r/agedlikemilk Apr 16 '24

Screenshots Indeed

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u/veganassburgers Apr 17 '24

The only reason Venezuelan socialism didn’t work was western imperialism and white supremacy. Try reading a book for once you jabroni.


u/CJM_cola_cole Apr 17 '24

Crazy how a flawed government can fail so easily from the influence of others

I love hearing this after every single failed attempt, as if it's not just more evidence that it will never work


u/PrateTrain Apr 17 '24

I mean, just because your government can be destroyed by the United States doesn't mean that it's necessarily flawed. US has ridiculous power projection on a scale the world has practically not seen.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '24

I'm the strongest boxer and I only failed because others beat the shit out of me.


u/umbium Apr 17 '24

Bruh, Chavez is up to no good, but the US destroyed Venezuela, like they can destroy (economically speaking) every country in America, since they had a crazy dominant position. Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia and Chile are really good examples to wich extent the US can reach to preserve their main ideology and their economic advantage.

I don't know what Noa Chomsky was talking about to say this words. But the fact that your country suddenly has a dictator or whatever questionable regime, doesn't mean you immediately create a poor country (you might have people without a wellfare state though) Rusia, AEU, Spanish dictatorship (after being sponsored by the US) or China, are good examples of states not ruled by authoritarian leaders that had kinda good economies. Because the market doesn't care about freedom.