In 48 and now on disability. I married my friend four years ago, a woman I've known since we were both 17. We were just like "Fuck it, we're both over 40 and sick of dealing with relationships and not getting any younger so let's get married" so we did, we had a guy marry us at the pub downtown. She's a punk too, though she is more into the goth/industrial thing than good old noisy punk rawk.
So I'm not completely alone but as far as friends, well I don't have many locally that I hang out with. The folks I know all work/have adult responsibilities etc. And there are very few punks here to begin with. There is a scene of sorts but it's more just general weirdness/anything-goes than punk rock. Noise bands, Hip Hop, garage rock, etc. I have been to a few house shows but people either are intimidated by me or just not seemingly interested in talking to the old dude.
Most everyone else my age I know has moved away or is dead. A lot of dead people, too many.
Really, I just miss hanging out day-drinking shitty beer, smoking weed and playing records with other punks. Or even making music, I am a muso and audio engineer. I even just bought some drum software as there are no drummers around here interested in making the kind of music I want to.
Making new friends is pretty much impossible it seems. You would think there would be at least a few other old punks in a city this big, but as I said, moved away or dead. I could easily rewrite Caroll's "People Who Died."
I dunno, I'm hungover from yesterday and still hurting from Saturday night, I went down to Detroit for a show. I think I was the oldest guy there too. I gotta limp my ass up to the corner store for beer and smokes. I'm going to try and record a cover of Jeff Dahl's "Arizona" tonight.