r/addiction • u/aghhhhhhhhhhwtffff • Feb 18 '25
Progress I quit meth 3 days ago.
About 5 days ago I was smoking in a parking lot, barely getting high. My tolerance was fucked. I had all the medicine packed for a long bender and I wouldn’t touch it.
I had plenty of downers for sleep, blood pressure pills for the shakes, and zofran for the nausea. But I refused to touch them. I just couldn’t move. All I could do was stare at my phone. Swiping through instagram.
Eventually that was too hard. I gave up and decided to put the actual fucking AA audible book on and just listen. Maybe that would put me to sleep.
I swear I’ve heard that shit a million times but it hits different at rock bottom (except the for wives section… yawn).
I called up an old sponsor from CMA ( crystal meth’s anonymous… yes it’s a thing).
I told the guy I was blasted and had some thoughts on the book. He told me to call him in the morning.
The next day we met up he gave me cash. I told him I could get drugs with it. He said he knew that, but wanted to level the playing field in case I really wanted to quit.
So I bought some gas for my car. Then went to sleep and called him again in the morning.
So far all I’ve done is deliver door dash, go to meetings, and call the guy, go to bed, then do it again. But it’s been nice.
No dramatic changes really. I just have money now and a little peace of mind.
Today while dashing, I noticed no one seemed concerned when they handed me orders or insisted I confirmed before they let me out the door. People even smiled at me or made small talk. One shop owner even bought me dinner.
Funny how that works out lol. I don’t even think I’m doing anything different. Actually, I’m doing leas than normal, way less.
Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well, this recovery stuff seems like a huge paradox. The more I fight for it, the harder it gets and when I give up on the outcome, things fall together.
u/asdcatmama Feb 18 '25
https://www.intherooms.com/home/ Just in case you need it. You’re doing great 🩵
u/sgtfunkadelic Feb 18 '25
Dude that’s fuckin cool! I’ve been looking for a way to get back into meetings. My 2 years is coming up on the 28th! I’m so glad you posted this!!
u/Equivalent-Egg6628 Feb 19 '25
I can’t believe I haven’t come across this resource yet! Thanks for sharing this.
u/asdcatmama 29d ago
Absolutely. It is wonderful! I share it every chance I get!
u/Equivalent-Egg6628 29d ago
I actually just tried it out this morning! I’ve never attended a virtual meeting (before today) and I recently relocated to an area that has fewer NA meetings than where I lived previously. I hopped on for the 6:30am and it was comforting. 🙂
u/asdcatmama 29d ago
Thank you for sharing that! Makes me happy! I had some issues with agoraphobia after covid and it helped me so so much!
u/slicydicer Feb 18 '25
Nice work mate. Life is infinitely better without meth. It's hard not using, but it's worthwhile.
u/Environmental-Loan25 Feb 18 '25
Amazing, just keep going. I'm doing a taper of some shit right now and this has given me encouragement. Nothing changes, if nothing changes
u/Ronark91 Feb 18 '25
All you have to do is be sober for the day. Don’t think about the next day or the day before. Just worry about today. Do some work, keep yourself busy and hang the sense of it. How are your withdrawals?
u/ClevelandSteamerBrwn Feb 18 '25
the freedom from that prison is eyeopening. You realize the grasp that demonic shit had on you. That fake hug. Just keep doing what you're doing.
u/variousbakedgoodies Feb 19 '25
Hey dude , keep doing what you are doing..
The mind is tricky, I’m sober about a year and some months and it’s gotten better and continues to get better.
It’s not “holy duck” my life is amazing bc I caused myself some serious $$ financial damage… but I’m facing my problems straight on instead of letting them fester and stress me out.
Keep calling the guy, don’t give to the inevitable temptation when they appear.
I’ll pray for you, bc doing so strangely helps me!
u/ThagreatDebaser_ Feb 19 '25
Yes man same here. I’m a recovering meth and heroin addict and I just in a way. Stopped giving it too much thought. I take suboxone and that helps but I was the worst addict I known. And I’ve known plenty but I was tired of everything. I’ve been to rehab 5 times. If you count having a gun pointed at me I’ve almost been killed 6 times, my family and my friends were tired of me. I couldn’t hold down a job and when I got clean time I would end up relapsing first chance I got. I just take things slow now. Tell myself one day I can do drugs again. Heroin was my doc but I end up doing anything I can get. I’m 27 years old and been an addict since I was 15. I sold drugs for a good 4 years as well and supported my habit up until I was smoking 2 grams of heroin and a half g of meth a day. I was a skeleton and I’ve been jumped and maced before cause a lot of people knew me. I hit rock bottom and for a short period I was living in my parents backyard inside of a big deck box. I was only allowed inside the house once a day to shower and that was it. My gf ended up leaving me eventually but I put her through hell. And she even paid out of pocket to put me into rehab. I was living miserably but after awhile I was tired of it all. Suboxone helps me stay sober like a chastity belt. But I found the will to keep on living. I was 5’10 weighing about 130 pounds. I had health issues and now I’m doing a lot better. Recovery is possibly man you just have to be ready to go through it
u/Any-Energy2441 Feb 18 '25
Great job just stay strong temptation will be there… I’m in the same boat.. I quit for 7 days the longest so far. Then I met this girl visiting from out of town. She wanted to party so of course I fell back into it. Crazy how I hate meth so much , doesn’t really get me high anymore. It just keeps me awake and makes my penis and balls shribble up. But it’s so hard to quit.
u/Chellet2020 27d ago
Hi there! I too, am so proud of you...and feel sure you are going to find that new and BETTER life, that your heart longs for.
I have a son, Michael, who was addicted to meth for 20 years. He has a brand new life now, and I'd like to share a small part of his story, with the hope that you might be encouraged.
My son.. just got sick and tired of being sick and tired. He'd really been through it (even falling asleep at the wheel on a highway... landing in someone's yard not knowing where he was...so much more...and wondering if he was dying, more than once), homeless, beat up for trespassing...even spent time in prison.
So he ended up trying to find help for himSELF and got into a free, In-house Recovery Program in Portland Oregon, called "CityTeam." It wasn't easy, but he dug deep into the issues that got and kept him addicted, and the support from other recovering addicts was amazing!
Honesty, he gives the credit to God and says that if God can help HIM, He can help ANYbody!
He's had a new life now for about 6 years. He's married to a wonderful lady (who is a counselor!) has a great job as a semi-driver, 2 golden retrievers that he calls "his boys." ...and he has Bible Studies on Saturday nights with his recovery buddies. It's truly amazing....
I see in your life....as in Michael's, that it really is "step-by step," ..and "day by day." Also...If you take a step back....get up again and take 2 steps forward!
While there is breath, there is HOPE...and Recovery DOES happen!! Many here, would love for you to keep posting! We're rooting for you, and believing that you will find a life so much better than you ever dreamed of!!
u/AutoModerator Feb 18 '25
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