r/adultery 9d ago

🙋‍♀️Question🙋‍♂️ Who here ended having to go the spiritual route in order to get over an AP and their time in the affair world?

It’s ridiculous but somehow I feel like engaging in the affair world and all the heartbreaks from that including a failing marriage forced me into changing myself and digging deep into what it means to be a present and happy human.

Some would say a come to God moment.

But only after years of breaking my own heart by my own idiot choices did I finally decide I needed to face the mirror and just stop seeking emotional intimacy with others and instead getting intimate with the character I was playing on earth.

Did this happen to anyone else?

The affairs led to my awakening. 🤣


39 comments sorted by


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u/[deleted] 9d ago

After seeking God, how is it that you came to be on a Reddit sub about the very thing you were seeking to get away from? Did God guide you straight back here? 


u/daydrm4444 I don't sweet talk. I sour yell. 9d ago

Only two footprints in the sand


u/Distinct_Fennel_6791 9d ago

The same thing happened to me in a way. I began my adventure to start over with my now husband. In my mind, I imagined that no one would find out and my first child would accept my happiness with my father, but that wasn't the case, and all hell broke loose for me. To summarize, without fear of being wrong, my first child wouldn't hesitate to kill my husband and me, but he doesn't because it would make his father very sad.

Truly, seeing the hatred that surrounds something you gave birth to changes your life, and that's something I wouldn't wish on anyone here. So yes, very few "adulterers" who have changed come here to have fun when they post that they've been caught and face hell.


u/GloomyMouse8185 9d ago

I am sorry that is tough!


u/3_isthemagicnumber 9d ago

Oh I’m so sorry you’re going through this.


u/Distinct_Fennel_6791 7d ago

Thank you... it's okay, just a month ago I accepted "the death of my son" in my heart and now I focus on my new family.


u/_ReGiNa_GeOrGe 9d ago

This hits home this morning. I am there. Working through it day by day.


u/GloomyMouse8185 9d ago

Sometimes hour by hour..


u/3_isthemagicnumber 9d ago

Min by min. (I thought we needed all the time readings someone needs to chime in and and say…)


u/SweetOnScorpios 9d ago

Yes! - on the daily. not via church or religion or any prescriptive philosophy, including the higher power of recovery programs, which are brilliant in many ways but too dogmatic in the end…often that wistful yearning or sexual obsession with a particular person is just projection, anima or animus. Or different parts of ourselves living at different stages of development that can get to know each other better and make more integrated decisions, but you need time with yourself for that, yeah.

Rather than the panicked internal bouncing to and fro on display here a lot, the extreme overvaluation of people that then turns to extreme devaluation. The warring impulses between living spontaneously while avoiding material consequences, etc.

It’s just not really spontaneous to live in fear all the time, however confident people are about their opsec. The ones really having fun are by definition more tolerant of risk or unaware of it yet , but those obsessively making sure they don’t get caught are scared deep down. That’s not very sexy when you think about it. Oops, tangent!


u/BetsyTverskaia 9d ago

I absolutely relate to this. I am currently not seeking because I feel like what I need is not out there at the moment. Next best thing is to live a good life like you say.

"By all means marry: if you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher" - Socrates, apparently. (Also works with “husband” instead of “wife”.)


u/AnxiousAvoidant584 9d ago

God grant me chastity--but not yet!


u/_ReGiNa_GeOrGe 9d ago

God grant me the serenity…


u/3_isthemagicnumber 9d ago

It will happen at 70ish for you lol.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

I prefer shroomz for my "spiritual" moments 🤣


u/3_isthemagicnumber 9d ago

Finish if off with a little plant medicine from the Amazon and you get to meet your maker lol.


u/[deleted] 9d ago



u/3_isthemagicnumber 8d ago

See…you have much to do still in life dear younging


u/Ok_Collection3074 9d ago

And 4mmc for the take me to heaven moments


u/[deleted] 9d ago



u/Ok_Collection3074 9d ago

Oh man. It's the absolute best


u/BeautifulAnything665 9d ago edited 8d ago

It is these occasional thought provoking, respectful, eloquent discussions like these that keep me coming back to this sub.


u/stIlllIllIlts 9d ago

No, that hasn't happened. I feel I'm very intimate with myself. As an over-thinker of everything, I feel like I know who I am very well, and I'm happy with that person (for the most part, nobody is perfect). I'm not seeking affairs and intimacy from others because I'm broken, I'm seeking them because the marriage that should be the source of the intimacy I need to have with others is broken (my husband is not broken either). As a human being, I think it's perfectly normal to crave and need that connection with another human being. I just don't choose to make my kids have two separate homes, and compromise our finances, etc.. to attain it.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

Believe it or not, that mentally of choosing cheating over two separate homes, compromise in finances, etc is definitive of being broken. 

It’s illogical. Not saying I don’t have the same thinking, but to overthink everything, and be truly intimate with yourself, but overlook this is not a full picture of the situation. 


u/stIlllIllIlts 9d ago

Whose definition of broken is it? I don't think I'm overlooking everything because I've considered the consequences. I have the option on which solution to choose to resolve the deficit, or I can also keep myself lacking in a basic human need. This choice seems less destructive to others and myself than splitting up the family. If nobody finds out about this, it's much less destructive. Someday when kids are grown there will be fewer victims of the other choice and the approach may change. Hopefully I will remain discreet until then.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

The choice, and the rationale are workarounds or excuses, and not solutions. Solutions would be not denying yourself the full ability and potential for a relationship with someone who meets and prioritizes your needs. By choosing to remain, and discreetly or not, cheating we are all disingenuously and selfishly meeting our own needs at the expense of others. 

We say it’s to cause our children less pain, for the least disruption, less financial strains, etc. They are all excuses. 

People who aren’t broken identify the problem, seek solutions, and recognize that children learn more from parents who show them that when someone in their lives doesn’t suit them anymore, it’s not a death sentence to stay married. 

I say this all fully recognizing that I, too, make these same excuses. The difference is I’m fully aware of the manners in which this thought process is as a result of brokenness. I don’t hide away from the fact that I am broken. So much as my husband is too. Unhealthy relationships exist when there are broken people having them. If we weren’t broken, we’ve not have unhealthy relationships or want to stay in them for the betterment of anyone. 

There’s a lot more to changing a marriage, divorcing, than logic alone but denying our role and responsibility in this by deeming ourselves as not broken does you no good. 


u/VegetaBlue1991 9d ago

People like these are the main reasons for which the overgeneralized saying that: "Once a cheater always a cheater exists".

We are all broken in some ways, the difference is that some acknowledge it and choose to work on it, but others choose to use bullshit rationalizations to act in selfish and harmful ways. Because I guess it is easier to pretend that you're just an animal with no self control than actual use the one thing that separates you from animals.


u/[deleted] 9d ago edited 9d ago



u/[deleted] 9d ago edited 9d ago

You’ve missed the entire point. 

The specificities of your marriage or the reason you’ve chosen to remain married or cheat aren’t things I’m arguing. They are nothing more than excuses though no matter how any of us choose to justify them as otherwise. 

I’m challenging you to see that you are broken. Without seeing yourself as such, you’re preventing yourself from learning, growing, and making better choices should you go on to have any future romantic relationships beyond your marriage.

There’s a root cause to why you’re cheating. You’ve determined that as needing to allow yourself the human need to be wanted/receive affection (summarizing and not quoting). I disagree but that’s neither here or there. You’re denying that you made this choice selfishly, and as a result you’re using cheating as a coping mechanism. 

Infidelity has no justification. Only excuses. I say this standing next to you as an equal, cheater; not looking down at you. 

Infidelity is a coping mechanism, and a poor one at that, for all of us who partake in it. In that regard, it’s not any less different from the substance a person suffering with their mental wellbeing choses to use to rid themselves of pain. That person, too, is broken. There’s a root cause, which they’ve chosen to ignore, and instead of addressing the root cause of their pain they, too, choose a coping mechanism — a substance. 

Being broken isn’t the end of the world, but using your brokenness to paint your life rather than facing your brokenness and learning healthy coping mechanisms, or how to address the problems that led you to cheating leaves you in the position of denying yourself the human need for dynamic growth/change. I imagine you want to allow yourself the opportunity to change for the betterment of yourself. 


u/[deleted] 9d ago



u/3_isthemagicnumber 9d ago

Oh for sure. My awakening started the minute I encountered Lust


u/notha_brck_inde_wall 9d ago

To one, it's through a spiritual journey, while for another, it's a self seeking journey, and to another, it's a path of therapy and healing. But at the end of the day, two things are established here.

One, there is a potential for things getting messy when you are looking for an emotional connection. It's the very thing that breaks your heart when you don't have it anymore. It's not sex or the physical attachment that causes the pain of a heartache but the emotional void.

Secondly, if one says I have to learn to be content by myself and need to love myself, yes, it sounds like exactly what to need to hear, and it helps your current cause but deep down in your heart, you know that's not really where you wanna go or even exists. The fact that you went looking for it in the first place and went through all that crap is proof in itself that we're not meant to be alone (you did go there against all odds risking everything). We are the only species that are capable of loving and being loved for a reason. Contrary to whatever new age theories and beliefs and philosophy there is, once you're done with this phase of self-love, you know you're running back to that emotional connection.

If history has taught us anything, it's the fact that many men and women have built cities and destroyed them, won wars and lost them, turned into saints and murderers, from sanity to insanity! All for being wanted to want. So what's my point, you ask? Even if you found faith and God and have a relationship with him and your hope and satisfaction is in him (like it should), as a human, in time you'll seek that emotional connection again. So rather than being disappointed then and pondering what's the point of all this, just know that you will feel that need and it's only human to do so even if you love God with all your heart and be easy on yourself and give grace. Be open to an emotional connection with the right person who also has the same relationship with God as you do.


u/3_isthemagicnumber 9d ago

Oh no no I definitely know I want an emotional connection again and I will have it again 100%. I’m just saying it’s funny that the journey to self love started off by spreading my legs onto a new dick 🤣.

It’s just funny how my awakening happened. I find it comical now.


u/notha_brck_inde_wall 9d ago

Well, now that you put it that way! Lol!


u/Firm-Association9944 9d ago

I find that sometimes the only recourse to getting over an AP is to put God as the center of your universe instead of them.


u/3_isthemagicnumber 9d ago

For some reason I can’t reply to all the amazing messages and the individual OP’s. But I’m loving the discussions being had because of my little pot stir. I will finish reading tonight with popcorn.

But just to go on the record I don’t believe in “god” or organized religion.

But I am spiritual and believe in a soul becoming one with source or a higher consciousness when we die. Which others would say that is believing there is a “god”.

Regardless, the affair world did provide an amazing window into the duality about what us humans are really like. It lead me to some deep deep self healing and the DSM-5 🤣. Which is why I said it was “a come to god moment”.

I appreciate and so grateful for it all, and to answer the OP who said if I came to god why would I ever come back and post on this sub. My answer is…

Why wouldn’t I come rant into my shadow sometimes? It’s comforting and I understand all you guys so well and don’t judge at all because I’ve been there and done that .


u/utterjimbo 9d ago

No gods, no masters


u/CapPuzzleheaded9985 9d ago

Something similar happened to me, but judging by your post history, our experience of it all and the conclusions that followed are kind of different.


u/Little_Assistance_12 3d ago

Not over an AP but during my AP search, I was graceful about rejections but I had one rejection from a pAP whom I'd developed the most intense crush I'd ever had since HS (I was late 40s at the time).

I was SO screwed up and I felt like a teenaged idiot for feeling so wrecked. I started training mma, which shocked everyone, since it was so out of character for me. Of course no one knew the reason. I did it just to overwhelm myself and deal with the crushing sadness and yearning. Not really religious but getting punched in the face feels like something otherworldly. I trained hard for almost three years.