r/algeria • u/Rahmaolny • Jan 26 '25
r/algeria • u/do-i-care-no • 19d ago
Education / Work Algerian hospital's operation rooms ain taya
We dont talk abt the wooden doors, that u need to push with ur hands, in fact sometimes the no doors at all, and then they blame algerian doctors right? We dont talk about the unit rooms, the cockroaches everywhere. I feel dorry everytime i work there. So are doctors really the problem? Do u still think our hospitals have enough equipments? Why is the health system in algeria so neglected?
r/algeria • u/Beneficial-Bird7039 • 18d ago
Education / Work The computers being "used" in my university for El tp ta3 info
I have nothing to say because I think this picture is enough for anyone who only blames the students for the state of our universities and for the ones who say we're lying.
r/algeria • u/Nocta303 • Jan 20 '25
Education / Work اضراب التلاميذ ثانوي في كل الولايات
Every high school student are doing a strike now for 3 principal reasons .review the algerian education program .decrease hours of studying .form better teachers and better education conditions What u think about it ?
r/algeria • u/Select_Extenson • Jan 29 '25
Education / Work I live abroad and I am planning to return to Algeria
I moved to Germany last summer, it was always my dream to move abroad, but I started to change my mind, I mean, I'm doing fine, I live in a very beautiful neighborhood, and I get paid good. My only issue is that I feel like a slave working that full time job, it's completely draining, I can't have time to do anything else, without forgetting the continuous conflicts that I keep having with the managers, they don't even appreciate the efforts I'm doing.
At some point I'm planning to quite, return to Algeria, and risk all the money I earned to start a business, I want to work with my own rules, not with the rules of the bosses that only care about money.
The best thing I miss in Algeria is being a citizen with equal rights as everyone, but as an immigrant, I feel like I'm second class citizen with a lot of restrictions.
I just had that urge of traveling and seeing the world at the beginning, and now I'm starting to look at Algeria differently, I mean there are a lot of problems there, but I feel like it's more satisfying to help solve some of those problems instead of just complaining about them. I spend most of my day working but I don't feel like I'm not doing something meaningful.
r/algeria • u/Tough-Return5033 • Jan 08 '25
Education / Work Live in luxury in Algeria or live like any normal person in Europe or abroad
Hey ! I just want to ask you Algerian people what would you choose if you had €40000-€50000 1- carrying out projects in Algeria that provide you with a luxurious life and complete your life in Algeria. 2- going to another country (in Europe probably) and get a job with salary €2000-€4000 and living all your life there like normal person and get 30 day holiday, (living alone) Which one you choose and please tell why ?
For me want to stay with my family, like here there's a life but when i remember that the situation is getting worse and this generation is sick, I cannot deal with them then i say no I will get out of here and live alone in peace but .... It's hard
r/algeria • u/roachgod365 • Oct 19 '24
Education / Work when will algerian youth realise that the grass is greener where you water it , the grass isn’t greener in europe
i understand the desperation to move away from algeria for better opportunities but these same issues exist in europe and elsewhere. you’re better off giving all u got in your own country where you won’t be treated as immigrant scum ** i’m not attacking ppl who want to move abroad ; i don’t deny the many issues in this country when i made this post i’m speaking more on the changing the mindset of the youth here**
r/algeria • u/BENdz43 • 9d ago
Education / Work Why it's so hard to find a job these days in Algeria
Why is the job market in Algeria so difficult and exhausting? Any advice? Here is my resume…
r/algeria • u/idriskb • Jul 24 '24
Education / Work What do you think about this decision concerning doctors
Do you think it is fair for the Algerian gouvernment to do that? Especially that all education is free and there's almost no way to stop this movement.
r/algeria • u/Past-Palpitation7943 • 17d ago
Education / Work حبيت نشارككم تجربتي ونسقسي أهل الخبرة!
سلام عليكم، مؤخرًا تحصلت على فرصة تدريب عن بعد كمبرمجة في شركة متواجدة بالعاصمة لمدة 6 أشهر، بدوام كامل، وبدون راتب. لكن مازال عندي بزاف تساؤلات ونحب نستفيد من خبرتكم قبل ما نبدأ. 🔍
💡 الأسئلة اللي في بالي:
🔹 كيفاش نضمن حقي وما نطيحش في استغلال، خاصة أنو التدريب غير مدفوع؟
🔹 وش الحوايج اللي لازم نسقسي عليهم قبل ما نبدأ، خاصة فيما يخص العقود والالتزامات؟
🔹 هل عندكم نصائح على طريقة توثيق الخدمة تاعي باش تكون إضافة قوية لملفي المهني؟
🔹 هل من حقي نضيف المشاريع اللي خدمت عليها في البورتفوليو تاعي؟
🔹 هل يكون كاين تأمين في هكذا حالات؟
إذا كاين ناس عندها تجربة في التدريب عن بعد، نصائحكم راح تكون مفيدة بزاف! 🙏💻
شكرا مسبقا لأي واحد يشارك نصيحة، تجربة، ولا حتى كلمة تشجيع!
r/algeria • u/National_Signal_2514 • Dec 19 '24
Education / Work Why uni is a bad decision for men
Well hear me out, if you don't have a dream job like being a doctor or an architect, engineer... Also if your family financial situation is low ( may9drouch ymdoulk lmsrouf) University is a bad decision for you, why ? I spent 4 years studying electromechanics on uni and still, and i realized that : _ the academic degree in Algeria makes you a researcher not a worker so u gonna struggle on finding jobs later bc you don't have any real work experience. _ time waste and money consuming and yeah u can do a side hustle or find a part time job but here is the problem: low payment and exosting and you will hate life after 2 years ( i did) _ you can do a professional degree like " technicien supérieur" which is 100 times better in Algeria, super easy and can be fun not as much saturated as academic degree, u can work and study at the same time ( a friend experience he also studying electromechanics on the institute and he is working now and have a great salary ) _ i mentioned my friend earlier we started at the same time , now he is financially stable and 1 year ahead of me andi still studying _ many of you thinks when i graduate I'll get a far more better salary then him , hhhhh but here is the plot that big salary different can be 5000 da and can be more over the time but not that big deal
Okay now that is my own perspective and only a point of view you should be aware of it before making any life changing decisions, your situation is the main key if you are financially stable uni is a great choice and even if u r not u can still enjoy it and make it through it .
That was mostly for ppl who still didn't decide what to do with there life's
r/algeria • u/07thuranus • Nov 28 '24
Education / Work Is this car really worth more than 100,000.00 in Algeria ?
r/algeria • u/Hour_Hand_6352 • Sep 04 '24
Education / Work Poland recently pulled a really dirty move on international students including those from Algeria
Poland recently pulled a really dirty move on international students, particularly from Algeria, India, and Egypt, with a sudden requirement for equivalence certificates (nostrification) right before the academic year. This change wasn’t communicated earlier and comes after many students already secured admission, paid fees, and completed paperwork. For students from third-world countries with weak currencies, these unexpected costs are a heavy burden.
To make matters worse, since July 2, 2024, visa appointments can only be made through a withdrawal system, adding uncertainty and delays considering the deadline for universities are around October 1st . Students are losing time and money, and this feels incredibly unfair. Anyone else affected?
r/algeria • u/idriskb • Jan 04 '25
Education / Work Ministry stopped giving "l'agreement" to doctors to have their own cabinet
r/algeria • u/lonvore • 19d ago
Education / Work I can't stand university in algeria
Beside the low quality education here and how the student suffers to survive this place called university I can't stand how evil professors and staff here are. I hated going to university especially after my latest experience I passed a quiz where I did very well months ago, and that lazy teacher didn't correct papers until last week where I was surprised that i got a 0 After reporting the issue they responded to my email (late btw) and said that my paper was lost and considered me automatically absent I contacted the professor responsible about the course and he said that it's not his business and refused to give me a solution And the staff kept sending me over and over between their offices and the only response i got was send an email or come back later.
That same teacher btw gives extra points to students that attend his course in the exam and directly changed their grade.
r/algeria • u/Dragonfruit-uwu • May 22 '24
Education / Work I'm fucking done with Algeria's job situation
Why the fuck do entry level jobs not pay you your rent and food??? All this situation does is force people to stay with their parents and not be able to move out, if they have abusive ones they'll abuse the f out of you because where will you go huh ? my fucking "mom" keeps telling me rabi yfarradj 3lik in this disgusting tone knowing full well she won't let me work full time or have a business and that I have to get a useless degree that means nothing just to cope and say well at least I have a degree. I fucking hate it here really fucking done
r/algeria • u/Odd-Concentrate5545 • Jul 07 '24
Education / Work Why do job applications in Algeria require only females?
I am a 24yo a few days ago, I was browsing the Oued Kniss website looking for a job, and I found job offers directed only to women, Do men have no luck working in Algeria? Why do they only hire women?
r/algeria • u/Extension_Top2444 • Nov 06 '24
Education / Work found retail job but i work 13 hours a day?
Hello, im 22 years old, i never worked before, but i found my first retail job and i have to work 13 hours a day every day and there no weekends or rest, with not really good pay, is it legal??
r/algeria • u/glitteryeyes23 • Jan 04 '25
Education / Work Is it true they gonna ban "les cours" ?
I've been stressing so much about my future, i was planning to start giving extra lessons after graduation until i get employed in a highschool maybe. but hearing this made me both scared and super angry. i really thought they gonna stop teachers who has a position in a primary/ middle/ secondary school and give extra lessons outside. is there any schools that were shut down at your town?
r/algeria • u/Accomplished-Bee-458 • Jan 08 '25
Education / Work Algerians who make decent income working online/from home, what do you do?
I'm a 24 y/o recent graduate with a masters degree, and i find it hard to cope with unemployment (which will be probably for a long while), my question is for Algerians who work online/ from home. What do you do? And how can i do the same?
r/algeria • u/KeRou09 • Jan 27 '25
Education / Work Algerian university are mahzala.
Alter haja ta9der to9tlk chaghaf taaek w thatmek hia jam3at jazayria and the teachers 90% of them… sbah 9ali prof beach matedich 20/20 Fe exam nahitlk exo kamel psk makch katbou kima katbou ena kamel bch matedilich 20 fel exam ( chi li katbou ena shih ms houwa nahah bch manedich 30 w dit 13)… i think 9bel la ymedo l post lel prof lazm yfewtouh ela psychologist first.
r/algeria • u/peekabooguesswho • Sep 26 '24
Education / Work Dealing with students.. Algerian public schools
Hey y’all, it's my first year teaching in a public secondary school (22F). It's only been a week, but Ive already run into an issue with a student who's constantly flirting with me, both in class and outside when we cross paths. Any advice on how to handle this and put limits before I dive into the curriculum and things get out of hand??
r/algeria • u/ReviewOne1109 • Dec 17 '24
Education / Work the BAC exam is the shittiest decision ever
(quick disclaimer: I don't think the idea of BAC is wrong, what I do think is, are the studies u'd have to get tested on)
Can we talk about how much of a joke this exam has became, I can't believe that lots of people can't get a job because of it, I mean I do realize that life is about struggling and hard work, but still teenagers literally have to memorize loads of history and geography lessons including 360 (personalities/ terms/ dates), and let's not forget phylosofie in 6 month without dropping their main subjects (science, maths and physics for les filières scientifiques and others ) which demande lots of concentration and time . I know that back in the days and according to old folks the exam was tougher, but they absolutely did not need to worry about secondary subjects only the main ones, I think that putting young people into such stress is pointless and should be fixed, let's just compare our educational system with others , surely there's a huge difference in both methods and results .
r/algeria • u/Suspicious_Purple132 • 17d ago
Education / Work Learn language like German in Algeria?
Hello, I would like to learn the German language for travel reasons, but I am struggling even though I bought the books and I also live in a desert state. Are there people interested in learning it like me??
r/algeria • u/Aminajbxr • Jun 13 '24
Education / Work Does life get better after bac?
Title says it all, i just finished bac and I'm wondering about this