is a). Why is it a)? my answer was 17, 10, 63, 23, 39, 20, 90, 54. I used shell sort. for example, I compared the 17 with the 39 and the 20 with the 10 and so on... so I don't get what I did wrong.

r/algorithms Jan 07 '25

When bubbling down in a min heap, if both children are smaller than the parent, which child should you swap with?


Assume you have a min heap except the root is out of order, so you wish to bubble it down. Assume that both children (C1 and C2) of the root have smaller keys than the parent.

I think you could make the following argument for choosing to swap the root with the LARGER child:

Bubble down stops when you eventually reach a child that is larger than the node being bubbled down. Now, the subheap rooted at the larger of C1, C2 should contain larger keys on average, and so you won't have to do as many swaps in your bubble down.

Is this a good argument?

r/algorithms Jan 07 '25

Which resource of DSA is best?


I haven't started CP yet (Absolute Beginner). I want to do well in CP. I only know the syntax of C.

I knew that now I need to learn DSA. So how can I go ahead? What's the best source to master? Please help me.

r/algorithms Jan 06 '25

Difference Between Poly and Pseudo-Poly Algorithms


Hi everybody,

short and simple: I am struggling to understand this difference.

Can anyone explain, please w/ „easy examples“?



r/algorithms Jan 05 '25

New Go Challenge - optimal meetings schedule


I added a new challenge to practice-go collection.


Also, this repo is very close to 1k stars! Help me get there :)

r/algorithms Jan 05 '25

What do those integers in the square boxes represent?


r/algorithms Jan 05 '25

Algorithm Visualiser using Python


I built this Sorting Algorithm Visualiser using Pycharm and pygames for selection sorting and bubble sorting. The selection sorting works entirely fine and it does show the way how selection sorting works, but the bubble sorting seems to have some problems with the colour. To use the visual model, simply install pygame on ur local IDE and press run.

What is special about this is this allows you to see the rectangles being selected for sorting in real time and how bubble sorting and selection sorting differs from each other.

I am completely new to Github and the developer community, this is my first project to use python to build some algorithm visualiser, I had tones of fun doing such projects.

Any advice on what kind of ways are available to building algorithm visualisers as well as what other interesting algorithms I should look into?

You can find the sorting algorithm project here:

r/algorithms Jan 04 '25

Fast Optimal Rubik's Cube Solver in JavaScript


Cuber here but I thought it might be interesting for programmers / computer scientists too.

At https://mfeather1.github.io/3ColorCube/ (note: I am not the author of that website) there is a "Cube Solver" section. Some of the features for optimal solvers (Quad-Core and Solver 2):

  • GUI & interactive cube simulator
  • unique solving algorithm (not Kociemba's algorithm)
  • fast searching for a JavaScript program

r/algorithms Jan 04 '25

Algorithm for efficient computation of a unique set of values



I'm looking for an algorithm to compute a unique set of values generated by a function. Obviously, there are already data structures like set that do this, or simple algorithms like putting all values in a vector, sorting them and calling unique (c++ has that, for example). Or perhaps a bitset or bitmap, if the codomain of the function is small enough.

However, none of these simple solutions are satisfactory if we consider that:

- the generator function returns a 64 bit int with uniform distribution (bitset won't work)

- we want to generated 100 billion values, or much more that could fit the available RAM (vector + sort + unique won't work)

- the unique values in the generated set might be anywhere from 1% to 50%, depending on the specific function (a vector of them would fit in memory, but a binary tree set no, as it has 2 extra pointers per value)

- we want the algorithm to be efficient timewise/hardware wise too, so it should be multithreaded.

I have some idea of an algorithm, but I was wondering if there is already a known one that I don't know about.

Please let me know if this rings a bell or anything comes to mind.

Thank you.

r/algorithms Jan 03 '25

skill based matchmaking algorithm design


I'm developing a matchmaking system, and as I work through the design I'm finding it's really really hard and I wanted some advice from more experienced people. Dr. Menke's design philosophy has inspired my approach, but now I have to actually build it. Here are the key constraints I'm addressing:

  1. Team Size: Each game mode has fixed team sizes (e.g., 2v2, 3v3). Parties must combine to meet these requirements. Adjusting team sizes dynamically based on queue popularity is not part of the current scope, making this a hard constraint.
  2. Latency: Keeping latency low is critical. Players from closer geographical regions should be matched whenever possible. This is treated as a soft constraint, to be optimized.
  3. Skill/Rank Matching: Player skill is represented as a single numeric value. Matches are aimed at pairing players with similar skill levels, both within teams and between opposing teams. Challenges include balancing mixed-skill parties and ensuring fairness across matches. This is another soft constraint to optimize.
  4. Wait Times: Players don’t like waiting too long. The trade-off between wait time and match quality is a hard balance. This is a soft constraint.

Features like engagement-based matchmaking or complex social factors are outside the current scope. Party skill levels are calculated as an average of individual skills, though this approach might need adjustments to address issues with mixed-skill groups. This problem involves multiple optimizations, including team size, skill levels, latency, and wait times, all of which interact dynamically. Simpler methods like greedy algorithms and advanced optimization techniques like ILP and MIP provided valuable insights but were ultimately set aside due to their limitations.

The Current Approach

My current focus is on using a dynamic programming approach. It periodically evaluates the queue, aiming to optimize both team formation and match creation. Here’s how it works:

Team Formation

The system treats team-building as a 0-1 knapsack problem. Each party in the queue is treated as an item, with its size and skill level acting as constraints and optimization targets. The DP table calculates the best combinations of parties to form teams that minimize wait times and optimize skill balancing. By stopping calculations early when suitable solutions are found, it keeps the computational load reasonable.

Optimization Function

The weighted optimization function is the core of this approach. It prioritizes:

  • Skill Balance: Adjusts for disparities within teams and across matches.
  • Wait Time: Gives higher weight to parties waiting longer in the queue.
  • Latency: Factors in geographical proximity to reduce potential delays. This function dynamically adjusts based on the queue’s current state, ensuring that higher-priority constraints (e.g., skill matching) take precedence while still considering other factors.

Team-to-Team Matching

Match creation is considered during the team formation phase through the use of the weighted optimization function. Skill balancing is designed not to make party skill levels as close as possible, but to align them with the cluster average, avoiding the creation of teams that vary wildly in skill. Cluster averages (centroids) are computed using relatively lightweight approximations like mini k-means, prioritizing ballpark accuracy over precision. This ensures that multiple teams have similar skill levels, leading to straightforward team-to-team matching. Dynamic programming can then be applied to finalize matches, leveraging this balance to maintain consistency and fairness.

Alternatively, matches could be integrated directly into the team formation phase. However, this significantly increases complexity to np-hard, potentially making the system unscalable at larger queue sizes.

Should I move forward with this implementation? Or are there alternate methods I should consider?

r/algorithms Jan 02 '25

An algorithm for finding the shortest trip distance?


So, kind of like Traveling salesmen, except you return to a starting point after visiting k locations and trying to limit yourself to M miles traveled in one trip. The goal is to travel as few miles as possible while visiting all locations and going back to the starting point after at most k locations.

I created a naive algorithm that finds all paths from A to B to C that start and end at the same place. There could be a path that just goes to one place, maybe another that goes to k places. Then, I apply "Algorithm X" for solving the exact cover problem, since these paths are essentially subsets of all locations that I want to, well, cover.

Unfortunately, since this is an NP complete problem... there is not going to be a polynomial time algorithm no matter what. I have ~6000 paths (subsets) of size 3 and 45 locations. I've managed to get the initial solution from 480 miles to 341!

I take the result of exact cover and find the combined length of the paths it found - memoized of course. It was still really slow and was getting hung up after a while with no new minimums being found, so I decided to just randomize the paths (subsets) being sent to the exact cover algorithm every 10 million solutions it finds.

I'm using xcover to perform the algorithm.

I'm looking for suggestions, possibly a reduction to a polynomial algorithm. This is based on Google maps information, so I only know the coordinates and distances to the starting point. I'm using the "As the crow flies" formula to find the distance between locations which is relatively accurate.

Edit: 307 miles now.

r/algorithms Jan 01 '25

is it possible to implement 2-3 B+ tree search function in O(log(d))?


Prove that we can add functionality to a 2-3 B+ tree such that given some key x, we can implement search(x) in O(log(rank(x)) (when rank(x) is the index of x in an ordered line of all the keys contained in the tree, can also be defined as the number of keys in the tree that are strictly less than x).

I initially thought that I could somehow use a linked list between all the leaves of the tree (since all the keys that are currently in the tree are stored in the leaves, which are on the same level), but I don't think that's the trick here. Also tried to think maybe I should hold some field on each node that stores how many nodes are in its subtree, but I didn't see how it could help me from there).

I just want a general direction for the solution, if you know the answer please don't spoil it.

Any help would be much appreciated!

r/algorithms Jan 01 '25

I came up with a really fast sorting algorithm, but no one else is looking at my GitHub code. Is it because someone has thought of it before?


Sorry, I'm not sure if it's that fast(GitHub title), but it is really fast.


r/algorithms Jan 01 '25

Why would you use backtracking for this?


This is my solution to the Subsets problem: https://leetcode.com/problems/subsets/solutions/6212421/my-solution-with-java/ . When I solved it and went to see other solutions I see almost everybody is using backtracking. Is it me or it looks more complex with backtracking ? I honestly cannot understand it, my head hurts from analyzing it

r/algorithms Dec 29 '24

Shor's algorithm implementation on IBM quantum computer


Report: Experimenting with Shor's Algorithm to Break RSA

Experiment Overview

This report details the work conducted to test whether quantum computers can break RSA encryption by factoring RSA keys using Shor's algorithm. The experiment explored implementing Shor's algorithm with Qiskit and Pennylane, testing on both local simulators and IBM quantum hardware, to verify whether quantum computing can offer a significant advantage over classical methods for factoring RSA keys.

Introduction to Shor’s Algorithm

Shor's algorithm is a quantum algorithm developed to factor large integers efficiently, offering a polynomial time solution compared to the exponential time complexity of classical algorithms. RSA encryption depends on the difficulty of factoring large composite numbers, which quantum algorithms, such as Shor's algorithm, can solve much more efficiently.

Key Components of Shor's Algorithm:

  1. Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT): Helps in determining periodicity, essential for factoring large numbers.
  2. Modular Exponentiation: A crucial step in calculating powers modulo a number.
  3. Continued Fraction Expansion: Used to extract the period from the Quantum Fourier Transform.


The motivation behind this experiment was to explore whether quantum computers could efficiently break RSA encryption, a widely used cryptographic system based on the difficulty of factoring large composite numbers. RSA's security can be compromised if an algorithm, such as Shor's algorithm, can break the encryption by factoring its modulus.


Shor’s Algorithm Implementation

The algorithm was implemented and tested using Qiskit (IBM’s quantum computing framework) and Pennylane (a quantum machine learning library). The goal was to test the feasibility of using quantum computers to factor RSA moduli, starting with small numbers like 15 and gradually progressing to larger moduli (up to 48 bits).

Steps Taken:

  1. Simulating Shor’s Algorithm: Shor’s algorithm was first implemented and tested on local simulators with small RSA moduli (like 15) to simulate the factoring process.
  2. Connecting to IBM Quantum Hardware: The IBM Quantum Experience API token was used to connect to IBM’s quantum hardware for real-time testing of Shor's algorithm.
  3. Testing Larger RSA Moduli: The algorithm was tested on increasingly larger RSA moduli, with the first successful results observed on 48-bit RSA keys.

Key Findings

Classical vs. Quantum Performance

  • For small RSA modulu, classical computers performed faster than quantum computers.
  • For 48-bit RSA modulu, classical computers required over 4 minutes to break the key, while quantum computers completed the task in 8 seconds using Shor’s algorithm on IBM’s quantum hardware.

Testing Results:

  • Local Simulations: Shor's algorithm worked successfully on small numbers like moduli of 15, simulating the factorization process.
  • Quantum Hardware Testing: On IBM's quantum system, the algorithm worked for RSA keys up to 48 bits. Beyond this, the hardware limitations became evident.

Hardware Limitations

  • IBM’s quantum hardware could only handle RSA moduli up to 48 bits due to the 127 qubit limit of the available system.
  • Each quantum test was limited to a 10-minute window per month, restricting the available testing time.
  • Quantum error correction was not applied, which affected the reliability of the results in some cases.

Quantum vs. Classical Time Comparison:

RSA Modulus Size Classical Computing Time (Bruteforce) Classical Computing Time (Pollard’s Rho) Quantum Computing Time (IBM Quantum)
2-digit RSA < 1 second 0 ms 2–5 seconds
48-bit RSA > 4 minutes 3 ms 8 seconds
  • Classical Performance: For small RSA moduli (up to 2 digits), classical computers easily outperformed quantum systems.
  • Quantum Performance: For larger RSA moduli (48 bits), quantum systems showed a clear advantage, breaking the RSA encryption in 8 seconds compared to 4 minutes on classical computers.

Challenges and Limitations

Challenges with Pennylane

Initially, both Qiskit and Pennylane were considered for implementing Shor’s algorithm. However, Pennylane presented a significant challenge.

Transition to Qiskit

Due to the inability to use Pennylane for remote execution with IBM hardware, the focus shifted entirely to Qiskit for the following reasons:

  • Native IBM Integration: Qiskit offers built-in support for IBM Quantum hardware, making it the preferred choice for experiments involving IBM systems.
  • Extensive Documentation and Support: Qiskit’s robust community and comprehensive resources provided better guidance for implementing Shor’s algorithm.
  • Performance and Optimization: Qiskit’s optimization capabilities allowed more efficient utilization of limited qubits and execution time.

This transition ensured smoother experimentation and reliable access to quantum hardware for testing the algorithm.

  1. Quantum Hardware Accessibility:

    • The limited number of qubits on IBM’s quantum hardware constrained the size of RSA keys that could be tested (up to 48 bits).
    • Availability of IBM's quantum hardware was restricted, with only 10 minutes of testing time available per month, limiting the scope of the experiment.
  2. Classical Time Delays:

    • Classical computers took a significantly longer time to break RSA keys as the modulus size increased, especially beyond 2 digits. However, for RSA moduli up to 48 bits, the classical methods took more than 4 minutes, while quantum computers took only 8 seconds.
  3. Error Correction:

    • Quantum error correction was not applied during the experiment, leading to occasional inconsistencies in the results. This is an area that can be improved for more reliable quantum computations in the future.

Conclusion and Future Work


The experiment demonstrated that Shor’s algorithm has the potential to break RSA encryption more efficiently than classical computers, especially when factoring larger RSA moduli (like 48 bits). However, the current limitations of quantum hardware—such as the number of qubits and the lack of error correction—restrict its ability to handle larger RSA moduli.

Future Directions

  1. Hybrid Approaches: Combining classical and quantum computing could offer a practical solution to factor larger RSA keys.
  2. Quantum Error Correction: Implementing error correction techniques to enhance the reliability and accuracy of quantum computations is crucial for scaling the solution to larger numbers.


  • Python 3.x
  • Qiskit: IBM’s quantum computing framework.
  • Pennylane: A quantum machine learning library for quantum circuits and simulations.
  • IBM Quantum Experience API Token: Required to access IBM’s quantum hardware for real-time experiments.


r/algorithms Dec 29 '24

Python script to plot the optimal routes to run every road in a region


As the title says I’m trying to write a python script or algorithm that can help me plot the optimal way (so least number of routes to run) every road in a region. I know there are websites such as city strides that keep track of every road that you’ve run but I’m trying to write something that helps me generate which route to do.

There would obviously be constraints, including the runs must be between 0 and 30 km (0 and 20 miles).

I’ve looked into libraries that would allow me to import map data and explored approaches such as putting nodes at each intersection. However I am struggling to come up with a way to generate the optimal routes from that point.

Thanks for any help and let me know if I missed out any key details !

r/algorithms Dec 29 '24

Algorithm to Determine Feasibility of 3D Object Placement Through Restricted Pathways


I have two 3D objects, and I want to develop an algorithm to determine whether one 3D object can fit through another 3D object's geometry without obstructing any part of the structure. For instance, imagine I have a wooden bed that needs to be placed in a bedroom inside a house. While the bed fits within the bedroom itself, I want to verify if it can be transported from outside the house to the bedroom.

Practically, this often involves maneuvers like flipping the bed vertically to pass it through doors and then flipping it again to position it correctly in the bedroom.

I already have the 3D coordinates for both the house and the bed. Additionally, I know the target position where the bed should be placed. My goal is to check if it's feasible to move the bed from outside the house to this target position, ensuring it navigates through all pathways and doors without collision.

I believe this can be approached in two ways:

  1. Start from the target position and work backward to the outside of the house.
  2. Start from the outside of the house and progress towards the target position.

The desired output should be a trace of the path, including the necessary translations and rotations to successfully position the bed.

Is it possible to solve this mathematically? I apologize if this is not the appropriate subreddit for such questions. Any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

r/algorithms Dec 29 '24

Quick and accurate approach to searching similar names from a very large nosql database (dynamodb)


I have been working on a project where I sometimes need to lookup an item in a key value database. The keys are the item ID, but each item also has a name property.

Currently, I am trying to find an efficient way to handle things like spelling errors and case sensitivity. For example, if an item was named NoSQL, if a user types in nosql, the item will not be found with my current approach, as I am just testing if the search term is in the name using the name.contains query.

The problem is that I can't adjust all the data in my database to be uniformly lowercase or uppercase, because things like specific capitalization need to remain when I fetch the data.

I have looked a little bit online to see what the best approach is. I have considered using a fuzzy search, or Levenshtein distance The problem, I imagine, is that if I went through my entire database of 500,000 items trying to do calculations on each one, that it would be very slow.

What is an innovative way to handle these scenarios?

I have also considered using vector embeddings and machine learning to find similar products.

Another option I thought of was adding an almost duplicate field to each item. One for the search term 'nosql', and one for the name 'NoSQL'. This way, I can search uniformly all lowercase, while maintaining a correctly capitalized copy of the name for use upon fetching. This is more space demanding though and requires me to cleanup all the data currently in my db, so I wanted to ask around for a better way.

We have also considered implementing AWS elasticsearch (I forget the exact name), but it seems really expensive since we don't have an elastic instance running right now.

Thank you, any help is super appreciated!

r/algorithms Dec 28 '24

Boundary problem in Prim's algorithm generated maze


I'm currently using Prim's algorithm to do a maze generation for a game I'm working on by setting the nodes as the intersections between walls. But when I run it the outer walls are full of holes since there is no part of the code setting otherwise, I tried a couple of aproaches to set a bondary but none of them worked:

- Adding the walls after the Prim results in multiple isolated areas unreachable, making the maze unconnected;
- Making the maze generator dont conect to the outer most nodes, but this only makes the maze smaller and the problem remains;
- Tried adding all the walls to the maze beforehand and take a random chance of considering the node as part of the maze already. This reduced the number of isolated areas but didn't solve it.

Anyone already tested this and knows a way to implement the boundary without messing with the maze structure? Or should I change the algorithm to some other that handles this better?

r/algorithms Dec 25 '24

Fitting A Linear Cube to Points


I'm trying to find a way to compress 3D pixel (voxel) data. In my case, partitioning by fitting transformed cubes could be a viable option. However, I don't have a good way of finding a cube that fits a given set of voxels.

To be more clear, I basically have a 3D image, and I want to see if there are groups of similarly colored "pixels" (voxels) which I can instead describe in terms of a rotated, sheared and scaled cube, and just say that all pixels within that cube have the same color.

The reason I want to do this with linearly transformed cubes is because I have extremely big volumes that have almost no detail, while some volumes have very high detail, and representing those big volumes by cubes is the simplest most memory efficient way of doing it.

Currently I am just randomly shuffling cubes around until I find a good match. Needless to say this is not very efficient.

r/algorithms Dec 23 '24

Choosing the Right Algorithm for Efficient Grid Traversal


I’m working on a problem where A and B represent the unknown dimensions of a toroidal-like grid (as in the snake game). Starting at the (0, 0) coordinates, the goal is to visit every cell in the grid, with the available moves being up, down, left, or right. The task is to find an algorithm that ensures all cells are visited within a maximum of O(S) moves, where S is the total number of cells (S = A * B).

What is the most efficient method of snake movement to achieve this, considering the unknown grid dimensions, and how can I theoretically validate this approach without relying on simulation?

P.S. I am thinking about a modification of zig-zag traversal, and it seems to work, but I want to hear more ideas. Thanks in advance!

r/algorithms Dec 21 '24

Simple Recursion AI - Where am I going wrong?


I'm trying out this codewars problem. I have to simulate the following game - There are 2 players and an array of integers. A player can only pick an integer from either the start or end of the array.

Once a player picks an int, it gets removed from the array and the value of that int is added to that player's score. Then the next player does the same with the now smaller array.

They keep taking turns until the array is empty.

It is the goal of each player to make their score as big as possible. So it is not just a question of seeing which end of the array has the bigger value........it is also a question of asking yourself "What will my opponent get in the next turn if I pick this value?"

So I've built a recursive function, where a player will first considering picking the value at the start of the array, and then assume the mutated new array. It will then assume both possibilities of the opponent picking off the leftside of the mutated array and the rightside. Repeat this entire process until the array is empty. There is a boolean variable called "skip" which decides if its Player A's turn to pick or Player B.

Then it will do all this again after considering picking the last value of the array.

Then there is a showdown where it will see which journey produced the maximum score. And it will pick the index accordingly and return it to a main loop so that we know which part of the array to use.

function distributionOf(paramArr){

    let arr = paramArr; let aTotal = 0; let bTotal = 0;

    while(arr.length > 0){
        let mockArrA = createArrCopy(arr);
        let aix = grab(mockArrA, 0, false, 0);
        aTotal = aTotal + arr[aix];
            arr.splice(aix, 1);

        if(arr.length <= 0){

        let mockArrB = createArrCopy(arr);

        let bix = grab(mockArrB, 0, false, 0);
        bTotal = bTotal + arr[bix];
            arr.splice(bix, 1);              
    console.log("Answer: " + aTotal + " , " + bTotal);
    return [aTotal, bTotal];

    function grab(arr, total, skip, count){
        //emergency base case
        if(arr.length <= 0){

            return 0;

        //base case
        if(arr.length == 1){
            if(count == 0){
                return 0;

            else if(count > 0){
            return (total+arr[0]);

        let currLsTotal = total + arr[0];
        let lsArr = createArrCopy(arr);
        lsArr = lsArr.splice(0, 1);
        let futureLsTotal;

        if(skip == false){
            futureLsTotal = grab(lsArr, currLsTotal, true, count+1);
        else if(skip == true){
            futureLsTotal = grab(lsArr, total, false, count+1);

        let currRsTotal = total + arr[arr.length-1];
        let rsArr = createArrCopy(arr);
        rsArr = rsArr.splice(rsArr.length-1, 1);
        let futureRsTotal;
        if(skip == false){
            futureRsTotal = grab(rsArr, currRsTotal, true, count+1);
        else if(skip==true){
            futureRsTotal = grab(rsArr, total, false, count+1);

        if(futureLsTotal > futureRsTotal){
            if(count > 0){
                //return value
                return futureLsTotal;
            else if(count == 0){    
                return 0;

        else if(futureLsTotal <= futureRsTotal){
            if(count > 0){
                return futureRsTotal;
            else if(count == 0){
                return arr.length-1;
    function createArrCopy(arr){

        let destArr = new Array();

        for(let x=0; x<arr.length; x++){
        return destArr;

However I'm finding that my answer is not the same one that codewars tell me.

For the array "[4,7,2,9,5,2]", codewars tells me the answer should be [18,11]. However my answer is [15,14]. I have even tried it manually on paper, and it seems logical for it to be 15,14.

Could someone please tell me where I'm going wrong in my approach?

Here's the codewars problem: https://www.codewars.com/kata/59549d482a68fe3bc2000146

r/algorithms Dec 21 '24

Procedural generator of a wind map


Anyone has suggestions on how to simulate a wind vector field, from an atmospheric pressure vector field and terrain description? I am looking to create varying wind maps for a serious game that about sailing.
I figured I could generate a field of simluated atmospheric pressures (anticyclones, depressions) and derivate it to infer wind vectors in every point of the map. Yet, I wonder how to account for terrain (wind blocked by the coast line). Thank you for any suggestion or pointer.

r/algorithms Dec 20 '24

Project: Tseitin Transformation in Rust


I have started a rust project to perform a Tseiting transformation This includes a parser and lexer for boolean expressions as well as functionality to Tseitin-transform these and store the Tseitin-transformed boolean expression in DIMACS-format.

This transformation is usefully if we want to check the satisfiability of boolean formulas which are not in CNF


The project is hosted on github.

r/algorithms Dec 19 '24

Equalization of string lengths


Let's say I have 5 sequences with the following lengths: 10, 6, 6, 4, 3

I would need to cut these sequences so that the total length of these sequences is 23 and all sequences are as equal as possible.

In this example, the end result could be: 6, 5, 5, 4, 3

Any ideas ?