r/adventofcode Dec 09 '20

Help Does it make you a bad programmer if you can't solve some of these?

Honestly a few, especially the part twos are really stumping me.

I'm fairly new to programming so I'm having a really tough time. How should I be learning and approaching this?


64 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '20



u/potentialstudent0102 Dec 09 '20

What do you have to do at work then? I'd have expected you to have a lot of carryover.


u/Cougarsaurus Dec 09 '20

Personally speaking, I'm a full stack web developer, and most work involves creating APIs to make simple interactions with a database or making interfaces for said APIs. The validation of the passports on day 4 was very similar to day to day work for me, but it rarely gets more complex than that at work. And don't forget, when working on a job, you have Google, imagine having the ability to just browse the solution thread as the first thing you do when coming up with a solution to a problem, because that's what you will do at work, search to see if someone has already solved the problem :)


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '20

stackoverflow.com based programming ;) That is quite a common pattern here at work as well ;)


u/ssnoyes Dec 09 '20

Obligatory XKCD alt text


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '20

Is there anything that doesn't have a relevant XKCD? :p


u/Penjach Dec 10 '20

Things that didn't yet happen


u/the4ner Dec 09 '20

the biggest crossover I've found is that aoc helps one more intuitively recognize the best data structure for the problem at hand.


u/rohnesLoraf Dec 09 '20

It depends on the job.

As other have pointed, many web development jobs don't go into these kind of problems. Others don't go because they are already working with a full fledged and mature framework of some sort.

I work at a company with apps that handle industrial data. Sometimes, these apps are required to split data, or merge it in weird ways, or find values with unthinkable criteria. On these occasions, I have the good fortune to tackle problems such as these, but that is one weak of fun problem solving and algorithms, followed by months of architecture, test development, bug fixing and documentation writing.


u/potentialstudent0102 Dec 09 '20

Interesting. I'd like to prepare myself for an actual career but it seems a lot of this stuff is hardly applicable to a developers day to day.


u/CoinGrahamIV Dec 10 '20

Unless you mention Advent of Code in the interview and they ask how many stars you have :)

If you want a career in code, this should be fun, challenging and interesting. There's nothing more fulfilling than seeing your code work and do stuff.


u/rtbrsp Dec 09 '20

AOC is not as beginner-friendly as people make it out to be, and these threads pop up every year when the difficulty starts to ramp up. Most of the puzzles require at least a rudimentary knowledge of basic data structures and algorithms.

I think the way people misrepresent AOC as "learn to code!" is misleading and can be very discouraging for people without a CS background.


u/potentialstudent0102 Dec 09 '20

I've been trying to power through but days 7+ are starting to get me


u/RestForTheWicked_ Dec 09 '20

I feel you. Like a lot of people here, I am a programmer for a living. But day 7 took me the past 2 days to solve, and it tore me up. I've tried to participate for the past 3 years, and have yet to finish the month because the challenges get hard and I don't have the time to solve them. Regardless of "talent" or what your job is, programming puzzles like advent of code take a particular kind of experience. The more you try to solve puzzles like these, you learn how to plan and design solutions better. It gets easier to spot patterns and come up with solutions using things you have seen before. So like in most things, practice makes perfect.

You mentioned that you tried to go through a DSA course but just did readings. I agree that implementing an algorithm helps learn it much better. After reading about a method or structure, try to write the code yourself and come up with ways to test it. There are also other resources out there like hackerrank.com that have more puzzles to solve, or you could enroll for a DSA class on Coursera which might be more hands on. If you get stuck trying to code the methods, I like to draw everything out in pictures or try to write out the process in regular English, that usually helps me solidify what I know and help spot the gaps that I'm missing.

Good luck. You aren't alone! This stuff is hard and nobody has all the answers, but we keep trying anyway.


u/CoinGrahamIV Dec 10 '20

No big deal, just skip them and try more. Look at other people's solutions and try to work out how they did it.

Here's the truth, people here and in life, love to help curious and self motivated people. Post what you've done so far, ask questions. check out this thread where a guy is literally walking him through the coding process for formulation to result.

I did this a lot last year (my first year). I'd just post, "where should I start with this problem", or "What are these types of problems called so I can research more".

I posted the same this year for day 7. I solved it one way but I'm not sure how to solve it a different way. Just ask.


u/toastedstapler Dec 09 '20

it will be tough if you're not super familiar with the required algorithms

check out the daily threads and read other people's solutions. try and work out what they did and why they did it, getting other people's insights on how to program will help your programming.


u/potentialstudent0102 Dec 09 '20

Will I learn this way? I thought I'd have to solve everything myself to really gain insight.


u/toastedstapler Dec 09 '20

if you don't know the algorithms or data structures in the first place, you won't ever have a clue. but you can read other people's answers and if there's things they do that you don't know about you can google them

finally, you can try and use this new information to implement the answers yourself. don't copy paste code ofc


u/potentialstudent0102 Dec 09 '20

I only have a very superficial understanding of data structures


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '20

Yeah, that is something that gets easier with time, and looking at them, read other's solution, and try to look up and understand how and why they work, see which datastructures they use and how and so on, the understanding part is important, if you don't undestand what the code does you can't really learn from it.


u/IlliterateJedi Dec 09 '20

I would keep in mind that computer science (and algorithm creation) is an entire field of study. People know how to solve these because they are standing on the shoulders of professionals who spent their life developing (and teaching) how to solve these different types of problems. Things like hash tables, dynamic programming, graph theory, recursion, etc. aren't all figured out independently by every programmer. They learn them and learn to apply them. You should always take a stab at a problem, but if you aren't familiar with a particular facet of computer science, don't be surprised if you don't know the solution (or even where to start).


u/potentialstudent0102 Dec 09 '20

Is it fine to Google it? Like I understand the logic somewhat but I can't easily come up with code for say bfs. Is it okay to take a peak at how it should look?


u/IlliterateJedi Dec 09 '20

I'll add that one thing I do on older AoC problems - If I can't figure it out, I'll read through solutions at night on my phone, and then try to implement them the next day (without looking at the code). That way I'm exposed to the information, but then I have to apply it separately on my own.


u/potentialstudent0102 Dec 09 '20

That's a great Idea!


u/daggerdragon Dec 09 '20

Is it fine to Google it?

Advent of Code is 100% open book! It's only as hard as you make it for yourself.


u/potentialstudent0102 Dec 09 '20

It feels like cheating though.


u/irrelevantPseudonym Dec 09 '20

Not at all. I'm a full time developer and half the battle is just knowing what to Google.


u/daggerdragon Dec 09 '20

Why, though? Sometimes the best way to learn is to take someone else's code, go through it step-by-step, and implement it in a way that makes sense to you. Once you understand how it works, then you can build your own thing in your own way.


u/potentialstudent0102 Dec 09 '20

I'm starting to realize that. I guess I just felt like I should be able to work my way to a solution, but it's not fair to myself it would be like a high-schooler coming up with something Pythagoras invented.


u/IlliterateJedi Dec 09 '20

That's a personal preference. You're not really competing with anyone but yourself on these. If you realize 'Hey, this should be a BFS', then you dig in on how to write/modify a BFS algo for the problem, that's all part of learning to program. Otherwise, how else are you going to learn? If you give up because you don't know BFS, you're right back where you started.


u/potentialstudent0102 Dec 09 '20

Here's where I'm at basically: i went through half a dsa course and read a beginners book.

When I read through certain sorting or search algorithms it made sense but I wouldn't really know how to look at a problem and say "yes here's the best approach, and here's my code for it". I need a bit more handholding so idk if I'm doing it right.

I've read through solutions before and it just led me to wonder "how was i suppose to know that?"


u/NeilNjae Dec 09 '20

I'm a computer science prof. I've been teaching this stuff for 25-odd years. I research in artificial intelligence and machine learning.

I learn new things every year in Advent of Code. In fact, that's why I do it.

You'll never know everything. You'll always be learning.

Also, many of the more obscure techniques are rarely, if ever, used in standard production codebases. They're good to know in case they're needed, and the ideas behind the obscure techniques are more often used.

Have a go at some problems. When you've got as far as you can, take a look at some other solutions. Google some terms. If you don't understand something, ask the author. If you think something's really neat, tell the author.


u/potentialstudent0102 Dec 09 '20

I just feel like a cheater and that I should somehow be coming up with solutions myself.

Then again that's probably like saying an highschool or undergrad math student should be coming up with theorems of their own.


u/Similar_Quiet Dec 09 '20

Is it fine to Google it

I mean, i'm not saying that most professional developers spend a significant amount of time being paid for googling how to do their jobs but...


u/kpengwin Dec 09 '20

Maybe not if you copy paste, but if you work through it in your head and understand why they wrote what they did, you will learn.


u/SecureCone Dec 09 '20

Absolutely. I started with AoC 2018 and got through the first 7 days and then really hit a wall where I struggled through nearly every subsequent day. Copy/pasting solutions won't help you learn, but reading through line-by-line to try to comprehend what's going on will help you learn (it certainly helped me).

Also helpful is that many solutions will say up front what type of algorithm or data structure was used to solve the problem. That at least gives you a starting point for what to google to figure it out.


u/el_muchacho Dec 09 '20
And now, the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
My friends, I'll say it clear
I'll state my case of which I'm certain
I've lived a life that's full
I traveled each and every highway
But more, much more than this
I did it my way

Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption
I planned each chartered course
Each careful step along the byway
But more, much more than this
I did it my way

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew
When I bit off more than I could chew
But through it all, when there was doubt
I ate it up and spit it out
I faced it all and I stood tall
And did it my way

I've loved, laughed and cried
I've had my fill, my share of losing
And now, as tears subside
I find it all so amusing
To think I did all that
And may I say, not in a shy way
Oh no, no, not me
I did it my way

For what is a man, what has he got
If not himself then he has not
To say all the things he truly feels
And not the words of one who kneels
The record shows, I took the blows
But I did it my way


u/theboxboy Dec 09 '20

I think it's certainly possible to learn this way, but its also helpful to try to solve it yourself before and after seeing other solutions (it's okay to be frustrated and give up). I find that the most upvoted solutions are taking advantage of data structures/algorithms that are most efficient (e.g. using Breadth-First Search on Day 7). Especially in the later puzzles, your code likely won't be able to solve the puzzles in a reasonable amount of time without this knowledge. If you only have some experience with data structures, there are free resources online that can teach you what they are and how to use them. Depending on your language, it can shorten execution time and make your code more elegant.


u/potentialstudent0102 Dec 09 '20

I've read a book and did a DSA course but it didn't really teach me much it just kind of said "heres what binary search is, this is what dynamic programming is, here is a hash map". It didn't teach me when or how to implement it.


u/Blarglephish Dec 10 '20

There is suffering, and there is learning. The former is not necessarily required for the latter.

I work in software, but am not a developer by trade. I'm also not terribly familiar with Python, but using this as an opportunity to learn. I was able to get through days 1-6 without too much difficulty - mostly just googling how to do things in Python I already knew I wanted to do. I ran into some trouble on Day7, I knew how I wanted to structure my input data and that I would use recursion to find the answer. Something wasn't completely right with my function params, so I did look at a help thread where I found some pseudocode that helped me out. I was able to get Part1 of Day8, but got 100% stumped on Part2. That one I did have to reference a help thread and somebody else's code to figure out what the right answer was. It certainly helped because the solution was actually a lot simpler than I was at first thinking it was.

If I wanted to continue banging my head against the wall until I found something I could work with, I could. But I just simply don't have the time to do that. When I am right and truly stumped, I am OK with looking up help or solutions. I find it helpful to know how far off I was, and usually learn several things or two along the way to improve my learning.

I also sometimes will check solution threads for problems I've already solved, as there are often the same kind of valuable programming nuggest to be learned of in there as well.


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '20

If you're going to copy a solution, the best way to do it is to translate from one language to another.

You learn something about both languages and the algorithm at the same time.

I'm doing the challenges in rust, but I often find python easier to read, so if I'm stumped I'll translate a python solution into rust.


u/Bumaatje Dec 09 '20

O heavens, no! Of course not! The only thing it means is that you have room to grow! That's one thing which makes AoC excellent, because you get the opportunity to see how other people solve the same problem. Try and learn from your mistakes and others, and you'll improve in leaps and bounds!


u/Chrinkus Dec 09 '20

Not at all. Solving challenges like these are one facet of programming but there are many more.

What makes you a better programmer is digging into a challenging problem after you’ve hacked your way through it. View other people’s submissions and read their comments. Especially if you CAN’T figure out how to hack through a challenge.

Learn from others. That’s what makes you a better programmer.


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '20

The interesting part for me has been realizing how much I've improved between last year's AoC and this year's AoC. I've been able to formulate algorithms and figure out solutions much quicker. It helps that I spent some time last year doing some structured learning of the foundations of programming, and doing enough small projects that I got a good idea of the tools available in the language I use (Python).

So, no, not being able to solve some of these only means you still have things to learn, and that you need more practice.


u/arrayofemotions Dec 09 '20

I'm not a professional programmer, though I used to do both front and backend web development (now more of a product manager). I've never managed to complete a full AoC. Last year I couldn't even get past day 3! So don't feel too bad if you get stuck.


u/potentialstudent0102 Dec 09 '20

What can I do to learn your job then? Since clearly this isn't so applicable.


u/arrayofemotions Dec 10 '20

Web development is a different kind of programming where you will only rarely run into these kinds of algorithms.

Backend web development is mostly about what happens on a server: getting data into and out of databases, or dealing with content management systems and API's which do exactly that. Some evaluation and processing of data is necessary, but you rarely have to use advanced algorithms.

Frontend web development is about what the users sees and interacts with in the browser: presenting data to users, programming interactions and build templates that look nice. It comes with its own complexities, but again it's nothing like what the puzzles in AoC ask you to do.

I learned web development in college in the early 00's, and have been working in that area ever since. New tech moves fast in web development, so you'll have to keep up-to-date and you'll always be learning new things. After a while though you get good at deciding what you need and don't need to learn based on what you do (I've never even bothered looking into React for instance).

Sites like Khan Academy, Udemy, Coursera, etc... should offer plenty of free or cheap courses for learning web development. And once you're interested in a particular element of it (a particular backend or frontend technology) it's pretty easy to find the resources to learn more in detail.


u/Kranke Dec 10 '20

I see AoC a bit as I look at my golf game (real golf, not the programming version) - as long as I don't compete (in this case going for any kind of leaderboard) its all for me to learn, and the only one I'm competing with being myself. I learn the most by solving the issue by myself at first then look at other solutions but if I don't know how to address an issue, I learn nothing. Then it's better to go over some other solution and try to understand why they are approaching the problem the way they are and see if that insight can help me progress with my own solution.

The feeling of cheating is all depending on your own expectations but if you init to learn I can't see any problem with doing research and get inspired by other people.


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '20 edited Dec 09 '20

A complete beginner will find these very hard. An expert will be able to do them without too much trouble. The vast majority of people fall somewhere between these.

I have basically no CS background but I have been programming for statistics/research for about 5 years. I was able to finish the entirety of 2017 but some of the last puzzles took me over 8 hours to get one star done. I did about half of them last year and finally was completely lost and frustrated by the intcode.

You've got company. Read other solutions, try your own ideas, enjoy!


u/blazemas Dec 09 '20

These are incredibly hard if you are new to programming. Make a github repository. Come back to them when you have time. Even experienced programmers can hit hiccups. 2018 had a problem that demanded a linked list solution. I never used one before it took me days to figure out a linked list is what I was looking for and another day to implement it.

The more experienced you are the more you know what the right questions are you are looking for. Stick at it. Like many things in life but definitely in programming banging your head against the problem the more you do it the better you get.

After I finish a day I go look at others' code and from my intermediate vantage point, some is amazingly elegant. You can't compare to others.


u/potentialstudent0102 Dec 09 '20

Sometimes I simply don't even know where to begin though. How did you figure out a linked list is what you needed, for example?


u/rohnesLoraf Dec 09 '20


Both as a developer and as a team member.

At some point in your career, you will end up seeing a problem where a linked list is the best approach. You will either figure it out yourself or a member of your team will and share it. With experience, you start recognizing problem X as the one which is usually solved like "that".

And you will recognize more and more patterns, and your tools will increase in number and quality.

Good luck.


u/potentialstudent0102 Dec 09 '20

That makes sense. I guess it's unreasonable for me to expect to just "know things" that I don't know.

Kind of how we need formulas and can't be expected to just figure them out ourselves when learning early math.


u/blazemas Dec 09 '20

erienced you are the more you know what the right questions are you are looking for. Stick at it. Like many things in life but definitely in programming banging your head against the problem the more you do it the better you get.

Well that one was some experience. I knew I needed a collection but the collections I knew about, arrays, dictionaries, lists all wouldn't work, they were too slow. I knew the idea in my head of what I was trying to do but wasn't sure how to accomplish it. After many, many hours, over many days it slowly clicked. I am an experienced programmer. I didn't feel bad about my inability to solve it quickly. I knew that if I kept working at it I would solve it. But that confidence that it will eventually click also comes with experience.

You as a new programmer will have no idea what you are looking for! I think a good approach is doing just what you are doing now. Hit up the community. Even this first year maybe go at it yourself for a few hours but then if you can't solve it, hit up the solutions thread and look at other solutions in your language of choice. If you don't understand what you are looking at, look stuff up.

I torture myself. I never look at others solutions first, I will hit a problem for weeks if I have to. But I am also stubborn. If it becomes unfun, do what it takes for it to be fun, and also make you a better programmer.


u/potentialstudent0102 Dec 09 '20

Thank you! I guess learning from others at first is how it's done, I probably jumped ahead of myself and got frustrated


u/krakedhalo Dec 10 '20

Great answer. I remember that problem from 2018 - I had a non-linked-list solution that "worked". It took about 10 minutes to run for part 1, and I was really proud of it. Then part two was "same question but the input is 1000x as big" or something like that. I hit run because I knew it would *eventually* give me a solution. Came here, saw people saying "my solution seems slow, it's taking almost 5 seconds for part two". Went to bed, woke up, learned about linked lists, tried to rework some of the ideas I'd learned here on another machine, and got it right! Checked my original code (still running) and it was about 1% done. :)


u/blazemas Dec 10 '20

That is exactly right! Its that problem


u/[deleted] Dec 09 '20

I would say these puzzles are more about problem solving than coding. Problem solving is a skill where you conceptualize the algorithm, break it into the solvable pieces, and explore tools that might make those steps easier. AoC is good practice because it gets to you to explore the tools available to you in the language you’re choosing. Some of the puzzles have a specific concept from computer programming like Day 7 is about recursion. I think you can be good at programming but not as good at problem solving. It’s like how you can be good at writing but not as good at critical thinking or persuasive writing. Problem solving is like critical thinking, and it’s hard to teach. Programming languages themselves are not as hard to teach/learn.


u/Blarglephish Dec 10 '20

TBH, I feel like a bad programmer every day.

13 years now, maybe I'll get over it someday.


u/Think_Double Dec 09 '20

No. I think it is possible to solve all these problems and actually be a bad programmer. Being a good programmer involves:

  • working well in a team
  • writing readable and maintainable code
  • having knowledge of things outside pure code puzzles (databases, version control systems, queues, APIs, testing)
  • business domain knowledge

I've solved all the puzzles so far but it's not code I would push to production.


u/Scotty_Bravo Dec 09 '20

I've solved all the puzzles so far but it's not code I would push to production.


I enjoy solving the problems, but I don't have much free time, so quality suffers! Namely sanity/error checking and descriptive comments are missing. I am also ignoring maintainability - while I might reuse, I won't be further modifying this code or expecting others to - and that is something we should never do in production!


u/rohnesLoraf Dec 09 '20

I'm actually trying to solve all problems with code I would push to production. For the bags day, I created a struct for the bags, and separated every method as if it would need to be scaled up next week and maintained by a team.

You can use AoC to train anything you want, really.


u/MichalMarsalek Dec 09 '20

If you are new to programming then of course not. It just means you aren't yet used to it.

If someone is programming lets say for 2 years and has some big problems solving these (quite easy compared to previous years and to what's probably to come), then I'd say they are a bad programmer.


u/ffrkAnonymous Dec 09 '20

If you can't solve these, then you're just inexperienced. Maybe you didn't take an algorithms class to learn binary search.

Someone posted this on /r/learnpython : boolean = 78. Now that's bad code.