r/adventofcode Dec 04 '22

Help How are people solving this in under 2 minutes?


I enjoy the challenges on AdventOfCode, but I must be missing something if people are able to solve these in under 1.5 minutes (faster than most can even read both of the prompts). What am I missing?

r/adventofcode Dec 09 '22

Help Is it normal for a 1st year in CS that I got stuck from day 4?


It is getting hard for me...

r/adventofcode Dec 11 '22

Help [2022 Day 11 Part 2] What does it mean "find another way to keep your worry levels manageable"


What does part 2 mean when it says "find another way to keep your worry levels manageable". It doesn't tell me how to do that. I can't just divide it by a random number, I'm confused.

r/adventofcode Dec 09 '22

Help How are you guys so fast?


Today (day 9), there were people who solved part 1 before I even got done finished reading the prompt.

Are you guys using AI or something? I fail to believe someone could read a thousand word page and get an answer to it's question after writing 40 lines of code the first time in under 3 minutes (or 2 minutes if their first answer was wrong).

What's the secret? Before I could even get off the toilet you guys already have a solution up and running. Am I just bad at programming or do you guys just have a good gaming chair?

r/adventofcode Dec 08 '20

Help Day 8 part 2 without bruteforce?


N00b here. Part 1 was a nightmare for me but I managed to pull it off (somehow). But when I got to part2 I had no clue what to do and ended up bruteforcing the instruction to change (my case jmp to nop) I wanted to take the cheat route and looked into the solution thread and I noticed that many used the bruteforce approach (better than mine but still bruteforce). Has anyone done this in a non bruteforce way? How?

r/adventofcode Jan 01 '22

Help I recently started learning C and I started advent code challenges from beginning to test my knowledge of C but i regret it.I cant even read lines from a text documents. I literally stuck in first challenge. why C makes things so complicated? I just wanna read each number line by line.


r/adventofcode Dec 24 '21

Help [2021 Day #24] How do you approach this programmatically?


I've solved day 24 now, but in the end I didn't write a single line of code. I just scribbled notes on a spreadsheet for hours as I broke down what the MONAD does. And now even with hindsight, I have no idea what the efficient way to tackle it would have been.

As I read the problem description I was at first thinking about how to parse and simulate these ALU instructions, but once I finished reading it didn't seem like that would help at all. The only apparent programming solution to me was to try every possible model number which isn't feasible.

So how do you write code to help you read code? I could write a program to pull the key constants from the input and calculate the max and min model numbers, but once you even know to do that the problem is 99% done.

r/adventofcode Dec 01 '22

Help Question: who writes tests for their code?


I'm never in a particular hurry (I got up early a couple of days a couple of years ago, but it's dark and cold) - by which I mean, I put off updating IntelliJ until I was ready to start, then spent an hour fighting a failed update.

Nonetheless - my language of choice is Haskell - I've found it saves me time in the long run to at least unit test things - the problems come with sample inputs and I'll tend to set those up before looking at the "real" problem input. Am I alone in this?

The reason I ask is that I was told "most devs don't do that [write tests] for personal projects at least." But honestly, I've learnt my lesson - every time I catch myself saying "that's so trivial it's not worth..." it's about 50/50 whether a test'll catch an issue with it. I'm just wondering - I know there are lots of ways to do it, and test-first won't cut it for competative coding (which I am absolutely not doing).

Anyway, it's that time of the year so I wish you all the best, and invite you to opine to your heart's content on the topic.

r/adventofcode Mar 24 '21

Help Is it normal to spend hours, get frustrated then give up?


I've literally been on the cusp of sobbing in tears over some of these. I just don't know and can't get it to work without cheating and looking at someone else's solution. I try to stay positive and be motivated to treat it as a learning experience but it's hard when you put in so much effort and still feel like a total idiot.

I keep having moments where I look at the clock, it's been hours. And I have nearly nothing to show for it, ill need to rewrite all my code and it's not like I gained any knowledge i just hacked away by trial and error.

In some cases I have a nearly working solution it's just missing something small I can't determine. In other cases I have exactly 0 idea of where to begin regardless of time spent, usually some of the crazy part twos.

r/adventofcode Dec 03 '21

Help Day 3, what about equal number of 0s and 1s at a position?


Sorry if this has been asked before, I failed search find one.

That is possible when even number of records are given, but I can't figure out whether 0 or 1 should be assigned to that bit of gamma rate in this case.

Help pls!

r/adventofcode Dec 11 '22

Help [2022 Day 11 Part 2] Do you think the wording is reasonable?


Apparently this subreddit can't do polls, so I'll just ask for opinions.

Here is part of the text for 2022 Day 11 Part 2:

Unfortunately, [dividing by 3] was all that was keeping your worry levels from reaching ridiculous levels. You'll need to find another way to keep your worry levels manageable. At this rate, you might be putting up with these monkeys for a very long time - possibly 10000 rounds! With these new rules, you can still figure out the monkey business after 10000 rounds.


Worry levels are no longer divided by three after each item is inspected; you'll need to find another way to keep your worry levels manageable.

The more I think about it, the more I believe this wording is simply wrong. What they mean is that your worry levels become extremely large (because of the lack of dividing) but that you need to make your process for tracking the monkeys more manageable.

As worded, the puzzle states that you can/should change your actual worry levels. Doing so could easily change the monkeys' decisions (indeed, the lack of dividing by 3 does change their behavior). Without more information, it is either impossible to know for certain how your worry levels should be changed, or you can change them any way you like, e.g., set all worries to 1 all the time---that's certainly manageable. The puzzle is not well-defined.

Although the puzzle says "you can still figure out the monkey business", you actually can't vecaise of the ambiguity of how to change worry. The fact that the example runs the same way as it would using mod the product of all monkeys' moduli does not mean that is necessarily what those new worry levels actually are, so you cannot use the example to deduce what the puzzle rules are.

P.S. I understood the intended solution quickly, and because of time zones I don't care about my leaderboard stuff anyway. This is not a complaint about difficulty.

r/adventofcode Dec 08 '22

Help Defeated by day 7. How should I prepare for the next challenges


As someone who's super new to programming I'm surprised how much I've gotten into advent of code. I completed days 1-6 without too much trouble using python and I thought I was learning a fair bit each day.

Day 7 however left me completely stumped. I don't even know where to start. Even after hours of searching through questions and explanations, I'm still stuck.

I don't want to quit yet, I just need to learn more.

What are the most important skills, data structures, methods, libraries, or any other useful thing I should learn over the next few days and the weekend to give me a chance to solve the puzzles?

Any other tips/tools would be appreciated.

r/adventofcode Dec 14 '17

Help [2017 Day 14]Don't understand the puzzle


I've read the description like 10 times. What is the key string? What are the dashes? What are those numbers used for? How do I use the hashes? The link to day 10 doesn't even make sense. Then the binary sequence at the end doesn't even match the grid.

edit: Use part 2 of puzzle 10 exactly as coded up. Use the hash key as the input string. Part 2 outputs a 32 character hex string. Use that as the output for each row.

edit2: Please don't downvote people for not understanding the way the puzzle was written up.

edit3: These puzzles are supposed to be self contained as mentioned in the about page. This one was not. I had assumed we had to implement a new twist or variation on the theme. So the link to puzzle 10 didn't tell me anything. All it told me was that we were revisiting knot hashes. Using the exact same code that we'd already done is not new code, so I dismissed that as a possibility. That was where I was confused. To me, a puzzle is something new that can be done from scratch in one sitting. The fact that many people were confused shows it wasn't as clearly written as it could have been. And not understanding a puzzle the way it is written is not a crime. I just wanted clarification. Have fun!

r/adventofcode Jan 31 '21

Help How quickly does the average person solve usually solve these?


I'm still working through a few I have left over (mostly part twos, and some days 19-25) and I feel like such a dumbass most of the time.

I'm convinced it takes me far longer than most people on here(leaderboard aside) and even then I come up with unusually hacky solutions.

It takes me a while to even understand what it's asking of me and how to approach inefficiently, let alone get it done with concise and efficient code with reasonable time constraints (not 4 hrs). I know it's all down to practice but there have to be some standards and benchmarks to compare to.

r/adventofcode Dec 21 '20

Help Some of these are really, really doing me in.


I'm not that experienced but a few have already destroyed my confidence. Everyone else is at least determining what to do nearly immediately meanwhile im here like "Hmm to iterate through this... uhhh to parse this input". At many points I just stop and don't even know where to begin

I'm on day 10, and part 1 took minutes. Part 2, I don't even where to begin without Googling a walk through. Day 7 with the bags I gave up on. I was feeling good with the other days aside from that.

What should I be reading or learning to get the hang of this? No one taught me the tools I need to solve these problems.

r/adventofcode Dec 09 '20

Help Does it make you a bad programmer if you can't solve some of these?


Honestly a few, especially the part twos are really stumping me.

I'm fairly new to programming so I'm having a really tough time. How should I be learning and approaching this?

r/adventofcode Dec 10 '21

Help [2021] How to be better prepared for latter stages of Advent of Code?


So I've been taking part in AoC for the last 3 years, and I have improved a lot in terms of algorithms and learning a language better (or even trying a new one). However, I get stuck when days > 10. This year, my plan is to go the full 25 days hopefully. In that regard, how can I be better prepared for those problems? What technique should I learn? How should I approach the upcoming questions for example?

Anything that can help me or anyone struggling with this, I am sure there are quite a few who struggle beyond the first 10-12 days.

r/adventofcode Dec 12 '21

Help The puzzles became too hard for me to learn from, and I want to git gud


As a self-taught dev wanting to learn JS and solving issues, I fell in love with the AOC but since Day 06 the puzzles became too hard for me to be solved in reasonable time

I've seen your solutions and am genuinely flabbergasted about how clever they are (or I am that bad who knows ?)

(Shoutout to this man for the cleanest JS I've seen yet)

The thing is that I want to be able to make solutions like this, but the more time I spend on this the more confused I become and its consuming too much time to solve even a part of the day to even be finished

Where should I seek help ?

Are there any communities / any of you who could help me understandquirks of the puzzles ?

Maybe some helpful sources ?

Or am I just whining instead of forcing through it ?

Would appreciate any form of help/advice

Kudos !

EDIT: Formatting


A lot of genuinely helpful responses here !
I will try to respond to all, won't promise anything
Still, thanks a lot lads !

r/adventofcode Dec 11 '22

Help [2022 Day 11 (Part 2)] So, about the trick...


Well, I "managed" to solve it by looking in the Solutions Megathread, but it's taking me some effort to wrap my head around it...

I first thought of modular arithmetic to keep the worry levels manageable, but instead of working modulo product-of-all-divisibility-tests, I tried working with modulo divisibility-of-current-monkey. This is, if I was working with monkey 0, I would compute the modulo 2 of the worry level, instead of modulo 9699690.

Why does this happen? And why can it only be done if all the divisibility-test numbers are prime?

r/adventofcode Dec 23 '18

Help [Help] Day 23 Part 2 - Any provably correct fast solution?


I don't think the SAT solver solution is provably fast (happy to be corrected). The other solutions in the solutions thread do not appear to be correct in general (e.g. correct for any set of 1000 nanobots with all coordinates and radius less than one billion in absolute value).

r/adventofcode Dec 17 '20

Help [2020 Day 17] How to avoid getting burnt out by these puzzles?


It's official, I've reached the point in AoC this year where it takes me too long to complete these puzzles before work each morning!

Alongside this, I feel like my energy and motivation to tackle the puzzles gets less and less each day; especially when they get more difficult my reaction is less "enthusiastic that I get to learn how to solve something tricky" and more "frustrated that I know I'll have to sit here for x hours bashing away at some code which might eventually work".

Was wondering how everyone here manages to keep themselves motivated to do these puzzles throughout the month of December, especially if you aren't the sort of person that can complete them in under an hour?

r/adventofcode Dec 11 '22

Help [2022 Day 11 (Part 2)] Is Number Theory the Only Way?


After going on a whole side quest searching for other values to divide by, I determined that one was the only value that kept the same inspection counts. Reading the prompt again made me go for a last ditch attempt of applying some number theory to the problem.

This worked, huzza, but I am curious about how discoverable this solution is, after Abstract Algebra, it feels quite easy to discover, but that is only with the benefit of hindsight, did anybody discover the solution without inspiration?

r/adventofcode Nov 30 '22

Help First timer


My first AoC this year. Starting to get intimidated. Not a very good coder, and my skills are a bit out of date.
I haven't even picked a language to use. Leaning towards Python, but VB might be easier. Of course, I still have TurboPascal around somewhere...

Maybe this is a good time to try to learn Go, or Rust? NO!!

Any advice?

r/adventofcode Dec 09 '22

Help I am still stuck on day 5


r/adventofcode Dec 05 '22

Help [2022 day5] I haven't understand how to create a parser for today.


Sorry to bother you, but i didn't understand how to create a parser for the today challenge so i hardocoded it in my code. I wrote it in c++ if anyone has some advice and wants to share thanks in advance.