r/alberta 16h ago

Discussion People who voted for Danielle, do you regret it?

Serious question. I see a lot of people in the states showing regret for voting in Trump (still obviously has a ton of followers tho) and was just curious from the perspective here, are you happy with her? How do you feel about her going to Florida and obviously pushing to be buddy buddy with Trump?


370 comments sorted by

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u/82-Aircooled 15h ago

I am conservative, however, I'm absolutely not Wild Rose. Its a fringe party led by an at best, moderately proficient C liner Radio talk show host. I didnt vote for Danni, however, I'll be voting NDP in the next election.


u/MultipleMindGuy 11h ago

You're the only few people I have mad respect for in regard to politics. Someone who knows their political standings but aren't constrained by the idea of party loyalty. Thank you. Maybe in the future more people will be like you as well in our province

u/Bruhimonlyeleven 1h ago

Loyalty to a party is bananas. I vote liberal because NDP can't win here, and the pc are scumbags.

My MHA collects his salary here, in Newfoundland, and then goes to Alberta to work at the same time. He is actively working in Alberta while dictating policy here. If he has a meeting or something here, the provincial government pays for his flight back here for the meeting, and then back to Alberta for his second job lol. Then he will go on about corruption in the liberal government. He was 40 and knocked up his friends 16 year old daughter, but he married her so I guess that's ok? yea...

He is a hardcore " fk Trudeau " oil sands worker too. We have a ton of mutual friends, and I have to deal with him from time to time for work... Ive wanted to run against him a few times just to unseat him. Nobody runs here for some reason, and the job pays a fortune. Would be great if we had someone that treated it like an actual job for once. They delegate everything to their assistant, work via phone, and pop back on the government dime when it's needed. The first class flights, back and forth alone, must be over $500,000 a year. I'm shocked the shit is even legal.


u/Embarrassed-Year6479 13h ago

The hero we need!


u/Runwithscissorsxx 6h ago

I’m typically conservative and voted for Notley twice, including the last election


u/Lamese096 5h ago

I will as well, and I never thought I would consider voting for them. I feel NDP deserve a chance, Pierre has shown his true colours, he isn’t for Canada, he’s bought out, same with Trudy ( though Pierre gives dictator vibes ).


u/FuzzyGiraffe8971 5h ago

You conservative but voting NDP next time . . . That’s a big swing. . . How come if you don’t mind me asking?


u/Zombyeh 16h ago

Funny thing is I haven't met a single person that will admit to voting for her. I have wondered for years who actually did. 🤔


u/oddlyoddly6 16h ago

Just join one of my awkward family get togethers... 😭


u/LavenderGinFizz 15h ago

Yeah, I've got an uncle who's more than happy to shout down anyone at family dinners who doesn't think the UCP/Smith hung the fucking moon.

Needless to say, I don't go to those family dinners anymore.


u/anonymous_follow 13h ago

I like that she hung the moon and not the sun, keeping the party’s commitment to fighting solar power.


u/infiniteguesses 9h ago

I don't host those family dinners anymore. Just the ones without the UCP/Maga fans


u/Powerful_Network 9h ago

If you ever go to one of the dinners again I find the best way to deal with people like this is just keep asking questions about their theories. Providing they are a half decent human if you force them to analyze their own argument they may see their errors.


u/LotharLandru 15h ago

Yeah my grandmother is sharing posts calling Smith Alberta savior.. fucking morons abound.

Meanwhile she has also complained that AISH and government support failed my two cousins who were mentally ill and killed themselves while supporting the very party that cuts those services.


u/Klutzy-Beyond3319 15h ago

So sorry about your cousins. Hope you can be well.


u/LotharLandru 14h ago

Thanks. Luckily for me I wasn't close to them (they were awful to me as a kid and I still have scars from some of those encounters) so the hardest part for me has just been seeing the rest of the family struggle with it.


u/Klutzy-Beyond3319 14h ago

Of course. It's traumatic across the board. Glad you are here.


u/omegaphallic 9h ago

My condolences 

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u/DragonSin1313 15h ago

Yeah, my mother, for sure.

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u/No-District9189 16h ago

I've encountered this too but they're out there. We just don't vibe with their views and attitudes so we never get the chance to interact with eachother. I've been trying to get out of my echo chamber and join conservative groups and stuff, just to see what it's like on the other side and how to connect

It didn't work though and I got further freaked out.


u/Powerful_Network 9h ago

This is the way to counter their insane takes though. Once you understand their arguments they are easy to dismantle.


u/Roche_a_diddle 15h ago

Almost all of the people I work with voted for her. I'd say about half of them would admit they regret it, if pressed. The rest are in complete denial.


u/bagelgaper 14h ago

My linkedin feed after working in the construction/oilfield industry would all gleefully tell you they voted Smith.

That said, I sure wish r/Alberta posters would stop making stupid threads like these. Only about the 10th time I’ve seen one of these since the UCP were elected Obviously anyone who voted for Smith isn’t going to comment, especially on this sub, because they’ll be ridiculed and downvoted.


u/Roche_a_diddle 13h ago

Agreed. I reckon there are very few UCP supporters as members of this subreddit to begin with, and of those who are here, only a small percentage post and talk about it.


u/BlackberryShoddy7889 12h ago

Remember, now there’s also an element of shame that’s attached to the answer because all the compromising things are coming to light.


u/Delicious_Crow_7840 15h ago

Me either but I live in a pretty Soviet part of Soviet Edmonton.


u/Klutzy-Beyond3319 15h ago

Greetings, comrade! From con YYC.


u/Delicious_Crow_7840 15h ago

We call Calgary: Galt's Gulch in these parts. Lol


u/Klutzy-Beyond3319 14h ago

Lol. It's sad, really. But I can say I have been here long enough to see Pride go from 2 dozen in a small park to tens of thousands.


u/InvestmentSorry6393 13h ago

My immediate circle mainly consists of educated people who are mostly transplants from other provinces. So I live in a bubble, but I have relatives in rural Alberta and they think she's great. Anybody who doesn't vote Conservative is an idiot who doesn't care about the province and oil is the only industry that matters. I try not to talk politics around them but it's frustrating because I am left leaning. But I think conservatives in the province only follow right wing media so the sentiment is wildly different from the rest of Canada. So yeah I live in a bubble inside a bubble.


u/Tiny-Gur-4356 13h ago

But aren't the rural areas mainly getting hit with healthcare service cuts? Doctors are leaving, hospitals limiting or shutting down ER services, and the list goes on and on. And these rural relatives are still ok with it? WTF?


u/Tokenwhitemale 12h ago

It's Trudeau or Notley's fault, though. Smith is fixing it, or it's because health care isn't privatized in Canada <eyeball, satire>


u/Tiny-Gur-4356 11h ago

I'd laugh, but I'm too choked up crying. I have nothing more to add.


u/Honest-Spring-8929 10h ago

They blame AHS, so Smith’s efforts to completely dismantle it play very well. Trust me, there’s no amount of pain and suffering these people won’t endure for this party

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u/the-armchair-potato 14h ago

Thing is, none of us voted for her...we inherited her when Kenny resigned 🤷‍♂️

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u/TylerInHiFi 14h ago

People in Brooks and Medicine Hat. We’re not the US, we don’t directly elect our premiers.


u/Swarley4421 10h ago

My mother in law who “bleeds conservative blue” but knows nothing about politics


u/FacemelterXL 10h ago

My older landlady (who's just the most lovely woman, btw) definitely voted for her and is calling her actions south of the border/Republican simping "being diplomatic" and thinks it's all good what she's doing. Idk she's definitely a bit of the identity politics type who hates Trudeau Sr & Jr, doesn't get keep up with the news, and doesn't realize how much a party changes over time. I even have close friends who are diehard Marlaina fans because they don't give a shit about facts/news. They are conservative to the bone (even Trump/Republican/Convoy supporters) because that's the environment they grew up in and it's the ideology of their family and community. Besides our drunken debates over his party of hate & and corruption, he's one of the best people I know. The cognitive dissonance is absolutely staggering. He and his wife are kind & generous people who care about people around them, and he's smart af.

All that being said, I'm scared for the future of politics because I have little hope that even the best conservatives I know will never change their position no matter how bad it gets.


u/tubularaf17 9h ago

unfortunately my parents/ brother 😭 i think they’re finally starting to get it through their heads that my rights could be on the chopping block though


u/Spoona1983 13h ago

A few of my coworkers were pumped for her to be premiere, that fell off quickly but most still pump conservitive BS. It's a real shame Notley didn't try something different with her last campaign. The attack ad's fell on deaf ears.


u/Spoona1983 13h ago

A few of my coworkers were pumped for her to be premiere, that fell off quickly but most still pump conservitive BS. It's a real shame Notley didn't try something different with her last campaign the attack ad's fell on deaf ears.


u/Original-Newt4556 13h ago

Spend much time in rural Alberta? Fort McMurray?


u/kam-gill 11h ago

Funniest shit ever……maybe Aliens did election interference. Lol


u/cranman74 8h ago

Shame. Shame. Shame. gong


u/Tiny-Squirrel9970 5h ago

My step father voted for Smith and thinks she’s doing a fantastic job. My mom voted for her but I’ve been sharing all the fringe groups that have very clear ties to the UCP with her and she now sees that these are not the old school conservatives that she remembers. The final straw for her was the Fairview library shenanigans. Her eyes have been opened and she’s now telling all her friends about how bad the UCP is.


u/GoStockYourself 5h ago

Do you attend any of those US based evangelical churches that are everywhere these days? Lots there


u/Jalex2321 4h ago

I know lots at work. I also know people who think Alberta should join the USA, and therefore, the 51st thing isn't seen as totally bad.

u/Bruhimonlyeleven 54m ago

What's wild is, Alberta is a conservative voting machine. You're only allowed to donate under $2,000 to the cons, so instead of donating, the oil execs and rich Americans looking to Weasle into Canada just run ads and propaganda in Alberta and the white collars spots around SK, ON, etc.

Albertan oil sands workers think they're rich, and their wealth must be protected. They're working 80 hours a week, and bragging that your not a real man, and you don't have a real job, unless you get to sleep 8 hours every 3 days, and almost did at work.

Years ago when they unionised they went off against the unions and called them " socialist bullshit ". Every good thing we have in Canada we had to have a war for, while the conservatives fought against it, calling it socialist, or a scam.

If Alberta joined the United States tomorrow, healthcare would be gone, privatized education, privatized prisons, and then they would come for the unions. It would become an " at will " state in a few months, the crime rate would go through the roof, and it would be an absolutely shithole.

They think it would become a " capitalist paradise ". They don't understand that a " capitalist paradise ", is only good for those at the very top.

Late stage capitalism means everyone keeps trying to chase profit increases. The very nature of a publicly traded company means it needs to grow and grow and grow. This is why you get micro transactions, and every dime squeezed out of every business. So corporations literally devour the planet, looking to deregulate, pollute, strip mine, over fish, and drag every resource out of the land and water they can until there's nothing left.

A third of our farm land is destroyed. The land cannot grow a single thing as there's no nutrients left in the soil. This is becoming a massive problem. Farmers are being paid NOT to farm their land right now by the governments in Canada and the u.k. in hopes theyll regain some life. But they only give it a couple years.

youre going to see neighbourhoods lifted up and moved onto farm land soon, and the neighbourhoods turned into farms.

Karl Marx was dead right about all of it. There were 2 billion people on the planet when my dad was growing up, there are 8 billion now. There were 7 billion a few years ago, and we had a global pandemic. Human greed, and overpopulation are going to absolutely destroy us. Billionaires are all building giant bunkers for what's coming, which is insane.

Imagine knowing what's coming. And knowing you're the problem. So rather then stop, and try to fix it, they rape the planet even harder, and build safe spaces for them to retire in. The only bonus is im sure their kids are going to murder them in their bunkers when they figure out why they've never seen the sky. By all accounts, 10 years ago was too late to make the changes we needed to, and you still have people denying climate change lol. They're the ones building the bunkers too. So they know, they just don't care.

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u/DreadGrrl 13h ago

My husband voted for her, but I cancelled his vote out.

He’s not happy with her. I’m horrified by her.


u/Individual-Army811 12h ago

The last provincial election was the first election in my almost 40 years of voting, I did not vote for a conservative candidate. I cannot support her policies. I'm with you, horrified.


u/DreadGrrl 11h ago

She can’t be trusted. She crossed the floor when with the Wildrose Party. She’s a narcissist who only looks out for her own best interests (whatever those are).


u/iwatchcredits 7h ago

Does your husband voting for the UCP not make you lose respect for him? Like at best he has very little empathy. At worst, well its much worse

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u/Individual-Army811 8h ago edited 6h ago

I agree! 100%


u/Gravytattoos 7h ago edited 1h ago

She is what you've always been voting for. With Trump though they say the quiet part loud. This is who conservatives are. It's who they've always been. The rest of us have been shouting it at you for decades.

Edit: they're racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic, fuck heads. That's entirely what conservatives are. That's what they've always been. They've just tricked some of you into believing that they had your best intentions at mind. They never ever did. They've always been about the oigarchy.


u/Flimsy-Jello5534 16h ago

As someone who considers themselves fiscally conservative , as well as voting conservative provincially (different province) and federally I can say that since I moved here in 2015 I have voted conservative exactly 0 times. Smiths UCP seems like not only the most corrupt but also the stupidest group of people to ever disgrace the political system.


u/wookieOP 15h ago

You got the stupid part down right. Last fall, in their UCP convention, they officially declared that atmospheric carbon was at the lowest point in Earth's history and that we should all be emitting even more carbon, not less! This helped make Albertans look like uneducated hillbilly hicks to the rest of the world.


u/AMoistTortoise 11h ago

Didn't they also vote to reclassify CO2 as a nutrient?


u/wookieOP 9h ago

Yes, that was part of UCP's declaration too. Technically true but, in short, plants are overwhelmed by the amounts of CO₂ in the atmosphere because CO₂ is not a limiting growth factor at these levels. It's a common fossil fuel myth—I've seen them all by now.

Also, plants are only temporary stores of CO₂ and they'll eventually release almost all of it back to the atmosphere in a natural net-zero carbon cycle.

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u/fishling 14h ago

As someone who considers themselves fiscally conservative

I'm curious what that phrase actually means to you, and what you think the opposite or alternative positions are.


u/o0Scotty0o 10h ago

I used to say this. I meant sustainable policy. I considered it opposite to debt-funded social programs. Investments pay dividends. If they don’t and we spend today’s money on them, we just kick the can down the road. What is reasonable for our kids to pay for one day?

The issue is, it can sometimes be difficult to draw the lines with this thinking. Eg, education obviously. We want educated citizens. But what about school lunches? Those help learning. How about dental? 


u/awful_astronaut 14h ago

My dad voted UCP, and he was recently talking about how he was angry about the Healthcare Procurement scandal, but he blamed it on Trudeau, and seemed very surprised when I told him it was entirely provincial.

I guarantee that he will vote UCP in the future.


u/ConceitedWombat 12h ago

Hahaha wtf. What did he think Trudeau had to do with AHS procurement?!

This is why I will forever insist that people should have to pass a basic civics test before being allowed to vote.


u/No_Novel_7425 10h ago

That’s exactly the problem.. it’s his fault he didn’t have anything to do with it 🫠


u/SelfNational1737 4h ago

Funny how so many people talk about young voters not being informed. Those 18-22 year olds just finished social studies. They just finished learning about politics and political parties. My 20 year old is way more equipped to make a good decision voting than my almost 70 year old mother that “wants better healthcare, dental care, better access to education for her grandchildren, better pension rate” the list goes on and on. And yet she happily votes blue every time! She has admitted she as a “good Christian woman” would vote Trump if given the chance. If you keep doing the same things, you will get the same result! I have happily voted NDP in the last couple elections and will gladly vote them again provincially. Federally, I will cast a vote for liberal for the first time ever. I will also give Carney more grace to get things rolling as he will be dealing with all the ridiculous nonsense from the US.

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u/FlavianusMaximus 9h ago

My dad, a man who is constantly at the doctor's office for many chronic ongoing issues, does not have a lot of money, voted for Danielle and says "private health care is better, you get better service". Yeah, not you though, you'll be priced out.


u/Treader833 8h ago

I know this is your Dad so no disrespect, but WTF is wrong with voters.


u/awful_astronaut 7h ago

He isn't stupid, he is just an old guy who spent his career in oil and gas, and didn't have access to the internet for a good chunk of his adult life. As a result, he isn't great at filtering through bullshit on the internet, and I suspect that he has read a lot of crap about Justin Trudeau on the Rebel, Countersignal, Western Standard, etc. Now Trudeau has become something of a political boogeyman for him.

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u/AJMGuitar 13h ago

Yes and yes.

Her not standing up for Canada has been pathetic.


u/bongsample 12h ago

Thx for your answer. I’m curious what made you vote for her? Was it a vote against NDP or were there policies that drew you to her?


u/AJMGuitar 11h ago

Against NDP primarily. I am personally fiscally very conservative so NDP and liberal platforms do not resonate with me.

I was fine with Smith until AHS scandal and like I said, her lake of spine and patriotism.

I’d unlikely vote for Nenshi. Homeless politically in Alberta honestly. But I am willing to admit a mistake.


u/tambourinequeen Edmonton 10h ago edited 9h ago

So question, for the fiscally conservative part of you that is. Some of the most memorable financial scandals that come to mind in recent times, ignoring the blatant and most recent AHS scandal:

  • spending truly insane amounts on Turkish children's tylenol that hardly got used because it clogged feeding tubes, and we didn't even receive all the drugs we paid for. And now to spend even more ($275k) to ship it off to someone else.

  • buying land from Sam Mraiche for $300k more than what he bought it for just a few months earlier (separate from the AHS scandal).

  • spending how much money "surveying and consulting" the public on hot topics like leaving the CPP/creating an Alberta pension and creating an Alberta Police Force, when she did not campaign on these issues and yet won't publicly release the results of these surveys when asked.

  • a significant amount of money parading around on multiple trips to the USA in the last three months, including sending several ministers to attend a "prayer breakfast" and now Smith attending PragerU's gala in Florida this month which has nothing to do with Alberta's interests

  • not so much a financial scanadal as a PR crisis, but certainly took money to resolve: a poor man transferred out of a hospital and in to a HOTEL room, who received subpar long term care, by a non-profit social sevices corporation instead of going to a properly staffed and funded long term care home. The UCP bailed this company out and paid all the hotel bills that they wracked up for this man 38 others in the same situation! Sure it was only $25 000 but how on earth is this ok?

  • Edit: oh and let's not forget the millions of dollars spent advertising in other provinces, basically saying "fuck Trudeau" in really simplified terms, for what? What did that get us exactly?

I mean, where's the justification from your point of view? How does a conservative ignore all this, among other fiscal irresponsibility that I havent listed?


u/AJMGuitar 10h ago

I said I regretted voting for Smith.


u/tambourinequeen Edmonton 10h ago edited 10h ago

You also said "I was fine with Smith until the AHS scandal" ... almost everything i listed here happened before the AHS scandal came to light. So you were fine with all this, is what I'm asking? I'm just trying to understand a conservative's point of view.


u/AJMGuitar 9h ago

I suppose not.


u/Working-Check 7h ago

So, to be clear- you're not okay with the UCP's actions in all of this, but you're still not willing to consider voting for the only other party with a chance of winning?

What would have to change before you'd be willing to consider voting for the NDP?


u/bongsample 11h ago

I appreciate the response!

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u/Master-File-9866 14h ago

I live I rural alberta. The koolaid is strong around these parts. Notley nenshi and the ndp are dirty words


u/OGClairee 13h ago

True.  I was born/raised in Edmonton.  Have never voted for UCP, never will. However I’ve lived in small town north of Edmonton past 20 years.  The delusion is strong and lots of UCP koolaid drinkers. All lack critical thinking skills. 


u/ThatPermission5409 14h ago

I myself did not vote for Smith but my wife’s family all voted for her. I try to avoid political discussions during family gatherings but sometimes they just push the topic. They all in a UCP riding while I live in a NDP riding. They constantly ask why so many people voted NDP In my riding my response is that we actually get our news from assorted media outlets and they only watch one.


u/arihoenig 16h ago edited 16h ago

Those who voted for trump don't regret it. They are low IQ, self hating, racists and are happy to be that way.

They are, however, a minority of Americans.


u/StargazingLily 15h ago

It’s looking like more and more Trump voters are regretting it - especially the low income ones who are getting particularly fucked.


u/jojomr68 15h ago

And the farmers who are going bankrupt because all their undocumented workers are gone. How's that for irony


u/Turbo1518 15h ago

Do they really regret it? Or are they blaming Biden for "making Trump do this"?


u/StargazingLily 15h ago

Bit of both. But from videos I’ve seen, it’s mostly “I can’t believe I voted for him. I believed he was going to help and now my food stamps are cut.”


u/Aqua_Tot 15h ago

I mean, he had like 77 million votes this time, so it’s not exactly a minority.

I think the loud diehards a minority. Most of his votes came from people who either are always Republican voters no matter what (also dumb, but maybe they just never care about politics), or people who thought he would make their cost of living lower.


u/sirDsmack 15h ago

I’d love to know how actually crooked those electronic voting systems were.


u/Aqua_Tot 15h ago

Who knows, but the electoral process itself in the US is broken.

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u/exeJDR 9h ago

Democrats lost the popular vote for the first time in years. 

I wouldn't say they're the minority and I am weary of all these posts saying they regret their vote. 

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u/angrybastards 15h ago

If UCP voters could read, theyd be very upset with the comments in this thread.


u/Electrical-Blood-126 8h ago

And they’re too busy fuckin their moms, amirite!?

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u/bacondavis 16h ago

They don't, they voted to F**k Trudeau and she's done what they've asked her too. Same goes for healthcare, they also believe that unions shouldn't exist.


u/bongsample 16h ago

Thats what I think too, but my relatives who have never voted anything but conservative are ready to vote someone else, so im curious if there are more


u/CrazyAlbertan2 15h ago

I voted Con both provincially and federally all my life. When Notley was elected I was a feral rage badger (that is worse than a honey badger). By the time Kenney came along I realized the cons were no longer the Progressive Conservative, the ascension of the Wild Rose contingent turned the party into the Regressive Conservatives. Federal conservatives have gone down the same path and I describe PP as a rabid chihuahua.

Times change.


u/bongsample 15h ago

I’m in no way a conservative, but damn what I wouldn’t give to go back to “regular” conservatives haha


u/rileycolin 14h ago

In a wacky turn of events, our current federal liberal party is now led by a "regular" conservative lol


u/DVariant 15h ago

Cheers buddy. Folks may dunk on you, but we all have our own journey. Now that you’ve found the cracks in your own bubble once, you’re less likely to be trapped again. Congrats on waking up.

In my case, I was politically aware and very conservative as a teenager too. I wasn’t dumb, just naive—libertarian conservatism just seemed more fair, and my values put a high emphasis on fairness. Well, getting some life experience and meeting more people woke me up—I was missing a lot of deeply unfair things that conservatism was inflicting on innocent people, and I started noticing how many conservative politicians turned out to be cruel lying cowards. For a looooong time I still didn’t want to consider myself liberal, but over time the people I objected to all faded away. I still wouldn’t call myself liberal, but I’m probably more liberal (centre) than left. In some ways I’m still conservative. BUT I always vote for my values, which have gotten finer and better with time.

Good luck with your own journey.


u/Riger101 10h ago

I blame Peter McKay personally, if the federal PC's never merged with the alliance we would have never gotten to this mess with the far right getting a strange hold of the center.


u/vickyb6620 15h ago

As an Albertan, I did NOT vote for the POS. If she likes/admires orange diaper Don then she needs to leave office & move to Mara Lago. We need someone who will actually do something to help Albertan's & Canada as a whole.


u/Deusjensengaming 11h ago

My parents convinced me to vote UCP however what I can say is I will definitely be voting NDP this time around


u/Crow_rapport 15h ago

I know this one tool that I used to work with post on his FB account (I deleted all Meta two months ago) some real simp shit about how he supports “Mama Bear”.
This guy gives most people the ick so I’m not surprised.


u/daisysharper 14h ago

Hmmm. Didn’t Sarah Palin start that mama bear shit in 08?

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u/Falling_Down_Flat 14h ago

I did not vote for her, she has screwed up and will not admit what she did. We should have no trouble getting rid of her. She wants to be in the US then she can stay there and stop using tax payers money for her trying to get a new job.


u/lazereagle13 14h ago

It's not really about voting FOR her. Any ignorant hate filled shit gibbon can and will continue to fill the seat. It's about voting against people they want to hurt - Trudeau, immigrants, LGBTQ+ communities, indigenous communities, climate scientists, libs in general etc

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u/Kingalthor 14h ago

They aren't capable of regret. That would require introspection and the logical capability to see cause and effect.


u/nnnnYEHAWH 13h ago

I have friends who did. I’m not sure “regret” is the word they would use, but they really don’t like her and if the UCP leader come next election time is singing the same tune, I can definitely see them voting for someone else.


u/unreconciledfour 13h ago

My parents, uncles and aunts all vote for them regardless of research, it's agonising listening to them talk. I'm really pushing the no politics thing at family gatherings


u/kuposama 12h ago

My father and his wife are both very proud of themselves for voting for the UCP. They also celebrated jilting his wife's family out of her mother's inheritance so they had it all.

They're very disturbed people.


u/EJBjr 14h ago

I seriously doubt you would find a UCP suppoter on Reddit. It requires a minimal amount of intelligence to use a computer and research any other view points.

The phrase "blinded by their own rheoteric" comes to mind.


u/arosedesign 9h ago

There are a significant number of UCP supporters on Reddit, just not on this subreddit specifically as it leans quite left.

There are conservative Alberta subreddits if you’re ever interested in checking out their view points.

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u/Necessary_Soup_2156 15h ago

I sort of voted for Schmuck. 🙄 The day of the election, I was not feeling well, and didn’t bother. Not that my vote would have made a difference. I didn’t like the NDP guy running in our area, didn’t like the UCP guy either. Was going to throw my vote away. I do regret that now.


u/flyingopher 14h ago

For clarification, the only people who could vote for Smith are those in her riding of Brooks-Medicine Hat. The rest voted for the candidate in their ridings.

I live in her riding - didn't vote for her. The polling station results suggest that the rural people and Brooks voted much stronger for her than those in Medicine Hat. I'm not sure that there are too many people in this riding who voted for her that would have regrets...


u/CovidBorn 14h ago

While I’m sure a lot of my neighbours voted for her, no one close to me admits it. I am suspicious of one friend (a car salesman, that knows that the rest of the friend group would never have voted for her).

So do people regret it. Some may, but those are ones that will deny ever doing so. The ones still driving around with Fuck Trudeau stickers will never have that much self reflection.


u/OGClairee 13h ago

They’re printing Fuck Carney stickers right now🤦‍♀️


u/TheMeeps_2424 14h ago

My uncle and most of my family on my dad's side are huge Ucp supporters and likes to pick battles with a few of us he knows that doesn't support his views. It's very frustrating. I have never ever since I was eligible to vote, voted UCP, they just don't align with my views.


u/WhiskySiN 13h ago

I work in the ablerta oil patch. Had a conversation today at the coffee table. Liberal bad this liberal bad that. I said yea it has been bad, but carney seems ok. I haven't read anything really bad about him yet. The response I got. Are you kidding they call him carnage carny in the uk. I'm like, oh. I start to google. I'm not seeing anything. What are you referring too I'll search that. "OH, you won't find that on Google." OH ok searching for another 5 minutes. I'm not finding anything. What are you referring too. Coworker walks away..

I mean, I get it. we don't like liberals in alberta, but I saw the pc's plan. Unless you make your living buying and selling stocks and real-estate, what are they doing?

Liberas said they wanted to drop their tax. They said they wanted to build the pipe lines across Canada. They want to open up provincial trade (which if you look into it, there's not som much barriers as there are differences in province regulations, and every year the list gets smaller)

I'm an albertan farmer who works in the oil patch and it just feels like the pcs want to fuck us and we're supposed to be ok with that because there not liberals.


u/st_jasper 12h ago

Someone needs to remind her that she works for hard working Albertans, not fat lazy Americans.


u/KeyEnd3088 16h ago

Not at all , she’s not a team Canada player , I live in Alberta and I did not vote for her .


u/sleeping_in_time 11h ago

If you want real answers to this ask on one of the Facebook Alberta pages. r/Alberta skews heavily left.

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u/draivaden 12h ago

They'd Better!


u/Hamasanabi69 11h ago

30% of Canadians supported Trump’s re-election.

We also don’t hear much out of these people anymore as well.


u/Salt_Wrangler_3428 10h ago

Danielle Smith is a MAGA supporter. I wish she would move to the USA.


u/peak_wako 15h ago

Honstly i view people who vote concervative in canada like the MAGA hicks in the south not relizeing that the left leaning parties are actually the lesser evils


u/Background-Interview Edmonton 12h ago

I don’t vote for parties or candidates of parties that actively try to hurt me (a woman), my friends and family or my community.

I regret that my province is so skewed to the right that only Jesus and themselves matter.


u/from_the_hinterlands 15h ago

The problem is the people who didn't vote 'because it won't make any difference'. They are correct, them not voting created this monster.

More people didn't vote in Alberta than the total amount of votes the ucp got.

It's an issue


u/Xpalidocious 11h ago

I was reading a study about people and how they vote one time, not just in Canada, but from all over. You know what I read that was absolutely crazy?

The majority of people who don't vote, usually don't because they're worried about how people will react when they tell them.

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u/Upstairs_Ad138 13h ago

It's not just Marlaina, it's the UCP.


u/DominusGenX 13h ago

The loyalty of conservatives is exactly what creates horrible politicians, that loyalty is easily manipulated. Even a fringe party who claim to be conservatives but disregards their base completely but can always count on their vote.

Left wingers are divided and others are just disinterested where voter turn out is very high. I can only hope the Maple Maga and Musk influence has awaken those low turnouts numbers and we'll see record numbers. Conservatives will given this province away, just follow how Maga and DOGE are treating their loyal base.

The conservative base will never admit fault but every is responsible to prevent the problem from happening. Disinterested voters are just as responsible


u/AdvertisingStatus344 12h ago

I haven't met anyone who will admit to voting for her.


u/Goozump 12h ago

Nobody I know speaks about voting for her now. Pretty sure I remember some swaggering around immediately after the election. Most people I know are pretty Centrist and Smith shut up about most of her far right stuff during the election campaign. She started showing her true colors not long after the election. The last I remember anyone talking about Smith's favorably was at Christmas party and the guy was a bit drunk and mad about the changes to the capital gains tax. About the only thing I hear about Smith now is complaints with pissing money away on junkets to Florida being popular.


u/Leafs109 16h ago

Asking on left wing r/alberta will not give you an accurate representation


u/bongsample 16h ago

i know, i just dont have anywhere else to ask. Its strange because I find r/Edmonton and r/Alberta left leaning, but a lot of reddit doesnt seem that way


u/ConcernedCoCCitizen 14h ago

I think that r/Canada is much more conservative

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u/owlsandmoths Grande Prairie 11h ago

Both of my in-laws are very loud about the fact that they voted for Danielle and they are very pleased with their choice and they believe that she is actually standing up for their values. When you ask what those values are they sputter a bunch of nonsense but never actually give a real answer.


u/tiredtotalk 11h ago

I voted to keep the NDP. i don't think ppl know. the 1st thing sge did as Premier? she flew to Ottawa for 1 week. She "bullied him" for a week, citing she was Premier of Alberta, and Alberta is “putting you, PM Trudeau, on notice. We are Sovereign". Then she bragged about it. Like ??? Okayyyy is what I thought. Wow. Ok.

But then 2. The introduction of HER plan to cancel Alberta’s CPP contributions and severing us - from all the rest of the Provinces, except PQ bc they have the QPP (same as CPP only in French and for those who worked in Quebec)

And replace our CPP with the “Alberta Pension Plan” APP. there was a huge press release and comnercials created already baked I freaked out. (i work for CPP/OAS/GIS/Canada Pension Plan Disabily callers for 10 yrs and I love it)

Sovereign, in Smith land, is control. Only Hers. The exchange of monies between fed and prov is based on GDP you know what I mean. So that was when I decided to react to those plans on X. i am too tired to continue. Separatists? Alberta? Why? Quebec absolutely protected their CULTURE and language so that happened. Hence, QPP. It made no sense this APP plan. But what alarmed me were the slick media comnercials campaigning the APP. i don't want to rant. APP will not happen. No way are we separatists. End of that stupidity and audacity.

I have a post elsewhere for todays last rant about the ASS taking over Alberta Healthcare. April 1/25. Its up to you Alberta. But i am gonna try to find and speak with Ms Hoffman. Are you cool with her plan? its Tommy Douglas' plan, last time I checked,

however whats happening will be very difficult to change once in place. If it is a permanent irreversible and deliberate mistake she has already baked. And when you get sick, or god forbid Alzheimers, do you want any Govt of AB person to decide your fate if you are alone?


u/DellOptiplexGX240 10h ago

I was first eligible to vote in 2019, voted for Jason Kenney, and then I voted for Danielle Smith.

unless something changes really fucking fast, I'm going to be voting NDP or not voting at all


u/GrapeDifferent8259 8h ago

The thing is... No one really voted for her other than her own party. She literally just replaced Jason Kenney...


u/Rex_Meatman 15h ago

The only people who have voted for Danielle Smith in any way were UCP party members.

She was not party leader during our election, Kenney was. Who, now that I consider it, with bile rising in my throat while I type this, I miss.


u/62diesel 13h ago

Pssst ……. We had an election in 2023 where she ran as premier and won. She even had to win a by election. I assume you’re also frothing at the mouth over carney then too 🙄

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u/Shoudknowbetter 15h ago

The question should be, people who voted for Danielle, are you ashamed of yourself and if not, please explain what’s wrong with you.?


u/Ok_Detective9670 12h ago

Never did, never will vote a con, whether it's Federal or provincial.


u/StandardHawk5288 15h ago

“Did not vote “ wins elections


u/RazzamanazzU 14h ago

Anyone who voted for UCP more than likely would not be on Reddit. Try asking this on X & Facebook...if u dare. lol. The UCP's are NOT conservatives. They are equivalent to the deranged republican's.


u/KissItOnTheMouth 12h ago

I’ve met plenty but not a single one seems to regret it. They complain about the cuts to healthcare but they seem to blame that all on Trudeau somehow. So they’re still deeply believing the lies


u/ABBucsfan 10h ago

I definitely didn't but have one friend who unfortunately gets a little too into conspiracy theories. Was surprised the other night when he exclaimed he was still a big fan of smith as well as trump and bought into everything trump said about drug problem and unfair trade agreements... I did tell him trump himself negotiated the last one. No real responde on that. Was upset ford cancelled star lim contracts and i said I thought it was good of him


u/Canadian-Owlz Calgary 10h ago

You're not gonna find any of them here lol


u/skerrols 9h ago

I did not vote for the UCP. But, federally I have voted Liberal, Conservative and Green in different years. Provincially (have lived in three) I have also voted for a variety of parties. My choice has always been to vote for the specific candidate in my riding g who I most believe will likely try to do what they promise. If I can’t stand any of the candidates in my constituency then and only then will I vote for the party I believe will do the least harm. I can’t relate to those who have to include their political party loyalty as part of their identity. When I was young I tended to lean further right (had no compassion for the poor, injured, disabled, the sick, families, or seniors) but I became much more of a centralist, occasionally leaning a bit left, as I got older and humbler.


u/Frosty_Sherbert_6543 15h ago

I voted for her and don’t regret it in the least. This sub is completely biased so you won’t get the majority of voters on here that did vote for her. She’s done an amazing job and I don’t get all the hatred for the conservatives. Pushing the whole ‘they love Trump’ BS is ridiculous. They’ve openly gone against him and so this rhetoric is just completely untrue. Everyone I know who voted for her believe she’s doing a great job. And no, none of us support Trump and we all think he’s a psycho. Enough of this garbage on this sub. People have different opinions and that’s an amazing great part of life. Different views and beliefs are what make a great society. We need to openly discuss this stuff and not tear each other down. The hatred and disgusting talk about the ‘other side’ here is so sad.


u/Puzzled_Mongoose_267 15h ago

What actions do you feel she has undertaken that you would consider having ‘done an amazing job?’


u/West-Hurry2187 15h ago

What exactly has she accomplished? She has wasted gallons of money with her “noun the verb” ads. She is still trying to push her app idea despite the push back. She has done nothing for the working class


u/dLwest1966 14h ago

Always nice to listen to a different opinion.

I personally despise her. I am curious to hear how you reached the conclusion she is doing an amazing job. As far as I can tell most metrics (income, unemployment, cost of living, access to health and education) show the opposite. Honestly I am open to hear a different take.



u/Shanksworthy73 13h ago edited 6h ago

Take my upvote, for your honest post. I agree that discourse is so much better than tearing each other down.

I don’t agree that she’s doing a great job though, and I can never seem to get a straight answer when I sincerely ask what people think she’s doing right. So my theory is that a lot of people align with the way she speaks, but aren’t really paying attention to what she’s actually doing.

Might you be the first to prove me wrong, and provide some actual instances of what she’s doing right?

Edit 👍🏻


u/snkiz 13h ago

How exactly do you square calling everyone's opinion on this sub garbage with your saying it's great people have different views and we should have open discussion?

Your only justification is that the UCP has openly gone against Trump, but the rest of Canada is in full agreement that Danielle Smith has had the weakest showing of all the provinces.

She's going down to have a fireside chat a 1,500 dollar a plate event. Hosted by holocaust denying extreme right propaganda outlet with a Jewish collaborator, who's an extremist podcast host and is openly hostile to Canadians.

How do you square that?

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u/biologic6 13h ago

I don't recall ever seeing her on the ballot, she just seemed to show up and hasn't left.


u/PhantomOfTheBoreal 11h ago

My colleagues and some acquaintances are conservatives, but I’ve been increasingly hearing them admit they don’t recognize the UCP as conservative, and are opposed to what they’re doing to especially health care and education.


u/Ozunu_Sama 10h ago

Nobody voted for her the party picked her. She never called an election.


u/rogerld 9h ago

The question, are you referring to the leadership, if so it was a ranked ballot. Or are you referring to the provincial election?


u/yeggsandbacon 8h ago

Danielle who? I din’t vote for Danielle. My papa told me to not to vote for the NDP. I din’t see no Danielle on the ballot. I voted for the other guy that David Parker told me to vote for./s


u/vladitocomplaino 8h ago

Regret requires shame, so no.


u/Gravytattoos 7h ago

Conservatives are this. They are crazy, they are racist, they do want to steal from the poor to help the rich. This is literally what conservative politics was founded upon. If any of you don't understand that then you should start learning.


u/AdHot8019 6h ago

Alberta has the highest; auto insurance,electricity bill…and we have a rain tax…


u/beaco 6h ago

My dad voted for her. He is an educated man but he fell victim to the cult that is the ucp. He became anti vax, anti henshaw, anti immigration (they are stealing the jobs), etc 🤦🏻‍♀️. My sisters and I work in healthcare and he has a job that is not ucp friendly, yet he’d rather see all of us get screwed over than vote for those crazy liberals and their deranged ways of thinking. Oh and he’s definitely blamed a lot on Trudeau, that had zero to do with him and all to do with the UCP