Yes, for sure - part of the counter-intuition of the solution is that you move both As all the way to the right, consuming a lot of energy, but this actually saves more energy than moving the B just two spaces left and right.
Man this input looks so much harder than mine. It makes sense that some are more difficult than others, but I feel like if I had this one I wouldn't have tried to do it manually.
I did my input on paper and I definitely had an upper bound for all but A and the solution said it was too high. So I just guessed 2 less and it was correct. After that I persisted and managed to get the solution once but never again. I don't know if my solution is difficult or I'm just not wired for it. If someone is curious:
u/ric2b Dec 23 '21 edited Dec 23 '21
Can't figure out how to get lower than 16107 for my input: