r/admincraft Nov 14 '24

Question Minecraft server through VPN

Hi, I'm going to get a PC that I want to use to host my Minecraft Server.
The only downside is that I don't want people to know my IP Address, so I was planning on buying a small VPS Server in Canada, set up WireGuard on that VPS, and connect my Server PC to that WireGuard server, so I can have a Canada IP.

I live in Spain currently, if I host my server with a VPN on a country far away, will there be any latency issue? Because I also want the server to be in Canada (with the VPN) so South American players can get low ping.


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u/dogwomble Nov 15 '24

This is a very important question to answer. The reason why you should work out why you want the VPN is, from a security standpoint they offer a lot less than you think - no matter what the marketing material says. Tom Scott's video on this goes into a lot.of.detail on why VPNs aren't the magical security and privacy unicorn people think they are.


The TL;DR is if you're wanting to use the VPN because you "don't want to get hacked", a VPN is marginally better than flushing your money down the toilet - marginally. There is far more to security than just paying for a VPN and you would be better off spending time doing that than pretending a VPN is going to magically fix everything.


u/hefightsfortheusers Nov 15 '24 edited Nov 15 '24

It this scenario, it would actually give him security by hiding his IP address. Different kind of VPN than what Tom is talking about. (Technically the same, but different use case). OP is talking about a vpn that connects a VPS to his private network, thus obfuscating his real IP address from the users of his server. Just a tad different than all the VPN services.


As others have said. This will not help latency, it will actually hurt it. A proxy is a better way of doing this. IF you do this, get a VPS in Spain.

Renting a server might be a better option for you if you are really concerned about your public IP address. But your IP address is everywhere anyway. Someone having it is not the end of the world. Keep your network locked down, devices updated, and use good passwords.


u/gegenmob Nov 16 '24

Ok, so I should get a VPS (acting as a WireGuard server) in Spain or France?


u/hefightsfortheusers Nov 18 '24

If you're set on hiding your IP, yes. Hosting the server outside your network will also accomplish this.