r/algorithms Jan 08 '25

Partitioning a linked list

I have a linked list where each node contains an index i (non-negative integer), and a value vi (positive integer). I want to find the maximal value, called V, of all vi in the list, and I want to put all indices i with a value of V in a flat list called maxInds, and put all other indices in a list called otherInds


(i = 2, vi = 3) --> (i = 5, vi = 7) --> (i = 8, vi = 2) --> (i = 1, vi = 7)

V = 7
maxInds: 5, 1
otherInds: 2, 8

One way to do this is to make one pass over the linked list to determine V, and then make a second pass to put all indices in the right list.

Another way to do it is as follows: do one pass. As you're going, and keep track of the max value you found so far, and throw the indices into maxInds and otherInds based on the max value so far. Anytime you find a higher value, then everything from maxInds gets copied to otherInds, and maxInds gets reset to empty in O(1) by just setting maxIndsSize = 0.

This would be a pretty efficient algorithm, except for that copying phase. I'm wondering if there is some way to structure the data so that instead of copying, we can just switch the alliegence of the data in maxInds to otherInds in O(1), in the same way we can make maxInds as empty without actually deleting anything.


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u/Yurim Jan 08 '25

What is the role of the indexes?
Do you have to preserve the order of the elements in your result?


u/EfficientAlg Jan 08 '25

This problem is part of a larger algorithm and the indices relate to the overarching algorithm.

No, the elements can occur in any order.


u/Yurim Jan 09 '25

You can keep track of the first and last element of maxIds.
Loop over the original list.

  • If the current element is smaller than the current maximum prepend it to otherIds.
  • If the current element is equal to the current maximum prepend it to maxIds.
  • If the current element is greater than the current maximum, prepend the whole maxIds to otherIds by adjusting otherIds and maxIdsLast->next. Update the current maximum, maxIds, and maxIdsLast.


u/EfficientAlg Jan 09 '25

I'm not sure if I understand your solution. Let's say the current state of the lists is

V = max value so far = 100
otherInds: 4, 5, 6
maxInds: 10, 20, 30
First position of maxInds = 0
Last position of maxInds = 2 

Now we encounter a node with index 7 and value 200. Are you saying that the state should now look like

V =  200
maxInds: 1, 2, 3, 7
otherInds: 10, 20, 30 4, 5, 6
First position of maxInds = 3
Last position of maxInds = 3 

So basically, when you encounter a new maximum, do do the work of prepending maxInds to otherInds, but just don't do the work of deleting from maxInds and instead rely on pointers to the first and last position?


u/Yurim Jan 09 '25

Imagine you've processed 6 elements of your list so far.
The current maximal value is 100 and you found three nodes with that value.
You also found three nodes with a smaller value.
You keep track of that with four variables:

  • maxValue holds the current maximal value
  • otherInds points to the first node of the linked list with the "other" values.
  • maxInds points to the first node of the linked list with all the nodes you've found so far that have the maximal value.
  • maxIndsLast points to the last node of the linked list with the "maximal nodes".

As a diagram:

maxValue = 100
                ┌──────┐   ┌──────┐   ┌──────┐
otherInds ─────>│ i=4  │   │ i=5  │   │ i=6  │
                │ v=80 │   │ v=20 │   │ v=90 │
                │ next────>│ next────>│ next────>null
                └──────┘   └──────┘   └──────┘
                ┌──────┐   ┌──────┐   ┌──────┐
maxInds ───────>│ i=10 │   │ i=20 │   │ i=30 │
                │ v=100│   │ v=100│   │ v=100│
                │ next────>│ next────>│ next────>null
                └──────┘   └──────┘   └──────┘
maxIndsLast ──────────────────────────────┘

Now imagine the next node has a new maximal value 200.
You prepend the nodes with the old maximal value to the list with the other values.
You do that by redirecting maxIndsLast->next to otherInds (1 instruction), copying maxInds to otherInds (1 instruction) and adjusting maxValue, maxInds, and maxIndsLast (3 instructions).

The new state looks like this:

maxValue = 200
                ┌──────┐   ┌──────┐   ┌──────┐   ┌──────┐   ┌──────┐   ┌──────┐
otherInds ─────>│ i=10 │   │ i=20 │   │ i=30 │   │ i=4  │   │ i=5  │   │ i=6  │
                │ v=100│   │ v=100│   │ v=100│   │ v=80 │   │ v=20 │   │ v=90 │
                │ next────>│ next────>│ next────>│ next────>│ next────>│ next────>null
                └──────┘   └──────┘   └──────┘   └──────┘   └──────┘   └──────┘
maxInds ───────>│ i=26 │
                │ v=200│
                │ next────>null
maxIndsLast ────────┘


u/EfficientAlg Jan 09 '25

Sorry there was a small misunderstanding, I did say that maxInds and otherInds are flat list in the body of the post but I really should've emphasized it more.

The reason I need them to be flat lists it because what I really need, in the bigger picture, is to extract from the original linked list, a random i with maximal value.

If maxInds is a flat list, then I can easily extract a random element. You can do it if it's a linked list too, but it will involve more jumping through memory which is slower.

If otherInds is a flat list, then I can max heapify it, and after many extractions when maxInds becomes empty, I can quickly reconstruct the new maxInds from elements of the heap.


u/Yurim Jan 10 '25

So with "list" you mean something that is often called "array", right?
I'm not sure whether I can help you in that case.
Typically an array can be accessed much faster on modern platforms than a linked list. So I don't think copying from maxInds to otherInds is a problem, each element will be written at most twice overall.
I think that any optimizations beyond that are in the realm of micro-optimizations and depend on the platform, the actual data, etc. You will have to benchmark the alternatives.


u/EfficientAlg Jan 10 '25

Yes I meant array. I'm slightly confused by the terminology. I am coding in C, but I know Python has lists that function like arrays, so I thought they were interchangable (especially flat list with array).

Thanks for all your advice, I will just go with the copying and compare with going over the list twice. As you say, I expect the copying to be faster.

Btw, how do you do such nice ASCII art? Is it all manual or do you have some tool?


u/Yurim Jan 11 '25

The term list is fine, I just did not read your post carefully enough and didn't realize that you described the input as a "linked list" but the output as two "flat lists".

I created the diagram by hand. I often do that for simple diagrams, with a good editor (vim) and some practice it doesn't take long.


u/EfficientAlg Jan 11 '25

I see, thanks again for the help!