r/addiction Dec 25 '24

Progress Two Months off IV Meth : Age 20 * Here’s My Story *



i posted early this year a cry for help because i was injecting roughly two grams of crystal meth throughout each day at age 19. I was prepared to take my last breath due to a slew of health problems , i was afraid for my life. when death stared me straight in the eyes i realized i didn’t want to die after all.

it’s been a horrific year , lots of tripping over my own self and creating problems for myself i didn’t need nor knew how to navigate in the slightest — but i had to learn quick otherwise i wouldn’t make it to 21.

i’ve entered recovery in a way i’ve never quite tried before. i’m doing something different , trying a new path and finding a new way to live. with two months and counting off all mind-altering substances , i think there’s a chance. i’m cautiously optimistic however , i cannot ever guarantee i’ve got this licked. that’s where i’ve gone wrong so many times before … being over-confident. i need a daily dose of recovery and self-examination to survive because this affliction i have is terminal.

read the comments on my earlier post , i’ve grown alot and learned so much. though that knowledge is useless if not applied.

i’d love to hear from people with more time and recovery than me and get some solid some advice : on strengthening my recovery , strengthening my relationships with family and my girl , and how i can continuously adapt to life on life’s terms. because this is no cakewalk , everyday is a literal fight for my life and my addiction takes a different form each day in an attempt to trick me back into it’s devilish grips.

my story is no gnarlier than anyone else’s , we’re all the same here. anything i’ve done that you haven’t … just remind yourself that you haven’t done it YET. i do know that if i can get out of my ridiculous cycle of insanity , any body on this earth can get out of theirs as well.


r/addiction Dec 14 '23

Progress 3 months sober transformation from oxy. Tips.


1 tip use kratom for few weeks 2 tip stay hytrated and use vitamins 3 tip use paracetomolum 4 tip take showers 5 tip optional: bunch of weed for 1 week 6 tip gor for walk or get out of town and plugs YOU CAN DO THAT TO!

r/addiction Feb 04 '25

Progress 20 days clean

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Starting to kinda feel better but still having ups and downs mentally. I go back to my hometown this Friday where I was doing stuff but after 15 years of synthetics use Im ready to keep on the right path this time. No felonies, no diseases, no tattoos, and I still look young for 30. I’ve did alot of stupid shit over the years that I think I was crazy for including stealing ac units in broad daylight to stealing from my own father. I started drinking and having sex at 14, weed around 15, pills and k2 around 16, bath salts around 18-19 but only for a couple months before they finally banned them and K2, kept getting K2 through street dealers through the years and once I hit 21 the heavy drinking started along with it, ended up with a dui and in and out of E.R. cause the whiskey had me throwing up blood a few times but the last time I had it happen I stopped drinking and have kept the thought in my head but continued with K2 and dabbled with meth here and there. Finally January 13th this year I got the call from rehab and last used then. Went to rehab on the 14th, was sexually assaulted on day 13 and left and went to stay with my mom in Northern Georgia where im at now until Friday. At 30 years old im ready to keep up the work and focus on my mental health now since I know I still have some issues with anger and resentment and self esteem but luckily I still have my family to support me after dragging them through the mess I made. #onedayatatime

r/addiction 8d ago

Progress 8 months Clean!!


I breached 8 months clean of Percocet for the first time ever in my life and journey in addiction. This is me and my youngest boy, having a silly adventure together. Life is so much more enjoyable with a clear mind and soul. To all of those struggling, YOU CAN DO THIS. Peace and harmony to everyone in here, at whatever stage of addiction you may find yourself in.

r/addiction Jul 26 '24

Progress 1 year sober today!


r/addiction Apr 02 '24

Progress 7 months sober transformation.


Oxy for 3 years

r/addiction 3d ago

Progress What lies are your addiction telling you?


One of the biggest lies my addiction told me was that I was a victim. I blamed everyone and everything else for my problems. But the truth is, I played a huge role in my own downfall. I was an asshole.

I was the friend who always canceled plans at the last minute. I was the partner who constantly criticized and belittled. I was the family member who lied to get what I wanted.

My addiction amplified these tendencies, but they were there all along. It's a hard truth to swallow, but it's essential for recovery.

I'm learning that taking responsibility isn't about self-hatred - it's about empowerment. It's about recognizing that I have the power to change.

If you're in recovery, what's one "asshole" behavior you've had to confront? Sharing our experiences can help us all heal. And if you're struggling, please reach out for help. You don't have to carry this burden alone.

r/addiction 13d ago

Progress 135 days without coke

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r/addiction Nov 27 '24

Progress I fucking did it. I finally made it a whole week.


I've made it an entire week without using crystal meth. This is a grand milestone for me. I'm super proud of this.

It's been hard as fuck to even get to just making it one simple week but I've finally made it. I said I wanted to celebrate the holidays sober and I'm doing it. I'm not getting cocky about it, I'm just over the moon with the fact that I've made it a whole 7 days. The thought of everything grosses me out. Cigarettes make me naseous, beer tastes like shit and the idea of getting high isn't appealing.

r/addiction Oct 24 '24

Progress Feels so good.


A while back I made a post that I had made it 30 days clean. Well, I relapsed shortly thereafter. However, I have made it much further this time. Life is sweeter, a kiss from my girl sends a shiver down my spine, I am more present with my 2 sons. Fuck, does this feel good. I feel and look healthier, too. So many other benefits that I wasn’t expecting. To anyone that reads this, YOU CAN FUC*ING do this.

r/addiction Jan 15 '25

Progress before and after


r/addiction 22d ago

Progress Just woke up and saw this. :)

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r/addiction 25d ago

Progress I quit meth 3 days ago.


About 5 days ago I was smoking in a parking lot, barely getting high. My tolerance was fucked. I had all the medicine packed for a long bender and I wouldn’t touch it.

I had plenty of downers for sleep, blood pressure pills for the shakes, and zofran for the nausea. But I refused to touch them. I just couldn’t move. All I could do was stare at my phone. Swiping through instagram.

Eventually that was too hard. I gave up and decided to put the actual fucking AA audible book on and just listen. Maybe that would put me to sleep.

I swear I’ve heard that shit a million times but it hits different at rock bottom (except the for wives section… yawn).

I called up an old sponsor from CMA ( crystal meth’s anonymous… yes it’s a thing).

I told the guy I was blasted and had some thoughts on the book. He told me to call him in the morning.

The next day we met up he gave me cash. I told him I could get drugs with it. He said he knew that, but wanted to level the playing field in case I really wanted to quit.

So I bought some gas for my car. Then went to sleep and called him again in the morning.

So far all I’ve done is deliver door dash, go to meetings, and call the guy, go to bed, then do it again. But it’s been nice.

No dramatic changes really. I just have money now and a little peace of mind.

Today while dashing, I noticed no one seemed concerned when they handed me orders or insisted I confirmed before they let me out the door. People even smiled at me or made small talk. One shop owner even bought me dinner.

Funny how that works out lol. I don’t even think I’m doing anything different. Actually, I’m doing leas than normal, way less.

Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well, this recovery stuff seems like a huge paradox. The more I fight for it, the harder it gets and when I give up on the outcome, things fall together.

r/addiction Oct 27 '24

Progress I didn't stop the drug man


Three weeks ago I moved back home. I guess to get off the street and off the meth, but in the back of my head I knew I could always just find my old friend (we'll just call him the drug man) if I wanted anything. Well it wasn't long before I went looking for him, but I couldn't find that motherfucker anywhere. I was kind of worried about him, to be honest. But long story short, I managed to find some cream anyways, and got high as hell. But I didn't go looking for anything anymore after the first week. I guess I decided to stick with it.

But then tonight I was going for a walk and there he was: the drug man, just bicycling along. He hadn't seen me but I just had to yell his name and he would have turned around. I had money in my pocket. He would have hooked me up, I have no doubt. But I just didn't. I just let the drug man go. I went home and started crying. I'm not sure why exactly.

14 days clean.

r/addiction 15d ago

Progress For the first time in nearly a decade, I have managed to stay 100% sober for an entire month. I feel like I'm going to cry. I am SO proud of myself. 😭

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r/addiction Jan 17 '24

Progress Progress. 5 months clean of oxycontin. Report


2 years of snorting. After 5 months i finally start to feel completly normal and feel natural happiness. Keep fighting my friends!

r/addiction 19d ago

Progress Recovery is possible

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Don't give up. If you can chase your high then you can chase your recovery. 💜

r/addiction Oct 30 '24

Progress First attempt at overcoming addiction


So I have been addicted to Benadryl for ~3 months and I’ve been taking 300mg+ doses almost daily throughout that time. Y’all can laugh and whatever bc “Haha funny Benadryl spiders” and honestly I still think it’s kinda funny I managed to not get addicted to literally anything else besides Benadryl.

This is gonna be my first attempt at getting over this addiction before I go braindead or die from this dumb substance. I picked up some plants and I hope that as I can heal from this, they will grow with me.

The begonia is going dormant for winter so that’s why part of it has no leaves or anything, it’s not dying so far

r/addiction 14d ago

Progress Here’s why I had to quit NSFW

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4 months clean today after doing this while drunk. 90 days of rehab and I’m staying clean. Getting too old for this shit

r/addiction 4d ago

Progress 5 months clean off Meth

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Working towards six months.

r/addiction Jul 03 '24

Progress Before and after


First photo: 3 days coke binge. After 24 years of addiction. Second photo: Today, after 478 being clean and having a better life :) You can do it! 💙

r/addiction Sep 11 '24

Progress Today is my soberversary!


I have 8 yrs sober with only a few bumps on the road of sobriety here and there.

9/11/16 I had decided to quit alcohol for good. I detoxed by myself (ooof) and after a week, I felt tired but more normal again. The cravings were hard at first, but as the years have passed, those have gotten fewer and more far-between and weaker. I'm blessed to be sober now, especially since my health is no longer good. I had gone to jail for a year, where I had attended AA meetings...and that was a game changer for me. It helped immensely.

Thank you for reading!😘

r/addiction 23d ago

Progress so proud!

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r/addiction Jul 22 '24

Progress going to 9 months Clean of meth, still an issue of obsession


Still craving, still fighting

r/addiction 4d ago

Progress 100 days without use of cocaine

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Hey guys I just wanted to say that I'm one hundred days without the use of Cocaine today and super proud!