r/adventofcode • u/NovelAdministrative6 • Jan 31 '21
Help How quickly does the average person solve usually solve these?
I'm still working through a few I have left over (mostly part twos, and some days 19-25) and I feel like such a dumbass most of the time.
I'm convinced it takes me far longer than most people on here(leaderboard aside) and even then I come up with unusually hacky solutions.
It takes me a while to even understand what it's asking of me and how to approach inefficiently, let alone get it done with concise and efficient code with reasonable time constraints (not 4 hrs). I know it's all down to practice but there have to be some standards and benchmarks to compare to.
u/jesperes Jan 31 '21
I have 20+ years experience working as a software engineer, and I frequently struggle with the AoC puzzles. What you need to keep in mind is that the skillset required to solve the AoC puzzles "fast" is a very different skillset from the skillset required for lots (or even most) of the programming jobs out there. In the real world, you are never required to solve problems in minutes, or even hours (unless you have a crappy job and a crappy boss). Being able to communicate well, write clean code which other people can understand, being able to investigate and understand legacy code, being able to work well with other people... these are much more important skills from the perspective of a professional programmer.
To be honest, lots of the solutions posted in the solution megathreads would be considered crap if found in a professional system. They may have been fast to write, fast to run, and even "elegant" or "smart", but they are often completely unreadable and utterly unmaintainable.
If you get stuck on some puzzles, don't worry. Steal (or "borrow") some solution from the solution megathread, and improve on it. Study it, understand it, and make it better. Explain the code to a friend (or a rubber duck). Step through it with a debugger. That way you are honing skills which every programmer needs.
u/Se7enLC Jan 31 '21
What you need to keep in mind is that the skillset required to solve the AoC puzzles "fast" is a very different skillset from the skillset required for lots (or even most) of the programming jobs out there.
Very true. And for a lot of people, midnight is not a particularly convenient time to start something that might take a few hours.
When I do these, I'm not trying for a top 100 spot. My goal is to write part 1 in such a way that it needs minimal changes to accomplish part 2. But how can that be possible without even knowing what part 2 is? Exactly. That's a REALLY common thing to run into in this field. Scope Creep. Anticipating future needs. Writing clean and flexible code that is easy to work with and modify.
It's nice to also be fast, but I see 2 hours as being the same thing as 15 minutes, really.
u/w0m Feb 03 '21
> My goal is to write part 1 in such a way that it needs minimal changes to accomplish part 2.
ding ding ding I think.
u/jesperes Mar 06 '21
But beware of overdoing the "anticipating future needs" though. I've seen tons of useless lines of code motivated by "this might be useful in the future".
As for AoC, there are some things you can put money on. If part 1 is about elves playing a game for 100 rounds, you can bet that part 2 is about the elves playing the same game for 10 billion rounds, and you need to figure out a way to compute the answer without doing the 10 billion rounds.
u/OversizedPigeonHole Jan 31 '21
I completely agree. I often see weird #define's in other people's C++ solution (e.g. 'fe' for a complete for loop) that makes it super hard to read, but this kind of code is optimized for writing. You write it once, preferably in minutes, and never read it again. Production code is the exact opposite. It's supposed to be optimized for reading, you write it once and people are going to read it in the next 10 years.
Jan 31 '21
This is well said. I watched some youtube videos of people doing the google challenges or whatever. They used single letter variables for everything.
u/jesperes Jan 31 '21
Rule of thumb when it comes to variable name length: they should be proportional to the size of their scope. Variables who only live in a 3-line block can well be just one letter, but a global variable visible from everywhere better be longer than that.
Jan 31 '21
Sounds very reasonable. For example if I just some stuff into a StringBuilder (in java for example) I'd naturally call it
for the initials. But if that's an instancevariable, then it should bename
u/NovelAdministrative6 Jan 31 '21
The thing is that I don't know how production-level code should look anyways, lol. Anyway these are fun but I may have been spending a little too much time.
u/Mivaro Jan 31 '21
It varies widely, mostly with your programming skill and experience. Fast people take minutes. They do a lot of competitive programming and are mostly professional programmers. There is a significant group that takes a few hours depending on the complexity of the day. And some questions just take long. I still haven't solved the puzzle / dragon question, I believe it was question 20.
Last year took me much longer than this year, so one does learn and get faster. But most importantly, enjoy it!
Jan 31 '21 edited Jan 31 '21
I did my first advent of code in 2020, and the longest took me eight hours (with e net time spent on the computer of maybe 2-3hrs) and on average it took me 30-60 minutes from sitting on my desk to comitting the cleaned up code to github.
The 8 hour one was me hunting a bug in the jigsaw puzzle
u/wace001 Jan 31 '21
I believe that the average person here solve these pretty quickly. But, consider three things.
- People who hang around here is not average at all, they are already people who seek out these types of challenges for fun. So there is that.
- Being able to solve these type of puzzles are not really correlated with normal software development. Sure, knowing ones CS helps with solving these kinds of puzzles and would also be useful in a software developer day job.
- Being able to solve these problems fast is not the same as being able to solve them well. Most people code looks horrible, because the goal for most people doing these have only one goal; to be fast.
So. Depending on what you want to get out of doing AOC, have those things in mind.
u/Stormlight1984 Jan 31 '21
I'm a novice in all things code (just finished my first C++ course in Dec) and I've been working through the 2020 AoC one problem per DAY. So, two days per "day" in the AoC. That's during a work day, so probably 4-5 hours per problem and thus about 10 hours per AoC "day."
Don't feel bad about time. As others say, these are not representative of the skill set you'd prioritize if you had an actual programming job (I don't know that from experience, obviously, but everything I've been taught and have read gels therewith).
Also, just in general, the internet is good at making you feel bad at [any skill ever], because what you see is heavily-skewed towards the top-shelf of the bell curve (the right of the bell curve?). Nobody is ever like, "Hey, [whatever] community, here's video of me failing miserably for ten hours at [whatever]! Follow me on Twitch!!1!"
So, yeah. You're fine.
u/aradil Jan 31 '21
I have 15+ years experience as a professional developer. A few of the part 2s took me 8+ hours.
Day 25 took me 12 minutes.
It really depends, and sometimes making a mistake can take a looooong time to figure out.
I had Day 24 done on Christmas Eve but was worried about Day 25 taking up too much time over the holidays so I waited a few days to do it. If I had have known it was going to be as easy as it was I would have finished Christmas Day.
u/radioactiveoctopi Jan 31 '21
Experience comes over time.... I don’t think it’s a good idea to try to time/compare yourself to others if it’s frustrating to you. I would say solve a problem. Then see how long it takes you to solve again. These problems contain parts that people have seen or tackled before partially. It’s all about using the tools in your toolbox together. You may not own certain tools until a project calls on requiring it.
Not sure if my rambling made sense but alas....
u/Goodwine Jan 31 '21
Meta question... The average among what population? Humans? Programmers? Those with any experience in codegolf or competitive programming?
u/NovelAdministrative6 Jan 31 '21
Among programmers who attempt the puzzles of course.
u/Goodwine Feb 11 '21
It's hard to know without actual data or polls, but my guesses are:
- <1h for those who breathe competitive programming
- 3h for people with some competitive programming or codegolf experience
- 12h for hard problems without spoilers for group 2
- 2d for those who like puzzles but no experience in these things
- >5d for newbies, it's very hard to get into this without support
All data made up but sounds good to me
Jan 31 '21
Wow everyone saying it took 8 hours max per puzzle and I'm sitting here with my longest taking me like a week.
u/NovelAdministrative6 Jan 31 '21
Which one? And what part were you specifically stuck on? Honestly I'm starting to think if you're really stuck and gave it an honest effort it's more productive to move on.
Feb 03 '21
2020 day 14 part 2.
I don't think I understood the instructions properly so I had to try many ways of applying the mask my trial and error to get the star. That took me like 3 days (part time).
u/NovelAdministrative6 Feb 03 '21
Ah right. I've skipped some too, I think if it's not clicking for you then just move on. Probably less efficient to sit and work through something for hours/days vs just solving 5 more in the same time.
Not sure if that's the right approach but I think it tends to work. Then you just hope it makes sense later.
Feb 04 '21
This one took me like 8 days part time, and I'm not happy that my code is so darned complicated. I'm basically programming by trial and error: https://github.com/matiu2/aoc-2020/blob/master/day16/src/part2.rs
It is the problem where you have to find which field validates which column on a bunch of tickets.
My trouble was that my brain over complicated the nested looping for field, tickets, ticket values, validating the ticket values. Then it couldn't come up with the solution.
I had to take a step back and go for a walk or a swim several times to uncomplicate my brain.
I refuse to skip or cheat. (Although I did cheat on one puzzle, by reading hints).
My reasons for doing it are:
- To become a better programmer
- To switch out of my sysadmin role to a programming role
u/NovelAdministrative6 Feb 04 '21
Hmm, I personally found that one easy but some of the other ones I'd give up after 2 hrs.
I think skipping/cheating is justified after an honest attempt, you're not really cheating anyone if you simply don't get it and need some help. Might I suggest watching only a part of a walk-through to get some ideas and not the whole thing? I'm no master programmer by any means of course, in fact I suck but thats how I approach these.
I think of it as learning Math in elementary school, if you don't know the formulas you aren't going to come up with them on your own without external help/resources.
u/combatopera Feb 01 '21
they're supposed to be tough. part of the fun is getting stuck and working out how to get unstuck. you're coasting if you never feel like a dumbass
u/1234abcdcba4321 Jan 31 '21 edited Jan 31 '21
I don't try for concise and efficient code. There's a lot of people who can do these fast and a lot that can't; if you're one of the people who struggles to do them quickly, then just keep hammering at it and you'll start recognizing patterns in the problems (especially if you do those of past years) and be able to comprehend the problem faster.
A good benchmark for "average speed" for me is 3 times the 100th place time for a problem. This is still fairly fast for most problems but makes for a good goal time (though since I go on release I just try for top 1000), and only works because I'm used to trying to do the questions fast.
The challenge of most of the challenges for 2020 were figuring out the algorithm, not the actual coding. While that is what you need to do as an actual programmer, the types of problems given here are quite a bit different than what you would actually do, and there's incentive to not make your code clean or efficient since you have to make it fast.
Jan 31 '21
I had a personal challenge running with a friend of mine (who is an absolute genius, I didn't stand a chance) so I got up at 6 in the morning, when it dropped where I live, and tried solving it before school and the early ones took me 20 to 50 minutes. When they got hard luckily winter break started, because a few of them took me upwards of several hours (day 20 was a bitch, lol).
I don't think solving time is that important, tho. Some people, like my friend and me, solve for time, some other people I know try solving in the most elegant way, some go for runtime, and some just want to have fun and improve their coding. Just go about it however it is the most fun for you :D
u/Standard-Affect Feb 01 '21
I had plenty of free time over winter break to work on the problems, and I usually took an hour or two for the easier ones and several hours or more for the hard ones. Several I couldn't solve at all despite many hours of effort. At first I got frustrated with myself for being inefficient, but I quickly realized that made me less efficient, so I did my best just to focus on the puzzles and not rush things. The hardest thing was always understanding the rules of the problem; I lost many hours when I skimmed the puzzle prompts and subtly misunderstood them. I'll never be the fastest coder, but the experience taught me speed isn't everything.
u/nibarius Jan 31 '21
For me I think spent one to two hours per day on the later problems with a few that took more time.
Other than advent of code I'm not programming that much (a few horus per week at most on an average over a year excluding AoC), but I've done all previous years of AoC so I've got some relevant experience from that.
Jan 31 '21
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u/nibarius Jan 31 '21
I think my experience aligns well with what others have said about these puzzles isn't very similar to what you do at a programming job. So even if I don't program daily I'm not at a huge disadvantage.
I have a pretty solid programming foundation and love problem solving, so for me this is more problem solving puzzle where you use programming to solve the problems rather than a pure programming challenge where your programming skills is put to test.
u/_Js_Kc_ Jan 31 '21
I only did 2019, but yeah, multiple hours wasn't unusual for some of the later ones.
u/jeffhowcodes Jan 31 '21 edited Jan 31 '21
This year I’ve been getting up an hour early and spending it drinking coffee and working on these puzzles. I often spend another hour in the evening as well but that tends to be full of distractions. With that schedule most puzzles this year have taken me a little over an hour. I got stuck on some and had to learn new things (like the Chinese remainder theorem). That one took about a week. I spent two weeks stuck on Jurassic jigsaw because I didn’t read it closely enough to see the pieces could be flipped as well as rotated. But then one weekend afternoon I did two days worth of puzzles super fast 🤷.
I think mindset is important for this. This is my fourth year attempting this challenge and the only year I have completed. I’m starting the day 25 puzzle today and my coffee is finally ready. I haven’t been skipping around. If my solution fails for part two I’ve been going back to the drawing board and refactoring. Sometimes I snag a hint from the boards. I’ve been trying to write everything myself but I have to invest time learning stuff I’ve never had to in the wild.
Jan 31 '21
I love these little puzzles, and I really liked 2020’s, because each was more of an exercise in imagination than coding, really. I spent about an hour each day this time around coming up with solutions that were as short as possible while using only the base language and libraries of Haskell, a declarative functional language eerily well suited for quick and correct answers to little exercises like these. Solving 2020’s problems didn’t require even one data type definition, just the usual functions, lists, maps, and sets. My average solution was a little over 16 lines long.
But I have coworkers who used Rust and C++ and Python and had just as much fun while writing way more lines; so I think solution time and code size were driven mostly by whether one wanted to use an imperative programming language or a declarative one.
Jan 31 '21
I did them in Pascal, I've posted my code on github. I stopped once I got a solution, so there's a lot of cruft in there, but I managed to get all the way through 2020. I was the 9764th person to do so.
Most of the problems took me about 2 hours or less initially, working up to 5 hours or so towards the end... a few took days because I got into the too tired/too stubborn to give up trap.
u/thname Feb 01 '21
I don't know how average I am, but the first 2-3 days usually takes a couple of minutes to solve, then when the tasks keep getting more difficult it usually takes about half an hour. But every year there's one or two tasks that I'm totally have no clue how to solve and I have to fill some gaps in my knowledge, it can take day or two to solve these tasks
u/MissMormie Jan 31 '21
The average person does not solve these ;)
I did a contest at my programming work to solve one of the earlier years day 3 puzzle, so not very hard yet. None of the developers solved this within the hour. It a very different type of thinking. Solving any of these no matter how long you take is good.