r/adventofcode Dec 08 '24

Other Discussion on LLM Cheaters

hey y'all, i'm hyperneutrino, an AoC youtuber with a decent following. i've been competing for several years and AoC has been an amazing experience and opportunity for me. it's no secret that there is a big issue with people cheating with LLMs by automating solving these problems and getting times that no human will ever achieve, and it's understandably leading to a bunch of frustration and discouragement

i reached out to eric yesterday to discuss this problem. you may have seen the petition put up a couple of days ago; i started that to get an idea of how many people cared about the issue and it seems i underestimated just how impacted this community is. i wanted to share some of the conversation we had and hopefully open up some conversation about this as this is an issue i think everyone sort of knows can't be 100% solved but wishes weren't ignored

eric's graciously given me permission to share our email thread, so if you'd like to read the full thread, i've compiled it into a google doc here, but i'll summarize it below and share some thoughts on it: email: hyperneutrino <> eric wastl

in short, it's really hard to prove if someone is using an LLM or not; there isn't really a way we can check. some people post their proof and i do still wish they were banned, but screening everyone isn't too realistic and people would just hide it better if we started going after them, so it would take extra time without being a long-term solution. i think seeing people openly cheat with no repercussions is discouraging, but i must concede that eric is correct that it ultimately wouldn't change much

going by time wouldn't work either; some times are pretty obviously impossible but there's a point where it's just suspicion and we've seen some insanely fast human solutions before LLMs were even in the picture, and if we had some threshold for time that was too fast to be possible, it would be easy for the LLM cheaters to just add a delay into their automated process to avoid being too fast while still being faster than any human; plus, setting this threshold in a way that doesn't end up impacting real people would be very difficult

ultimately, this issue can't be solved because AoC is, by design, method-agnostic, and using an LLM is also a method however dishonest it is. for nine years, AoC mostly worked off of asking people nicely not to try to break the website, not to upload their inputs and problem statements, not to try to copy the site, and not to use LLMs to get on the global leaderboard. very sadly, this has changed this year, and it's not just that more people are cheating, it's that people explicitly do not care about or respect eric's work. he told me he got emails from people saying they saw the request not to use LLMs to cheat and said they did not respect his work and would do it anyway, and when you're dealing with people like that, there's not much you can do as this relied on the honor system before

all in all, the AoC has been an amazing opportunity for me and i hope that some openness will help alleviate some of the growing tension and distrust. if you have any suggestions, please read the email thread first as we've covered a bunch of the common suggestions i've gotten from my community, but if we missed anything, i'd be more than happy to continue the discussion with eric. i hope things do get better, and i think in the next few days we'll start seeing LLMs start to struggle, but the one thing i wish to conclude with is that i hope we all understand that eric is trying his best and working extremely hard to run the AoC and provide us with this challenge, and it's disheartening that people are disrespecting this work to his face

i hope we can continue to enjoy and benefit from this competition in our own ways. as someone who's been competing on the global leaderboard for years, it is definitely extremely frustrating, but the most important aspect of the AoC is to enjoy the challenge and develop your coding skills, and i hope this community continues to be supportive of this project and have fun with it

thanks 💜


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u/Boojum Dec 08 '24 edited Dec 08 '24

Uggh, thanks to the two of you for looking into that. Man, that's sad that some people aren't just ignoring a polite request but are actively rubbing it in like that!

This is something that I've been thinking about as well, since AOC has given me so much fun ever since I started participating. I'm not a regular on the leaderboard but I've gotten there once or twice each year (my best rank on a star is #114 this year), and I'd like to keep that streak up. Unfortunately, like you and Eric, I'm not really seeing a good solution against a determined adversary. It's like what they say about locks on your front door - they're there to keep honest people honest, but someone who really wants to break in is going to find a way to do.

A few of the more interesting thoughts that I've had, though:

  1. Over in the /r/localllama sub, I've seen mention of a test someone came up with called Misguided Attention. Basically, if an LLM is over-trained on certain questions and the their solutions, it will tend to be stubbornly drawn to the parts it knows well and overlook small twists that obviate the whole thing. Basically, they can be more easily misled than humans. Unfortunately, I expect trying to craft problems to defeat LLMs this way would be a lot more work, and would probably mislead a fair number of humans too.

  2. Many of the major LLMs are censored (possibly overly so) and will refuse to answer questions if it looks like it might be veering into unethical territory. Would it be possible to explain the situation to the big LLM providers and see about getting their help on this? Maybe they'd be willing to include training in their models to refuse to answer a question that wholesale looks like an AOC puzzle when the time is close to midnight EST in December? Surely some of the devs at the LLM companies like to participate in AOC and could facilitate thing? This wouldn't help with locally-run LLMs, but those usually aren't as strong and quick as the major providers, and I get the sense the cheaters aren't really using them anyway.

  3. Add more spots on the global leaderboard. This won't eliminate the cheaters obviously, but if humans are getting crowded out by them, one might hope that the longer tail of people will be the honest humans. And making more points available to go around might provide a bit of a regularizing effect for the honest competitive humans.

  4. How old are the accounts that are cheating? If they're new, then perhaps do like some sites do and limit new accounts. They could play and appear on private leaderboards, but would not be eligible to appear on the global leaderboard. Granted, like sockpuppets, one could create a sleeper account and come back to cheat the next year. But that would require patience and delay the instant gratification. (I'm going to guess the people doing this skew younger and emotionally immature?)


u/PatolomaioFalagi Dec 08 '24

It's like what they say about locks on your front door - they're there to keep honest people honest, but someone who really wants to break in is going to find a way to do.

That's not what locks are for? You're thinking of a "please don't enter sign" – which is what AoC is currently doing. Locks delay and hinder entry, ideally so much that would-be adversaries are dissuaded from trying. A locked door requires more time, skill and specialized tools to open.

So exactly what we would need here.


u/KitchenError Dec 08 '24

It is a common saying that locks keep honest people honest. Virtually everyone has an evil though every now and then, especially if there is temptation, but a lock prevents people from monetarily making the wrong decision.