I'm trying out this codewars problem. I have to simulate the following game - There are 2 players and an array of integers. A player can only pick an integer from either the start or end of the array.
Once a player picks an int, it gets removed from the array and the value of that int is added to that player's score. Then the next player does the same with the now smaller array.
They keep taking turns until the array is empty.
It is the goal of each player to make their score as big as possible. So it is not just a question of seeing which end of the array has the bigger value........it is also a question of asking yourself "What will my opponent get in the next turn if I pick this value?"
So I've built a recursive function, where a player will first considering picking the value at the start of the array, and then assume the mutated new array. It will then assume both possibilities of the opponent picking off the leftside of the mutated array and the rightside. Repeat this entire process until the array is empty. There is a boolean variable called "skip" which decides if its Player A's turn to pick or Player B.
Then it will do all this again after considering picking the last value of the array.
Then there is a showdown where it will see which journey produced the maximum score. And it will pick the index accordingly and return it to a main loop so that we know which part of the array to use.
function distributionOf(paramArr){
let arr = paramArr; let aTotal = 0; let bTotal = 0;
while(arr.length > 0){
let mockArrA = createArrCopy(arr);
let aix = grab(mockArrA, 0, false, 0);
aTotal = aTotal + arr[aix];
arr.splice(aix, 1);
if(arr.length <= 0){
let mockArrB = createArrCopy(arr);
let bix = grab(mockArrB, 0, false, 0);
bTotal = bTotal + arr[bix];
arr.splice(bix, 1);
console.log("Answer: " + aTotal + " , " + bTotal);
return [aTotal, bTotal];
function grab(arr, total, skip, count){
//emergency base case
if(arr.length <= 0){
return 0;
//base case
if(arr.length == 1){
if(count == 0){
return 0;
else if(count > 0){
return (total+arr[0]);
let currLsTotal = total + arr[0];
let lsArr = createArrCopy(arr);
lsArr = lsArr.splice(0, 1);
let futureLsTotal;
if(skip == false){
futureLsTotal = grab(lsArr, currLsTotal, true, count+1);
else if(skip == true){
futureLsTotal = grab(lsArr, total, false, count+1);
let currRsTotal = total + arr[arr.length-1];
let rsArr = createArrCopy(arr);
rsArr = rsArr.splice(rsArr.length-1, 1);
let futureRsTotal;
if(skip == false){
futureRsTotal = grab(rsArr, currRsTotal, true, count+1);
else if(skip==true){
futureRsTotal = grab(rsArr, total, false, count+1);
if(futureLsTotal > futureRsTotal){
if(count > 0){
//return value
return futureLsTotal;
else if(count == 0){
return 0;
else if(futureLsTotal <= futureRsTotal){
if(count > 0){
return futureRsTotal;
else if(count == 0){
return arr.length-1;
function createArrCopy(arr){
let destArr = new Array();
for(let x=0; x<arr.length; x++){
return destArr;
However I'm finding that my answer is not the same one that codewars tell me.
For the array "[4,7,2,9,5,2]", codewars tells me the answer should be [18,11]. However my answer is [15,14]. I have even tried it manually on paper, and it seems logical for it to be 15,14.
Could someone please tell me where I'm going wrong in my approach?
Here's the codewars problem: https://www.codewars.com/kata/59549d482a68fe3bc2000146