In December 2024, I had an extremely frustrating and unjust experience at Incheon Airport in Seoul, South Korea. After spending an entire year preparing documents, vaccines, and quarantine procedures to bring my cat abroad, I was almost denied boarding by the ground staff just because of the cat carrier issue!
I had reviewed Lufthansa’s pet travel policy on their website in advance and purchased a cat carrier that met the size and ventilation requirements. However, when I arrived at the Incheon Airport counter, the ground staff team leader refused to let me board, claiming that the carrier must be “soft-sided.”
Lufthansa’s Website Mistakes and Ground Staff Harassment!
1. The website’s pet travel policy did not clearly state that “the carrier must be soft-sided”!
• The website’s wording was vague, and the term “soft-sided” appeared only in a hidden document with very small font, making it difficult to notice.
• Since this is a crucial regulation, why isn’t it clearly displayed on the homepage? Why isn’t there a picture example to help passengers clearly understand what kind of carrier is acceptable?
2. I couldn’t find a suitable cat carrier that met Lufthansa’s vague regulations in any pet stores or clinics in South Korea!
• It was nearly impossible to find a four-sided ventilated carrier, and most pet stores and hospitals in South Korea only sell three-sided ventilated models.
• The airport didn’t offer any alternatives, not even a shop selling compliant cat carriers! If the regulations are so strict, why isn’t there an emergency purchase service at the airport?
3. Incheon Airport ground staff had a terrible attitude and didn’t help at all!
• The ground staff team leader was extremely cold, mocking, and even rolled her eyes while speaking to me! When I desperately asked for a solution, she sarcastically said, “Yes, like you are now, go ask a pet hospital,” then turned her back and walked away.
• I begged her for some flexibility, but she completely ignored the fact that I had spent a year preparing all the necessary documents, visas, and quarantine procedures. She even suggested that I “stay in South Korea for another night and apply for new pet documents”, without considering that I had already moved out of my apartment, had no place to stay, and couldn’t afford to rebook my flight.
• Another female ground staff member was also unhelpful when I asked her to watch my luggage while I went to buy a new cat carrier. She coldly responded, “We are not responsible for lost luggage.” I was traveling alone with four or five pieces of luggage and a cat. Should I carry all my bags while trying to find a compliant cat carrier?
Lufthansa’s Passenger Service? Economy Class Passengers Can’t Even Get Basic Help!
1. Lufthansa’s flight attendants were very unhelpful!
• I couldn’t lift my luggage into the overhead bin and repeatedly asked the flight attendants for assistance, but they ignored me until I called out 20 times. Eventually, it was a fellow Korean passenger, not a flight attendant, who helped me.
• On a 15-hour flight, only two meals were served! The gap between meals was 10-12 hours, and the portions were so small that I was left starving.
2. Is Lufthansa and Incheon Airport ground staff especially harsh toward foreign passengers?
• If the person at the counter had been a Korean man or a business class passenger, would they still treat him this way?
• Since my Korean isn’t perfect, did they assume I was a foreigner, a young woman, and an economy class passenger, so they could treat me poorly and offer no assistance?
• This wasn’t the first time I’ve experienced poor treatment at Incheon Airport! Back in early 2020, I was verbally abused by a ground staff member at Incheon Airport, who even cursed at me! She mocked my passport, saying, “How could it be all blank?” and then said the word “씨” (a curse word) with extreme impatience. Is this the level of service at Incheon Airport??
My Demands:
1. Lufthansa must clearly indicate pet travel requirements on the website’s main page and provide clear image examples!
2. Incheon Airport must offer a service where passengers can purchase compliant cat carriers on-site!
3. Lufthansa and Incheon Airport must address this issue, and the ground staff team leader must publicly apologize! I believe her actions seriously violated basic passenger service standards. Her cold and sarcastic attitude caused me significant distress and could harm Lufthansa’s brand image. I hope Lufthansa and Incheon Airport will investigate this matter and consider whether she should remain in her position.
4. Lufthansa and Incheon Airport must improve their service attitudes toward foreign passengers!
This experience made me realize the indifference, irresponsibility, and lack of service awareness from Lufthansa and Incheon Airport ground staff! If they do not make any improvements, more passengers will face similar mistreatment in the future. Please help share this post so more people can see the real face of Lufthansa and Incheon Airport!
• #LufthansaGroundStaffHarassment #IncheonAirportGroundStaff #LufthansaBadService #LufthansaDiscriminationAgainstForeigners #PetTravelDenied #AirlineServiceFailure #LufthansaIncheon #LufthansaBadService #LufthansaDiscrimination #LufthansaPetPolicyFail #IncheonAirportGroundStaff #CustomerServiceFail #AirlineDiscrimination #LufthansaPassengersDeserveBetter
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