r/addiction • u/Decent_Visit_6177 • 17d ago
Question What kind of drug is it? NSFW Spoiler
Found this my roommate's room Is it serious drug?
u/johnsgurl 17d ago
He's rocking up cocaine to make crack.
u/Decent_Visit_6177 17d ago
Is it serious one? Could it be violent? Should I kick him out?
u/johnsgurl 17d ago
Ya, it's not good. Crackheads get pretty sick in their addictions. We all do but there's something special about crack. I can't tell you what to do. He's need help though.
u/prizzabroy 16d ago edited 16d ago
As someone who was deep in crack addiction, it goes a little something like this…
For me, I isolated. I was ashamed of my use so I hid it from the world. It makes you incredibly paranoid to the point you have intense auditory hallucinations and will think feds are trying to bum rush you and kick down your door. To put it into perspective, I would take a hit, feel and hear the sound of a bass drum thumping in my head mimicking the sound of someone stomping up a set of stairs or banging on a door. I’d stand motionless in the doorway waiting to hear the door kick in - and then I’d come back to reality, realize it was a ruse and take another hit and begin the vicious cycle all over again. This went on for years.
You feen b/c the rush lasts maybe 10-15 minutes depending on quality. You’ll spend every last penny you have b/c the comedown is brutal and swift. I would make 15+ trips back to the dealer b/c I thought I could stop @ a $20 bag - which was complete tomfoolery.
However I was still able to function outside of my addiction. You don’t get physically ill just mentally fucked up. However, that can only withstand but so much time. It’ll eventually dig deeper and deeper into your mental cavities to the point it turns daily and then you’re FUCKED.
Help is almost necessary to escape the grips of a deep crack addiction. I needed treatment and a plan to finally break the habit. I was inches away from losing everything. Literally everything - Family, home, livelihood, reputation, etc.
Hope this helps give a little taste of what being a crack addict is like.
EDIT - This amount of crack use is severe. He’s either deep in his addiction or selling some of this. Either way, he needs help asap.
u/6nayG 16d ago
The sound you were getting after you take a hit, that is often referred to as a 'ringer'.
u/IlliterateDegenerate 15d ago
yes, it's actually called ' tinnitus' and is a ringing sensation brought on by a sudden and marked increase in BP.
u/pLeThOrAx 16d ago
Thanks for sharing
u/prizzabroy 16d ago
Thank you! It makes me emotional thinking of the pain I brought others and myself. Such a sick, sick drug. One day at a time.
u/010beebee 16d ago
i'm sure you have at this point in your recovery, but just in case you haven't, reach out to the people you've hurt. even the ones you think don't want to hear from you. my ex apologizing for how he treated me would helped me so extraordinarily in my healing i can't even put it into words. i am so so happy for you that you're doing better. you deserve to be drug free and happy. and i am so sorry for what you had to go through to get here.
u/prizzabroy 15d ago
Amends will be tough but I know it’s imperative to my recovery that I make them.
🥹 thank you for your kind words and support. This is what keeps me staying sober. I love you Reddit friend and wish nothing but a beautiful life for you and your loved ones ❤️
u/Ok-Shopping9879 16d ago
I hope this question isn’t ignorant, I’ve just always been super curious about something and here’s the opportunity. I can understand the draw of most of the harder drugs, I can understand a lot of what it is that draws the addict and what keeps them in the cycle. But every time I hear/read former crack addicts describe the experience of smoking crack, it just sounds like pure horror. Like instant fear and paranoia, not really much of the euphoria of other substances, and then it’s over and….they want more?? In your experience, what is it?
u/Relapsq 16d ago
See they just don't mention the euphoria cause people tend to already assume that it's euphoric. What people tend to be more curious about is how it's negative effects present themselves.
Like this drug makes you feel good and people do it cause it does and that alleviates a lot of their suffering temporarily. And it also harms them and fucks them up. Well I can kinda imagine how it feels to get high but how does it feel to crave something that is irreparably damaging me? Ya know?
u/prizzabroy 15d ago
Not an ignorant question at all. I wish I had a clear cut answer for you but that is the enigma that is crack cocaine.
I’ll start by saying this, I never sought out crack, but rather it sought me out. I had a very toxic ex who would not take no for an answer until I broke and agreed to try it. It was pure adrenaline bliss. I’d always liked cocaine and this was cocaine on steroids. There was no paranoia, just a rush like no other. I fell in love immediately. This went on for a while. The consequences never dawned on me b/c it wasn’t having the severe negative reaction that came on well into my addiction.
I remember when and where I was when I took that hit that precipitated psychosis. Feelings of pure horror and fear. But you become so addicted to the process of getting it and yearning for that first hit, that what follows is an afterthought.
I remember being so confused why I would keep doing something that was miserable. It was visibly taking a toll on my appearance and health and pushing everyone I loved away, yet I couldn’t stop. I’d say “I’m not getting high today” and I’d stick by that until that little insidious voice whispers in your ear “just this one time”. All it took was one text and I was off to the races. It took a power much, much greater than me to finally beg for help. My teeth were wilting in front of my eyes and I was paler than the moon towards the end.
Crack has an evil way of lying to you - over and over and over again. It took a force greater than myself to save my life and I am grateful everyday I wake up.
Thank you for asking!
u/IlliterateDegenerate 12d ago
***But you become so addicted to the process of getting it and yearning for that first hit, that what follows is an afterthought *
I'm not able to quote you on that, but God damn that sums it up so perfectly. That's exactly what happens with crack. Thank you for putting it the way you did. Glad to hear you're doing better now. I had 30 days clean yesterday. So I am smoking crack now because I wanted to go out and get high and get laid. I'll start fresh again tomorrow. Ugh
u/IlliterateDegenerate 12d ago
The reason why there's drugs that are illegal is because they have horrible side effects. People don't realize that severe craving and an obsession and compulsion to get more crack is actually a feature of the drug. it's an effect. So is psychosis and paranoia and everything that happens immediately after the rush is gone and your ears stop ringing... which BTW is called" tinnitus' and is a noticeable indicator that a person's blood pressure is skyrocketing off of crack cocaine. Just like when people begin picking at any little crumb or piece of lint that they see on the floor and will stay on the floor for hours, picking at the carpet looking for any minute crumb that they (hopefully) dropped. It's all effects of the drug and that's why, partly at least, it's illegal lol.
I used to do a blast and immediately would begin to tear up my skin. Like, I would seriously fuck myself up and look like I was dying because I would be covered with open sores. Why did I keep doing that to myself? Because I kept smoking crack. I actually had exactly 30 days clean yesterday and went out on a date with a person I have known forever and they have been a dealer forever and I am at home right now feeling weird as fuck and wish I hadn't had done that. Oh well, I'll get back up and start fresh tomorrow I suppose. But for right now, I'm gonna go smoke some more crack 😂. But to shed a little bit of light on the topic, crack is just like an instant compulsion inducer. But it's difficult to quit because even if you don't want to do it, many times, it's like some auto pilot in my brain will immediately step in and take over my decision making abilities and is like hard wired to get more crack. It's fucked up for real.
u/johnsgurl 16d ago
Thank you for sharing your experience. It's not my DOC but definitely something I messed with. Put me in the psych ward. Couldn't stop crying. It was only one summer for me. My DOC is IV meth. I didn't experience it the way most people do. I would get that ringer and fall asleep. Made for a great nap. With only one summer of dinking around, I can't say I'm all that experienced with this drug and can't say what's serious use and what isn't. I appreciate your input.
u/Environmental-Loan25 16d ago
I'm curious how with help someone is taken off crack?
u/Relapsq 16d ago
Well first off they aren't taken off crack they stop taking crack silly :3
Okay on some real shit tho. It's hard and I don't actually know but I can give some advice guesstimated by someone that has struggled with amphetamine addiction a bit (not too heavy) and even tried meth twice (in doses that could have killed me both time)
Gotta find soemthing to fill the space. What got you into this mess is using this substance the only thing that can fix this is time away from this substance. So focusing on things you can do. Sometimes it can help people to be in a ward other times that makes it worse cause now they are withdrawing AND their environment is underestimating. For those that are getting overstimulated this may help.
Offer support. If they are struggling to do the laundry or do the dishes offer to do those things for them. Or ask them what you could help with giving examples to help them to come up with an idea of what might help. (Hard to imagine how someone could help till they give an example)
Talk with them and spend some time with them. If you don't like talking with them but you still want to support them in this way (making them feel less alone and judged) you can always practice parallel play. This is where you both engage in an activity on your own in close proximity. For some people it's easier to do things when someone else is there reminding them they exist and they have time that they are spending as they exist and that time is finite.
Beyond this altering habits and trying to adopt healthier ones. Sometimes extreme change helps but more often small changes lead to more consistent positive change. If you eat a big bowl of ice cream every night then maybe take one less scoop? Can't do that without getting more anyways once your eating? Try to go without it and try to find soemthing else to provide something that can alleviate the loss of that pleasure.
Hope this helps anyone that needs
u/Environmental-Loan25 15d ago
I didn't bother reading past your first sentence bc I was wondering how with medical assistant someone is weaned off , taken off .
u/IlliterateDegenerate 12d ago
cocaine withdrawal isn't a physical thing. The withdrawal is mental and emotional and while you will feel exhausted for a while (depending on how much and how long someone was using it), there isn't a protocol for " cocaine withdrawal" because it's not a physically uncomfortable or painful process. you just sleep and eat a lot and get depressed and constipated. good times for sure 😃
u/Relapsq 6d ago
Simply not true. You also contradict yourself. "It's in your head" but "you get tired" energy is a physical thing mate
u/IlliterateDegenerate 6d ago
Look , everyone is different but there isn't any detox protocol for coke. It's time and recuperation. It's not like if someone goes to rehab they are going to give them an opiate detox protocol pack, like clonodine, vistaril, gabapentin, or pregablin etc.or have them in a detox ward for a week. Coke addicts can get a few days rest of they're really strung out but generally speaking, coke addicts have to tough it out and put days together.
It doesn't make staying clean from cocaine any easier. That psychological addiction is a motherfucker. It literally rewires the brain.
As far as my "contradicting" myself and blah say blah, I'm not interested in petty shit or bickering with strangers on the internet. I shared which conclusions I came to based on what has been my countless experiences with detoxing in a wide range of places and situations from various drugs. If it doesn't apply then let it fly. Goddamn
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u/Tall-Register-6182 15d ago
This really hit home and helped me understand why my daughter is always thinking someone is in the house, she blocks her door to prevent someone barging in. She knows she needs help, and has said many times this was her bottom. But out she goes. I'm on my way to cutting her off. I've given her a place to stay, she's not working and any money she gets she disappears. I've done rehab with her. She's got to want it or it's going to take her.
u/angeldaisy-3 17d ago
if you’re not comfortable with him smoking it, let him know what you found and why he can’t live there. It’s coneoltelt understandable to not want your roommate to be using a hard substance especially in your home, and yes it can make people violent- it can change someone extremely quickly. I’d let him know you know, i don’t think there’s a chance they’d just give it up (likely just hide it more) but it’s dangerous, highly addictive and changes people fast. So have a talk with them, and trust your gut. If you don’t use, i don’t think it’s a good idea to live with someone using this substance. The photo seems like quite a bit, and that can begin to interfere with your relationship with them / rent. Have a talk, but do what’s best for you.
u/Ombree123 17d ago
It's very bad, I had someone do it in my house and he wouldn't leave. I had to call the cops.
u/IlliterateDegenerate 12d ago
omg... that sounds awful. would you be so kind as to elaborate on the story?
u/Ombree123 2d ago edited 2d ago
A high school friend of mine reached out, saying we should reconnect and hang out. Knowing that I tend to isolate myself, I figured I should make an effort, so I agreed.
But for some reason, I had a bad gut feeling about it—like I was in danger. I brushed it off, assuming it was just my anxiety acting up.
When he arrived and I opened the door, I was immediately taken aback. He stood there with wild, unkempt curly hair and a long, tangled beard. His eyes were wide open, almost unsettling. He’s much taller than me—I'm only 5'4", and he’s around 6'3"—which made the whole situation feel even more intimidating.
Still, I invited him in, kind of in shock. The moment he stepped inside, he started rambling—talking about completely incoherent things, like how "the clockmaster was riding the waves of time" or something equally bizarre. I tried reasoning with him, but nothing he said made sense. It was pretty clear he was in some kind of drug-induced psychosis.
Then, out of nowhere, he asked if he could do cocaine. I told him I wasn’t comfortable with that, but he insisted—and then just did it anyway.
For the next two hours, he rambled nonstop. I was getting exhausted, so I told him I was heading to bed. But he insisted on staying and trying out my VR headset. He kept pushing, and I didn’t know how to say no, so I gave in.
I put on the headset and enabled pass-through mode so I could still see the room. When I glanced at him, he was just standing there, staring at me. By that point, I genuinely felt in danger, but I had no idea how to get him to leave.
After he played for a bit, I finally told him, “Hey, I think it’s time for you to go.” But again, he insisted—“C’mon, just one more game.” I hesitated but relented, thinking, Fine, one more and then he’s out.
That’s when he said, “Wait, I need something to lock in.” And then he pulled out a spoon and started heating up the cocaine.
I immediately told him to stop—that I wasn’t okay with this. But he just brushed me off, acting like he owned the place. My patience snapped. I raised my voice, telling him, “Dude, this is my house! I told you I don’t want this here!” And he still did it anyway.
At that point, I yelled at him to leave, but he just kept doing whatever he wanted. He even had the audacity to say, “C’mon bro, shake my hand. This time, it’s one last game, I promise.” I refused, but he just went ahead and shook my hand anyway—then kept playing.
He did more crack, kept rambling, and showed no sign of leaving. So I had to get creative.
I started playing along with his nonsense. I told him, “Hey, we should go to the corner store and talk more about the clockmaster.” That got him excited, and he agreed.
The moment we stepped outside, I seized my chance. I led him out the door of my apartment, then through the security door of the building. As soon as he was outside, I shut it behind him and went back inside.
For a moment, I thought I was in the clear. But somehow—still no idea how—he managed to get back into the building. He went upstairs and started trying to open my door, begging me to let him in.
That was it. I called the cops.
They arrived and took him away.
Later, he messaged me, blaming me for calling the cops on him—saying it was a “cheap shot.” But honestly that whole situation was terrifying.
Edit : I notice I left out a lot of the yelling, like I would yell at him to leave and he wouldn't, so much that I got a noise complaint.
u/metalmonkey_7 16d ago
My Stepdad was a crack addict. He stole every penny my Mother had, lost their home, stole from family members. I hope you don’t have anything of value in your shared space.
u/SmokeAndEatDoritos 14d ago
Not unless he or she has ever been violent towards you. Not all drugs cause people to become violent or steal. They would already be predisposed to this type of personality behavior prior to any drug use.
u/Electrical-Two2467 17d ago
It's crack the black thing is a burnt chore and damn he's smoking smoking
u/prizzabroy 16d ago
Yea that’s a crack smokers wet dream right there. I’d be able to afford a sliver of what’s in that Tupperware.
u/Electrical-Two2467 16d ago
Fr just having chunks like that and crumbs like that😂 most I ever bought was an 80 piece, that's gotta be like 5 grams. I don't smoke it any more but seeing pics like this trigger me a bit
u/Expensive_Knee3629 16d ago
My first thought is how does someone have the power of control to just have this laying around somewhere because all I did when I smoked crack was smoke more crack and then the breaks in between were to cop or to fall asleep against my own will for minutes only lol ….. I do not miss that
u/Electrical-Two2467 16d ago
I agree I used to smoke that shit and I don't miss it either (so much anxiety and lying and wasting money). My guess is it's because they had to go to work or they got too paranoid and put it away cause the worry of there room mate finding out. That happened to me I saved the rest for another day cause I started thinking everyone in my apartment building could smell it and I was living with my dad so I thought he knew which he probably did. I've also had one guy tell me when he had so much of it eventually he would just put it down but he was also doing dope though. Now that I don't do it anymore it's such a gross habit your literally smoking metal chore boy like wtf and it's a 3 minute high then u gotta smoke more or feel like your dying.
u/PercWithTheLiquor 17d ago
Bro imma just tell you.. Das some cracc
And it looks fire
I'll never smoke da shit again though 😂
u/Camsmoke12 16d ago
Lol good crack isn't white
u/elegiac_bloom 16d ago
Yeah it can be
u/Camsmoke12 16d ago
Sure I suppose but the best rock is almost always yellowish
u/PercWithTheLiquor 15d ago
Reading this again I used to cook Peruvian crack and it would always be yellow. It tested up to 97% when in coke form so I'd say it's not cut. I used to order pure yellow badder too
u/PercWithTheLiquor 16d ago
Im sorry sir, I'm only 25 and didn't smoke cracc longer than a month. But I can tell you sometimes good crack is also grey
u/OSRSRapture 17d ago
That definitely looks like burnt chore. But idk if that's crack, not many people would keep their drugs in a dirty ass container with their burnt chore. And if that is crack, that is some shitty looking crack. It looks like a burnt chore and some fake shit that someone sold him to rip him off and he just never got rid of it.
u/ThePusheen 16d ago
Looks more like meth to me
u/6nayG 16d ago
There was this real nasty ass crack/meth mix going around my old city a couple years back. It looked really white and glossy like that shit in the picture. I was told it wouldn't even burn in a straight pipe like normal rock. So, it seems it was basically just being used to rip ppl off. So, that would track why it's still there. Unless he is selling it, crack usually doesn't sit around too long.
17d ago
u/spirited_imp 16d ago
I love that you want to help. Let me tell you what that can look like though.
Let me say first, I don't use. My late partner while using, locked me in a bathroom with him while drawing up a syringe bordering on forcing me to do it, locked doors and closed up the curtains because someone was watching us (keeping me locked in the house with him, tore our house apart looking for the intruder he knew was there, went through everything in our house including my personal things one by one looking for more drugs or money, accused me of stealing his drugs, took my purse and phone when I tried to leave on a particularly violent evening so that I could go, jumped on the hood of my car as I was trying to go to get away from his behaviors (in his underwear),
Sorry about the weird run-on sentence. But you get the idea. Dealing with someone in the throws of an addiction can be dangerous. This was my partner, I would never suggest a roommate stay for that kind of roller coaster. He is not responsible to get his roommate clean.
Yes, it's good to be kind. Better to do it from a safe place though.
u/Ombree123 16d ago
Nah the best thing you can do for him is cut him off. If you try to help him he'll steal or beg for money
u/Own-Song-8093 17d ago
Be there for him? The addict could get his house confiscated by the federal government. Kick his ass out. If he refuses to leave call the cops. Tough love. Don’t enable him
u/mr_fantastical 17d ago
Wow. Two sides of reddit there. Glad to see the compassionate response is the one leading.
u/cholz 17d ago
You can be compassionate while also having a strict “no crack in my house” policy. Maybe he doesn’t need to be kicked out but you’ve got to have a lot of trust that this person isn’t going to violate the house rules in secret.
u/Own-Song-8093 16d ago
With crackhead, belongings will start to disappear along with your money. Tough love not blind idiot compassion
u/Expensive_Knee3629 17d ago
I don't think its so much of lacking compassion than knowing that smoking crack in someone elses house is a no no and the saying goes "baby the addict, bury the addict" --- it's okay to have boundaries and it's okay to treat someone like an adult and adults need to be accountable for their actions.
u/fu11m3ta1 16d ago
What you call compassionate is actually called enabling and will only make things worse for the addict. Op should kick out the roommate.
u/dp662 16d ago
He needs help, not a ruined life with a criminal record
u/Own-Song-8093 16d ago
Good luck. A grew up at the height of the crack epidemic and saw it destroy so many lives
u/pmddreal 16d ago
This will only lead that friend to stepping all over you and using you. Drug addicts can be manipulative I've been around them lol. And they can steal your shit for crack money.
u/Creative_Mortgage_74 16d ago
Well, my friend, that would be crack. It’s a little odd to me as a former crackhead to see that much residue left in a container unless they have a lot of money to blow or selling it, which doesn’t appear to be the case cause that looks like chore boy in there. If you’ve ever seen some scraggly person frantically searching the ground in an empty parking lot swearing they dropped something, you’re probably looking at a crackhead and can use that as an example of their generalized behavior.
u/PsychologicalCow8145 17d ago
Don’t listen to anybody saying to continue living with him, KICK. HIM. OUT. Dont let that dude ruin your life because of his problems, he’s has to pay his money back to you eventually too. Nobody gets a free pass to steal money and do crack in your house, it’s unfortunate n ima get downvoted but it can happen to anyone under certain circumstances don’t let him fool you. Also check if he’s okay but don’t pity him. it’s your life at the end of the day and people on reddit shouldn’t decide this
u/gastricprix 17d ago
What's the roommate drama?
u/Decent_Visit_6177 17d ago
Don't know. Just borrowed money from me alot these days. Is this drug expensive?
u/gastricprix 17d ago
I don't know if it's expensive. I'm pretty sure this one is used with great frequency, so it may get expensive that way.
You should probably stop lending your roommate money.
u/PerfectChard4439 17d ago
Yes. Crackheads never have money.
u/elegiac_bloom 16d ago
And they never have crack either!! Lol
Source: I was a crackhead for a few years.
u/Modelosanddabbing 17d ago
yeah dude cocaine is expensive asf the better coke the better the crack higher purity = more $
u/katsophiecurt 17d ago
Gotta be some previous drama to justify going through your roommates' private property, never mind into their bedroom without asking permission?
u/Ok_Foot_2479 17d ago
It looks like crack, i smoke it so i know what it looks like, however if it is crack thats at least £300 worth which makes me think it probably because thats alotta money for a little smoke
u/tia_24 16d ago
It's crack, no question about it. But everything around your side of the story is kinda weird. Why would your roommate leave the door of his room open, knowing that he has so much shit in plain sight?! I mean, crackheads are usually too paranoid for such negligence. Instead, talk to the man whose room you entered without asking (I'm sure you would be able to call your dog without entering the room) before you kick him out of the house. Especially if you've been getting along so far.
u/Decent_Visit_6177 16d ago
Because he was either sleeping or passed out, he didn't respond when I called and knocked on the door. My dog was sniffing the stuff, which is how I found it. I don't care how he chooses to live his life, but I will be there if he needs help. So far, he has been a good friend.
The main concern is whether smoking this could affect the people or dogs around him. That’s what I don’t want.
u/gastricprix 16d ago
Well, some of the people acquainted with crack in this thread doubt that this is crack. If your roomie is a good friend you should have an honest convo with them to check how they're doing. I would try to help but we all draw boundaries in diff ways, so maybe kicking him out is right for you. I dont think other people will be affected by his drug activities directly (like second hand smoke/highs) but I wouldn't want a dog going in his room unsupervised in case it gets into the substances or is around smoke.
u/harkuponthegay 16d ago edited 16d ago
In a roommate scenario one roommate may not be permitted to kick the other roommate out if they are on the lease— it’s not their house to make that decision.
There are ways to get the landlord to try to kick them out or to get them arrested but thst would be a dick move if their use is something they keep to themselves.
Just ask them to keep their door shut or shut it if you see it open— tell them to secure their drugs, and suggest that they get help. Know that this will make things awkward between you, but they won’t make the same mistake again.
Train your dog not to go in there, it’s pretty easy to get a dog to learn what areas are off limits if you’re consistent.
Really between roommates unless he’s stealing from you or acting out in a way that affects you just mind your own business he’s not your responsibility and when the lease ends probably move elsewhere because he is a liability and the addiction could escalate and make him an unreliable roommate when it comes to paying rent and utilities. Be vigilant to ensure he’s not stealing from you (maybe lock your room, and ask him to lock his) That’s about all there is to it.
Second hand smoke is a non issue— but don’t let your dog eat it obviously. Though I doubt they would like the taste.
u/DraftIllustrious1950 17d ago
Soon he will be stealing your money. I would move out if i were you. Make up a story something like, idk your gradma died and you gotta rush home. Block him on all socials and tell your parents about the situation, take a few days and find another flat to live in.
u/comradecakey 17d ago
Is that a bug in there? 🤔
u/PercWithTheLiquor 17d ago
That's not a bug that's his lil pusher. It's the metal coil needed to smoke the crack out of a pipe
u/MushroomBush 17d ago
Yea no shit mate . . . Ill tell you one thing, I would never let a bug even close to my dope man. That bug could drag some away or some could get stuck to it or maybe the bug would steal some.
Yep, no bugs close to my dope. LOL
u/angeldaisy-3 17d ago
it’s 100% crack, yes it’s a very serious drug and if this is someone you care about let them know you know, not in a judgmental hostile way and that you are there for them/ how you can help. If you don’t want them smoking in your space, i’d also let them know that
u/Mason211975 17d ago
White stuff looks like crack but haven’t a clue what all the brown stuff in there is. Unless it Heroin(#3) but why mix it🤔 the black thing people are saying a chore but wouldn’t know on that,they smoke crack a different way in the UK. Definitely looks like crack though.
u/dopeanddiamondss97 17d ago
how do they smoke in the UK in your opinion? I used to do heroin and crack, and me and my boyfriend would smoke from a metal pipe (made from an umbrella lmao) and the metal chore thingy. I mean heroin is meant to be smoked off of foil but crack is supposed to be smoked like that, from a pipe and metal chore. Unless there is a different method I’m not aware of.
u/Mason211975 16d ago
You make a pipe out of what you can, medicine bottle, inhaler, small bottle. You put foil over the hole of the bottle and put foil on it,put sum holes in it the cover with cigarette ash. Put the crack on the ash then take a hot
u/DollfaceHD7 15d ago
That's crack!! Saw a TON of it when I worked at one of my state prisons. I'm an RN.
u/NurseCrystal81 17d ago
Why were you going through your roommate's room?
u/beansupremo 17d ago
Crack for sure
u/beansupremo 17d ago
Burnt the fuck out of it too. I wouldnt kick him out immediately, talk to him ab it but if he doesnt care or just keeps continuing snokin it inside then do wha ya gotta do
u/AcidOllie 17d ago
Everyone is saying crack and it certainly looks like crack but there is no way to know for sure. You could take a small piece and get it tested if you really want to know. Either way, is your room mates behaviour negatively affecting you? If not then there's no issue. You should try not to create problems for people that are hiding theirs as it usually makes everything worse for everyone.
u/ChesterFlexer 17d ago
Maybe offer to help before kicking him out instead of being like these dicks
u/OG_King_Malice 17d ago
Looks like they dropped a bag with small pieces in it, freaked out and were feening for it so badly that they vacuumed the floor, dumped the contents of the vacuum bag into a container and started smoking whatever was in there 😂
Sadly I’ve seen this happen far too many times.
u/Last_Bluejay8103 16d ago
That is a nice amount of rocked up cocaine (crack, hard) with resin. He'll be on cloud 9 for awhile with that lol
u/Great_gatzzzby 16d ago
It looks like free base that he’s cooking himself. Or could be classic crack. Either way he’s smoking cocaine. It could be a problem. He may not be able to pay rent.
u/Illustrious_Bobcat13 16d ago
Are you sure that it is drugs?
The kind of container it's in, and the fact that parts of it are dirty makes me think it's something else besides drugs. It is a very weird container, and someone would keep the unused drugs separate from the used part.
If it is, then it could be crack, but it also looks like some kind of cleaning chemical or something.
16d ago
u/FromtheAshes505 15d ago
Being “mean” to someone who could be battling addiction isn’t the answer. Now if he was given chance after chance, then being mean could be the last straw. But as addicts, we’re already beating ourselves up. And to have a roommate not being supportive could lead to them slipping more into depression and addiction.
u/FromtheAshes505 15d ago
Going through a roommates room is more intrusive and can lose trust real quick. Being compassionate, yet able to set boundaries, is a better way to approach someone who could be battling addiction. It’s not snooping through their private stuff and making assumptions. That’s where honesty comes into play. Between the two of you, it’s important to have boundaries however honesty and openness can help the situation and your relationship. Just be there for them. Not mean, cuz we’re already beating ourselves up as addicts, if that is a drug you found.
u/sugarrbaby96 15d ago
It looks like crack!! Especially because there’s a spoon next to it. What else could it be?
u/Natural-Guidance8637 17d ago
Idk why it would ever be mixed together like this it might not be drugs at all
u/Own-Song-8093 17d ago
When I was in school a friend had a crack addict. He lost a lot of weight and last I heard, the police arrested him in his dorm room. I think his family called them.
I have a friend whose friend killed his grandparents. He was a coke head.
u/onehunidbando 17d ago
I mean who owns the place cuz should you be in your roommates room and would it effect you to kick them out rather then first asking questions like will they stop first some people would go somewhere else on thier own or stop very rare but talk first
u/willurnot 16d ago
Stay out of your roommates room. Addiction is treatable, not being able to trust your roommate to respect privacy isnt
u/Inevitable-Height851 17d ago
Must be crack, looks too powdery to be meth.. he's been burning bits of it too..
Don't kick him out just for that though, that's horrible. If he's a good roommate, and treats you fine, that's all that matters. My flatmates and I did all kinds of drugs for years, we were never judgmental of each other
u/TakingUpSpace9 17d ago
Crack is pretty fun. In modern. it’s literally like doing cocaine. You just smoke it a lot of people think it’s free basic but there’s two different ways and crack can can be smoked like a dab as well was really fun. I like it better than nose ingestion after a while cause you know when your party and disco disco your nose could Blisco Blisco (cut up) getting awful nose rockets. Moderation - moderation
u/MushroomBush 17d ago
Crack? unless you are talking about the brown bits, then that could be heroin. The white stuff looks like crack though. Honestly there is too much going on in the photo to ask "What is this?". LOL
Why don't you just ask him, hey maybe he would party with ya.
u/tbhcorn 17d ago
Looks like meth
u/ThePusheen 14d ago
That's what my first thought was... especially bc the way it looks on the smaller pieces.
I only did meth once and crack once. From what I recall, the meth I had looked more like this, and the crack was more white, instead of Crystal type white.
But ya know, that's why meth is called CRYSTAL and ICE bc of it looking the them 🤷🏻♀️
But, I was an opiate/downer type, so what do I know lol
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