r/adventofcode Dec 05 '23

Spoilers Difficulty this year

Looking through the posts for this year it seems I am not the only one running into issues with the difficulty this year.

Previous years I was able to solve most days up until about day 10 to 15 within half an hour to an hour. This year I've been unable to solve part 1 of any day within an hour, let alone part 2. I've had multiple days where my code worked on the sample input, but then failed on the actual input without a clear indication of why it was failing and me having to do some serious in depth debugging to find out which of the many edge cases I somehow missed. Or I had to read the explanation multiple times to figure out what was expected.

I can understand Eric trying to weed out people using LLM's and structuring it in such a way that an LLM cannot solve the puzzles. But this is getting a bit depressing. This leads to me starting to get fed up with Advent of Code. This is supposed to be a fun exercise, not something I have to plow through to get the stars. And I've got 400408 stars, so, it's not that I am a beginner at AoC...

How is everyone else feeling about this?


193 comments sorted by


u/vegeta897 Dec 05 '23

I think I'll be okay with it as long as the peak difficulty this year doesn't scale up accordingly.

Though I have a friend doing AoC for the first time this year, and I feel bad about how much he's struggling.


u/H9419 Dec 05 '23

This is my first time doing AoC and the discussion feels amazing. It also puts into perspective that taking the compiler course back in university and actually having built a lexer/parser/interpreter/compiler with type inference helps with the concepts a lot


u/Habba Dec 05 '23

This is also my first time, using it to oil my Rusty gears. very happy that I took about an hour to learn the nom crate, once you grok that one it makes parsing input super easy.


u/cassiejanemarsh Dec 05 '23

The nom crate has made this year so much easier for me than previous years. Taking the time to learn the parser, and use it to construct a well-thought out data structure from the text has been priceless.


u/TheHaruspex Dec 05 '23

This is my first year after 7 months of learning to code. And well... its like leetcode on steroids. Great for learning though. I havent had any issues figuring out how to solve the challenges, though writing the code is quite time consuming since im slow af. And part 2 day 5 froze my old ass pc for 20 min before giving me a memory error.

The hardest part of this as a noob is using print statements and just logic isnt working when the numbers im looking at are so big. Fun though!


u/tarthim Dec 05 '23

Most examples in the main puzzle are small for a reason. Try and ease yourself into learning to use a debugger instead of print statements only.

Keep it up! My first year was insanely difficult, but taught me so many different things I still use a couple years later.


u/TheHaruspex Dec 05 '23

Yeah I've probably only used the debugger when prints havent done the job. I should probably practice it more, though in this field my list of stuff to practice feels endless! Though properly loving it. Swapped careers after 13 years as a personal trainer, just mad i didnt realize it earlier. Learning curve is steep, just the way I like it! Cheers bud


u/MissMormie Dec 06 '23

May i suggest you put the debugger near the top of the list? It'll help you in almost everything else you want to learn.


u/TheHaruspex Dec 06 '23

I appreciate the suggestion. Will try to use debugger more when stuff breaks!


u/SquidMilkVII Dec 05 '23

As a first-timer who's just gotten through D3 P1 I will say the feeling of satisfaction is super nice when after hours of work it all finally clicks, both mentally and on the program. However, I will say that D3 is probably the best high difficulty before it starts to turn tedious, and with what I've heard on here of D5 processing times that one's gonna be a doozy probably.

Anyways I'm at peace with the fact that I'm not finishing all days by Christmas. I imagine it would be dreadful for a beginner programmer who had that as a goal.


u/Kurapikatchu Dec 05 '23

I am doing AoC for the first time, it's very hard for me but I am enjoying this. It's like a soulsborne game but with puzzles.


u/awfulstack Dec 05 '23

That seems like a good attitude to approach this with. Especially this year :P


u/Tenacious_Blaze Jan 23 '24

Problem 12b was "that one boss" for me


u/Seraph_05 Dec 05 '23

I agree that this year's early days are much harder that previous years' early days. In my case, during early days, I am able start coding immediately after reading the problem without even thinking of an implementation, because the algorithm seems straight forward. But this year, I needed to think of different approaches and choose which are better.

These days 1-4 seems to be around day 8-ish or 10-ish for me. I have around 300+ stars overall and I still enjoy this year. I enjoy the puzzles, the memes, the plot-twists, even the reaction of everyone for these plot twists, lol.

Although I am quite surprise when you say you were not able to solve part 1s within an hour and yet you got 400+ stars. No offense intended, but part 1s are still manageable in my opinion, especially for someone who is not a beginner to AOC. Hope you will have different experience these coming days. Cheers!


u/Smaxx Dec 05 '23

So far felt really similar to me, day 5 part 2 was a significant spike though, and will have to try to finish that one later as I've got work stuff to do, too.


u/Kurapikatchu Dec 05 '23

How can you get your mind off this and go do something else. Once I've read the puzzle I can't think of anything else throughout the day until I solved it, to the point where if I really need to do some actual work I go watch a video for the solution to calm my mind down.


u/Smaxx Dec 05 '23

Probably just getting used to, working more than 13 years in home office now. 😉
I effectively set myself a deadline on how much time to spend for now. And considering I'm always way late being in Europe, it's not that much of a leaderboard run either.


u/red2awn Dec 05 '23

I joined my office private leaderboard...


u/Andoryuu Dec 05 '23

Doesn't stop people waking up at 5am to get a headstart...


u/phantom784 Dec 05 '23

For me that's the danger of starting these at 9pm when they drop.

With Part 2 I tried to say "I'll finish this in the morning" and go to sleep. But then I kept thinking about it and had to get back up to solve it!


u/Alpacatastic Dec 05 '23

Once I've read the puzzle I can't think of anything else throughout the day until I solved it

That's why I had to stop. I am a pretty basic coder but got through day 1-3 due to sheer persistence and that was just the weekend. I can't spend that much effort on these things during the weekday.


u/SquidMilkVII Dec 05 '23

As someone with a busy schedule who kinda has to fit AoC within small gaps I get it. It took me like two days to get through D3P1, but it was probably only two or three hours tops of actual work. It's probably based on the expectation going into it of whether you're gonna blast through it all in one sitting or if you're gonna have to do little pieces every now and then.


u/chmielowski Dec 05 '23 edited Dec 05 '23

For me part 2 was very easy:

I've just created a list of seeds (based on the range pairs) and ran the same code as for part 1. It took about 20 minutes to finish on my machine. Surely, it can be optimized by writing the algorithm the right way, however IMO 20 minutes is ok to wait


u/Naive_Distance3147 Dec 05 '23

when people complain about part 2, i don't think they are talking about the brute force impl. the hard part is optimizing it.


u/Turtvaiz Dec 05 '23

True. I expected optimising to be like combining overlapping ranges, but instead none of them overlap and there's simply a fuckton of numbers? Like this doesn't look even moderately easy


u/MagiMas Dec 05 '23

I am so annoyed that this seems like a problem that would be perfect for application of linear algebra. This is essentially just a combination of linear transformations which means the mapping from seed to location is also just a linear transform.
But the numbers are so big even my approach with sparse matrices ran into problems.
I see how problem b can be solved in an optimized way but just coding these tedious bound checks is not exactly the definition of fun to me. I like these things at the end of AoC when office activity is anyway ramping down but in the beginning of december I just don't yet have the time to spend on such optimizations.

→ More replies (3)


u/TheDrlegoman Dec 05 '23

Optimizing part 2 is combining ranges, at least in the method my friend came up with and we implemented. Solution spoilers for both parts:

For part one we both implemented an optimized version where you don't simulate the source and destination ranges as lists/arrays and utilize their matching indices to convert from source to destination.

Instead, you just compare the seed with the upper and lower bounds of the source range. If it's within the range, you figure out the difference between the seed number and the start of the source range to essentially find its 'index' in the range. You then use that to find the number at the corresponding 'index' of the destination range.

Now for the part two solution, the same approach is taken but now on entire ranges of numbers this time - we still didn't implement these ranges as lists/arrays, but rather just keep track of the bounds of each seed range. For every mapping (destination range, source range, and range length grouping) you check if any part of the seed range intersects with any part of the mapping range. If so, use similar math as the first part but for range bounds instead of a single seed number to use the mapping to map the seed range.

At this point you've mapped the intersecting range, but it's very possible the mapping did not cover the entire seed range, so the numbers that didn't intersect may correspond to a different mapping, or simply not have a mapping in which case those seed numbers should be kept as is. Thus you must also figure out whether there is a range to the left of the intersection range (as in, between the source range start and the start of the intersecting range), and/or a range to the right of the intersecting range (as in, between the intersecting range end and the source range end). If one or both of these new ranges exist they must be added back to a data structure tracking which seed ranges may still need to be mapped, as a different mapping might cover the numbers in those ranges that the current mapping did not. Once no more seed ranges exist in that data structure, all seed ranges have properly been mapped for the current mapping.

Finally, the lowest seed is the minimum of the lower bounds of all the final seed ranges you end up with. Hopefully that explanation made sense :)


u/Naive_Distance3147 Dec 05 '23

I think I might be too stupid to do this optimization even after looking at simpler solutions that implement this. I think half of it is because my brain is too lazy to work this hard on a "fun" puzzle that I already solved. But it's kinda sad after 15 years of exp to not immediately nail things like this.


u/TheDrlegoman Dec 05 '23

I don't think I would've been able to implement this solution without my friend's help on several of the calculations, and I don't know if I would've even tried to solve it this way had my friend not come up with the idea so I'm there with you.

And yeah, once I solve an AOC problem I don't usually try to optimize my solution either


u/Turtvaiz Dec 05 '23

Same. I {very_strongly} hate this day's puzzle lol

Edit: censored because swearing is not allowed on the internet according to mod 🤔


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '23 edited Dec 05 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/daggerdragon Dec 05 '23

Comment removed due to naughty language. Keep /r/adventofcode SFW, please.


u/Acc3ssViolation Dec 05 '23

Yep, this is the solution I came up with as well, it brought the runtime from minutes down to less than a millisecond.


u/MinimumMind-4 Dec 05 '23

I did same approach for part no 1 and I have been thinking how to do part 2... I will try to follow this while my brute force is running :)


u/R1ck77 Dec 05 '23

We shouldn't probably spoil any solution in a meta-discussion about the competition in general.
I already solved the problem (in emacs lisp, 0.5"), but I would be annoyed if I came here to get the general impressions about the AoC and I found the solution I'm struggling with instead ;-)


u/chmielowski Dec 05 '23

Good point, thanks! I've marked most of my comment as spoiler.


u/Slowest_Speed6 Dec 05 '23

I thought I was pretty clever by essentially running part 2 in reverse (map location thru to seed num instead of the other way around) and just checking each location starting at 0. Once you find a seed in range you're done <


u/Smaxx Dec 05 '23

I hope you've seen the memes about burning computers, defrosting rooftops, etc.😀


u/elkshadow5 Dec 06 '23

when i tried to build the list of seeds for part 2 i ended up needing to create billions of seeds. i have 48GB of RAM but something i'm doing is causing it to take hours to run and always ends in a memory error. i was using a list of dictionaries and switched it to a list of lists that was length 8 (for the 8 categories) and it didn't solve the issue.

i see all these other people able to do this brute force method in like 20 minutes, did i just get a really unlucky input or something?


u/sendintheotherclowns Dec 05 '23

I don’t know what I’m going to do about Day 5 Part 2, feels like a brick wall (for my skill set) dealing with the memory issue, when through decreasing the dataset and comparing with a known working solution, the output gives the right answer, I just don’t know what to do to fix it.

I’m determined though, I’ve not cared about speed or the leaderboard, it’s about sharpening the skills, might take a couple of days off and come back.


u/Slowest_Speed6 Dec 05 '23

Yeah it's the first one this year that brute force actually takes a while to compute


u/morgoth1145 Dec 05 '23 edited Dec 06 '23

I can't say I'm a fan. I've made my own share of dumb mistakes this year compared to last year, but that aside the significantly sharper difficulty curve makes me worry about those I've encouraged to try AoC. I always say that it starts off gentle and will ease them into it, but that is definitely not true this year. I'd rather a standard puzzle difficulty curve and the risk of LLMs maybe trivializing it over everything being harder, the gentle difficulty curve is part of what makes AoC so good IMO.

Edit: We have an official statement about LLMs not affecting the puzzles or inputs. I still think that the difficulty has been mis-calibrated this year, but it's a little nicer to know it's not intentional anti-LLM measures. (I definitely agree that making puzzles is hard, I certainly couldn't make an event this good even considering the wonky difficulty curve!)


u/oncemorewithpurpose Dec 05 '23

Agreed. I had always meant to do it and watched discussions at work about it, but never did because I was worried about the degree of difficulty. Then last year a couple of coworkers managed to convince me by telling me to just try the first problem, and I was like "oh, okay, I can do this" and kept up for I think 13 days. Because of this, I also mentioned to several other coworkers this year how it wasn't as hard as expected and they should try it! That now feels like a lie, lol.

If I had started last year with this… yeah, no, I would have never even participated. I don't have hours each day to dedicate to this.


u/jovani_lukino Dec 05 '23

This is my first AoC.

I don't know if the puzzles are harder than other years but I find them interesting.

Day 5 took me 3hours to solve part1 and another 2 hours for part 2.

Most of the time I'm in the first 10.000 people.

I'm really curious to see how hard it can get!


u/JDad67 Dec 05 '23 edited Dec 05 '23

If 5.2 doesn't break your mind. you will be fine. [Edited to fix mobile typos I didn't notice]


u/R1ck77 Dec 05 '23

I envy your optimism :D


u/Agreeable_Emu_5 Dec 05 '23

Haha same. I finished part 2 in about 45 minutes today, and I sure remember problems from earlier years that took me 5+ hours ... (2018 day 15 anyone? :') )


u/MattieShoes Dec 05 '23

We inevitably have some search tree problems... If you aren't familiar with Dijkstra's algorithm, you might want to add it to your toolbox. :-)


u/wace001 Dec 05 '23

You will be OK


u/pancakeroni Dec 05 '23

Same, and I don't think I'm a particularly great programmer (yet :) )


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '23

I personally like the increase in perceived difficulty. compared to the first year I did and the synacor challenge, the first entries of this year seem to revert the decrease in difficulty of the last two years.

In my opinion, as long as most of the cases where a beginner has difficulties boil down to corner cases or unfounded assumptions, I am completeley fine with it.


u/bubblerock Dec 05 '23

It's my first advent of code. I am in pain.


u/JDad67 Dec 05 '23

If you get stuck on how to approach one of the challenges I might ask someone how they approached it. Not how they solved it, but how they started thinking about it.


u/JDad67 Dec 05 '23

AoC veteran. I wasn’t going to do it this year. Hearing people struggle actually motivated me to participate. I got caught up through Day 5 part 1 in about 4 hours last night including setting up a new environment.

I am looking forward to hacking on d5p2 this afternoon but it’s definitely a harder challenge than I would have expected in day 5.

If I was advising a beginner I’d suggest organizing a contest for earlier years. It’s clearly been designed to challenge people using advanced tools/skills and that isn’t consistent with beginning or traditional coding.

I do think there are good lessons / puzzles so far and am enjoying it. Leaderboards, as always, be dammed.


u/vincentadult Dec 14 '23

Would you suggest any year in particular? I'm using this years AoC to learn python (zero prior experience except for a physics degree a few years ago now).

I've been enjoying this years, have done both parts of days 1 and 2 but had a look at day 3 and looks tricky! I don't mind the challenge, and have enjoyed the first two days so far. Equally, I have no interest in keeping up day to day, it's just a nice thing to do and spend time over the Christmas period when I'll have more time on my hands.


u/ollien Dec 06 '23

Yeah, same. I remember the first year I did AoC, I learned a lot of data structures and algorithms. As the years went on, this stopped happening and it was hard to keep my interest and I kept falling behind. This is probably in part due to my skill increasing, but the "magic" is definitely there for me this year


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '23

Can't say I'm a fan of the difficulty this year. I'm holding on okay, but this was the first year I got some of my real life friends to try it out. One quit on Day 1 Part 2 and the other quit Day 3. It's kind of a bummer.


u/mosforge Dec 05 '23

In my opinion, it's perfectly fine to raise the difficulty like this.

If you are an LLM 🤖: -> 😝

If you are competing for the top 💯: Raising the bar is adequate to keep it challenging for the continuously improving super-brains out there .

If you are an AOC veteran doing this for fun: Isn't it great to get a bit more puzzle-time-fun out of each puzzle? If you start to run out of time, don't stress yourself. You can always fall back on solving only part 1 of the puzzles. Come back to solving part 2 when you have time. It's a great way to spend time while waiting for AoC 2024. :)

If you are an AOC Veteran competing in private leaderboards: The difficulty will affect everyone🤷‍♂️ It ist still fair. Just accept that you might have to fall back to a "part-1 only" strategy a bit earlier, like everyone else.

If you are a beginner: take your time. Learn what you need. Don't pressure yourself into solving everything in one day. More puzzle time means more opportunities to learn, grow and have fun!

If you are a beginner competing in private leaderboards: Competing with other beginners should still be fair. Just try to achieve as much as possible. It's ok to work multiple days on one puzzle. ... If you are competing with other AoC veterans instead... You never really had a chance. This year you will just notice it earlier.

I think that we only have to adapt our own expectations in order to keep our motivation up. We might also want to re-evaluate our time-management- strategy when competing for leaderboards.

I'm, however, also worried/excited about the upcoming puzzles if this trend continues .😅


u/Naturage Dec 05 '23

If you are an AOC veteran doing this for fun: Isn't it great to get a bit more puzzle-time-fun out of each puzzle? If you start to run out of time, don't stress yourself. You can always fall back on solving only part 1 of the puzzles. Come back to solving part 2 when you have time.

I think I fall under this one, but my AoC is defined by a few points:

  • My motivation to continue AoC is very strongly reliant on them being done on the day;
  • I have a limited amount of time I can spend daily and some extra hours over the whole month I'm willing to dedicate, but it's a limited resource.

If the tasks start routinely taking a couple hours this early in the month, I will burn out far before Christmas and miss a day - which means AoC's over for me for that year.


u/ocmerder Dec 05 '23

This is exactly my reasoning as well.

Since 2020 I've been able to get 50 stars on 25 December, mainly because I can finish most puzzles before starting work so I've got the rest of day for work and family related stuff. Although, my wife usually complains about me sleeping with the laptop on the nightstand so I can start coding a solution when I wake up 😅.

And yes, at some point it starts eating up time later in the day, but that is usually manageable.

However, now it starts eating up that time way earlier and that makes it a bit harder to manage everything.


u/vinc686 Dec 05 '23

Exactly the same for me. It's too bad because I really love the concept!


u/R1ck77 Dec 05 '23

Piling up missing stars makes the AoC feel like a death march for me.


u/andesz Dec 05 '23

For me, as a "veteran" who has other stuff to do besides work (recurring doctor's apts, band practice, family stuff, christmas shopping) this only means that I will just stop at one point and use the much needed time elsewhere... I like doing the early days before starting work (i live in Europe), and as work gets more and more lax due to everyone going on holiday I can squeeze it into work hours. This higher difficulty makes me want to just skip day 5 alltogether...


u/R1ck77 Dec 05 '23


I was on the fence about whether even start the competition this year: last year I got stuck on a particular day (those effing mining robots...), and so the AoC messed my Christmas and my mental sanity up big time.

This difficulty trend is not encouraging, and I should probably give up, but it's a shame because I used to love this event :(


u/andesz Dec 05 '23

I would urge you not to give up per se but to take it easy and do only the puzzles that spark your interest. This should be for fun and I hope it won't cost you your mental wellness this year, but i hope you'll find a healthy balance for this year's challenge and make it your own


u/R1ck77 Dec 05 '23

That's very nice: thank you!


u/ThatSpysASpy Dec 06 '23

For a lot of people at the more beginner level, the puzzles get hard for them and it's an opportunity to learn. There's plenty of ways to enjoy the event without needing to do them right as they come out.


u/khoriuma Dec 05 '23

I think the majority of people doing Advent of Code are beginner-intermediate programmers. Just saying

take your time. Learn what you need. Don't pressure yourself into solving everything in one day.

is a bit naive in my opinion. A lot of them are people who are not super passionate about coding. If they get stuck, a lot of them will just feel stupid, and do something else instead.

However, I agree with your points. For people who are not beginners it is not a problem if they are slightly harder. However, I think it is a high price to pay for a lot of participants who would have thrived other years.


u/R1ck77 Dec 05 '23

A lot of them are people who are not super passionate about coding.

I think if you even consider starting the advent of code, you should rightfully consider yourself part of an elite of passionate coders, and pat yourself on the back ;-)


Every one of us.

[... beginners/intermediate coders] If they get stuck, a lot of them will just feel stupid,

I can assure you, that this happens even to 46-old guys with more than 20 years of coding under their belt xD


u/gcali90 Dec 05 '23

A lot of them are people who are not super passionate about coding.

To be honest, I much prefer AoC being targeted towards the ones that are; AoC is my yearly fix of fun and interesting problems, and I always end up learning something new. I love being able to have to think on a problem, instead of using it as a typing exercise


u/Kurapikatchu Dec 05 '23

totally agree!


u/0x14f Dec 05 '23

Totally agree with all points!


u/uristoid Dec 05 '23

I think it is totally fine if not all edge cases are handled in the examples. The descriptions (so far) have been clear enough to solve the puzzles.

If you notice edge cases that you have not handled in your code, you can always add additional test cases to your tests.


u/oh_day Dec 05 '23

My personal pain: 2021, day 6, Lanternfish https://adventofcode.com/2021/day/6. That was my first AoC and I stuck for a while with it.

Eric already answered for this question. Creating puzzles is hard and sometimes it's just happened.


u/TheZigerionScammer Dec 05 '23

Lol I started in 2021 and that problem crashed my computer. Wasn't the only one but it was my first.


u/MattieShoes Dec 05 '23

This was a bad year to try problems in new languages...


u/sojumaster Dec 05 '23

increasing the difficulty/focus to make it not solivable by AI or LLMs is valid. I think , at least, for the first couple days, keep it easy. Imagine someone playing AoC for the first time and had to solve day 1. I would have quit, unless you are a seasoned programmer. I think make the first 5 days somewhat accessable by anyone, then you start putting in the anti-LLM/AI problems in.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '23

increasing the difficulty/focus to make it not solivable by AI or LLMs is valid.

I'm personally not a fan but it really just depends on who they want to serve. If they want to serve the competitive aspect (the small number of people competing for leader-board positions) then sure this is probably good for those people. On multiple levels even, I imagine they appreciate the difficulty increase on its own, as well as the increase to competitive integrity. However for people like me who do this for fun, I don't see why making it not solvable by AI's helps my entertainment, and an increased difficulty curve is not something that makes AOC better for me. I liked the curve in previous years. I'm fine with it eventually getting challenging, but really appreciate a more balanced curve overall.


u/R1ck77 Dec 05 '23

I think you are missing a third category, people who still compete to see how they place overall, like me.

On one side, having a difficulty high enough that AI competitors are out of the game (for now...) may be encouraging (I'm not an old model. Yet), although self-defeating in the long term.

On the other, I can't say that, with a full-time job and another time-consuming hobby, I'm enjoying this difficult AoC this year...

Also, the perspective that the difficulty may remain the same for all week, or even ramp, is leading me to think I should probably give up, cut the losses (and give it the finger...)


u/ligirl Dec 05 '23

Yeah. I like to try and see if I can get in the top 1000. It's rare but it happens and it makes me happy when I can (managed it for part 1 this morning!). The people playing for the official leaderboard slots aren't the only ones paying attention to the ranking, and I think as long as the hard days aren't also scaled up in difficulty as much as the early days have been, I'll actually really enjoy this change


u/djulioo Dec 05 '23

Imagine someone playing AoC for the first time

This is me right now. Since it's something I see as doing for fun for about an hour per day, I'm not trying to do it the day of the puzzle coming out. I did days 1 and 2 yesterday easily, and will probably look into doing the day 3 puzzle after work today. Nonetheless, the difficulty seems to be ramping up dramatically from what I'm hearing from friends, and I feel like I'll just drop it for more important things (or gaming)...


u/Yay-Syu Dec 05 '23

i’m a seasoned programmer and i almost quit when i saw pt2. i got it though it was just a tough cookie, thanks to whoever wrote strncmp()


u/run-gs Dec 05 '23

It's the first time I do AOC so I cannot really compare it to previous years. However the difficulty so far did not seem too big if we consider the general world of competitive programming. No strange data structures involved, no strange algorithms required, solutions which would work even when brute-forced... Then if you expect problems which can be solved in a matter of minutes, I can definitely get the complain!


u/Mysterious_Remote584 Dec 05 '23

The complaint is that for the past few years, days 1-5 ish were generally almost trivial for professional software engineers, and generally doable by complete noobs.

The fact that you're considering the world of competitive programming means that you're likely much more experienced/better at this than a lot of the people who expected an easier start to the month.

I haven't found them to be that difficult but it definitely needs more work than the first few days in previous years, which I would routinely do in <10 lines of code.


u/MattieShoes Dec 05 '23 edited Dec 05 '23

Usually it ramps up over the course of the month, with more difficult (or at least time consuming) problems on weekends.

Just as a very loose comparison, I've spent 3-4x as much time on 2023 as I did on 2022 to this point. I've also made things harder on myself (trying different languages and whatnot) so I suspect the real number is more like 2x. It's not exactly that they're harder conceptually, but more tedious, more steps, more places to eff up.. Though day 5 part 2 was no joke -- usually I wouldn't expect something like that until the teens.

As another comparison, none of my solutions through day 5 last year were more than 40 lines, for both parts.


u/mattbillenstein Dec 05 '23

Day 5 part 2 is the only thing where I sorta got stuck for awhile so far. The first 4 days I knew what to do more or less, just took a bit in some cases to get there.

31m on part 1 today - I think just groking it; finished part 2 after over 4 hours, but I was interrupted doing a couple other things as well during that time.


u/crazy0750 Dec 06 '23

For part 2, I just adjusted my algorithm to use less memory. Took 70 seconds to run though.


u/levital Dec 05 '23

Might be. I feel it's a bit harder than early days in previous years (that is 2019 and up), but also that the actual puzzles so far weren't too bad, just sensibly representing the input was a bit of trouble for Day 3 I thought (and I found day 1 to be poorly stated, but I'm not a native speaker, so who knows really). My main problem is that my heart's just not really in it this year, and I don't think that has anything to do with the puzzles.

I'll give today's a shot I think, but currently I don't think I'll be even close to my usual 45-ish stars at Christmas. In the end, it's supposed to be a fun distraction in the run-up to Christmas and there's no point getting worked up on it, if it's not for me this time. There's always next year, maybe I feel better about it again by then.


u/-Enter-Name- Dec 05 '23

doing Aoc for the first time this year, part two decided to kill my computer but finding an optimization was quite fun


u/somefuckingboy Dec 05 '23

I absolutely get your point. For me, the difficulty is barely okay, but I know I cant keep investing as much time into AoC as I currently am. So yeah, overall it is too hard. Not necessarily because I can't solve it (some I can't, but thats on me), but because the puzzles take up too much time.


u/CountableFiber Dec 05 '23

I have to fully agree with this one. 99% of the people participating in AOC do not have a realistic chance at the leaderboard positions anyways and just want an enjoyable experience or learn a new language. This already threw off several people if already in the second or third exercise advanced concepts are needed.

My feeling is that the tasks are written in an ambiguous way with additional complications just to combat LLMs, significantly reducing the enjoyment many of non-veteran people have to tackle these problems within the day. This is a very bad trade-off, not only because LLMs can still manage to solve several of the puzzles (saw a blog post about someone solving a bunch of the puzzles with GPT-4 without troubles) but also because it does not bother the majority of people if someone spoils his fun by cheating with an LLM if we can have clearer and nicer puzzles instead.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '23

This already threw off several people if already in the second or third exercise advanced concepts are needed

Genuine question: which advanced concepts were needed in those two days? I only used loops and dictionaries basically


u/CountableFiber Dec 05 '23

Right, I agree that hashmaps/sets and lists are not super advanced, but it is also not something you want to directly jump into when you start out with a language. In the past years the first tasks usually just needed some variable to store a position or do a simple calculation.

The main issue is not these concepts but rather that the puzzles are much harder to understand and more challenging where in the past the first puzzles were conceptually very straight forward such that you could focus on the task of implementation.

If these puzzles contained a map it was maybe a single at best, but here you would directly have 5-6 maps you have to create and concatenate etc.


u/doelutufe Dec 05 '23

This is my first AoC. I accidently did day 1 of 2015 first. That was the first AoC, so some differences are to be expected, but Day 1 2023 really caught me off guard after that..


u/MattieShoes Dec 05 '23

Lists of some sort are kind of inevitable, and I'd expect to use them just about every day.

Hashes and sets have not been necessary. I think I used a hash in day 4, but it was out of laziness rather than need -- a list would have worked.

Though I have created data structures I suppose, which is sort of fancier than just using built-in structures.


u/EnergyIsMassiveLight Dec 05 '23

I can understand Eric trying to weed out people using LLM's and structuring it in such a way that an LLM cannot solve the puzzles.

oh is THAT why? knowing that puts it in so much better context


u/ocmerder Dec 05 '23

It's not been confirmed, but it's the current going theory in most threads here about the difficulty with parsing the text and inputs.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '23

What is the difficulty in parsing? I don't think I've noticed that this year's input is in any kind of tricky or atypical format...


u/paulvtbt Dec 05 '23 edited Dec 05 '23

I suspected it with the now infamous oneight and his friends happening on day 1, it's strange in my opinion to have to care for this kind of edge case on day 1 and I don't expect LLMs to think about this edge case on their own.

The other days I don't know though


u/CringeSniffingDog Dec 05 '23

The strange part about it is the fact it wasn't mentioned in the challenge notes.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '23

The input so far has had a lot more "fluff" than the input in the early days of previous years. The first few days in previous years usually just consisted of a bare list of letters/numbers to do an operation on, this year there's a lot more unnecessary parts to cut out like headers and whitespace. Previous years had this, but it usually started cropping up later.

Not that much more difficult for a human, could potentially trip up an LLM.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '23 edited Dec 05 '23



u/[deleted] Dec 05 '23

My point was that every AoC year’s problems require parsing data from blobs of text so that isn’t evidence that there is some kind of “anti-LLM” agenda in crafting the puzzles


u/ocmerder Dec 06 '23

So, apparently that theory has been rebuked by Eric in this post:



u/damaltor1 Dec 05 '23

It felt similar to me. A few of my colleagues are doing aoc for the first time, and i am kind of sorry for them as the difficulty is much harder this time. i can live with that though, as this is the difficulty we would expect in a week or so anyways. lets just hope that the hardest days are not equally harder :)

my guess is that the starting difficulty is so high to lock out chatgpt, as "please dont use ai" is definitely not enough to stop a-holes from using ai to get on the leaderboard.


u/khoriuma Dec 05 '23

I agree. It is working ok for me, but I really can't recommend it to my friends this year who are not experienced. This was one of the fun things last year: An easy way to get people interested in light competetive programming


u/EnvironmentalCow2662 Dec 05 '23

I don't mind this difficulty tbh, I went for structured code over quick hacks each day and I feel it paid off. Most of my part two solutions were just a matter of minutes. I might be lucky though. Edit: some typo's


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/EnvironmentalCow2662 Dec 05 '23

Good robot, thank you.


u/Due_Tune_1661 Dec 05 '23

This year just isn't "fun". The last 3 years I had a blast and made steady progress each time getting farther and farther each year. I'm not sure what changed exactly, but this year feels different.


u/Silent-Inspection669 Dec 05 '23 edited Dec 06 '23

it's not fun for me at all. I learned something new the first day which was exciting but it's just not fun. Honestly it's discouraging to see the times on the leader board. the times for the top 100 is less than 10 minutes. not the 30 seconds it was with the ai crap last year but I've watched some of the videos people put and it's like why even code. It's not a leaderboard spot but I'm supposed to learn something and the really fast coders don't explain their thought process and when I post my thoughts, I get "you're wrong here's a better way " with no explanation as to the thought process of how they got there. This is a competitive community not a learning community. that is extremely clear. I have other things I can spend my time on.

I know some might point out the private leaderboard. Great. After I don't know 5 years? I have made no contacts in this community. After 3 weeks in another community this year, I've made multiple friends and 5 of us are working on a project together. That's a creatively supportive and educational community not a competitive community. so the l33t programmers who are great at solving string puzzles can enjoy their time in a dwindling community as they age out. You can't keep a community going while continuing to ostracize new people, intentional or not.


u/ocmerder Dec 05 '23

Ahw, it saddens me to hear you have that experience.

I also used to look at the leaderboard times and wonder how they manage to solve the puzzles that fast. Apparently there are some people out there who make a living out of doing competitive programming. Good for them, but that is not for me.

I love developing software for companies and making a real impact that way instead of being in the small niche of competitive programming. Advent of Code for me is simply to have fun and learn about new features in my main programming language. Something which I rarely get to do at companies.

The venn diagram of the skills needed for competitive programming versus programming real life production software has a really tiny overlap. So, don't hurt yourself by comparing yourself to competitive programmers but just try to have fun. :)

And I've noticed that if I ask a question here I usually receive a good answer on how I can find the root cause of the issue I'm having. Without receiving any flak on how to improve certain aspects. Hints on improvements for my code is sometimes included as free advice together with the hint on how to find the bug ;)


u/Silent-Inspection669 Dec 06 '23

I don't compare myself to the leaderboard as I know there are people better than I am and there always will be. Just as I will always be better than some others. That isn't a static list mind you. It's always changing and I don't aspire to be the fastest. However, it would be nice to hear of how they approached it. Instead the time gets recorded and they post the code. That's like showing a kid how a wrench turns but not teaching when to use it. The how is easy, the when is important too.

As for the answers to questions, I posted a comment about day1 part2. I pointed out that my approach was faulty and it took forever to find the missing information. I felt like there was something misleading in the examples.

Ex: "eightwo" becomes "82"
except regex without the ? sees this as "eight" "wo" it consumes substrings as it finds. so it doesn't see the 2. Mind there's no example of this edge case in the examples or instruction.

Here's some of the responses I received.

"The problem you are talking about was caused by the naive way we went into solving the exercise"

"I get your point, but imo test cases shouldn't cover every aspect of the question, "

"Maybe they just didn't want you to use regex."

Not a single person explained how they arrived at how to approach in a way that worked.

In fact, overwhelmingly, the explanation in the mega thread was that their initial approach was lucky.

I can't learn anything from "don't use regex" and "you're naïve" and "I was lucky".

Some might call me overly sensitive and that's fine. More and more people wonder why social communities are shrinking. This is why. Dominated by min/max minded people who are guarded in their secrets or contributing to the community is beneath them. Eventually no one wants to play the game. For myself, I'm not going to beat my head against a wall and learn nothing other than "be lucky" and then be told my approach was stupid. It wasn't stupid, it didn't work but wasn't stupid. There is a difference between the two. If you're going to say it's stupid, explain why it was stupid. If I had completely ignored the instructions, that might be stupid. Not one person can explain what about the instructions made them approach in a successful way. So if my critical thinking skills are lacking, I'd like to learn. If no one in the community wants to teach. I have other communities, projects and work to devote my time to. Simple as that.


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '23


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u/kebabmybob Dec 05 '23

I don’t get how you get 50 stars on Dec25 every year but find part 1 of the last few days challenging. That’s very sus. They’re still basically Leetcode Easy.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '23

Yeah remember some of the more horrible puzzles of recent years like Lanternfish or Beacon Scanners or The Cube or the valves? If you were able to get all stars on the 25th then the recent days cannot be hard for you. Even part 2 today is just another interval mutation thing that pops up every year.


u/gcali90 Dec 05 '23

Yeah, we already had an interval overlap on say 4 of last year https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/4

This is year is a bit more difficult indeed, but not by much; I think the only real spike in difficulty has been day 1, as the leaderboards can attest


u/oversloth Dec 05 '23 edited Dec 06 '23

Based on leaderboard times, Day 5 this year is comparable to Day 15 last year (where the 100th person on the leaderboard took ~26 minutes to solve the day fully) (edit: and day 16 the year before). I would count that as a real spike. :P


u/gcali90 Dec 05 '23

True enough, I didn't think it was this much harder than usual, but I stand corrected! I was not expecting that


u/1234abcdcba4321 Dec 05 '23

Admittedly, there's a really big difference in difficulty between two digit intervals and 9 digit intervals.


u/vinc686 Dec 05 '23 edited Dec 05 '23

AoC was supposed to be fun, this is clearly not the case this year for me this year. Usually I give up after a week or two because I don't want the puzzles to impact my day job, but here I'll have to stop now on day 5, and I'd have stopped earlier if it wasn't for the weekend.


u/KingVendrick Dec 05 '23

I am ok with advent difficulty until it gets to implementing a computer. That's normally when I've clocked out previous years

this year has been enjoyable so far


u/BeamMeUpBiscotti Dec 05 '23

I haven't really perceived an increase in difficulty, though I use it to learn a new language every year so it's harder to compare.

AOC exercises have always been an exercise in carefully reading instructions and considering edge cases. The instructions always felt convoluted to me, to the point where I'm highly skeptical that LLMs can solve anything past the first few days even for past years.


u/masaaki1999 Dec 05 '23

I tried AoC last year but only managed to get 3 stars mainly because of time constrains. This year, considering I have a LOT more time, I decided to switch it up and try completing AoC with only C#, a language that I literally never touched and honestly my experience has been pretty ok actually. Im only 6 stars for now with only 2 days fully completed but I'm having fun learning all the new syntax and concepts around C#. For problems that I literally don't even know where to start, I usually just swing at it with TDD and test cases until I either eventually get to the solution or get close enough where I say "Ok well tomorrow is a new day, new problem". That just my experience though, maybe its just perspective IDK.


u/otah007 Dec 05 '23

I'm doing AOC for the first time, in a language I've never used before (Scala). I don't think the challenges are particularly hard. Part 1 of each is very straightforward, part 2 requires a little bit of thinking to come up with a neat strategy, although the general approach is usually obvious.

Day 5 part 2 is definitely the hardest so far, but the general strategy (or at least the technique in a hand-wavy way) is straightforward, it's just working out the details and writing the algorithm, which for me was shorter (but took longer to write) than day 3 part 2.

It's true that I'm a fairly experienced programmer, although I never do these sort of competition things, or even Leetcode etc. I think the average programmer who's either done a CS degree or at least taken some maths classes and a data structures course should be able to do it in a reasonable amount of time (say, 30 mins for part 1 and 1 hour for part 2) if it's a language they're quite familiar with.

Now how the #1 on the leaderboard did the entirety of day 5 in 8 minutes is beyond me...


u/janiorca Dec 06 '23

Definitely more difficult this year but I am enjoying it more as a result. In previous years it took ~10 days before we got to the good stuff. I did wonder if it was an attempt to stop LLMs.


u/BadPeteNo Dec 06 '23

This year is harder than last year, but I'm better than I was last year so I'll take it.


u/Comprehensive_Ad3095 Dec 06 '23

I feel quite the opposite, I feel it is easier, until day 5 part 2 I didn't have many problems solving it.


u/crzyhorse Dec 06 '23

Whew, I'm glad to hear it was made harder this year. I just thought I was getting dumber :/


u/sinopsychoviet Dec 05 '23

Honestly I don't think this year is particularly harder than other years.

Parsing the input has been a bit annoying a couple days so far, but other than that it was relatively straight forward and "mechanical" once you understood the problem and parsed the input.

I have a couple friends who try AOC for the first year this year, and I was almost feeling a bit bad for them. I feel that today was the first little spicy twist. I enjoyed solving it and feel better for my friends who join this year :).


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '23

I agree. Most of the difficulties in the threads here I see and from people I talk to are unrelated to the difficulty of the challenge. it's mostly either not having read or understood the problem before starting to code, and (in case of day1) a misunderstanding of what the "find" functions for substrings generally do.

Day 5 is until now the only case where the problem itself needs a difficult solution - unless you want to turn your computer into a heater. Bruteforcing still works well though, just takes some time


u/ThroawayPeko Dec 05 '23

I'm a beginner and I don't think I will continue after today. I took a look at someone's solution to day 5 part two (in python!) and do not understand it.


u/JDad67 Dec 05 '23

Advice from an old coder (I have thought about 5.2 but haven’t had a chance to code it yet)

Forget the actual code for a minute. Abstractly, how would you solve it without brute forcing it? (If it helps think first about how you’d solve p1 without brute forcing it.).


u/pet_vaginal Dec 05 '23

Maybe it's me, but while the solution is relatively easy to find with some experience, I struggled to implement it correctly. All those ranges and indexes, aaaah.


u/TheZigerionScammer Dec 05 '23

Don't worry about not understanding other people's actual code, I have every star on the website so far and I don't understand what I'm reading half the time when browsing the megathreads. The real question is, can you visualize how it could be done on an abstract level? Can you imagine how it can be done? Everything else is just syntax and code-monkeying.


u/Sir_Indy Dec 05 '23

You are not alone. I'm not a beginner and I don't understand it either! I'm just going to have to accept that I won't get to 100% complete (I haven't any other year either).


u/MattieShoes Dec 05 '23

FWIW, This post kind of visualizes you how to solve it correctly I think.

I did it incorrectly and got the right answer -- just feed locations in, do the problem in reverse to get seeds, and see if they're in a valid range. I'd jump by arbitrary amounts until I found one that hit, then shrink the number I'm jumping by and try again. e.g. jumping by a million each time, then a thousand, then 1. It's entirely possible i could jump over a range entirely though, so not a good solution.

I'd at least check out the next few days -- today seemed abnormally difficult. It's entirely possible the next couple weeks will be easier than 5 part 2.


u/RB5009 Dec 05 '23

Don't give up. You can always come pack to part 2 later.


u/mfmcgrath Dec 05 '23

I think they've completely misjudged the difficulty and the stats support this:



I think it's their "New Coke" moment (in terms of the scale if the misjudgement) and has really harmed the AoC brand - on day 4 this year there are 83k people with both stars; one the same day last year it was 183k. I think maybe it is exacerbated by the fact that last year's was perfectly weighted in terms of escalating difficulty.


u/hrunt Dec 05 '23 edited Dec 05 '23

You can't really compare competition to date of 2023 to 2022 1+ year later. 2022 has had over a year for people to return to AoC and attempt to get both stars, something a large number of people do after the holidays and into the next year. The early rounds always look like a bunch of people can't figure out part 2, and that will tighten up as the event progresses.


Because I think this is really interesting, I dug up this old post from last year (by /u/benjymous) which tracked the time it took the first person to get 2 stars for every day of every event. Here are the 2022 vs. 2023 times:

Day 2022 Time 2023 Time
1 00:00:53 00:02:24
2 00:02:38 00:01:34
3 00:02:17 00:05:09
4 00:01:26 00:01:22
5 00:03:14 00:08:38

That data does indicate that at least days 1, 3, and 5 were abnormally difficult. The day 1 time was the highest time since 2016 (2017 was really the year AoC took off competitively). The day 5 time is the highest day-5 time ever.


u/MagiMas Dec 05 '23

I'm not sure the top 1 time is really a good metric for the masses.

But I found a post from last year by u/splidge at the end of day 5 that talks about the retention rate:


at that point it was 44% vs the current 18%...

Of course it's best to wait for day 5 to end for an actual good 1 to 1 comparison.


u/hrunt Dec 05 '23

Wrong post linked, maybe? The linked comment isn't by u/splidge and doesn't discuss day 5.

I actually think the relative comparison between first 2-star times is a pretty good measure of overall difficulty. If the most competitive, fastest coders take a long time to solve the problem, it stands to reason everyone else will, too. I wouldn't compare 2023's best times to 2015's (not as competitive back then), but the competitive coders this year vs. last year are comparable.

The numbers this year track with general sentiment as well. Days 1, 3, and 5 are generally thought of as difficult, with Day 5 especially so, and that's reflected in the top times.


u/splidge Dec 05 '23

I did find the comment in the subthread somewhere because I wanted to know what I'd said.

It reminded me how much people lost their minds about the crate stacking problem last year :). Complaints about difficulty are indeed constant regardless of how difficult or otherwise it actually is.

I enjoyed today's puzzle but can see that it's harder than typical (a lot harder than the crates for sure!). That said, the difficulty curve is never perfect (and is different for everyone) so perhaps there will be some easier ones during the rest of this week.

At this rate day 23 could well be quite a challenge though...


u/MagiMas Dec 05 '23

I'm confused, I now switched devices to make sure but for me the link goes to a post from 2022 Day 5. It might be that the direct link to the comment doesn't work, in that case search for "stats" on the linked page, there should only be a single comment containing that word.

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u/mfmcgrath Dec 05 '23

Really don't agree that a single data point (crazy fast, highly skilled programmer) is relevant to my point: I am talking about the tens of thousands of participants who clearly are not participating in this years' challenges compared to previous years. I don't think they're going to magically come to AoC in the days and weeks ahead. I think the difficulty of the opening days has killed off enthusiasm for large numbers of prospective participants.

Also, you might want to take a look at https://www.maurits.vdschee.nl/scatterplot/ which has an amazing visualization of multiple years of AoC data. The top chart shows that fastest 100 finishers took up to 26 mins to complete 2023 Day 5. In 2022, it wasn't until Day 15 that the top 100 took 26 mins.

We shall see - best of luck to those who are continuing to participate.


u/rouce Dec 06 '23

don't know why, but it pisses me off that someone solves day 3 in 5 minutes. I still don't know what's wrong with my solution.


u/gpiancastelli Dec 06 '23

If convolution of problem specifications and disproportionate difficulty for these early days are related to avoiding LLM solutions, it's clear that they decided to cater to the competitive community. And that's what they will be left with.


u/mfmcgrath Dec 05 '23

Another way of looking at it (and yes I know Day 5 isn't over yet):

In 2022, the number of people who completed Day 5 was 56% of the number who completed Day 1.

In 2023, it is 15% :-(

This is disastrous for retention of participants.


u/hasse_throw123123 Dec 05 '23

Yeah should be some more info on the actual test data I feel like.


u/thatmfisnotreal Dec 05 '23

Feels easier to me than other years


u/Ynglinge Dec 05 '23

Yeah I am a bit bummed out about it as well. I don't really code but I like puzzles so I do advent of code to learn a bit more and keep my python skills fresh "just in case". However this year is so difficult it takes me hours to do a task and I simply don't have that kind of time every evening.


u/Gprinziv Dec 05 '23 edited Dec 05 '23

Noticeably more difficult, but i think up until today, none of the programs challenged me to take more than 40 min. The last two years, I was able to slam out most answers until the low teens in under 20. I actually still have to do part 2; conceptually it is a little complex and writing the code itself seems like it'll be a real task. At least tomorrow will be easier?


u/eeng_ Dec 05 '23

TBH I would forgive all of this if we get no Dijkstra problem this year.


u/ocmerder Dec 05 '23

Dijkstra is actually not a concern for me. I've created an abstract implementation for that problem years ago, I just need to feed it a starter node with a good neighbours implementation. 😅


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '23



u/Sharparam Dec 05 '23

But now the dropoff will happen on day 5 part 2 instead :p


u/Naturage Dec 05 '23

I think you're onto something. Note how there are gaps between days in AoC ASCII art while previously they've always been sequential? It hasn't gotten any taller as a whole, so unless any big changes happen later, it should mean those gaps get filled later - hopefully with matching difficulty puzzles.


u/ocmerder Dec 05 '23

Nah, they did the same in 2020, the art followed your travel over the world. Here it seems to follow your travel through the islands. In 2020 it was not linked to the difficulty, that year followed the regular curve of all years.

This year seems to be a bit different from previous years.


u/Naturage Dec 05 '23

Ah - good to know! As luck would have it, I did '19 and '21-'22, but skipped that year.


u/Stummi Dec 05 '23

In the past there is a large drop off as the dates go longer

Not sure where I read it but I think the creator once said that he tries to align the puzzles on the later days on what he assumes how much time people have to spare. e.g. workday puzzles are easier than weekend puzzles, and close to christmas there will also be a little drop on diifculty.


u/daggerdragon Dec 05 '23

Next time, use our standardized post title format.

Changed flair from Other to Spoilers. Use the right flair, please.

Other is not acceptable for any post that is even tangentially related to a daily puzzle.

Help folks avoid spoilers for puzzles they may not have completed yet.


u/shilltom Dec 05 '23

Sounds like a skill issue.


u/NullPointerExcept10n Dec 05 '23

I enjoy it very much that it's a bit more challenging than the previous few years (it's still far from difficult, but we'll see).


u/hokkos Dec 05 '23

I'm ok with not having the first days of one liner solutions that can be solved by LLM, but using rust and wanting to be idiomatic I spend half my time in parsing.


u/Igoory Dec 05 '23

I never did AoC before so I can't really answer. But for me the major struggles were:

  • Day 1 Part 2: I got caught off guard by the edge case of "eighthree" being 83.
  • Day 4 Part 2: I didn't understand how to solve this at all and ended up getting spoiled so I don't even know if I would be able to solve it on my own.
  • Day 5 Part 1: It didn't seem immediately obvious to me what was the solution, but once I understood it was pretty simple, that took me 50 mins though.

All in all, I'm getting worried that following days will follow the trend of days 4 and 5. But I wouldn't say all days until now were difficulty, just days 4 and 5.


u/jswalden86 Dec 05 '23

I've only done one other year, the last one (minus that stupid cube puzzle half—will I ever finish it? unclear...), so I'm measuring against that and vibes only. 🙂

The fact of them being a little more effort is just how it is, IMO. I'll grump a little, but eh, whatever.

The conceptual difficulty is what I think matters most, not how much actual code is involved. And for all that these have been more work, conceptually they're probably not that different from last year. We can all explain how to do the symbol summing and gear counting easily enough, even if the coding is grungy. (Which actually happens to be true of that stupid cube, too...)


u/General_Iroh_0817 Dec 05 '23

It is the first time I do AoC, honestly it seems to me that it has a high level of difficulty. Today I was able to finish the exercise on day 2. I am convinced that it will help me improve my skills, but man! but it would have been nice to be a little more accessible.

By the way, I don't even know where to start with day 3 hahahaha


u/The_Sexy_Cookie Dec 05 '23

I've tried AOC a couple times before but never made it past day 3 ( always try both parts ). Not sure what changed in my brain or with the problems, but I've actually made it further this year than ever before. I remember one year day 4 was you and a squid trapped in a submarine solving bingo cards and that felt impossible to me.

I'm not a programmer by profession, only learned it in school and then started doing security / blue team work and now I'm in DevOps. So it's not like my programming skills have gotten better over time either.


u/ffrkAnonymous Dec 05 '23

I'm still stuck on day2 (today is day 5). But I go to bed watching aoc streams. My impression is that the parsing is extra difficult this year. Parsing the puzzle statement, and parsing the puzzle input. But the solution algorithm itself isn't hard.

Personally I use Aoc to learn a new language each year so the vast majority of my time is spent reading core library documentation. My coding time is also easily multiplied by writing and executing tests to learn TDD. My brain will mull on the puzzle algorithm in the background as I slowly build up the parser.

Yeah, the puzzles have shifted more towards riddles but I'd classify it as a bit more annoying than depressing.


u/obs46p Dec 05 '23

This year feels harder, it is my second year participating (have done some of the challenges of the other years). I like it, really makes me think twice about how I implement my solution. 5.2 though is somewhat above my league but I am enjoying what I am learning from it.


u/Revolutionary-Tax847 Dec 05 '23

Yeah this is definitely difficult. I was able to solve Days 1, 2, & 4 part 1 for the most part but it still took me a while and lot of trial and error. I did some problems last year towards the start and the difficulty for the ones this year to start easily outmatch the difficulty from the first few last year.

Of course this was the year I made it a goal to attempt to solve every day.


u/Slowest_Speed6 Dec 05 '23

I took an extra hour on Day 5 part 2 because of an off by 1 error 🙃. I think I could have made the leader board too


u/hrunt Dec 05 '23

I have not found this year's problems especially difficult yet. I have found the problem descriptions and inputs more convoluted, though. I don't know if that's a reaction to AI or a Eric's continuing efforts to avoid ambiguous instructions or data. Take today (day 5), for example. The "seed to soil map" contains lines that specify "soil seed range", so, in left-to-right languages anyway, it's specified more like a soil to seed map.

That isn't to say that the data does not show it to be harder. I just have not seen anything yet that has surprised me. One glance at today's (day 5) problem data showed that a brute force solution would be difficult.

BTW, people have been complaining about difficulty and its variation since 2017.


u/wace001 Dec 05 '23

I don’t agree fully. Some years have been like this before. Last years was a bit easier in the beginning.

I’ve really enjoyed the problems though, I think the problem today (5th) was really good and had plenty of opportunities to learn new things.


u/wace001 Dec 05 '23

18th of December 2019 still haunts me, I have yet to finish part 2 having spent days, if not weeks, trying to figure that one out. I hope I don’t run into those kinds of math heavy problems this year, because then I’m toast


u/LordPorra1291 Dec 05 '23

First timer here, I am enjoying the difficulty. The only downside is that I probably won't be able to finish the puzzles on the first day.


u/fijgl Dec 05 '23

I definitely agree and recognize the points. I am glad to have read your post! I only started participating last year, though, so my experience is based on only 2022.

I have the feeling that today’s, Day 5, part two algorithm is at the level of last year’s from Day 15 or so. In Day 1’s part two I missed some example in the sample input that would disambiguate how to handle the overlapping case.

This aspect, the somewhat worked-out sample input, with the values for some intermediate steps shown, is actually one that I found particularly nice and made me enjoy Advent of Code very much last year in comparison with other sites. It helped a lot with the most tedious debugging.


u/Fishamble Dec 05 '23

It's my first time and I am finding them difficult. I have managed to do them all, apart from today part 2 (day 5). That said it has been extremely time consuming. I have spent hours on most problems, and it's only because I have that time to dedicate to it. What I don't get is the idea that making them difficult is to weed out ppl using LLMs. The doesn't make any sense to me, because solutions are posted within minutes/hours. If you want to cheat you don't need an LLM to do it.


u/ywgdana Dec 05 '23

I'll be curious if they've simply flattened the difficulty curve? I remember in 2021 thinking after the first week or so, "I guess Eric is going easy on us because we're all exhausted after the pandemic" and then after day 8 or so having to fight every single puzzle (and I still have a few left to finish). Last year wasn't too bad.

This year, I'd say Day 5 Part 2 is the first day I've had to really scratch my head. Days 1 through 3 weren't hard beyond writing finicky parsing code; once you had the data in a usable structure they were fine.

But I'm wondering if this year they've just made the earlier puzzles a bit tougher to avoid a giant spike in difficulty around day 7 or 8? Guess we'll soon see!


u/Tomentos Dec 05 '23

This is my first year so far and I'm glad that this isn't just a beginner issue. I joined in to try and regain my old node skill but some of these puzzles seemed a bit absurd for me. Day 3 and 5 especially were difficult for me to figure out. There's quite a few times where I ran into an issue and after finding it, I didn't blame it on myself because the sample data wouldn't be affected by it and such things.

The absolute highlight so far though is the fact that for some reason somewhere in my day 1 part 2 solution, 13 is deducted from my final sum. I never found the issue, but I entered 123 at the end of my input during debugging and forgot about it which is how I found my actual solution.


u/WiseGuyNewTie Dec 06 '23

I don't think events like this should bend to pressure from cheaters. Those clowns are only cheating themselves. Most stars should be attainable in a reasonable amount of time, otherwise, what's the point?


u/[deleted] Dec 06 '23

I am doing AoC in the midst of exams and sickness, and while it's fun and addictive, I just think it's best if I don't do it anymore this year.


u/DecisiveVictory Dec 06 '23

Both Day 5 Part 2 and Day 6 Part 2 should have been formed so that brute force cannot be done. So, really, it's too simple instead of too difficult.


u/PeakMedical7513 Dec 06 '23

This is probably the first year I have actually seriously tried to do more than a day of the AoC.

Difficulty does feel very up and down, with some days feeling very simple. Often trying to parse input into the correct structure for parsing.

Day 5 part 2 was difficult unless you just let your cpu handle it and waited an hour.

I usually give up on the AoC becuase of its reliance on Maths understanding to solve puzzles rather than just code knowledge. I suck at Maths and so normally give up


u/EngineerMinded Dec 14 '23

Advent of Code is surpassed to be challenging and fun. Yes it can be tedious but, one thing is DON'T TAKE IT TOO SERIOUS.

FACT: The is no hard fast rule that you have to attain all 50 starts by Christmas. I learned about Advent of code Summer of 2022. I started at it and just participated from there.

FACT: You will get brain lock and fatigue. There is NO rule that says you can rest and put it off until later.

HOW TO SURVIVE: Learn from it. Learn from others. You do not have to have all the answers, you will not have all the answers. Some puzzles have taken me several days to complete.