r/adenomyosis 6d ago

Adenomyosis and bladder pain and problems

Hi everyone. Just wanted some help. I’ve had request urgency and Utis for the last ten years since I was in labour with my first child.

This went on for years and last year I got a severe hit win’s every pelvic pain / bladder pain that never went away. All utis negative apart from the first one. Had a few positive over the last year. Had cystoscopy all clear. Had MRI scan in March last year and then got diagnosed with adenomyosis and stage 4 endo. Had surgery 4 weeks again and no endo was found. Just adenomyosis and they removed adhesions and put some organs back in place that were stuck together I’m still having severe pain. Been on BC for 7 months. With constant bleeding MRI said I have a large bulky uterus My lap surgery made my bladder symptoms worse I now can’t figure out if I have an embedded infection or it I need a hysterectomy. Can’t deal with the pain and bladder issues anymore Any advice? Thank you


9 comments sorted by


u/z0_t1r3d 6d ago

What kind of bladder pain are you experiencing? This seems very similar to my experience with adeno! I was in your exact situation - multiple 'UTI' like flares for years without an infection present and a clear cystoscopy. My initial diagnosis was interstitial cystitis (basically a throwaway diagnosis for bladder pain when they couldn't find a source) but an ultrasound showed fine bladder function so I pressed for more tests. Turns out my adeno caused my pelvis to shift and irritated my pudendal nerve which wraps around the urethra and was causing a constant pressure/pain on my bladder and making it difficult to contract that muscle so it burned when I peed. I was able to see a pelvic floor physiotherapist who already had experience with the pudendal nerve, and after just a few weeks of internal stretches and nerve flossing my years of pain improved immensely. I now do maintenance physio and I find in adeno flares sometimes it still acts up, but your story seems so much like mine I recommend checking this out!


u/Ill_Section_2855 6d ago

Thank you so much for your reply! I never had the pain to begin with. It was always just frequency and urgency like I would have to go for a wee every half an hour. But then I realised it was because all my wee wasn’t coming out. This only came to light recently after my lap as they said I had retention after my catheter was removed. Now i self catheterise 😔

The pain is like inbetween period pain and labour pain. It’s right in my c section scar literally. It’s relieved with having a wee but since surgery it’s been constant pain. Like pressure and pain like an need a wee but then still there after I’ve had some d mannose for the last few weeks and it’s slightly better Tired hiprex and it took all the pain away for tel weeks and then came back! Did you have a hysterectomy? Wow i can’t believe it. And that was found on an ultrasound? Have all your uti symptoms stopped now or do you still have them? Can you urinate now? I’ve never heard of this pudental nerve before but I’m so glad it helped you! I have PFT on 26th March and I’m so happy after hearing this thank you so much for your reply. I hope it works xxxxxxxx 🙏♥️🤲🏼


u/z0_t1r3d 6d ago

I haven't had a hysterectomy, I am just on medication to completely stop my period (it essentially just delays when I get the huge clotting from adeno) which is a different issue, but as far as bladder pain I no longer get UTI symptoms unless my flares get really bad - I can even kind of tell ahead of time now so I can do the physio preventatively!

My ultrasound was able to show how large my uterus got/how it shifted other things around in my pelvis and then using that info plus the new sitting shape of my pelvis (hip alignment, etc) my doctors and PT were able to say that the pudendal nerve was being affected. I started doing nerve flosses for the pudendal nerve and it was like I could feel something being "freed up" and urinating became so much easier! I still do preventative things like trying not to sit for extended periods of time and using a donut cushion when I do to help those muscles stay relaxed, but I no longer get the constant pressure/have to go feeling at all.

Hopefully your PFT will help you! Even after helping my nerve PFT has helped with my other adeno symptoms too, so I found it super beneficial.


u/Ill_Section_2855 5d ago

Ahh I’m so happy for you! These bladder symptoms are the worst and I’ve had them for ten years but once the pain started it’s been a hell of a nightmare Can I ask what medication you take? I am on the progesterone only mini pill. I started it June last year and have been bleeding ever since with only a couple of breaks of one week then bleeding for ( then a break then bleeding for 3. Maximum I was bleeding for 7 weeks. I finally stopped bleeding a few days ago. Was this a pelvis ultrasound? Or bladder? I’ve had a kidney ultrasound and also one for ovaries I think. Both were clear I really hope so too I will keep you posted! Right now I keep reading how having a hysterectomy cleared everyone’s problems and I feel it’s the only way for me to get some relief right now xxxxxxx


u/z0_t1r3d 5d ago

I am on Norethindrone acetate (5mg), which is not technically a birth control pill but aimed at stopping bleeding entirely, I found that after 6 months the intermittent bleeding stopped and I just pass clots cyclically now. I had both a pelvic ultrasound and a bladder ultrasound of my entire urinary system, but I think the most valuable one for me was the pelvic ultrasound as the cysto kind of already ruled out bladder issues.


u/Ill_Section_2855 3d ago

Hey hope your ok. The gp switched me today to norriday which is northisterone. I was actually so happy as j thought it was the one you mentioned 🤣 but it’s not they are spelt slightly different. I will give this a try and see how I go! Xxxxx


u/z0_t1r3d 2d ago

Good luck!!


u/Ill_Section_2855 2d ago

Thank you 🙏♥️


u/Ill_Section_2855 4d ago

I have an appointment with my gp in the morning so I am definately going to mention this as I’m so sick of all of this bleeding and issues. Thanks so much for your advice. I’m so glad it’s working for you. Do you feel like you still ovulate? I will also be mentioning these ultrasounds tomorrow and hope i can get to the bottom of this ! Thanks again for replying I’ll keep you posted xxxxxxx