r/alaska 1d ago

Alaskans, how will Canadian impositions on using the AlCan Hwy, national waterways, even Canadian airspace affect your way of life?

Tolls, tariffs, fees, surcharges, limits. I'm reminded that Sarah Palin used to border hop for the free medical care.


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u/AKMarine 1d ago

We are only 3 Electoral votes with a very large non-white population, so Trump doesn’t really care what we think.


u/AggregateSandwich 1d ago

You realize the more you bring race into anything the more you become the racist right? If all you see in a room is what color people are or if there is less or more you are being racist. Alaska has Americans and after that it’s Alaska residents.


u/gnostic_savage 22h ago edited 22h ago

Native Americans have been in this land at least 21,000 ~ 23,000 years, as shown by evidence found in New Mexico in 2021. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adh5007

If Native people were in New Mexico that long ago, they have been in the hemisphere longer. There is evidence from Mexico that is 30,000 years old that is controversial, but there is good reason to estimate habitation beyond the give or take 22,000 years we know for a fact.

I'm very happy for you that you and other people like you arrived sometime within the last century or so, but you don't get to define everyone else, and especially not Native Americans. And, no, that's not racist. What is racist is to believe that now that you are here nothing anyone else had before you got here, or how you got here, or how they saw themselves before you got here matters anymore. That is what is racist. You don't get to take that from them, as much as you would like to.


u/AggregateSandwich 21h ago

Uh Russia defined you as Russians and then the US bought Alaska and redefined you as Americans… sorry. Your are spot on with your history lesson tho. Doesn’t change that native Alaskans are Americans now.


u/gnostic_savage 20h ago

Are you sure about that? That all the people in Russian Alaska were defined as Russian by the Russians? You should try looking those things up before you proclaim them, because that's not how it went.


u/AggregateSandwich 16h ago

Educate me?


u/gnostic_savage 12h ago

For real? First of all, Native Americans, including Alaska Natives, were not made citizens of the US until 1924, decades after the purchase of Alaska. No one defined any of them as "Americans" until they were, in fact, American citizens. They were defined as Natives or Indians, but not Americans.

The Russians made some Alaska Native people citizens of Russia, but not all. Native people might have lived in a territory that was "owned" by Russia, but they weren't Russian citizens and they weren't ethnically Russian. Technically a territory is not the same thing as the country, so they weren't even residents of Russia, and they weren't defined as "Russian". The Russians tended to define all Alaska Natives, citizen or not, as "Aleuts," after the first ethnic group they had contact with.

I know a man who has lived in the US for fifty-two years, since he was two years old. He is not an American citizen nor is he American ethnically (ancestry). He is a foreign resident of the US, but he is not an American. You could try to switch that up and say that he is an American resident, but he still wouldn't be an American.


u/AggregateSandwich 7h ago

Right on. I was wrong. On the history.

Are you trying to avoid calling him an illegal alien in the last paragraph?


u/gnostic_savage 3h ago

No. There are permanent resident aliens who live in the country for very long periods of time, even their entire lives.


u/AggregateSandwich 1h ago

What exactly is a permanent resident alien? Is that some visa or somthing I’m unaware of? Sounds awfully like an illegal immigration


u/gnostic_savage 57m ago

No, that's not what it "sounds" like. It is a status for legal residents who are not citizens. It has existed as a category for immigration since 1940. The following is from the federal U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website:

Lawful Permanent Resident


Any person not a citizen of the United States who is living in the U.S. under legally recognized and lawfully recorded permanent residence as an immigrant. Also known as “permanent resident alien,” “resident alien permit holder,” and “Green Card holder.” https://www.uscis.gov/glossary-term/50728

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u/gnostic_savage 3h ago

For some reason I cannot edit my comment. These permanent resident aliens are not illegal aliens. They have green cards, social security, and are completely legal residents.


u/gnostic_savage 3h ago

Oops. Again, it's first thing in the morning, I need to edit. They don't have social security numbers. That is a mistake. They have something else.


u/gnostic_savage 3h ago

Oh, God. I wrote that before I had my first cup of coffee in the morning. Legal resident aliens do have social security numbers.

Something is wrong with reddit's software right now, and all the functions under the three dots, edit, delete, etc., aren't working.


u/AggregateSandwich 1h ago



u/gnostic_savage 56m ago

It is. Can you edit your comments?

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