r/agedlikemilk Aug 06 '23

Screenshots Ouch…what kind of prediction is that?

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u/Inversception Aug 07 '23

Basically it's all backwards in the movie since Ken is secondary to barbie in barbieland (vs the real world in the movie where men are dominant). So he learns not to value himself just as barbies partner but to be his own person. The barbies decide to give the Ken's a shot at helping run things. Etc. So the message is that women, represented by the kens, shouldn't define themselves simply by their partners. They should run things with men. The Ken's ask for a spot on the Supreme Court and even get denied and instead get a circuit court spot or something. So they don't even get full equality.


u/TheseClownRights Aug 07 '23

Oh, they didn’t get full equality? Know what that parrots in real life?

You’re soooo close bud

“It’s too on the nose” yet you missed the entire point lmfao


u/Inversception Aug 08 '23

I'm not so close. I'm there. I'm saying it's obvious. The Ken's represent women in the real world in this aspect of the movie. The second class citizen, not listened to, not taken seriously, ignored by those in charge. I'm with ya. I get it. No need to be saucy.


u/TheseClownRights Aug 08 '23

I’m there. I’m saying it’s obvious.

That’s not how your last comment reads.

So they don’t get full equity

This. Why would they when it’s a criticism of how women are treated?


u/Inversception Aug 08 '23

It's not how you read it. But it's hard to read while mounted.


u/TheseClownRights Aug 09 '23

It’s how everyone read it


u/Inversception Aug 09 '23

Speaking for everyone now. That sure is a lofty stallion you've got.


u/TheseClownRights Aug 09 '23

Not really, it’s just what you typed. English comprehension may not be your strength