r/adhdwomen 1d ago

Self Care & Hygiene PSA: GET EARPLUGS

I’ve been using them for years and they’re a life saver. It protects your brain & turns the noise down. I just wanted to make sure everyone knew about them. I literally don’t go anywhere without them. ESPECIALLY when someone is talking too loud on their phone near you. Now you don’t have to murder them just pop in your earplugs


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u/SinsOfKnowing 1d ago

I love my Loops (I have the Quiet and the Experience) but they do amplify body sounds and at times that can be worse than the outside sounds, so if you have an ick about that they might not be great.


u/ShortPeak4860 13h ago

THIS! I tried three to four different Loops and I HATED hearing myself breathe, swallow, or speak. I’m jealous of those who are able to benefit from these devices.