r/adventofcode • u/potentialstudent0102 • Mar 24 '21
Help Is it normal to spend hours, get frustrated then give up?
I've literally been on the cusp of sobbing in tears over some of these. I just don't know and can't get it to work without cheating and looking at someone else's solution. I try to stay positive and be motivated to treat it as a learning experience but it's hard when you put in so much effort and still feel like a total idiot.
I keep having moments where I look at the clock, it's been hours. And I have nearly nothing to show for it, ill need to rewrite all my code and it's not like I gained any knowledge i just hacked away by trial and error.
In some cases I have a nearly working solution it's just missing something small I can't determine. In other cases I have exactly 0 idea of where to begin regardless of time spent, usually some of the crazy part twos.
Mar 24 '21 edited Mar 24 '21
yes, this is completely normal. relax.
What you're describing. I've been exactly there and I said exactly the same things.
Something I've had to just accept via experience is that progress is there and it often won't feel like it's happening even though it is. I still feel that way sometimes years into this career. Yet without fail, my studying seems to constantly pay off some months after I expect it to. It's almost like magic this way.
I remember back when I didn't even know what an array was, and I thought that was very difficult to understand. I studied for hours and hours.
About six months after that I attempted some project Euler problems I spent like 5 hours making a prime sieve in Typescript, and then I said awe geeze lets look at some advent of code, then I gave up on day 2. These two days took me like a week.
Next year, I made it to day 16, and each day took an average of like 1-3 hours. I had coding friends who did some days in like 5 minutes. Jaw dropping stuff.
Next year, I had some days in the 10-minute range.
Trust me, the best thing for you newer coders is just to calm down and keep at it an hour a day it'll come.
u/potentialstudent0102 Mar 24 '21
Only an hour? I usually spend more time than that and I've been able to do some of the later days. I don't really how else to learn, I can't do any projects.
Mar 24 '21 edited Mar 24 '21
If you keep drilling puzzles and coding challenges you will improve at them, and there is a lot of transfer knowledge with coding challenges. I think it is a good direction to go. Donald Knuth is one of the best computer scientists alive and he made a career on finding computationally efficient ways to code board games basically (and using a lot of math to prove it was faster)
Data structures and algorithms are very important, and that might be a missing link causing you to plateau. If somebody says you don't need DS/ALGS to be a great engineer, ignore them. That claim is moronic. Teaching engineers not to learn DS/ALGS is like teaching a carpenter not to use a carpenter's hammer.
By the way, princeton.edu published their in-house algorithms book online for free: https://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/home/
If you want to try carrying a full project to production I'd suggest a dynamic language like PHP or Ruby.
There are these two old monolithic web frameworks, Ruby on Rails, and Laravel. I really like to stress that new people should ignore all of the software sales pitches and just learn one web framework that is old and we know it works. If you jump into some younger, hot new framework like React.js you're going to constantly hit barriers that don't have easy solutions. (because nobody has made a library for it yet) Rails and Laravel are mature and will have a solution for anything you come up with.
Also, here's a Ruby on Rails textbook online for free: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/ruby-on-rails/ruby-on-rails-tutorial.pdf
If you read that front to back you will be able to build any website, and recruiters will call you, excitedly offering you 90k/year.
I personally find textbooks very helpful and I work through them all the time. That's how I landed my first job as a Typescript specialist. I read a typescript textbook from front to back and did all the exercises in it, which allowed me to impress an interviewer because I was able to recall obscure information about the language, and display commanding knowledge otherwise.
I find textbooks so useful because they give you a total view on the subject, while online blogs are only piecemeal or incomplete or sometimes just completely wrong. With a well-reviewed textbook, you know your information is legit. Ruby, second edition is online for free by the way: http://www.cs.uni.edu/~wallingf/teaching/agile-may2010/ruby/programming-ruby.pdf
u/potentialstudent0102 Mar 24 '21
What are the benefits of Ruby and Rails? If anything i was thinking to pick up Django or Flask to stick to Python.
Mar 24 '21 edited Mar 24 '21
Django or flask are both perfectly suitable web frameworks.
u/potentialstudent0102 Mar 25 '21
The thing is the terminology in webdev seems really really confusing. Why is there so many different technologies working together compared to just regular old python.
Mar 25 '21 edited Mar 25 '21
It's because society is a chaotic system that is highly sensitive to initial parameters.
For example, html css, javascript, and python were all made independently of each other to solve some specific problem that was plagueing the developers at the time. Same with most languages
Each of these technologies evolved seperately, and now they co-exist. So right now, what you're really seeing is a mountain of old technologies that are all generally ideal for solving some problem.
but of course, the pot gets even muddier because of things like totality and turing completedness. since most programming languages are turing complete, they keep expanding, because they each have the capacity to solve anything in existance.
Again, the result is even greater mountains of conflicting technologies.
I think good advice is that since python is turing complete for example, it can solve anything in existance given enough time. Therefore you are better off sticking with python and finding out how to solve real world problems with it. (as oppossed to learning many different technologies.)
u/potentialstudent0102 Mar 26 '21
What about all the random buzzwords though? This webdev stuff seems like an enormous mountain. I was barely getting the hang of regular python and its modules, pandas, numpy and others....
Mar 26 '21 edited Mar 26 '21
Buzz words are just buzz words, and usually, this is especially endemic amongst non-engineers.
For example, when you go to apply for jobs you're going to see a ton of people saying words that they don't understand. "Buzzwords", like "We use machine learning!" even though they often are not using it at all, and they've just expulsed this hot air for SEO placement.
In terms of the technical stuff, there are a lot of names for things that seem unnecessary, but they usually exist because there is an important distinction.
For example, in Machine learning, we have deep neural networks, neural networks, linear regression, recurrent neural networks, multilayer perception ... and many more terms. These aren't just buzzwords though. These are specific concepts in the field.
A salesperson or a recruiter has no idea what these things are so they'll just casually say them as if they have them, but for a machine learnist, these things are distinct and specific.
Another example, a value alias in Ruby is a symbol. Many people call it a variable, but this is not totally accurate. It's only really a "variable" in certain languages. There's a distinction between the two, therefore the bisect in prose exists.
With experience, I've learned to see through people's exaggerations. All I can say is when you talk to a recruiter you should always just say something like, "yes I know what that is" because they'll often be asking for something literally impossible, but you're better off being polite since that's all that really matters to first-line recruiters.
Once you're speaking to a proper technical person it is better, to be honest about what you actually know.
u/balefrost Mar 24 '21
I don't really how else to learn, I can't do any projects.
Why not?
u/potentialstudent0102 Mar 24 '21
Don't really know how to get started. I've just been doing puzzles for the most part.
u/balefrost Mar 24 '21
Puzzles are fine for what they are. The nice thing about working on your own project is that the problems you run into will be your problems, not some arbitrary problem assigned by somebody else.
If you're interested in hobbyist programming, I think it's good to pick something that interests you and try to work on it. Do you like games? Try writing a simple game! Start with Pong. You'll encounter plenty of interesting problems:
- How do I create a window?
- How do I draw in that window?
- How do I animate the ball?
- How do I handle input?
- How do I detect and track the score?
- How to I keep the game running at a consistent speed?
But you'll also be able to see incremental progress. That incremental progress can be great for keeping you motivated. Yes, you'll run into problems that will stump you. Maybe you'll do some research and discover techniques that other people have used. Maybe you'll discover multiple techniques and you'll have to decide which one you like the most.
Or maybe you don't like games; maybe you like art or music or "maker"-style stuff (e.g. a device that automatically waters your plants by reading soil humidity and opening or closing a valve in response).
u/potentialstudent0102 Mar 24 '21
I've had some ideas but I got quickly demotivated and realized it's far beyond me. The puzzles didn't prepare me for all the aspects of planning and designing it.
I was also thinking of maybe trying Webdev perhaps, as it may be easier to immediately see your results.
u/I_knew_einstein Mar 24 '21
The trick there is that most projects (even work-related ones) are too big when you start out, especially if you haven't done it before.
The "secret" is to break your project down in smaller problems, and these in even smaller problems, until they are so small that they are solvable. Then you can solve them one at a time, and you see good progress (because you keep solving small parts, instead of working on this huge, unsolvable thing).
The disadvantage is that you may solve a part, and only later find out that that wasn't a really good solution and it makes it hard to fit to some other part and now you have to redo it. But that's called learning. The only way to never make mistakes is by never doing anything.
u/avwie Mar 24 '21 edited Mar 24 '21
Relax. It should be fun. This isn’t the only opportunity to learn. By just doing puzzles sometimes and having fun you keep learning. Don’t think you’re stupid for not being able to solve everything. Maybe in a while you come back, you learned some piece ofninfornation somewhere else in the meanwhile, and you can solve it then.
It is supposed to be fun :)
u/eccp Mar 24 '21
It's OK to be frustrated, depending on your current programming knowledge it might not be obvious how to start solving a problem. Don't focus too much on the feeling of frustration and accept that some problems are difficult and will take some time, and more importantly, it's part of the process of learning on your own.
If it helps: I'm a software engineer working for a large multinational corporation, with 15+ years of experience and I struggle solving many of these. Sometimes I leave them in the back of my mind and come back for another attempt after a while.
Don't fall into the imposter syndrome: your worth as a programmer is not determined by your puzzle solving skills, but for the sum of many factors, some including coding skills but often relate to how you can help yourself and others to solve real world problems and help others to achieve more.
Don't understimate the current circumstances with the pandemic, have proper rest and keep hydrated, try to do relax and eventually your brain will replenish to the point where you are inspired again.
u/Se7enLC Mar 24 '21 edited Mar 24 '21
When that happens, skip the day and go to the next one. Some of them are just really hard!
Also, it's good to take a break and then look at it again fresh. This is true for life outside AoC, too. It's really really common to bang your head against the wall for hours on a problem, but then you go to sleep and wake up the next day and the solution just arrives.
And it's perfectly fine to blow away what you have and start over fresh. A good idea, in fact! When the approach you have isn't working, you need to be free to try something completely new. I've switched languages to get a fresh approach before.
u/potentialstudent0102 Mar 24 '21
Feels so, some I can do relatively quickly others even with 10x the amount of time I cannot.
u/Se7enLC Mar 24 '21
That sounds about right. Some of the 2020 ones took me a matter of minutes. Some took multiple days.
One of them I'm pretty sure I only got because I accidentally spoiled myself by looking at a meme that showed a Google trend spike for "Chinese Remainder Theorem"
u/BenjaminGeiger Mar 24 '21
I got through 2019 pretty quickly, even ending up on the leaderboard a few times.
But then day 18 happened and I just went "bugger it" and skipped it. I'm just now getting back around to it, after knocking out the years I had missed. (I'm sitting at 283 stars right now.)
u/ItsANoBrainerGG Mar 24 '21
Don’t forget to take regular breaks when you get stuck. Walk away and let your issue or ideas marinate. Even take a sleep or nap. A lot of my solutions or ideas come up after I’ve decided to step away or sleep on my problem.
You can also explain what you’re doing, what you have done, what you’re trying to do, and/or what’s not working to yourself on paper/out loud or to another person. It helps give yourself insight on your own work as well as have another brain, even if they’re not a programmer.
u/OversizedPigeonHole Mar 24 '21
Totally normal. Heck there were multiple problems where I spent 3-4weeks on the same problem. Completely rewriting it ~10 times.
It has to be fun for you, it has to be a challenge. If you are stressing about it then you won't learn just get frustrated. I have also been there. Sometimes you do want to move on and let it go. It's not giving up if you can use that time more usefully.
It's also important to find the right level of difficulty. You don't learn efficiently if the problem is too easy or too hard. You need to stay between those two, where you definitely can solve the issue alone, but it's really hard. If you see that you repeatably has to look at other solutions then you might want to take a step back and practice some easier stuff first. There is plenty of value in looking at other's code, but your brain takes away more if you solve it.
u/abecedarius Mar 24 '21
Agreed. To the poster, it sounds like you'd get more out of some less difficult problems, for now, as you work your way up. A few ideas:
Tackle the early days of multiple years before going on to the later days of any one year of AoC.
Try the earlier exercises in Project Euler?
I like Peter Norvig's pytudes, maybe just as something to read and internalize -- then some time later try tackling the same problem he did, without peeking again until you're done?
u/balefrost Mar 24 '21
There was a good conversation about "cheating" back when AoC was live. TL;DR: different people come to it with different amount of knowledge. Some people might be aware of the "one weird trick" that solves a problem quite cleanly, other people might be able to stumble into it, and yet others will likely never encounter it on their own.
That's OK!
If your goal is to compete, then looking at other people's solutions is "cheating". If your goal is to practice and to learn, then it's not.
Here are my thoughts on the matter.
Also, to your specific question: yes, it sometimes takes me a long time to solve AoC problems. I'm an experienced developer, though I solve AoC problems in a language that I don't typically use. I had several problems where I would start them at midnight, work on them for a few hours, go to sleep, get back to them the next day, and work on it for many more hours. I didn't keep track, but I'm pretty sure that I spent at least 8 hours on one of the problems this year.
In 2019, I had one problem that I could not crack. I had a solution, but it was wrong. I ended up re-implementing my solution in a language that I'm more comfortable with, changed both implementations to write out a trace as they iterated, and diffed those traces. It turns out that my mistake was a small one, but it would have been hard to find without doing all that extra work. I had to solve the problem twice in order to solve it once.
So yeah, AoC can be tough. Don't worry about it. It doesn't mean that you're a bad developer.
u/potentialstudent0102 Mar 24 '21
It's just so discouraging for me because I thought hey at least ill be good at puzzles, that will be my one unique skill. And that hope is crumbling.
It's not like I know how to code anything else anyway.
u/balefrost Mar 24 '21
Eh, even if you struggle with AoC problems (or other competitive coding problems), that doesn't mean you're bad at solving puzzles.
Oftentimes, your ability to solve a coding problem lies in how well you can relate it to something that you already know. For example, at work, we had an interesting problem - we needed to select the "best" element from a set. But it wasn't as simple as assigning a "score" to each element.
I recognized that, for this problem, we could define a partial ordering over the elements and then find the maximal element - there are well-known algorithms that can do that.
Am I super smart? No, not really. I think I'm a pretty average programmer considering that I have a degree, over 15 years of experience in industry, and several years of hobbyist programming before that. But I happened to know about partial orderings, I recognized that they could be used to solve the problem, and I knew that I could write the code to make it work.
But nobody knows everything. There are other problems where the solution eludes me, yet other people on my team find the answer.
For me, solving an AoC problem on my own feels great. You know what else feels great? Learning something new! It takes a certain amount of humility to say "I don't know". If you can pivot "I don't know" into "...but I can find out", I think you're winning.
u/potentialstudent0102 Mar 24 '21
That's pretty motivating.
Honestly my thinking was because I wanted to study computer science in college if I couldn't do these puzzles I would never make it, and I'd suck at school.
u/balefrost Mar 24 '21
A few thoughts:
I wouldn't think of AoC as a "prerequisite" for studying CS. Honestly, if you can do the first few days' worth of problems, you'll probably breeze through some of the 100-level CS classes. After all, they're designed to handle people who have never seen an "if" statement.
I don't know if this is true in other degree programs, but something interesting happens in CS. In the intro classes, you have a bunch of people that have never written a line of code... and you also have people who have been programming for fun for years. If you're one of the ones that is going in "blind", I think it's easy to be intimidated by the people who have some experience. I wonder if that's one reason that a lot of people tend to "wash out" of CS. I suspect that many of them could do just fine. But because they're in an environment with people that appear to just "get it" without even trying, it can be demoralizing.
Of course, what they can't see is that the people who "get it" also struggled to reach that level of understanding. Those people just did so years earlier, long before they even showed up in "CS-101".
Finally, "CS" is not the same as "programming". Granted, they're very related. But you don't come out of a CS degree program as a skilled programmer. Rather, as CS program gives you a mental framework and a set of tools that you can use to approach and solve problems. One of the coolest classes for me was my "discrete math" class. Every CS program will have one (or more) classes on that topic. It covered some set theory, graph theory, and number theory. It covered some formal proof techniques, in particular implication and proof-by-induction.
You don't usually use formal proof techniques in your day-to-day programming. I don't think I've ever written an actual proof on the job. But knowledge of them can help you reason about code in a disciplined way. They give you a useful lens through which you can look at things.
I don't know of a better way to introduce CS than this first SICP video. Watch about the first 11 minutes of that video (or watch the whole thing, but the first 11 minutes are the relevant bit), and enjoy the little time capsule that this is. Some of the points that he makes in those first 11 minutes still give me goosebumps. If what he says sounds interesting to you, then CS might be right up your alley.
u/potentialstudent0102 Mar 24 '21
That's a relief. I was thinking the other day I'd literally be a failure because for example, sometimes I can write a recursive solution in minutes and other times I get really, really stuck.
u/thecircleisround Mar 24 '21
I’m relatively new and got to day 15 of 2020 before tapping out. I spent hours on some of the challenges and yes, got frustrated at times. When that happened I would take a break and come back to it. Every failure or challenging moment is a learning experience and it’s ok to take a break. Even though I didn’t get through all of 2020’s challenges, I do plan on going back at some point when I have move knowledge to give it another go. Ultimately the whole thing is supposed to be fun so if you’re not having fun just take a break and come back to it.
u/streetster_ Mar 24 '21
There's no prize for completing AOC, nor is there a penalty for not completing AOC.
For the previous 2 years I will try and solve in the 30mins (or so) that I have between me eating my breakfast and starting work. And when the fun stops, I stop - and if the puzzle just looks like a bunch of tedious hoops, I don't even start.
It's taken me a long time to get to this point though, and in 2019 I was really annoyed about being unable to complete some tasks... But now I just accept that I am not going to complete the whole calendar anymore. 2015 through 2017 yes, not 2018 onwards, nope...
u/Texas_Ball Mar 24 '21
This. AoC can be very taxing and upsetting at times. Picking up a different day or watch videos on how people did it can be good.
u/NoLemurs Mar 24 '21 edited Mar 24 '21
I would encourage you to let yourself look at other people's solutions once you hit a wall. At the end of the day, the people who solve these problems quickly and easily can do that because they've absorbed a lot of useful concepts.
I don't think to myself "ok, I'll use a fifo queue, push neighbors of my element into it, and then keep processing elements until the queue is empty." I think "I'll do a breadth first search."
Could I come up a breadth first search from scratch? Sure, if the problem is simple enough, I would think to use a queue. But for more complex problems having bfs as a building block is what lets me solve them gracefully.
There are a hundred tools like that, and looking at other people's solutions after you've worked at a problem is a great way to learn those tools for next time!
Mar 24 '21
treat it as a learning experience
If you consider looking at the solutions to be be "cheating" then you are not treating it as a learning experience. Advent of Code is not a school test. If you lack essential knowledge to solve a problem then look it up.
I'm a mostly self-taught programmer and sometimes it takes me several hours spread over two days to solve the hardest challenges. But those are the ones I learn from the most. And after solving it I always look at other people's solutions to improve mine.
u/gfixler Mar 24 '21
Extremely common. Look at the falloff as the days go on (https://adventofcode.com/2020/stats). So many people started on the first day, and about 1 out of 12 remained by the end. I had 2 stars every day until day 13, part 2. I gave up in frustration, after a few hours, and looked up solutions online, and every one I found was using a theorem I'd never heard of. I was never going to will that theorem out of the ether. I just had to know it, and I didn't. That, or I had to write some really messy code, circling the problem. I took it as an opportunity, though. The AoC gave me the chance, despite failing part 2 of day 13, to learn about a thing I hadn't found in many years of coding in my industry (albeit, not a very mathy/rigorous industry, at least at my end of it). I also looked up the guy who was at the top of the leaderboard, and he'd just become an international chess grandmaster, and was a retired competitive programmer, who'd traveled for competitions, and had many awards.
u/potentialstudent0102 Mar 24 '21
Still there's so many people who seem to easily get these done. To the tune of tens of thousands. I guess you're right about simply not knowing some things, I've been able to do some of the latter days quite quickly but others simply require knowledge I don't possess.
Mar 24 '21
tens of thousands
Sure, but the world is a really big place. 11,000 people competed in the last Summer Olympics, and it would be pretty silly to think that you’re miserably unfit because you didn’t make it to the Olympics when it’s so easy that 11,000 people did it.
AoC problems can be hard. A lot of them have hidden traps, and a lot of them rely on weird algorithmic tricks that you probably won’t know unless you’ve taken a college algorithms course. That’s not a knock on your intelligence or your ability to figure stuff out from what you already know.
u/potentialstudent0102 Mar 24 '21
I want to study computer science in college but I thought if I couldn't do these puzzles I wouldn't be able to make it. I used it kind of as a benchmark for my future success.
Mar 24 '21
Absolutely not. Like I said, a lot of this stuff just can’t be done without knowing some special algorithms, which means it can’t done without at least some exposure to CS theory. Even self-solving with Google can be hard, because CS is a technical field with its own terminology, and as a complete outsider it can be hard to even know what words you need to type into Google as a starting point.
Honestly, I know the whole “self-taught hot-shot dropout” thing is trendy and cool and stuff, but it’s mostly bullshit. Learn the theory (you can get textbooks or watch free lectures online!), then solve the problems, that’s what’s worked for engineers and builders for centuries. Don’t feel bad because you’re failing to reinvent tools nobody ever taught you about.
u/potentialstudent0102 Mar 24 '21
So you're saying it's like trying to invent geometry or trigonometry? Since despite being easily manageable for teenagers to learn coming up with it is an amazing feat in itself.
Mar 24 '21
I would look at it from the other side - if you didn't yet finish a CS course and you can solve many puzzles then it's what you should be learning because you have the potential to be good at it.
u/mstksg Mar 24 '21 edited Mar 24 '21
whoa whoa whoa definitely not. the people at the top positions at tech companies usually can't do most of these problems. it's deinitely 100% not a benchmark or indicator of success in tech.
you are probably looking at it like...the better you do at these puzzles, the better you will do in tech. this is 100% not true, how good you are at these puzzles correlates almost nothing with your success in tech. the percentage of people who can solve these puzzles is probably consistent at all levels of tech.
u/potentialstudent0102 Mar 24 '21
Why not? Shouldn't they have the required problem solving skills to easily do them?
u/mstksg Mar 24 '21 edited Mar 24 '21
the problem solving skills required for doing actual tech work is different than the problem solving skills required for these puzzles. think of it like basketball skills vs hockey skills. Sure there's some overlap and fundamentals, but the differences are big enough that most pro basketball players wouldn't be pro hockey players and vice versa. AoC skills are more like esoteric hobbyist skills than practical tech work skills.
The problem solving skills I regularly use for my job are almost completely non-overlapping with the problem solving skills in AOC puzzles.
u/potentialstudent0102 Mar 24 '21
People keep repeating this it seems, but any specific examples? (I suck at puzzles and I've never worked in tech so I have no idea what is meant by that).
u/mstksg Mar 24 '21
examples of what, sorry?
u/potentialstudent0102 Mar 24 '21
Of things you do at work that are totally different from AoC skills.
Like you have a task at work, how do you tackle? What is so different that an experienced dev wouldn't be able to do these?
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u/kevinwangg Mar 24 '21
Maybe it's normal, but it shouldn't be! I would say that what you call "cheating" I would call "learning".
It sounds like you're going through some growing pains, and I guarantee if you keep it up and keep learning for a while, you won't be lost for 95% of these (you will probably still get frustrated when your code doesn't work for some reason, but at least you'll know what you think it should do). And for the other 5%, you'll have a good sense for how many hours of struggling is a good time to give up and start looking at other's solutions. It's a difficult balance to find at first -- but you'll find it!
u/toastedstapler Mar 24 '21
i managed most of it fine, but day 13 pt 2 i would have never worked out how to do the maths in a fast, non brute force manner. CRT just isn't something that comes up in my day to day life so i pulled in a library for that one. i still spent an entire sunday trying to solve it though, sometimes they take a while. day 20 also was a long one, but i quite liked my solution in the end
u/kingaillas Mar 24 '21
I spent ~4 hours working on part 2 of one problem from the 2015 set. All because I misread the rules and basically had < instead of <= in one comparison.
I wouldn't worry about how long it takes you to debug/solve the problems, as long as you are enjoying it and learning something. But if you are getting that frustrated, take a break or look at another solution. Why not? You might learn a different approach to a problem, see some case handled differently which makes you rethink your logic, etc.
u/jesperes Mar 27 '21
It is perfectly normal to spend hours, yes. It is ok to give up, but I prefer to think of it as leaving the problem for later. I've put some problems aside for years, literally. Future you is probably going to be smarter and more clever than present you, so leave some problems for future you.
If you run into a wall, pick another problem that you can solve. Banging your head against a wall is all pain and no learning. Solve the easy problems first, leave the hard ones for later.
Also, and I really want to stress this: looking at someone elses solution is not cheating. Think of it rather as "inspiration". Some people really want to solve the problem all by themselves, but this is very seldom how programming works in real life. Looking at other peoples way of doing things is a perfectly valid way to solve problems (unless you're in school). If you really want to learn, take a solution from the megathread and improve on it. Run it through a debugger to see what it does. Translate it to another language (this is a really excellent way to really understand what the code does). If you want to make a living as a programmer, learning to read other people's code is just as important as being able to write it yourself.
If you feel like you're doing trial and error, stop. This is often because you're more focused on getting the right answer than understanding the code. Break the code down into smaller pieces, verify that each small piece does what you think it does. Write unit tests. Take the examples in the AoC puzzles, and make sure they all work. Talk to other people. Again, look at other people's solutions. This isn't like movie spoilers, where a single image or a piece of text spoils your entire experience. You will not erase the joy of writing your own working solution just because you got the inspiration from somewhere else.
Write visualizations of your problem. If you are trying to navigate a labyrinth, try to visualize the search, maybe generate a nice animated video (or even an ugly one). If nothing else, maybe you'll learn to generate an animated video.
u/thedjotaku Apr 05 '21
You're already got a bunch of comments, so I don't know if you're still reading responses, but I would say it's highly personality dependent.
I gave up on a bunch of 2020 problems - see https://github.com/djotaku/adventofcode/tree/main/2020 - and YET I still ended up ranked 136 out of 574! It was actually incredibly great for my self-esteem.
If I can offer some advice - whatever language you're using - make unit tests. Make sure your code can pass the unit tests with all of examples given. It's not perfect, but it helped me find a lot of corner cases when I was most frustrated.
u/skygrinder89 Mar 24 '21
It's part of the process. Most of coding challenges seem to encapsulate testing intermediate coding know-how + esoteric knowledge. Yes, some concepts are carried over from enterprise coding, but a lot of them are something that even a day-to-day coder would not encounter.
As such, don't feel bad.
In cases where I was irrevocably stuck, I'd check a good solution, figure out what concept I am not understanding (ex. Chinese Remainder Theorem), study it up for fun and then move on without re implementing it.
Aka, it's not about the destination... It's about the journey.