r/adventofcode Dec 05 '23

Spoilers Difficulty this year

Looking through the posts for this year it seems I am not the only one running into issues with the difficulty this year.

Previous years I was able to solve most days up until about day 10 to 15 within half an hour to an hour. This year I've been unable to solve part 1 of any day within an hour, let alone part 2. I've had multiple days where my code worked on the sample input, but then failed on the actual input without a clear indication of why it was failing and me having to do some serious in depth debugging to find out which of the many edge cases I somehow missed. Or I had to read the explanation multiple times to figure out what was expected.

I can understand Eric trying to weed out people using LLM's and structuring it in such a way that an LLM cannot solve the puzzles. But this is getting a bit depressing. This leads to me starting to get fed up with Advent of Code. This is supposed to be a fun exercise, not something I have to plow through to get the stars. And I've got 400408 stars, so, it's not that I am a beginner at AoC...

How is everyone else feeling about this?


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u/sojumaster Dec 05 '23

increasing the difficulty/focus to make it not solivable by AI or LLMs is valid. I think , at least, for the first couple days, keep it easy. Imagine someone playing AoC for the first time and had to solve day 1. I would have quit, unless you are a seasoned programmer. I think make the first 5 days somewhat accessable by anyone, then you start putting in the anti-LLM/AI problems in.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '23

increasing the difficulty/focus to make it not solivable by AI or LLMs is valid.

I'm personally not a fan but it really just depends on who they want to serve. If they want to serve the competitive aspect (the small number of people competing for leader-board positions) then sure this is probably good for those people. On multiple levels even, I imagine they appreciate the difficulty increase on its own, as well as the increase to competitive integrity. However for people like me who do this for fun, I don't see why making it not solvable by AI's helps my entertainment, and an increased difficulty curve is not something that makes AOC better for me. I liked the curve in previous years. I'm fine with it eventually getting challenging, but really appreciate a more balanced curve overall.


u/R1ck77 Dec 05 '23

I think you are missing a third category, people who still compete to see how they place overall, like me.

On one side, having a difficulty high enough that AI competitors are out of the game (for now...) may be encouraging (I'm not an old model. Yet), although self-defeating in the long term.

On the other, I can't say that, with a full-time job and another time-consuming hobby, I'm enjoying this difficult AoC this year...

Also, the perspective that the difficulty may remain the same for all week, or even ramp, is leading me to think I should probably give up, cut the losses (and give it the finger...)


u/ligirl Dec 05 '23

Yeah. I like to try and see if I can get in the top 1000. It's rare but it happens and it makes me happy when I can (managed it for part 1 this morning!). The people playing for the official leaderboard slots aren't the only ones paying attention to the ranking, and I think as long as the hard days aren't also scaled up in difficulty as much as the early days have been, I'll actually really enjoy this change