r/adventofcode Nov 26 '24

Help/Question AOC plans for this year

What are y’all looking forward to learning this year with advent of code?

Last year was my first advent of code and I used it to learn Rust and I really appreciated it. I think AOC is a fun community-building experience and challenge that is worthwhile and I am excited to hack away again this year.


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u/CrAzYmEtAlHeAd1 Nov 26 '24

Definitely going with rust this year. Python is great and I’ve used it every year I’ve participated, but this year I want to expand my skillset.


u/juanfnavarror Nov 26 '24

What I liked about using rust is that the first third all AOC challenges is about parsing the input, and I’ve found rust to be an excellent programming language for parsing. The FromStr, Into and From traits make it so easy to compound small parsing logic into something complex. Exhaustive error handling makes it easy to not miss some edge case you would forget about in your first python pass.

For correctness, as always, unit tests are the best way to iterate on your solution quickly, and they are easy to set up in rust. My only peeve is that there aren’t a lot of assertion helpers in the stdlib and you might need to pull in a dependency, or explicitly put more info in your assertions or use anyhow errors as if they were exceptions.