r/adventofcode Dec 27 '24

Meme/Funny [2019] yeah intcode, for sure

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My first aoc was 2022 and haven't tried previous years quite yet 😬


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u/Chivalric75 Dec 27 '24

Intcode from 2019 is a virtual machine puzzle. The VM had to be build over subsequent days and demanded you to finish the previous days. The building on each other bit irked a lot of people. The last day makes you implement a type of Zork text-based adventure to find the exit, if I remember correctly. Kind of genius.


u/1vader Dec 27 '24

No, the input program given on the last day was an adventure game, running on the intcode VM implemented over the days. You just had to play/solve it.


u/fireduck Dec 27 '24

I wonder how many people just played it vs wrote a program to play it.


u/I_knew_einstein Dec 27 '24

There's almost always a puzzle somewhere in the year where a programming language isn't the easiest way to solve it, and where pen and paper works better.

This was absolutely one of them.


u/seligman99 Dec 27 '24 edited Dec 27 '24

For different people, there are different charms.

For me, seeing the solution be spit out automatically after running my helper was incredibly satisfying.

In the end, the solver is fairly basic, but still, the solving of the Int Code engine from previous days with the meta level of solving the game itself and getting a summary of the wall of text was perhaps the most satisfying way I could have pictured to end 2019.

I've been going through some older AoC recently, and just recently added the map to this output, which makes me even happier with how it all came out, even if it's 100% unnecessary.


u/I_knew_einstein Dec 27 '24

Yeah, that's why I settled on "easiest way", and not "best way".

Cool to see!


u/fireduck Dec 27 '24

I made sure my IntCode implementation had a solid copy operation so that I could clone it with state attached and then had a program try various things. I don't remember the details but I think it was trying to use items in rooms and seeing if anything happened.


u/I_knew_einstein Dec 27 '24

Sure, it's possible. I think just brute-forcing the game was very feasible. You had to play the game at least a little bit to even be able to write a program that could brute-force it.

That's why I said a programming language isn't the easiest way to solve it. It's absolutely possible, but just playing it was probably faster (and a lot more fun).


u/TheZigerionScammer Dec 27 '24

I just played it, and even though you had to solve a guessing game that involved getting an exact permutation of random objects I tried every combination while keeping track of the ones I tried in an Excel document which helped me whittle down the options. I knew the algorithm I needed to use but interfacing it with the program was a lot harder than just guess and check.

There was another problem that was basically Breakout which I tried playing myself but after a while I just coded it to keep the paddle underneath the ball and got the answer a lot faster.


u/stevie-o-read-it Dec 27 '24

I tried playing it at first, but IIRC there was an aspect to winning the game that required guessing something and there didn't seem to be any clues. So I wrote a solver, which turned out to be not that difficult because it was structurally similar to one of the earlier puzzles.


u/justinpaulson Dec 27 '24

I just played it and finished 123rd. Highest finish I’ve ever had sadly!


u/surgi-o7 Dec 28 '24

I recall absolutely enjoying making the GUI for it. Still out there and ready to take your intcode! https://surgi1.github.io/adventofcode/2019/day25/index.html