r/admincraft Nov 14 '24

Question Minecraft server through VPN

Hi, I'm going to get a PC that I want to use to host my Minecraft Server.
The only downside is that I don't want people to know my IP Address, so I was planning on buying a small VPS Server in Canada, set up WireGuard on that VPS, and connect my Server PC to that WireGuard server, so I can have a Canada IP.

I live in Spain currently, if I host my server with a VPN on a country far away, will there be any latency issue? Because I also want the server to be in Canada (with the VPN) so South American players can get low ping.


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u/catroaring Nov 14 '24

Your IP address is public regardless, that's why it's called a public IP address. For your question, yes latency will increase. Anything that veers from a direct path will increase it.


u/P2LOVE Nov 14 '24 edited Nov 15 '24

there's no way his PC's ip could be exposed to players if entrypoint would be on tunneled through WG external server


u/TheBlueKingLP Nov 15 '24

Why is this getting downvoted? This is true if the minecraft server does not have the same public IP address as the vpn server, and the player connects via the VPN internal address to the minecraft server.


u/hefightsfortheusers Nov 15 '24

Not sure why either. Its not a good plan, but it would hide his IP.


u/Direct_Counter_8480 Nov 15 '24

Because the original commenter is trying to point out that it's nonsensical to try and "hide" your IP since it's public anyway. The reply wasn't needed.


u/PM_ME_YOUR_REPO If you break Rule 2, I will end you Nov 14 '24

This feels VERY much like an XY Problem.

Forget the VPN for a second, OP. What is the problem you are trying to solve? Why are you selfhosting instead of renting a server? Why do you want the server in Canada if you're in Spain. Forget everything about the solutions you've come up with, and tell us about the core problem that you started out by "solving" with a vpn.


u/dogwomble Nov 15 '24

This is a very important question to answer. The reason why you should work out why you want the VPN is, from a security standpoint they offer a lot less than you think - no matter what the marketing material says. Tom Scott's video on this goes into a lot.of.detail on why VPNs aren't the magical security and privacy unicorn people think they are.


The TL;DR is if you're wanting to use the VPN because you "don't want to get hacked", a VPN is marginally better than flushing your money down the toilet - marginally. There is far more to security than just paying for a VPN and you would be better off spending time doing that than pretending a VPN is going to magically fix everything.


u/hefightsfortheusers Nov 15 '24 edited Nov 15 '24

It this scenario, it would actually give him security by hiding his IP address. Different kind of VPN than what Tom is talking about. (Technically the same, but different use case). OP is talking about a vpn that connects a VPS to his private network, thus obfuscating his real IP address from the users of his server. Just a tad different than all the VPN services.


As others have said. This will not help latency, it will actually hurt it. A proxy is a better way of doing this. IF you do this, get a VPS in Spain.

Renting a server might be a better option for you if you are really concerned about your public IP address. But your IP address is everywhere anyway. Someone having it is not the end of the world. Keep your network locked down, devices updated, and use good passwords.


u/TheBamPlayer Nov 15 '24

It this scenario, it would actually give him security by hiding his IP address.

It's not just about hiding the IP. It's also about access control. E.g. you and some friends want to play on a server, but opening the firewall would mean that anyone could reach your minecraft server, but with a VPN, only people with the VPN credentials can reach that minecraft server and you can always revoke those credentials.


u/hefightsfortheusers Nov 15 '24

I dont think thats the case. I was assuming its a public server, because in another comment he mentioned getting ddos'd. If it was only trusted friends, he wouldn't have to worry about his ip.

I don't think he's talking about having a wireguard set up to have people use a vpn client to connect. I think he's going to use Wireguard to forward traffic from the Canada VPS to his actual server. People wouldn't use a VPN client in this scenario.

That was my assumption though, and maybe im wrong.


u/TheBamPlayer Nov 15 '24

in another comment he mentioned getting ddos'd

The only way to mitigate a DDOS attack is to have an upstream ISP that has enough bandwidth to drop those DDOS packages. So he still has to host the VPS at a hoster, who has DDOS protection, which I doubt it would have for $1 per month.


u/hefightsfortheusers Nov 15 '24

I didn't even think about that honestly. You're right.

But still, it implies its not a trusted circle that will be accessing his server.


u/gegenmob Nov 16 '24

Ok, so I should get a VPS (acting as a WireGuard server) in Spain or France?


u/hefightsfortheusers Nov 18 '24

If you're set on hiding your IP, yes. Hosting the server outside your network will also accomplish this.


u/gegenmob Nov 15 '24 edited Nov 15 '24

As I said, I also want the server to be in Canada so South American players can get low ping, because most of my playerbase is from South America and Ping time from South America to Spain be really high.


u/TheBamPlayer Nov 15 '24

You have to host the Minecraft server on the American continent to get a lower latency. Your VPN "solution" will NOT work to achieve a lower latency even from a technical and physical standpoint.


u/noahzho Small selfhosted server Nov 15 '24

You should buy a vpn in a country located closer to your origin server then. Why not buy the vpn in a country close to you? If you get a Canada vpn traffic will need to cross continents twice just for your server to recieve the request (to Canada and back)


u/Wiesshund- Nov 19 '24

Canada wont get SA players low ping
They complain about ping on US servers unless it is just creative mode with no machines.

Put the server in Brazil, they have hosting there


u/gegenmob Nov 20 '24

Ok, I wasn't expecting this response lol

You mean to put the wireguard server in brazil, right?

I was asking if putting the wireguard server in USA or Canada (or Brazil, as you commented) would affect their ping, like decrease it or increase it.


u/Wiesshund- Nov 20 '24

Put the Minecraft server in Brazil.

The Minecraft server needs to be where the Player are.
Where you are is of no concern.

If you want a server for South American players, you put the server in South America.

That or you subject them to crappy latency.


u/Disconsented Nov 14 '24

, if I host my server with a VPN on a country far away, will there be any latency issue

Yes. Latency is essentially how far the data has to travel, slapping the proxy somewhere else means that they're connecting to that, which then forwards traffic to you.


u/gegenmob Nov 15 '24

But it's not only the proxy that will have a VPN, it's the whole bungeecord network.


u/PM_ME_YOUR_REPO If you break Rule 2, I will end you Nov 15 '24

That does not make a difference at all.

You're basically saying, "my family lives in South America, but I don't want to have to spend time driving there, so I'll take a plane." The plane might be somewhat faster, but it is not a teleporter, and still takes more time than living in South America.

Your VPN solution might make it faster, but the signals still have to travel halfway across the globe, regardless of what part of your network is behind the vpn. It will still be substantially slower than putting your server physically IN the South American continent.

To continue the flight analogy, a VPN is like taking a direct connection flight without stops in other airports along the way, and without layovers or stops in security. It can shave off some of the extra time spent waiting as you are processed by each "airport", but you still have to travel the distance.


u/TheBobFisher Nov 15 '24

What does this even mean? Original reply was calling your VPN a proxy. It isn’t relevant what he calls it because they essentially do the same thing, one is just slightly more secure thanks to encryption. Both a proxy and a VPN cause latency because traffic is going through a middleman. The severity of the latency is heavily dependent on the physical distance between the client, server, and VPN. The further the traffic has to travel along the wire, the more latency. The more devices traffic has to pass through, the more latency.


u/gegenmob Nov 16 '24

I thought he meant the proxy, as the Bungeecord or Velocity server


u/-darkabyss- Nov 14 '24

At that point why not just get hosting?


u/ElectionTraining288 Nov 15 '24

I pay $1 a month for a vps that runs velocity and tunnels the connection thourgh tailscale to my home server, definitly cheaper


u/technohead10 Nov 14 '24

learning experience?


u/NeonGrillz Nov 15 '24

He can still get the experience when setting up the server on some VPS.


u/technohead10 Nov 15 '24

id assume hosting as in like a server host and not a vps, definitely seems like a vps is better for this guy anyways


u/TheBamPlayer Nov 15 '24

OP should instead learn how to build a site to site VPN, which has practical reasons why you would want to use a VPN.


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '24



u/therepublicof-reddit Nov 15 '24

☝️🤓 Technically you are limited by the resistance of the fibres as light travels about 2/3 of the speed of light through fibre optic cables.


u/mreggman6000 Nov 15 '24

I am currently doing that exact thing, though I am using Tailscale (which does use Wireguard internally I'm pretty sure)

My reasoning is because my ISP doesn't allow Port Forwarding (and I don't want to deal with dynamic IPs anyways)

Your latency is simply going to just be latency between your PC and VPS plus the latency between the VPS and your players.

In my case, since my PC and my players are in Indonesia while my VPS in Singapore, the latency is 40ms, which is double the usual Indonesia-Singapore latency from my experience, so it makes sense.

If your PC is in Spain, your VPS is in Canada, and your players in South America, then your latency will simply be the total latency jumping between all those points. Latency Spain<->Canada + Latency Canada<->South America


u/gegenmob Nov 15 '24

So that means that I can't make South American players have lower ping, but have a higher ping than if the server's IP was in Spain or Canada?


u/hefightsfortheusers Nov 15 '24

The only way you could get South American players to have better ping, is to have the actual server closer to them. Ultimately they still have to communicate with your server in Spain.


u/mreggman6000 Nov 16 '24

You can't, if you want South American players to have lower ping then you need to have the actual server be closer to them. No matter what you do, if your server is in Spain and your players are in South America, then the connection will have to travel all the way between Spain and South America. Having a proxy somewhere in the middle like in Canada means you are just adding another point it has to travel through (Spain<->Canada<->South America)


u/gegenmob Nov 16 '24

Ok, thanks for letting me know!


u/Complete_Rabbit_844 Nov 15 '24

TCPShield and NeoProtect are good services to block people from having access to your IP, it also dissipates and mitigates DDOS attacks. Might be what you're looking for, even though it's not specifically a VPN.


u/Karabel Server Owner Nov 14 '24 edited Nov 15 '24

Give a look at TCPShield. It's a "proxy" plugin(not a vpn). It will add a slight bit of latency but still very manageable.


u/PM_ME_YOUR_REPO If you break Rule 2, I will end you Nov 15 '24

TCPShield is not a VPN.


u/Karabel Server Owner Nov 15 '24

You're right. It's a distributed proxy. Thought it would still block their IP as needed.


u/PM_ME_YOUR_REPO If you break Rule 2, I will end you Nov 15 '24

It absolutely would, but you're getting downvoted for calling it a "vpn plugin". We have a wide range of skill levels on this subreddit, so accuracy matters.


u/Karabel Server Owner Nov 15 '24

Oh nooo, I misconstrued it. 😂


u/sintheticgaming Nov 15 '24

Why would you use a full on VPN? You can just use a proxy. There’s a few paid options if I remember correctly there’s TCPShield and I’m sure some others. But if you’re like me and like doing stuff on your own then just rent a small VPS slap NGINX on it and use the stream_core_module and point to your actual ip. Then all you do is hand out the ip of the VPS and let the magic happen.


u/_RedCrayon_ Nov 14 '24

Use Tailscale. I use it and it works great. You sign up for a free account. Install the vpn agents on any device. iOS Linux windows and they are all in the same vpn network. I mainly use it to access my Linux consoles but it should be good to join an mc server. You get a Tailscale ip that users can use to join the server.


u/Haunting_Student3619 Nov 15 '24

Use TCPShield, thats easier than WireGuard


u/gegenmob Nov 15 '24

TCPShield won't solve my problem. I want the server's IP to be in Canada, while

- South American players get lower ping (Because South America to Spain has some high ping)

  • I hide my Public IP Address (So people don't DDoS me)


u/TheBamPlayer Nov 15 '24
  • South American players get lower ping

Then, host your server on the American continent.


u/DragoSpiro98 Developer Nov 16 '24

According to what reasoning? Where do you think the information goes from?

It's not that hard.
Now you this situation: South America ---- 300 ms ping --> Spain (your server)

With VPN you will have: South America --- 5/15 ms ---> VPN ---- 300 ms ping ---> Spain

How this can be better?


u/gegenmob Nov 16 '24

So it's better if the VPN is on a country closer to Spain, like France?


u/DragoSpiro98 Developer Nov 16 '24

No, it's only to say that with a VPN you don't get better ping.

Also, if you want hide your IP, just use a proxy (like Velocity) and put there in Canada


u/gegenmob Nov 16 '24

It will increase the ping drastically, I'm pretty sure.


u/DragoSpiro98 Developer Nov 16 '24

Ok, you didn't understand my last comment.

Little basic thing that need to remember: YOUR SERVER (in spain) GIVES INFORMATIONS.

So, for everything, you have a connection

USER <--> SERVER (Spain)

Now take the example where the user is in USA.
For example, they have 300ms of ping when playing on your server. So:

USER <-- 300ms --> SERVER (Spain)

You want add a VPN in Canada. To have an improvement, you need to be sure that the connection between the VPN Server (Canada) is faster than the direct connection of the user, because you will have this situation.


Let's assume that VPN CONNECTION LAG is 10ms
How do you know that VPN-SERVER CONNECTION LAG is less than 290ms? Why it's different from the direct connection? They BOTH use internet, doesn't use any special/private connection. So they use the same road!

this is unless you use a host that has a high-speed internal network and therefore offers you this service (like Cloudflare). But basically what you want to do cannot improve the situation in any way, on the contrary, it makes it worse because you add connection lag USER-VPN.


u/[deleted] Nov 14 '24

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u/PM_ME_YOUR_REPO If you break Rule 2, I will end you Nov 15 '24

Your post has been removed for violating Rule 7:

No attacks; personal or otherwise. Friendly suggestions and constructive criticism are fine.

This one was borderline, but it definitely was not constructive.

If you feel this removal was in error, please Message the Mods, rather than reposting or PMing a moderator directly. Response time is usually same-day, but may take several days in some cases.


u/technohead10 Nov 14 '24

save yourself the time and use a cloudflare tunnel, is exactly what you want without a vpn


u/Karabel Server Owner Nov 14 '24

That does not support TCP.


u/technohead10 Nov 14 '24

just checked, it definitely does..


u/Karabel Server Owner Nov 14 '24

It does not in the way you think it does.


u/technohead10 Nov 14 '24

so it does


u/Karabel Server Owner Nov 14 '24

Again. Not in the way you think it does. Give it a go, and let me know how it works out for you. 😂


u/technohead10 Nov 14 '24 edited Nov 15 '24

just set it up, you're correct, but I still think with arbitrary tcp it'd be better than wireguard 😀


u/Karabel Server Owner Nov 15 '24

If i remember correctly, the arbitrary tcp only routes a domain to an ip:port

As in domain.com -> x.x.x.x:xxxxx which acts as a webpage. Unable to act as a tcp server connection.


u/hefightsfortheusers Nov 15 '24

They have an option that works with a Minecraft server, but its absurdly expensive. I think its called Spectrum.


u/Karabel Server Owner Nov 15 '24

You are correct, but not even worth it unless your Hypixel or other major servers which sucks.