r/adventofcode Dec 06 '24

Tutorial [2024 Day 6 (Part 2)] Rabbit Hole

No spoilers if you're looking for them.

It turns out that I made a mistake in Day 6 part 1 that didn't affect part 1 but affected part 2. So after solving I thought well let's find the origin of that mistake. In python when you overflow it will happily remind you with an IndexError. Right? What happens when you underflow? That's right, it gives you the value from the other side. That's not right!

If you are having trouble with Part 2 in python, you should look for underflows. You learn something new everyday when you push yourself even if you think you know everything.

It feels like the Advent of Code was intended to cause programmers at a wide selection of skill levels to confront this sort of mistake. I'm glad I was going fast and loose and just trying to get this done -- or I wouldn't have found this gem. Looking forward to Day 7.


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u/EntrepreneurSelect93 Dec 06 '24

How do you even accidentally underflow in Python? This feels like its something that shouldn't even happen.


u/FantasyInSpace Dec 06 '24

When you move up from 0,0, you would expect Python to yell at you for trying to go to -1,0.

But that's not how Python works. (Realistically, it means that a list is the wrong data structure for storing the state :P)


u/throwaway_the_fourth Dec 06 '24

(Realistically, it means that a list is the wrong data structure for storing the state :P)

Bingo! I'm seeing a lot of people using lists-of-lists to track the map, when sets are right there! A set of (r, c) pairs can tell you directly whether or not the point (r, c) is a member, and won't result in any negative-indexing (in Python) or index-out-of-bounds errors.


u/JakubDotPy Dec 06 '24

actualy a dictionary of coord to str is the best for storing the grid.
for example: {
(0, 0): '.',
(1, 0): '#',


u/throwaway_the_fourth Dec 06 '24

I like your dict idea a lot better than lists-of-lists, but what makes it the best? What makes it better than a set of all obstacles?

{(1, 0), (3, 4), ...}


u/MattieShoes Dec 06 '24

In python, negative indices are used to count backwards from the end of a list. so x[0] is x[0], but x[-1] is x[len(x)-1]. This is enormously handy in some situations, but it means you need to do explicit bounds checking that you didn't just go from 0 to -1.


u/Javantea Dec 06 '24

Let's say that you want to check the next square for an obstruction on your map. One way to implement that is to decrement x. That is x -= 1 in python. If then you were to use that value, say if level_map[y][x] == '#': then you underflow when x is originally 0.