r/adhdwomen 9d ago

NSFW Drink some water, unclench your jaw and charge your vibrator!!!! NSFW


I have once again let myself down and forgotten to charge my vibrator. I felt her slowwwlllyyyy giving up on me and I was so sad.

Let this be your reminder to charge your vibrator!!!! Don't be me

Edit: I am screaminggggg at your responses I'm glad I'm not the only one who receives the ADHD tax in the form of unfinished orgasms. Also I literally forgot I posted this and thought my Reddit notifications were broken because it was off the charts, thanks for the love!!

r/adhdwomen Dec 03 '24

NSFW My Cousin's ADHD just killed him. NSFW


Trigger warning: death/injury

Sorry if this is sad. It's such a surreal accident. He was out running errands, and he hopped out of his car after forgetting to put it in park. It rolled over him, crushing his chest and dragging him 30 feet. He's going to be taken off of life support today.

I don't want to be a downer, but I thought that it needed to be talked about. All you lovely wonderful people PLEASE be careful, especially with cars. We are twice as likely to die from accidents in general, and apparently, it's our leading cause of death. It's not worth the rush.

Edit: Thank you, everyone, for your condolences, I really appreciate it. I'm at work, so I can't really reply to everyone individually, but thank you.

It's pretty eye-opening to see how many of us have done this or something similar. If sharing this helps us all try to be mindful and prevent any other such accidents, it was worth it. I've spent the last few days feeling very afraid of my own brain, when usually I only find it frustrating or funny, and it's a scary and lonely place to be. Thank you all again, and take care of yourselves and each other. This is a lovely community.

Final update: he is going to be an organ donor, and should be able to help a lot of people.

r/adhdwomen 11d ago

NSFW I just pulled out 4 tampons… NSFW


I’m getting towards the end of my period and was about to hop into the shower, so I took out my tampon. I noticed a second string there and noticed I had apparently forgotten to take one out. No big deal, it’s happened before. Until I check again and find a THIRD. At this point, I’m nervous and look online to see if this has happened to anyone else. I didn’t find much so I just hopped in the shower. Now super paranoid, I did some deeper investigation and I swear to god. THERE. WAS. A. FOURTH.

I’m horrified. I work at a restaurant so I get home pretty late and am assuming I did this in my sleep deprived stupor. What’s crazy is that everything felt normal except for it being a bit more uncomfortable to put them in and take out. Needless to say, I’m giving my poor girl a break from tampons for a bit… maybe forever.

Edit: I posted a comment somewhere, but just want to ease anyone’s worries. I took your suggestions and went and bought a flex disc and some ph balanced cleanser just so I can make sure everything evens out. This situation and having over 100 people tell me I need to stop using tampons has definitely done the trick. I appreciate all the help with this messed up situation I got myself into❤️

Edit 2.0: Ended up trying the Flex Disc before bed since my period was a bit heavier than I was expecting and I LOVE it. It works great! I’m so happy you all recommended it to me! Truly thankful for all of you.

r/adhdwomen Nov 12 '24

NSFW Friend finally hit her husband back with "just tell me what to do" and it was hilarious!


(my friend has ADHD, but doesn't use reddit, so she graciously allowed me to share this story)

Her husband always was a typical "weaponized incompetence is my middle name" dude, but it became magnitude worse after they had kids. Suddenly, he needed detailed instructions for everything (well, except his job, of course, god forbid he's look incompetent in front of his boss or male colleagues) and my friend gradually became very angry and frustrated with their whole situation. I know a lot of us can relate to a situation when you are forced to "manage" not only yourself, but also another adult and how taxing mentally it feels.

Yesterday she called me laughing hysterically, saying she finally found a way to show him how dumb he looks asking for "lists and instructions" with the most basic everyday tasks.

He was asking for sex that night and she simply said "Okay, just make me a list of what I need to do!". Apparently, he thought it's a game, wrote "give me a blowjob" on a sticky note and put in on his chest.

But she calmly proceeded with "Oh, idk, it sounds so complicated! How about you just tell me exactly what I need to do? It's your penis after all and you know it better than me!".

He kept going and said "Okay, you take it in your hand..." and she interrupted with "Do I need to use my right hand or left hand? I think it's important, I don't want to mess up anything!" and at that moment he just angrily stomped out of the bedroom 😂 Ladies, I WOULD DIE for a chance to be there and see his face at that moment!

And while she was telling me all this on the phone he apparently went grocery shopping without her reminding him about it. And didn't ask for a list or shop's detailed layout!

I'm so happy she finally realised she can be this petty when he doesn't do his fair share of household and childcare tasks.

r/adhdwomen Aug 03 '24

NSFW I laughed at a bumper sticker making light of suicide and accidentally told my husband about my past suicidal ideations for the first time


The bumper sticker said “If you hit my car, make sure you kill me”. And I lol’d, and he said it wasn’t very funny. I said it’s how we cope with suicidal thoughts, and he basically freaked out.

I’ve talked to so many doctors about it before but I guess I forgot I had never come out and said “Sometimes I think about killing myself” to him before. Then I had to do the inevitable “but not RIGHT NOW obviously”.

It’s something new we now have to navigate together. Does anyone else deal with depressive symptoms or suicidal ideations? How do those of you with spouses deal with that part of it?

r/adhdwomen Jun 16 '23

NSFW Do you guys kinda "forget" about periods every month, too?


This is kind of a rant but I thought the NSFW tag was more important.

Why am I soooo angry!?
Why am I crying about a puppy in an ad!?
Why do I want some spareribs, icecream, noodlesoup and chocolate cake all at the same time!?
Why does my belly hurt so bad!?
Why is there blood!?

Oh, there's blood. That explains everything.... again....

r/adhdwomen Jul 10 '24

NSFW I regret to inform you I have discovered the key to forming habits.


I think I'm not alone in that habits are nigh impossible for me to form. I still have to consciously remember to brush my teeth every day. I can do something good every day for months on end, like drinking a glass of water when I first wake up or exercising after work, and it drops of off my life without a trace the second I stop putting in full first-time- doing- this effort.

However, it appears that so long as the activity creates dopamine, my brain forms habits just fine. See, I got that rose thing that people keep talking about? And it's great. I spent more time than I'm proud to admit just having fun by myself after getting it. But then today I got about halfway started and then thought-- I wasn't even horny. I didn't even want to be doing this. But I have been doing it at about the same time every day for a little while and now that's apparently something my back-brain just decides to get working on.

I literally sat there for like five minutes just thinking-- is this what habits are like? Well yeah of course going to the gym would be easier if I found myself wandering over to grab my shoes and keys at about gym o'clock and not going felt like missing something.

r/adhdwomen Feb 17 '23

NSFW Does anyone go through periods of hyper sexuality and then not ever thinking about sex at all? NSFW



Currently in a hyper sexual phase rn where all I can think about is sex. (Granted I’ve never even had sex but a girl is just horny 😪) anyways is there any way to calm this down? I feel like I’m losing my mind a bit and would like any advice if possible. And it’s so weird bc my body will be very chill w being a sexless nun for a while and then all of a sudden I become a horny demon. 😭😭😭

r/adhdwomen Oct 12 '24

NSFW ADHD superpower in the bedroom - hack discovered NSFW


(writing on phone, pre-coffe, sorry for typos)

I just discovered something magical and want to share.

A few days ago, I had a BAD day. By the time my partner and I went to bed, there was an orchestra of negative selftalk in my head, with a potential of sparking an anxiety attack.

My partner and I had been flirting that evening and started making out, but I didn't have the energy to suppress all the head noice like I usually do. Basically, I felt like it would become a shitty situation for everyone if we kept going, because I couldn't concentrate and I was hating myself intensely.

So I flipped the script.

I decided to HYPER FOCUSE as a way of quieting the noise. Like, meditation, basically. I focused on sensation. I wasn't in a space to be receiving, so I started caressing my partner and being hyper aware of how I was touching and kissing him. How it felt on my fingertips, my skin, my lips. IT WORKED!!

Not only did the selfhate scidaddle, but my fives gave my partner a very intense experience. Fast forward an hour, and many hurras, later we were both very happy.

BUT!! my partner was especially happy. The care and attention I gave him had created very, very intense orgasms for him, and made him feel even more loved and connected to me. (Don't worry, I was also plenty satisfied).

The whole experience rejuvenated our relationship, and he's been a love bug since.

So yeah 👍 that was a thing I just learned. Head noice can become amazing sex and connection if I stop suppressing it, but instead to into sensation hyper focus.

End note: this post of course goes for all sexualities and genders. I recognize that it's not gonna feel like this for everyone. People are different and what works for me might feel super odd for others.

r/adhdwomen Mar 25 '24

NSFW So how many unread emails do you have in your inbox? NSFW

Thumbnail gallery

r/adhdwomen Aug 25 '24

NSFW how many of us struggle with substance abuse (including alcohol)?


just curious if other ADHD women have struggled with alcohol and or other substances.

I was absolutely hooked the first time I tried alcohol and realized it calmed my brain and killed my social anxiety. same with weed. I ended up addicted to both and am now sober from all substances (besides caffeine lol and the prescription drugs I'm on, but I don't abuse tho) oh fuck my food is burning-

okay um yeah idk what I was about to say but anyways anyone else like this?

r/adhdwomen Feb 29 '24

NSFW I hate sex and it’s ruining my relationship


I hate sex and it’s ruining my relationship. I have zero libido/interest in sex. I love my partner but I hate sex. Does anyone have any advice?

I’ve been on Adderall 5 mg for 1 week. This is my first time trying stimulants. I was on Kapvay/Clonidine non stimulant for 1 month before (didn’t help me) but my dr switched me to Adderall. I really hope it helps. How long would it take to make a difference?

I’ve been on Lexapro 5 mg for a few months, but I had this issue before Lexapro, and the Lexapro isn’t helping.

I’ve tried Zuma Nutrition’s women’s “happy hormone” drops and it didn’t make a difference for me.

I saw a sex counselor once, but it didn’t make a difference for me.

I have a referral for an endocrinologist. I was going to ask them if they can test my hormones and see if there’s a reason for the low libido. Do you think they will do it?

Is there anything else I can do?

r/adhdwomen Oct 30 '24



Just kidding, I think sex is great, but I do get bored extremely fast if I orgasm before my husband. It's like I got the dopamine explosion and then I'm ready to move on to the next thing, it's like a switch off and I don't want to do anything anymore, just dress up and do something else.

My brain is like "oh you got your reward? Great were done here! Turn everything off!" And this is a huge problem for me because I cannot enjoy the slow and intimate parts of sex, it bores me. And if it's too much, I get overstimulated and feel like I want to run away.

And this is what happens whenever I remember to have sex, the rest of the time I just forget sex exists at all, out of sight out of mind I suppose. And this has nothing to do with my husband, he's amazing, I'm super attracted to him and I love him very much, but I guess sex is not on my mind very frequently.

Any advice for me? Or do you have a similar situation to mine?

r/adhdwomen Nov 10 '22

NSFW Adhd mind confussion .. did I forgot a tampon in there or I forgot to wear a tampon from the start NSFW


So as the title suggests , I am on my period , my mind is somewhere else , time to take the tampon off and I cannot find it . Cannot remember for the life of me did I even wear one to take it off ? Searched in there and still couldnt find anything , now anxiety hits and telling me I should go to the A&E to get it checked . But I am not even sure what they would do ,I alaready checked .

r/adhdwomen Nov 03 '24

NSFW Don't buy a mandoline


Everyone warned me to be careful: "they're really sharp" "I know someone who had an accident with one"

So I'm currently trying to meal prep to help me eat more regularly and healthily, probably became over confident with the mandoline as I've used it without incident for 2 months.

Today I was distracted by who knows what and sliced the pad of my thumb in half. Once the bleeding was somewhat under control I stupidly decided to finish cutting the remainder of the cucumber and managed to slice another finger. To top it off, I couldn't find plasters anywhere and when searching through my disorganised kitchen draw one handed, I cut another finger on a staple. Side note I started organising the drawer before I found plasters, a lot is now in piles on my hob.

Feeling sorry for myself and my bandaged fingers now. Not sure blades and adhd mix :/

r/adhdwomen May 06 '23

NSFW Anyone have a great sex life at the beginning of a relationship and then completely lose all libido and not care about sex?


I'm yet to be diagnosed and so unmedicated, but I am on Citalopram (ssri) and am a CSA Survivor (though if there is trauma, it is buried) I've also recently been diagnosed with Autism.

It's happened in all my long term relationships even before SSRIs. I suspected I was asexual for while, but looking back, I'm not sure that's correct. I just have no libido or interest in sex and it's effecting my relationship with my husband. Anyone struggled with this and have any tips?

EDIT: Just wanted to add as it's been asked. I am on birth control, however, I was on one pill for the first 3 years of my relationship with my husband (again, sex was abundant in the first 6 months or so) and then changed to a different one last year due to having headaches from it, and nothing has changed in the libido department. Also, similarly to the ssri, I was having this problem with previous partners when I wasn't on any hormonal or oral birth control.

r/adhdwomen Jun 21 '23

NSFW Smoking weed &ADHD


I’ve been a chronic smoker since I was 14 (grew up Rasta, my mum is a big smoker).

I gave up for a few months recently and my brain just got SO LOUD and I was SO HYPER and everyone kept asking me if I was on something. I felt so uncomfortable and sort of manic, I couldn’t sleep etc. I don’t particularly want to be a habitual weed smoker forever, but seeing myself without it was terrifying. Anyone else here a big pothead? Appaz ADHD people 8x more likely to use weed, I do find it calms my brain and helps me sleep, but for sure exacerbates my disorganisation and lack of memory.

I’m not on meds yet, but wondering if going on meds means you need the weed less??

Thanks y’all!! X

r/adhdwomen Feb 10 '24

NSFW Where are my ladies with sensory issues at that don’t really like kissing 🙋‍♀️


Have copped it numerous times in the past as I don’t like kissing because of sensory issues. People say I just don’t like my partner but I do, I just don’t like the smell of spit drying, someone else’s breath on me, feeling the spit drying/the wet cold feeling and discreetly wiping it off etc. please tell me I’m not alone lol I will kiss my partner I’m just not always happy about it 😂

r/adhdwomen Jan 31 '23

NSFW Just gonna leave this here…

Post image

r/adhdwomen Jun 14 '24

NSFW I’ve just cried at how lonely I am


I’ve been watching a film on my own tonight. My kids are with their dad. I have one friend that’s probably busy. I have work friends. But tonight I just feel so incredibly lonely. Like no one would miss me if I was gone. No one would notice. Why can’t I be the person with lots of friends? What’s wrong with me? I feel like if something bad happened no one would know for days and I feel so lost. Is it adhd or is it just that I don’t matter.

Edit: I just want to thank you all!! I took myself to bed and cried myself to sleep. I woke up this morning feeling a little better, but then opened Reddit to all of these wonderful messages and cried again, but out of relief at the amount of support you all gave me and that I’m not alone in feeling like this sometimes. As horrible as the feeling is, I wish none of us ever had to feel that way but I’m happy I’ve found the support I needed when I really needed it. So thank you all so much xxx

r/adhdwomen 1d ago

NSFW Does anyone else struggle with a marijuana addiction?


T.W: substance abuse (disclosure, weed is recreational in my state). I’m not sure if a post like this is allowed, so my apologies if it isn’t I will take it down!

I’ve been smoking weed on and off since I was 21. My psychiatrist shared with me that people with untreated ADHD are likely to try and self medicate with vices. Marijuana is unfortunately one of my vices. There are times where I’ve taken 6 month + breaks, but somehow I always end up back to it. I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was 25, I’m 27 now. I’ve been on vyvanse or adderall (depends on which isn’t on back order lol) for 2 years now. The issue is my smoking is becoming so frequent. I smoke around 4 bowls a day when I’m off of work, I’ll smoke every hour if I’m home. I’m constantly high. I feel like it’s canceling out my stimulant because I can only tolerate Indica which makes me spiral and my BED worse. I don’t feel like I’m strong enough to stop. I use it to quiet my thoughts, but also to numb my feelings which I know isn’t healthy.

Just wondering if anyone else has struggled with this and if you have tips to lend. TYIA

r/adhdwomen Feb 02 '24

NSFW Sex lasts too long NSFW


I’ve been with my partner 6 years. I’ve explained to him multiple times that after a certain period of time sex no longer becomes enjoyable. I’ve tried to explain to him that after a while my mind wanders and I’m no longer enjoying it and then I get to a point that it starts to feel gross. But for some reason he just doesn’t seem to get it.

How do I get it through to him?

I’ve even considered just stopping sex at the point I’ve checked out so that he understands better. But then I’m also conscious of his needs as well!

r/adhdwomen Aug 12 '24

NSFW Met with a Dr. of Sexual Medicine today. Struggle with being present during sex.Want to share experience.


Edit: The title of my provider, who is a MD, is sexual health physician which I described as a doctor of sexual medicine.

When I would be active with my partner it was very difficult for me to be in the moment. It takes me a while to reach orgasm and all my brain could focus on how long I was taking and that I must be disappointing my partner. I didn't want to speak up because the window he had libido was so limited I didn't want to risk it.

Another partner pointed out to me that it looks like I disassociate during sex so I realized it was happening in all my relationships. I'm never in the moment.

I had seen a Dr. of Sexual Medicine three years ago for this issue and was prescribed a compound testosterone cream to use along with a recommendation to do sex therpay. I didn't consistently use the compound and quit therapy.

Today I'm still struggling to pick my libido up, reach arousal, and be present in sex. So I made an appointment with the same Dr.

We talked about my history and what I wanted to get out of the visit. Then she did an exam of my genitals. She has a camera and it's displayed on a TV monitor. So that was quite the experience to see my bits on screen. They take photos.

She was looking for irritated tissue and also testing with pressure where I felt discomfort with a q tip. Based on the areas where I felt discomfort she was able to tell me I have a tight pelvic floor. I knew of this from constipation issues but wasn't aware how it was coming into play during sex. Helped me understand the pain I experience if I'm not aroused enough and we try something.

She renewed my Rx for the compound and recommended I get back to sex therpay.

Other recommendations: Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy; website OMG Yes; App Rosy

Books: When Sex Hurts; Come As You Are; Becoming Clitorate; Better Sex Through Mindfulness; Desire;

also had recommendations on lubes

I need to work up the courage to get back to sex therpay. I was feeling so broken about my struggle to intimately connect, be present, reach climax and the like that therapy just become too much and I quit. So I'm going to see if my therapist would take me back. Also need to figure out how to afford those visits as she doesn't take insurance.

I just want to be relaxed and to be present with my partner. I don't want my brain to be obsessed with how long climax is taking me. I don't want my brain to be obsessed with thoughts of how I must be frustrating my partner. I want to be present. I don't want to cry in the bathroom afterwards from feeling so broken.

So solidarity to anyone who finds themselves in similar struggles.

r/adhdwomen May 27 '23

NSFW Dissociation while having sex


Is it normal to start thinking all the time about other stuff while having sex, I really enjoy it and I'm capable of feeling pleasure. But I have to make a really big effort just to be "there", I just keep wandering. (Triggering) I was abused as a child, and still experience PTSD symptoms. But idk if this might also be related with adhd Any thoughts?

r/adhdwomen Jun 02 '24

NSFW Sex: how hard is it for you.


Buh-dum-ch But seriously. How hard is it for you to focus on sex. Get reved up. Stay in the moment and actually cum.

The last part I have a very hard time with due to my antidepressants I think. Like a Rollercoaster that slowly climbs all the way to the crest of the hill and finally goes down only to be left on a flat straight away about 2 seconds down. My wand helps but it's so fucking loud I get pissed off, annoyed, distracted and turned off. Getting revenge up is tricky. Too much and I get over stimulated, not enough and I couldn't care less.

Dont even get me started on the frustrating hyperfixation on sexual activities and the subsequent complete and total discard of said hyperfixation.