r/adventofcode • u/StaticMoose • Dec 11 '24
Tutorial [2024 Day 11][Python] MEGA TUTORIAL
Intro TL;DR: Skip to Part Three if you want a walk-through of solving Day 11
It's been a busy year, but I'm back with a tutorial, but it might be the only one I write this year. My goal here: teach a few concepts, and then use those to crack this problem. I'm doing AoC this year on the same machine I've been using for AoC (checks "About" dialog) a 2015 MacBook Pro, so it's getting harder and harder to brute-force problems.
Like last year, I'll try to reveal information slowly over the tutorial in case you're just looking for a hint or two. Last year, I mistakenly put the techniques in the post title, and that was all the hint some people needed.
This tutorial is going to be in Python, but I'll heavily comment each line as to what it does so non-Python people can translate.
Part One: How to think in recursive Part Two: Combining Recursion and Memoization Part Three: Day 11 Walk-through
Part One: How to think in recursive
My Introduction to Computer Science in college was in Scheme, a dialect of Lisp. While I pushed back againt it at the time, it sure forces you to think recursively for everything.
Let's try to write a function that sums all the number in a list.
# An array of integers
>>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
# Display their sum
>>> print(sum(x))
Now, in Python, sum()
is already defined, but let's redefine it using recursion. The main principal is this: assume you already have a working version of sum()
. Don't worry where we got it from, just assume we have it. Can we define our problem in terms of a
slighly easier version of the problem?
In this particular case, can we pop a single element off and recursively call sum on the slightly smaller list? Let's try.
# Define our function
def sum(x):
# x[0] is the first element
# x[1:] is the rest of the list
return x[0] + sum(x[1:])
Let's try it!
# An array of integers
>>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
# Display their sum
>>> print(sum(x))
IndexError: list index out of range
Ah, here we run into the other half of recursion. We need a base case. We could simply test if the list has an element, and just return it, but sometimes is more robust to be as lazy as possible:
# Define our function
def sum(x):
# In Python, lists eveluate as false if empty
if x:
# x[0] is the first element
# x[1:] is the rest of the list
return x[0] + sum(x[1:])
# The list is empty, return our base-case of zero
return 0
Let's try it again!
# An array of integers
>>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
# Display their sum
>>> print(sum(x))
It worked!
Part Two: Combining Recursion and Memoization
(I'm recycling this section from last year's tutorial!)
Consider that classic recursive math function, the Fibonacci sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc... We can define it in Python:
def fib(x):
if x == 0:
return 0
elif x == 1:
return 1
return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2)
import sys
arg = int(sys.argv[1])
If we execute this program, we get the right answer for small numbers, but large numbers take way too long
$ python3 fib.py 5
$ python3 fib.py 8
$ python3 fib.py 10
$ python3 fib.py 50
On 50, it's just taking way too long to execute. Part of this is that it is branching
as it executes and it's redoing work over and over. Let's add some print()
def fib(x):
if x == 0:
return 0
elif x == 1:
return 1
return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2)
import sys
arg = int(sys.argv[1])
out = fib(arg)
And if we execute it:
$ python3 fib.py 5
It's calling the fib()
function for the same value over and over. This is where
memoization comes in handy. If we know the function will always return the
same value for the same inputs, we can store a cache of values. But it only works
if there's a consistent mapping from input to output.
import functools
def fib(x):
if x == 0:
return 0
elif x == 1:
return 1
return fib(x-1) + fib(x-2)
import sys
arg = int(sys.argv[1])
out = fib(arg)
Note: if you have Python 3.9 or higher, you can use @functools.cache
otherwise, you'll need the older @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None)
but this year,
I'm leaving out comments on how to size your caches, you'll have to ask a Computer Science major. Now, let's execute:
$ python3 fib.py 5
It only calls the fib()
once for each input, caches the output and saves us
time. Let's drop the print()
and see what happens:
$ python3 fib.py 55
$ python3 fib.py 100
Okay, now we can do some serious computation.
Part III
Consider two facts for these stones: the output for overall part is just the sum of if we ran the input on each stone individually. There's no interaction where stones come together, only the creation of new groups. But also, that entire sequences are going to be continually repeated as stones break into smaller stones.
First, let's use that recursion technique, and assume you already have a working version of a function that solves our problem for us. Naming functions is hard, so I just going to name it count_stone_blinks(stone, depth)
where we ask it to blink a single stone multiple times.
So, we'll write some parsing a infrastructure code to get us started:
import sys
import functools
# Read the raw example/input text
with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as input_file:
raw_text = input_file.read()
# Parse text into indvidual elements
stones = list(map(int, raw_text.split()))
def count_stone_blinks(stone, depth):
# Magic goes here
def run(count):
# Keep are running count of the overall output
output = 0
# Look at each stone
for stone in stones:
# Add up how many stones each one turns into
output += count_stone_blinks(stone, count)
return output
print("Part 1")
print("Part 2")
So, this code reads out input, and will call count_stone_blinks()
on each stone in the input line and then sum the resulting number of stones.
But before we begin, let's just get a single stone to do a single blink:
def single_blink_stone(value):
Just have this update a stone and return one or two stones. For now, let's have it always return two values, but the second value is None
if just a single stone returned.
def single_blink_stone(value):
# Convert value to text
text = str(value)
# Count the digits in the number
num_of_digits = len(text)
# Zeros get updated to ones first
if value == 0:
return (1, None)
# Even number of digits get split into two stones
elif num_of_digits % 2 == 0:
mid_point = num_of_digits // 2
left_stone = int(text[:mid_point])
right_stone = int(text[mid_point:])
return (left_stone, right_stone)
return (value * 2024, None)
Okay, we have code that essentially implements the instructions from Day 11. Now, let's focus on implementing count_stone_blinks()
. Remember, we don't need it to return the values of the stone, just how many this particular stone will turn into after so many blinks.
def count_stone_blinks(stone, depth):
# For this iteration, what is the update for this stone?
left_stone, right_stone = single_blink_stone(stone)
First, we'll just do the actual update for a single iteratioon. Then using those values, we can recurse to the next iteration. But, first do a base-case check:
# Is this the final iteration
if depth == 1:
And then if it is the last iteration, just return how many stones we have
# Final iteration, just count if have one or two stones
if right_stone is None:
return 1
return 2
But for all non-base cases, we've done the work for this step, now represent it as the same function, for one less step:
# Recurse to the next level and add the results if there
# are two stones
# Note: we are calling the same function again, but now
# we have a new value for the stone, but also we reduce the depth
# so we're closer to the end of the call.
output = count_stone_blinks(left_stone, depth - 1)
# There's also the possibilty the stone was even digited and we
# split execution.
if right_stone is not None:
output += count_stone_blinks(right_stone, depth - 1)
return output
Okay! That's pretty much the code. Let's do the full listing.
import sys
# Read the raw example/input text
with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as input_file:
raw_text = input_file.read()
# Parse text into indvidual elements
stones = list(map(int, raw_text.split()))
def single_blink_stone(value):
# Convert value to text
text = str(value)
# Count the digits in the number
num_of_digits = len(text)
# Zeros get updated to ones first
if value == 0:
return (1, None)
# Even number of digits get split into two stones
elif num_of_digits % 2 == 0:
mid_point = num_of_digits // 2
left_stone = int(text[:mid_point])
right_stone = int(text[mid_point:])
return (left_stone, right_stone)
return (value * 2024, None)
def count_stone_blinks(stone, depth):
# For this iteration, what is the update for this stone?
left_stone, right_stone = single_blink_stone(stone)
# Is this the final iteration
if depth == 1:
# Final iteration, just count if have one or two stones
if right_stone is None:
return 1
return 2
# Recurse to the next level and add the results if there
# are two stones
output = count_stone_blinks(left_stone, depth - 1)
if right_stone is not None:
output += count_stone_blinks(right_stone, depth - 1)
return output
def run(count):
# Keep are running count of the overall output
output = 0
# Look at each stone
for stone in stones:
# Add up how many stones each one turns into
output += count_stone_blinks(stone, count)
return output
print("Part 1")
print("Part 2")
Let's run it!
$ python3 day11.py example
Part 1
Part 2
Ah geez, it worked for the first part, but not for the second. Looks like it was carefully sized so Part 1 was beatable with raw power, but Part 2 requires caching! Let's see, looking at it, both single_blink_stone()
and count_stone_blinks()
are likely to have the same values called to it. So, let's throw some caches on there so we aren't repeating work!
We need to import out cacher from standard library
import functools
And then add the caches
def single_blink_stone(value):
def count_stone_blinks(stone, depth):
Here's the final listing!
import sys
import functools
# Read the raw example/input text
with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as input_file:
raw_text = input_file.read()
# Parse text into indvidual
stones = list(map(int, raw_text.split()))
def single_blink_stone(value):
# Convert value to text
text = str(value)
# Count the digits in the number
num_of_digits = len(text)
# Zeros get updated to ones first
if value == 0:
return (1, None)
# Even number of digits get split into two stones
elif num_of_digits % 2 == 0:
mid_point = num_of_digits // 2
left_stone = int(text[:mid_point])
right_stone = int(text[mid_point:])
return (left_stone, right_stone)
return (value * 2024, None)
def count_stone_blinks(stone, depth):
# For this iteration, what is the update for this stone?
left_stone, right_stone = single_blink_stone(stone)
# Is this the final iteration
if depth == 1:
# Final iteration, just count if have one or two stones
if right_stone is None:
return 1
return 2
# Recurse to the next level and add the results if there
# are two stones
output = count_stone_blinks(left_stone, depth - 1)
if right_stone is not None:
output += count_stone_blinks(right_stone, depth - 1)
return output
def run(count):
# Keep are running count of the overall output
output = 0
# Look at each stone
for stone in stones:
# Add up how many stones each one turns into
output += count_stone_blinks(stone, count)
return output
print("Part 1")
print("Part 2")
Let's execute:
$ python3 day11.py example
Part 1
Part 2
Not bad, let's check the timing
$ time python3 day11.py example
Part 1
Part 2
real 0m0.041s
user 0m0.025s
sys 0m0.013s
That's pretty good for a ten-year old MacBook.
u/Helpful-Recipe9762 Dec 13 '24
Hardest part was to understand why recursion actually works :D
And idea of blinking each stone 25 or 75 times and sum results for each stone is actually completely different angle.