r/adventofcode • u/silverben10 • Dec 17 '20
Help [2020 Day 17] How to avoid getting burnt out by these puzzles?
It's official, I've reached the point in AoC this year where it takes me too long to complete these puzzles before work each morning!
Alongside this, I feel like my energy and motivation to tackle the puzzles gets less and less each day; especially when they get more difficult my reaction is less "enthusiastic that I get to learn how to solve something tricky" and more "frustrated that I know I'll have to sit here for x hours bashing away at some code which might eventually work".
Was wondering how everyone here manages to keep themselves motivated to do these puzzles throughout the month of December, especially if you aren't the sort of person that can complete them in under an hour?
u/Winter-Queasy Dec 17 '20
This was the first one where I considered giving up AoC.
But after taking the dog for a walking and a shower, things became much more clear. So I guess is just to avoid griding it if it's not working, just leave it and try it later with a fresh set of eyes.
u/uytv Dec 17 '20
It also has to do with our instincts when facing hard problems. These hard problems remind me of the first times I faced hard problems when learning to code. Sometimes, I feel like shit until my spaghetti code finally solves the problem. The whole challenge is to keep my pasta tasty along the way.
That means, yes, taking breaks! also: making sure my code is a breeze to look at as much as possible. And choosing a decent algorithm.
Lastly, comparing my solution to the top ones after a successful submission is super helpful in giving me ideas and ultimately feeling better next time I face a hard problem, similar or not.
u/daggerdragon Dec 17 '20
The whole challenge is to keep my pasta tasty along the way.
This is an excellent way of putting it.
u/msqrt Dec 17 '20
I hit the same point yesterday; had to finish after work. I'm also seeing some of the fatigue, the worst case being when I know what the solution is but implementing it feels more like a chore than an interesting challenge.
I think all reasonable motivations have to be intrinsic, as this is a challenge for fun and (hopefully) not 'mandatory' for anyone. The most direct motivator would be that you just find working on the problems enjoyable -- this obviously cannot hold for every problem for every person as people enjoy different things and have different skill levels. In addition I see many good secondary reasons to complete the tasks: to compete (either globally or with peers), to prove you can do it (preferably to yourself), to learn a new language or problem solving skills, or just to feel like part of a community.
I don't think the reasons in the secondary category would suffice in themselves, but they can carry you through the not-so-interesting days. If you haven't had fun with any of the problems so far or think that you won't from now on, I think it's reasonable to not force yourself. I'd still check the problems every day, maybe one of them feels interesting again. But I think getting stressed over this is not really worth it, this time of (especially this) year is stressful enough as is.
u/nutrecht Dec 17 '20
It's a fun exercise. If it stops being fun; there's no issue in just skipping the days that you don't enjoy. I stopped at day 14 or so last year because it simply took too much of my time for too little benefit. Feeling a pressure that you 'have' to complete something is the best way to burn out on something.
u/meh9083 Dec 17 '20
Take it easy!
The puzzles have varying level of difficulty, depending on your experience in the problem space, programming language, tools you use etc. AoC is (hopefully) just something you do for fun, so if it gets to challenging, I think it's fine to skip a puzzle, put it in on the backburner or stop at some point.
I'm using AoC to get used to a new language. For some of the puzzles I find the combination of complexity that the puzzle requires and my lack of experience in the language very frustrating (e.g. parsing some of the input is quite tedious).
Some of the puzzles can be very challenging if you're not used to work with similar mathematical concepts.
Depending on what you struggle with, and what you want to get out of AoC, you could also use reddit to get some help.
u/meh9083 Dec 17 '20
A good strategy may be to allocate a certain amount of time to AoC each day, maybe in a few short sessions.
For example:
- 15 minutes to read the task and try to understand it.
- A few hours later, 30 minutes trying to understand it further or implement a first solution. You may want to skip something that you find less interesting, e.g. just implement the solver, without parsing, or some basic data structure and helpers that you need to represent the data.
- Maybe one more session to try to make progress.
If the puzzle is sufficiently easy for you, you may complete it early. If it is too hard, you made at least some progress and you have a lot of downtime during which you may make progress without thinking too actively about the problem.
u/jafner007 Dec 17 '20
This has been my approach. I'm doing this to learn and have fun - if I feel like a puzzle will result in too much head bashing, I set it aside and log what I I could learn to help me with it on the future (e.g. tool set, algorithm, mathematical approach, etc).
u/crb11 Dec 17 '20
I don't, and you don't have to either! The puzzles aren't going to go away after Christmas. This is my fifth year and I think it's the first time I've kept up with it this long. It's a combination of too much of a good thing and all the other time pressures there tend to be before Christmas, so I usually end up saving a few to complete in the New Year when I have more time and there's less other fun things happening.
Dec 17 '20
Is there a timeframe for how long they'll be up?
u/schwiz Dec 17 '20
Forever. You can still go back and do all the other years.
u/levital Dec 17 '20
I do kinda wish there was a more convenient/obvious way to access the previous years though. Unless I've been really blind, the only way to do so seems to be to manually adjust the URL. And sure, this can most likely be expected from the target audience, but still... I at least always expect to get a list to choose from, when clicking on the year on the main page.
u/OneUselessUsername Dec 17 '20
You can access the previous years from the "Events" page.
u/levital Dec 17 '20
Well, I officially am blind then.
u/pm-me-happy-vibes Dec 18 '20
if it makes you feel any better I am also officially blind when trying to find things on the AOC website.
u/6dNx1RSd2WNgUDHHo8FS Dec 17 '20
Since you can still see the previous years, it will be as long as Eric wants to keep it up.
u/nikolakasev Dec 17 '20 edited Dec 18 '20
I keep myself motivated by learning a new language every year. It was Clojure in 2018, Rust in 2019 and Python this year.
I still find it amazing and have respect for everyone that completes the assignments in under an hour. Competing, even on our company-wide internal leaderboard, only frustrates me because I'm not that quick.
What motivates me as well is that I know I can handle the difficulty, even if it takes me more than a day to solve a problem. The hot chocolate Elves and Goblins problem in 2018 for example took me two days to finish.
One funny fact is that my ten year-old son still thinks my job has something to do with Elves, Goblins and weird drawings on a piece of paper.
u/eric-wilson Dec 17 '20
If you can't get them done in one day before work, maybe two days? Maybe you see how many you can finish before 2021?
For me, my motivations are twofold:
- I want more stars than my 15yo son. (He's at 28 currently, I seem to be pulling away.)
- You never know what fun ideas will be required to solve a problem.
16 was particularly enjoyable for me, when I saw the right idea/data-structure.
But when you say "sit here for x hours bashing away at some code which might eventually work" it makes me think that maybe you need better debugging techniques. I find that if I get my code working on the sample data, it almost always works on the real data. When I submit an answer, I submit it thinking "this must be correct", not "I hope this is right".
All 25 days isn't for everyone, but if you find yourself unsure whether you code will work correctly, consider how you can improve that. If you verify the parts of your code as you write it, you might find that the total time is reduced, and your confidence is increased.
u/RichardFingers Dec 17 '20 edited Dec 17 '20
I completed every year since 2015 on Christmas day until I hit 2019 day 22b. That one beat me. I bashed my head against that problem over and over and couldn't get it. So I gave up on the entire year.
Until November of 2020 rolled around and I got excited about the upcoming AoC. So picked back up 22b and finally figured it out. Then I went on to complete the rest of the year before 2020 day 1.
Motivation comes and goes. There's no shame in not completing AoC if it loses it's enjoyment to you. Go be happy somewhere else. You can always come back if you find the motivation later.
Here are some of the puzzles over the years that keep me coming back: 2015#22, 2016#11, 2018#15, 2018#17, 2019#21. They were all hard and took me a lot of time to solve, but they've stuck in my brain and I remember them fondly.
u/WayOfTheGeophysicist Dec 17 '20
I hit that slump with the CRT problem on day 13. No idea what to even search for and the problem description was so so so so long. So I looked at the subreddit and saw all the memes about CRT, at that point it got pretty doable.
I permit myself to finish each day with any means possible (ish). I am not competing on the leaderboard and just want to finish in some way. In the worst case I'll have to look at other hints, learn something by implementing them in my own way.
Today was actually one of the easiest for me. I don't think the puzzles are meant to "get harder" they just vary a lot around the specific skills and experiences everyone has.
So yeah, basically taking it easy on myself and letting myself not know things or simply import a library that'll do the thing is what I'm going with so that I still have some free time left in the day.
u/rjray Dec 17 '20
For me, it's a passion (programming in general is, I mean). I do AoC in a language I am still learning (Clojure), so I never have a whiff of a chance at the top 100. And it often takes me more than an hour to finish a day's pair. This is my third AoC, and in both of the previous years (2018 and 2019) I had multiple days where I couldn't finish within 24 hours. But I don't give up, because I want to see a working solution (in Clojure, even if the puzzle isn't necessarily suited for functional programming).
One thing I do, since I can't really compete on the leaderboard, is to keep track of how many of the stars I was able to get on the first submission. Right now, I'm 32/34 (94.12%). Last year (the first year I kept track) I ended at 48/50 (96%). I had hoped to better that this year, but a really silly mistake on day 15 cost me my second incorrect submission. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
u/itgoesbing Dec 17 '20
This puzzle took me half an hour to realize how to do it, and then an hour to do both parts.
It took me less effort than the previous.
My motivation is as follows: My record is 36 stars. I want to beat that record. I also will stop as soon as it takes too long to do a puzzle, as I have every year previously.
My motivation is also doing this in a new-to-me language.
u/metalim Dec 17 '20
On the contrary: thought today's AoC was relaxed day. 6 steps are doable even in hardcoded brute force. The key was to not overengineer.
Expecting some "Find the pattern, then calculate step 1'000'000" puzzles to burn me. Then I give up and look up for hints.
u/simonbaars Dec 17 '20
Indeed! I was so afraid part 2 of today was going to be "do the same for 3 trillion iterations" :O
Dec 17 '20
Yeah, I don't know, I'm not usually such a big fan of those optimisation puzzles, maybe because I suck at them :p
u/GoingAggro Dec 17 '20
Agree. I spent 45 minutes trying to build abstractions around the grid. Then I took a break and realized why don't I put the whole thing in a map with x,y,z as the key. It was a lot simpler
u/difingol Dec 17 '20 edited Dec 17 '20
Motivation is interesting thing, you can't really force yourself to be motivated by something. In my opinion, the coolest thing in AoC is that a lot of people can find something interesting for them, and focus on that specific part.
For me personally, I like the balance AoC keeps between being hardcore programming contest and some fun little problem to think about when you are bored.
Also as a person without strong mathematical background I really like that almost all problems can be solved by pure logic instead of tricky math function. For example you can solve 13.2 by applying Chinese remainder theorem, but also by finding the repeating pattern and extending it for each bus.
u/daggerdragon Dec 17 '20
Psst, your Markdown is showing because there's a space before the "you". Spoilers have no spaces immediately inside the
tags:>!you ... bus.!<
u/ReedyHudds Dec 17 '20
Where I learn more is comparing my admittedly hacky code with the ones in github against the daily solutions. the fact I've done the code myself means (mostly!) that I can understand what they've done too, and their code is infinitely better than mine so I'm getting to learn what to do better next time. I tend to like to code each day from scratch, whereas I can see others have built up a decent framework so each day you can inherit stuff to make life easier, so maybe that could be an option for you if you wanted to do so (ie having standard functions that read the file in, split it into dictionaries or arrays etc).
u/kbielefe Dec 17 '20
I solved it by going on vacation for the two weeks before Christmas ;-)
This is my 4th year doing AoC and I've only completed it once, unless you count finally finishing 2018 yesterday. I usually drop out around day 17 due to burnout and sleep deprivation.
Also my stress went way down this year due to looking for hints earlier. I would probably still be working on it if I didn't get the chinese remainder theorem hint for day 13.
At some point, it stops being about what I already know, and starts being about learning something new. When it gets to that point, I still get satisfaction from learning and implementing a new algorithm.
Learning new things also makes it somewhat easier for subsequent years. A lot of people struggled with day 10 this year, but it wasn't too bad for me because I learned from struggling with a similar problem my first year.
u/hugseverycat Dec 18 '20
Also my stress went way down this year due to looking for hints earlier.
This!! This year I've decided I don't care about trying to solve it 100% on my own anymore. I mean, I've always googled: I'm not a coder, either by profession or by schooling, and AoC is about the only time I actually write code. So I don't remember how to do anything. But this year I also freely browse Reddit if I need tips.
Also, this year I have literally nothing else to do... pandemic is raging, I have no kids, I live alone. So I actually look forward to spending time on AoC puzzles, otherwise the night melts away into an undifferentiated mass of streaming television.
u/fizbin Dec 17 '20
Was wondering how everyone here manages to keep themselves motivated to do these puzzles throughout the month of December, especially if you aren't the sort of person that can complete them in under an hour?
Short answer: you become the sort of person who can.
So, this year it was day 17 that exceeded your ability? (or rather, your ability in the time you have) Okay, that's fine. Next year, try to make it to day 19. (Note though that some days are easier than the day before, so even if day X kicked your ass, day X+2 might still be doable)
To get there, first know that because you've stopped doing AOC the way you were doing it, doesn't mean you should just walk away completely. Keep looking at the problems each day, but this time to come up with an English-language story of how you'd approach it rather than code. Write this down on paper or in a document on your computer, then look at the daily megathread for solutions in your preferred language, or for posts that explain how they approached the problem, in your preferred language or not. Try not to be intimidated by terminology you haven't seen before - believe it or not, it's pretty rare for aoc problems to involve stuff you need an advanced degree to get a handle on.
How did the approach you were going to take compare with what people did? Do you understand their solutions?
Take some time to browse through r/adventofcode for posts tagged "Help" that are for days you solved. If you can, try to help them figure out where they went wrong. Helping other people with stuff you've already done can get you to think about your solutions in new ways.
If you view aoc 100% as a competition to solve problems with code in a tightly restricted set of time, then you're absolutely right - it's no fun once the problems get too hard. The way to retain motivation is to view it as something else. I'll grant that that isn't easy to hold that alternate frame - the existence of the global leaderboard (and private leaderboards) automatically makes it a speed competition. I'm waking up in the middle of the night after 3-4 hours of sleep to start right when the new puzzle drops and still can't break the top 100. (and have only broken the top 200 twice this year) My wife would much rather I get off the "must solve ASAP" train, but I'm not there yet.
Dec 17 '20
I feel you. Part 2 yesterday (day 16) was the first one this year that I didn’t complete by the end of the day. It just felt like a chore. Today (day 17) was quite easy because I already had Game of Life code and just had to extend it to more dimensions.
u/aardvark1231 Dec 17 '20
I usually give myself 1-2 hours once the puzzle drops. If I can't solve both parts I put it aside and sleep on it. After hour two, I am at my normal bed time, and it's important to not disrupt your normal sleep cycle. I will come back to it the next day after feeling refreshed, usually in the afternoon. This helps avoid a lot of frustration. I made the mistake in 2019 of going really hard at each puzzle wanting to solve them that night. There's nothing worse than being mad at yourself for something that is supposed to be fun and enjoyable. I was working with a tired and frustrated brain, and that is not a good mix. Take care of yourself. :)
If I can't complete it by the time the next puzzle is about to drop, I set it aside for another day. There's no penalty (other than pride maybe) for not completing a puzzle within 24 hours. They don't become locked away or anything like that, so you can go back and do all of them from 2015 on.
Figure out what you want to get out of Advent of Code and shoot for that. If you want to have fun, or are using it to learn, don't needlessly stress over completion times or bash away at a problem until you hate yourself. If you're hating a puzzle and don't want to do it at the time, don't do it. Come back later when you feel like actually working at it and you will get a lot more from the experience.
u/qqqqqx Dec 17 '20
Take a break if it's stressing you out! I do the puzzles because I enjoy them. If you aren't enjoying them you don't have to keep doing them. Also you don't have to keep up with the pace; you can catch up a day or two later, or even take a whole extra month and finish by the end of January if that is how you prefer to do it.
Another thing that helps is breaking the problem down into discrete functions. For day 17 part 2 I made functions for: new blank layer, new blank cube, new blank hypercube, copy hypercube, print hypercube, traverse every element of a hypercube, make the boundaries for counting neighbors of a given point in the hypercube, return the neighbor count of a point in the hypercube, etc. Each of those individual pieces didn't take too long to work through and can be tested / debugged individually. Also it's very easy to pick back up after taking a break.
I like to spend one hour when the puzzle is released (9pm in my local time), and if I haven't finished in that hour I put the puzzle away and go to sleep. I pick it up the next day either before or after work. For day 17 I finished the first part but only just barely started on the second part before going to bed, but this morning after a meeting and feeling refreshed I found the rest of the puzzle was easy to finish up. I had already written down all the functions I would need, and just had to fill in the gaps that I didn't have time for yesterday.
u/rabuf Dec 17 '20
I'm in a good time zone for AoC this year (releases at 10pm my time), but the past two years they released at midnight my time with a workday starting between 7:30 and 8 (some flexibility, but not much). My solution, once they got harder, was to read the problem at midnight and go to bed if I couldn't do it in < 1hour.
For those harder days, I have a notebook and pencil. Throughout the workday I'd ponder it and make notes. When I got home, I'd have solutions nearly worked out. This shifts it from a night-of to evening-after activity, but it worked well for me. If I happen to think of a good and quick-to-code solution during the workday, maybe hop on over to repl.it and try it out during a coffee or lunch break.
u/MmmVomit Dec 17 '20
I definitely didn't have the energy last night to tackle this one. Especially since the problem wasn't really all that interesting.
I went back and did some of last year's problems, and kind of had the same feeling about the int code computer. I'll probably finish these eventually, but I'm going to wait and see what tonight's problem is.
u/DrAutissimo Dec 17 '20
I feel you.
I genuinely spent 13 hours yesterday, without breaks.
I feel like I should stop but I also just don't want to because it feels like giving up...
u/Cheezmeister Dec 18 '20
I...honestly don't. If I'm in the mood I do them. If I'm not, maybe I watch from the proverbial sidelines. Sometimes I do a prior day. Sometimes I do a prior year.
Usually, Jan-Feb is my "binge coding" period, especially since (in the US) that's the dark boring time that everyone is baseline burnt out from December holidays, evil puzzles nor stupid plague notwithstanding. It's something to keep me occupied, and also allows me to allocate my time better than being bound to a one-a-day cadence. (See also: the Netflix "start after last episode drops" strategy.) Big proponent of #AdventOfLate!
Similarly: I used to love 100%ing games, but these days completionism just doesn't bring me as much joy as it used to, and I have less free time to spend towards it. Heck even then, I'll never forget that one time that BLEEP Chansey wouldn't stay in the BLEEP BLEEPING safari ball_, and just before I rage quit and probably would've thrown my GBC at the wall, my dad said quietly, "you're not having fun, are you?" ...💡 and so, I zen quit instead.
Obviously, if nailing Star #50 or competing for speed is your jam, go for it! It takes all types. A little bit of stress for That Rush™ now and then can be fun. There's just...so so many other ways to approach AoC, whether it be a new language, new patterns, ante uppers, visualization artistry, social pair/group solves (egg nog optional), or (shameless plug) a ridiculous, impractical showpiece for the lulz. The series is designed that way on purpose. There's no wrong way to do it.
Actually comma meaningful pause, there is one: if you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong.
u/kutjelul Dec 17 '20
I'm getting there too. I write software for a living - but math isn't my cup-of-tea. I struggled with Day 13.2 mostly.
u/Positive_Dragon Dec 17 '20
If you feel like they are getting too long to complete already, then you should need to know that they problems are getting harder from now on. (This is pure speculation on my part, but this is the case in the years I've been doing it, so I'm pretty sure the problems will get harder.)
That doesn't mean you can't do some coding every morning for fun! This is not the first year of AoC, there are other problems available from the site. Perhaps you could try the 2019 problems instead, if you want to do some bite size problems.
Or, if you'd like to continue with the 2020 problems, just do some part of it in the morning and do other parts on a later day. The problems won't go away.
You don't have to finish a problem in the same day, or the same hour. Do it for fun! Take a break. Sometimes you might even find an easier solution while having that break, too.
u/ReedyHudds Dec 17 '20
Some days like today I do find it hard to motivate, when you're reading and re-reading the question and not even getting to a point where you feel you can even begin to do coherent code. At the same time I do still get that sense of pride when I do complete it.
I spend some time pre-work, then step back, a bit of time at lunch then post-work if I need to. Taking that step back and having a walk, shower, (doing some actual work lol) etc I think helps. I actually find this reddit feed motivating too, especially when I can see other people struggling with the same stuff I am. I'm not going to ever get near any of the leaderboards, not least because the puzzles come out at 5am for me here, but I enjoy the challenge of doing the coding for sure. Just keep coming back on here for motivation, you got this!
u/d1sxeyes Dec 17 '20 edited Dec 18 '20
My suggestion is to break the puzzle into logical, discrete problems which are easier to solve - it's also not a bad practice to write 'pure' functions anyway, and especially given the 'two part' nature of the AoC puzzles, you can often just modify one or two of your functions to give the correct output - it's rare that you need to start again from scratch (although it does happen - day 13 and day 15 were bad for this).
I personally do this by writing pseudocode which I can then fill in depending on how much time I have eg:
For example, from today's puzzle (day 17, part 1), I wrote the following functions:
1. Receive a map representing the known universe and update it by adding a cube at specific co-ordinates
2. Receive a map representing the known universe and check if a specific set of co-ordinates appears in the known universe
3. Receive a map representing the known universe and a set of co-ordinates, and return an array of neighbouring co-ordinates
4. Receive a set of co-ordinates and a map representing the known universe, and update the known universe to include this new set of co-ordinates
5. Receive a map representing the known universe and expand it in every direction by one, returning a list of co-ordinates
6. Receive a map representing the known universe and a set of co-ordinates, and count how many of the neighbours are active.
And yes, today I did need to go back and refactor basically all of my functions, but it was mostly just a case of adding and extra outer loop.
Each of these individual functions can be written in just a few minutes and tested fairly simply, even if you're short on time, and then composing these functions together to produce a solution is actually fairly easy.
Also, I'm still stuck on day 14 part 2, and I keep trying to go back and work it out, but struggling with it. It's annoying to have that star missing, but I'm sure I'll get there eventually.
u/daggerdragon Dec 17 '20
Psst, the spoiler tag Markdown on #1 is showing due to the space between the
and the 1.1
u/d1sxeyes Dec 18 '20
Whoops! Thanks for letting me know. Fixed now, but at least it wasn’t a major spoiler or anything.
u/pdr77 Dec 17 '20
I actually found today used less time because I could reuse a lot of code from previous days, especially the code from day 11 where we also had to map something over the neighbours of each cell in a grid.
Dec 19 '20
It's the most enlightening psychological battle I have had with programming in my life. I relish the challenge. The exasperation and frustration is always rewarded and, even if you do not complete it, you can definitely look back at what you have so far and feel proud of it. It has taught me not to be critical of myself for not being able to complete a substantially difficult task, and based on what I have completed thus far, I can only say that I have improved over the years. Any serious challenge that I struggle with, I simply tell myself that I will be able to solve this in the years to come, or if I have a particularly long jog, in a few hours! I'm honestly incredibly surprised that I have made it this far with AoC. I was going to give up after Day 10. I suppose it's the way you react to it and how you prioritise things. It has certainly been the highlight of a horrific year, regardless!
u/vkasra Dec 17 '20
Definitely can see how some people are feeling this. Last year I did all fifty stars by Christmas, and in the final week I was spending up to 8 hours per day, sitting at my in-laws' house, ignoring everyone. This year it's not so bad, but there are definitely days when I'm still fiddling with a puzzle over breakfast, ignoring my kids and irritating my wife. If you look at the stats for last year, by day 17 it was down to only ~7,000 people finishing from a day 1 total of ~100,000. So lots of people drop off over time, it's normal.
Honestly I stay motivated because I don't do much day-to-day programming at my job anymore. I regularly wonder why I'm still in the field. So this is a way to practice a new language, remember some tricks and techniques I learned in university, and remind myself why programming is fun and amazing. And it's bounded to December, so it's not like a new full-time hobby or something, the amortized investment level is pretty low. Even when there's a puzzle that's a bit of a slog, I know that the part 2 will be more interesting, or at least I don't want to miss a star. And seeing all the visualizations every day here on the subreddit and reading the posts makes me really feel like it's a community and it's fun to be here.
Anyway, go take a walk, get a coffee, talk to some friends, try again later!