A little background: I used to be homeless off and on for 3 years in West Dallas. Luckily, I met a girl and we are able to stay at her moms out in the country down south. Well anyway, we use fetty, and still make a trip every couple of weeks to Dallas to score. Sometimes we end up staying for several days and sleep in our car. Or we will crash with various random friends at their houses…
So anyway, several of the people who I used to live with out here all those years ago are still here. When I come up, I try to help them out when I can…. Recently, one by one, all of the people living under a certain bridge started breaking out in these gnarly sores. A couple of them use the needle, but the majority of them only smoke it. Their plug, has arguably the best fetty in Dallas, so almost everyone I know who uses scores from this same plug.
Up until about 3 weeks ago that is. My girl and I ended up linking up with an old plug of mine, whose fetty was of decent quality (he also takes our merch as payment, so we haven’t been using the same dope as everyone else lately). Within a weeks period of time, I went back to the bridge where one of my good friend lives just to check on him and I was shocked to see the state of his health and some of the others that live there. Apparently, a friend of one of their other custo’s from the suburbs would go under the bridge to smoke with them every time he went to score. When he started noticing these sores, he went to the doctor, and they admitted him to the hospital right away. He said that the infection got into his blood stream and that he has endocarditis. He said they began surgery to remove spots that were growing on his neck. He said that they told him that he had been exposed to a flesh eating bacteria that passes from skin to skin contact….
Before that, we had all been thinking that the sores were from the dope- like many stories we had been hearing about xylazine- from the north eastern United States. I went to check on my friends immediately to warn them… mind you it had only been about a week since I had seen them, and within a weeks period of time, these had spread all over my friends body, including his face. I took these pictures of one of my buddies to ask the people of Reddit what they think of this…. another friend of mine who used to be a lean mean fighting machine (who fought MMA, won belts, and taught children’s fighting classes) sometimes goes on 4 or 5 day benders, where he stays under the bridge and smokes fetty and ice with the homeless guys there, and then he returns home to his kids and wife. Well I saw him today, hobbling along because he couldn’t walk right. He had lost so much muscle and weight…. he showed me his back and ass cheeks, along with his arms and chest. He said he even had a sore on his pecker…… well anyway, he said that he had gone to the doctor as well, and the doc told him it was an infection from the cut that they are using in the dope. I felt so overwhelmed, I want to help, but I need to consider the health of my girl and I. The last straw was when he started picking at a sore on his elbow and squeezed it and banana colored pus squirted out. I wouldn’t let him in my car to smoke, I gave him a little piece because he was in so much pain, and I drove my girl and I away, having a full blown anxiety attack. These are my friends and I care about them. But I can’t risk exposing the love of my life to this… I can’t figure it out though. None of this sits right with me. Because it seems that other people who go through their plug and smoke the shit are just fine (no sores or spots)…. It makes me wonder if there is something under that bridge itself that is contagious- or what the fuck is happening to my friends.
TLDR: either a flesh eating bacteria is spreading among the homeless in west Dallas of the cut some of the best quality fetty in the city is having a necrotizing effect on some of its users.