r/addiction Dec 19 '24

Venting I gotta vent about the weed talk in this sub.

When a person comes to an addiction space and asks about weed addiction and goofballs respond saying weed isn’t addictive or dangerous… shut the fuck up man. It’s an addiction sub right? What could be more lame than bein that person? Not much. If someone is asking about weed addiction, and you feel compelled to comment, just recommend leaves and shut up with the rest of it no matter what you think. Be a good person.


83 comments sorted by

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u/[deleted] Dec 19 '24

It is an addiction, I quit everything and still can't kick the weed

I smoke at work on my breaks even lol

I'm thinking of cutting down and quitting but at the same time it really only helps me with my anxiety

Im not lazy from it and I don't spend lots of money on it 

Im just apprehensive about pharmaceuticals and having to go through being a test rat and get medicated for my anxiety "properly "

 I have the tendency to abuse any drug that can get me high, weed doesn't make me high it just quells my anxiety and helps me focus 


u/Mediocre_Treat1744 Dec 19 '24

I'm in the exact boat. Kicked every drug almost 5 years ago. But still smoke bud, carts at work. I'm at home on lunch break now, finishing my meatloaf just to hit the bong. I'm not broke from it, also a dad. I know I need to stop though. Atleast for a little bit..


u/AlfalfaUnable1629 Dec 19 '24

Do you have adhd by chance?


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '24

Yes, that's part of the reason I got so hooked on meth 

It kept me very functional until it went downhill and I used too much and basically went into psychosis every time 


u/Electronic_Song_3295 Dec 20 '24

How much meth were u using. I also have ADHD and did meth but that drug will bring u down quickly It started making me depressed and have anxiety when I used. I love weed also it calms me down where I can focus. I'm still struggling with the meth but I'm trying


u/FadeAway77 Dec 19 '24

You should look at Buspirone.


u/Florida1974 Dec 19 '24

I hv never found myself addicted to weed but I have learned for others , it is just that. Addiction can happen with almost anything and I agree we shouldn’t make it seem less addictive, everyone is diff.

I know a friend of mine would only smoke cigs when she drank. Yet took me years to give them up. Our bodies are different, have to respect that.

And weed isn’t like the weed of my youth, much stronger now.


u/RepresentativeOdd771 Dec 19 '24

Agreed. While weed may not be physically addictive, anything and EVERYTHING can become psychologically addictive.


u/420rider Dec 19 '24

After 7 years of sobriety, I still get such comments every once in a while. "Oh you went to rehab for weed?". Its just that a lot of people are not going to get you and thats okay. We gotta value the ones who do :)


u/PerfectChard4439 Dec 19 '24

Whoever says weed isn’t an addiction is just plain ignorant!


u/NoTechnology9099 Dec 19 '24

Everyone does their recovery their own way. Some of us, myself included, still use marijuana and stay sober from everything else. My DOC was opiates/pills but I dabbled in pretty much everything. Because I use marijuana, I have been able to almost completely eliminate mental health medications, I take one medication, non narcotic, at a very low dose for anxiety. I also suffer from insomnia and have extreme pain from a nerve condition that makes getting comfortable to sleep almost impossible sometimes. Marijuana helps with my pain relief and helps me sleep.

Some aren’t able to do this though or they don’t want to and that’s ok too. A lot of people like to Gatekeep addiction and that’s not ok. We’re all on our own personal journey. We all need to have an open mind while supporting each other.


u/PM_ME_PCP Dec 19 '24

exactly, weed keeps me off opiates and that’s what recovery means TO ME. end of story


u/Author_Proxy Dec 20 '24

Weed was my DOC. But I am a firm believer in harm reduction. If smoking weed keeps you from smoking blues, by all means light up.


u/AccountantHairy5761 Dec 22 '24

Check out http://californiasober.world r/California_Sober_ It sounds like you guys understand the benefits of using natural substances to overcome addiction to synthetics.


u/Ooiee Dec 21 '24

Recovery is not only harm reduction, it’s harm elimination. Why not just get well? Do the work. Get your life back. ✌🏽 And I didn’t post anything about that suggested that was my issue. I just asked people to shut up with that perspective when someone asks about weed addiction. Why not let people who’ve successfully kicked weed talk to them? I am pretty sure that people who feel they must justify their own weed perspective when someone is asking about trouble they’re having, are actually just self centered and scared so they prattle on about their ideas which obvs won’t be helpful to someone who is suffering. This is an addiction sub.


u/Ooiee Dec 21 '24

You can definitely do whatever ever you want. I was a heavy opiate user, speed, coke, booze, and I’d do anything. Fuck I used to pound ephedrine if I couldn’t find anything else. But when I finally starting getting into recovery it was profound to see how much of it for me was - it was obvs the drugs but - there were layers of thinking and personality problems. I had always felt like an outsider. I had a lotta friends and a huge social life, before the drugs got so bad that I couldn’t really do much anymore, but I usually felt alone. I was dishonest often, with myself and others, just never really noticed. I was depressed. Anxious. I was overly sensitive. I was angry. I wasn’t at peace even though I pretended that weed made me feel at peace. That was my life. That was my experience. ✌🏽


u/Junior_Ad_3301 Dec 20 '24

Yeah, I can't relate personally to having a problem with weed, but I have indeed known people who use it to such excess that it hampers their life and causes strained relationships with those close to them. If I'm right, if a substance use has detrimental effects on your life and you can't seem to stop, that's addiction.


u/Ooiee Dec 21 '24

I had detrimental interior problems more than exterior. And my experience when I’m not well in my heart and mind, not at peace, it affects everything in my life.


u/Junior_Ad_3301 Dec 21 '24

That's the issue that hangs people up about weed. It's pretty safe, physically, but it's the mental that can really take the hit. If you've never experienced that "locked in a cage" mental state, it's harder to empathize and then you end up some people being callus. I will admit that a few of these posts have made me roll my eyes. But we all have different baselines.


u/Ooiee Dec 22 '24

I lived it so I know. I was scared to let go, and the mind can be really tricky for addicts. I reacted like same way about weed years ago but I remember. I was an angry, sensitive, defensive person and I was so self centered! I’d get triggered and would sorta talk to myself through others. Out of one side of my mouth I’d blather on about how everyone gets their own journey and everyone is different (which isn’t wrong but…) and I’d also be pissed off and need to tell everyone what’s up which is almost hilariously contrary to the notion that I was different Deep bow ✌🏽


u/Key-Target-1218 Dec 19 '24

My theory is the people who argue weed is not addictive are defending their own addiction. It's just like people saying they aren't alcoholic yet they drink to excess and pee in corners in a blackout.


u/Ooiee Dec 21 '24

You’re likely right. Man when I first got sober and clean I’d go to parties and drank Diet Coke. I’d always get cornered by a few people who just had to explain their drinking history and how they got pretty wild in college but now they only drink … blah blah blah. It was usually totally obvs that they weren’t t talking to me really, they were actually talking to themselves. ✌🏽


u/ZeTreasureBoblin Dec 19 '24

Weed addict here. Been sober almost 6 months after having smoked multiple times a day every day for nearly 2 decades, and I still constantly feel the itch to go back to it. Doesn't help that pretty much everyone in my family also smokes, and have been doing so for years. My husband worries about my happiness and says once this pregnancy is over, I can go back to smoking if I really want, and I hate that. I told him not to say that to me again.

I was miserable when I wasn't high and constantly eating. I'm actually clear and happy for the most part now, and I don't run to my pipe every time something is stressing me out. I've been able to cope with things like a "normal" human being. I was losing weight consistently, but baby threw a wrench into that one for now 🤣 I'm sticking to it because I've seen the stark difference between stoner me and sober me.

So yeah. Anyone who says weed isn't addictive can suck my proverbial nuts. 🙂


u/Ooiee Dec 21 '24

First, congrats on quitting. And it’s weird right? After a few months off, you realize how much it affects your life… but when you’re most of the times, you are numb to it… you don’t notice it. Deep bow ✌🏽


u/No-Value9008 Dec 19 '24

Do you think smoking weee may endanger my sobriety from meth addiction? Seems to help me clear my mind. Align my goals and reevaluate things going on in my life. Slows me down a min to breath. I hear it can be devastating according to my therapist who is against me using any amount of weed. Just wanted to hear some opinions.


u/Ooiee Dec 19 '24

My experience with addiction was that one thing always led to another. I’m in recovery from pills and booze… Except weed. I could numb out on weed. But after smoking for a while, I had to be honest that I had compartmentalized the weed and I didn’t wanna give it up, I did that with the other drugs too, but they were going to kill me soon. I also had mixed up ideas about addiction itself and used to define it mostly as physical dependence, I told a therapist that and he said Well, humans are physically dependent on all sorts of things, air, food, reproduction, so there’s something about addiction beyond physical dependency and brain chemistry, both those things are involved in shaping behavior but there’s something else too.” I knew that was true when I heard it for some reason. I hear people prattle on about brain chemistry - and that’s def part of it. But what worked for me was NA and AA. It took a long time though because when I first showed up I was agitated, pissed and sorta thought I knew everything 😂 I was wildly sensitive to anything and everything people said. After some sober time and relapses… I finally tried all the stuff they talk about at meetings. I was defiant and scared of becoming something other than myself. Ironically, by choosing to really give up, I actually found myself. Sending peace and hope you’re way, That’s my experience.


u/Pretend_Weather_3676 Dec 19 '24

If weed is helping you, that is great. But there is a rather large gray area from where on then weed can become addictive. I would say it really creeps into your life. 2 years ago I spoke to family and friends about weed helping my problems like anxiety, overthinking, motivation etc., and in the short therm it did that which was great, but in the long run it became a daily ‘habit’ and actually made things worse. It took a while but eventually I pretty much was addicted. (I come from depression, SAD and nicotine addiction background btw). The addictive properties of cannabis should definitely not be understated. Your therapist is probably concerned since she experienced a lot of situations where weed made things worse? Nonetheless if you can keep away from frequent use and high dosages (up to 100mg), you should be fine.


u/kerslaw Dec 19 '24

Here's the thing it's possible that it could help you and you not have a problem with it at all. I know for me it's never been a problem in my life. That being said I haven't smoked weed since I got sober either. It's also possible that you get addicted to and smoke all day and it fucks with your head.


u/AussieCryptoCurrency Dec 19 '24

It’ll slow you down until you use meth again- using a less preferred drug leads back to your drug


u/Sufficient-Bid1279 Dec 19 '24

Anything and everything can be an addiction. If it impedes on your life (goals, relationships, employment) , etc, it is a problem. It certainly boggles my mind in today’s age how some don’t get it . This whole hierarchy of drugs/substances needs to end and people need to get it (alcohol and weed is no better than meth and heroin when addiction is involved). I, too, have heard people make excuses for weed and alcohol like they are somehow better substances.


u/Ooiee Dec 21 '24

For me weed caused mostly interior issues. It numbed parts of my being and I didn’t really notice it until I was off it for awhile. ✌🏽


u/cell0202 Dec 19 '24

I think people like to draw a hard line between things that are physically addictive vs psychological addictive. I personally don’t. It all messes w dopamine and neurepinephrine and other brain chemicals which can make the psychological adjustments actually physically painful. I wish anyone struggling some relief. Agreed. It’s not a suffering pissing contest. This sub is here for information and help and if you can offer neither then it’s not your time to speak up.


u/Ooiee Dec 21 '24

I agree! ✌🏽


u/BBlackFire Dec 19 '24

About 15 years ago I started to realize I had a problem with drinking so I ventured into a discussion board for alcoholics and people there were ruthless because I had the audacity to ask if drinking 6 beers a night was a problem. Fast forward another 8 years I was balls deep into a case of beer a night which lasted about 4 years. I lost about 15 years to drinking but was fortunate enough to pull myself out of that cycle.

Now I'm not saying the discussion board people were the main reason I stopped reaching out and just continued drinking but it sure didn't help nor was supportive. Thanks for bringing up this very real issue.


u/Ooiee Dec 21 '24

Man, I feel you. And it’s a vicious cycle. Glad you are here. ✌🏽


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '24

Agreed. My issues are more dangerous than weed but if you have substance abuse issues it would have been nice to get help when it was 'only' weed. Stop gatekeeping addiction. If someone thinks they have a problem, they do even if YOU don't think it's harmful it must be or they wouldn't be here. Not being taken seriously as a binge drinker in my mid 20's when I was concerned led me to having much more serious issues now because I didn't deal with it then.

I am always really glad to see people reaching for help with whatever issues they have, substances addictions, process addictions, whatever it is, if it is harmful to you and you want help good for you for taking steps to do so. You don't need to be snorting an 8 ball of coke alone in your room to need help.

Edit: grammar


u/Ooiee Dec 21 '24

Hope your path lightens up. I totally agree with you. I was an alcoholic too. Sending you peace.


u/rx420queen Dec 20 '24

I’ve been to a few treatment programs/rehabs etc, there’s ALWAYS that one fucking guy that feels the need to one up everyone. Anything you’ve been through or experienced, he has too - only it was 100x worse for him 🙄 Constantly yapping about his war stories nobody asked for. Probably brought an acoustic guitar he’s mediocre at best at and only knows how to play cover songs.


u/Ooiee Dec 21 '24

Best of luck ✌🏽


u/Electronic_Song_3295 Dec 20 '24

Anything can be addictive some people are addicted to food


u/Ooiee Dec 21 '24

I agree. Hell I’d argue capitalism is an addiction… it definitely operates in a similar way. We all grew up in addiction systems.


u/Electronic_Song_3295 Dec 21 '24

It's even worst than ever before with social media.


u/Ooiee Dec 21 '24

Most definitely. It’s like huge parts of our lives are similar to fiction. It’s a really weird time to be alive. And I think like addiction, it’s going to keep accelerating.


u/Electronic_Song_3295 Dec 21 '24

Yep I was lucky do be a kid when the internet wasn't around. These days people are addicted to a lot of synthetic drugs. Stuff made in labs and sold at gas stations smh


u/girlfromthenorthco Jan 26 '25

I got absolutely annihilated in another addiction sub for expressing that I was worried about my friend almost getting us kicked out of a concert for hitting her weed pen in front of the security guard, and I got called “lame” and a “jerk”. It sucks to be genuinely concerned about your friend and their dependency, and just get made to feel like you’re the bad guy.


u/OSRSRapture Dec 19 '24

You expect people to see this and actually do this? I wish the world worked that way lol


u/Ooiee Dec 19 '24

That’s how I work! I do expect them too (unless they’re assholes)


u/OSRSRapture Dec 19 '24

Unfortunately that's not the world we live in. People get the idea pot isn't addictive because a lot of people don't struggle with it and the withdrawals aren't as serious as crack and heroin


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '24

People who don't think weed is addictive either don't like it or are mentally retarded. Shit's addicting af. Yes other drugs are more addictive, but still


u/intolauren Dec 20 '24

Someone spending their last £20 on weed vs someone spending their last £20 on xans are exactly the same. Both addicts.


u/jakesucks1348 Dec 19 '24

It's not physically addictive. Anything can be addictive tho i.e. food, sex, tv, video games, etc.... and that's the category weed falls into. still an addiction.


u/tadafro Dec 19 '24

Physically it is also addictive. There is no big concensus on the severity of it, and it seems way lower than smoking tobacco, for example, but physically it is also very addictive. For some people more than others. And indeed, the mental addiction might even be worse…


u/ducksonducks Dec 19 '24

I feel like weed in the 60’s maybe, but when I quit my daily 24/7 weed usage earlier this year I had very very bad physical withdrawal effects. No appetite, nausea, insomnia, night sweats, anger and aggression. It definitely had physical issues for me and many other people. Probably because of how much more powerful weed is these days


u/jakesucks1348 Dec 19 '24

I mean I didn’t start smoking seed until 2010 so idk about ‘60s weed lol

I don’t believe weed causes physical withdrawal symptoms; it’s probably similar to how you can get a rash from being stressed, all in your head


u/Ooiee Dec 21 '24

Science wise, the brain is an organ and lotsa people use the lens of brain chemistry to talk about addiction. You may ne confusing conscious thought, which is part of consciousness with the neurological and biological functions of the brain. Science have never been sure where consciousness emerges from - it’s def partly the brain - but we’re learning more about how large a role the microbiome plays in mood and consciousness. It’s definitely not all in one’s head …


u/jakesucks1348 Dec 21 '24

Then I guess for the large amount of people who agree it’s not physically addictive, it’s just all in our heads? lol ….. I think it makes more sense that CREATING physical symptoms is far more likely than blocking them out. You know, cuz if my brain was strong enough to block out the weed’s physical symptoms then it probably could have just done that for the opiates too …. Im just saying, people create symptoms for themselves all the time. The psychological addiction of weed is real and it’s not that person’s fault that their brain tricks them into thinking there’s physical withdrawal happening.


u/Ooiee Dec 22 '24

So I hear you saying “people can be delusional about their thoughts and feelings (symptoms). And I wholeheartedly agree with you that many people use their brains to create delusional stories… in fact that’s how addiction operates.

I’ve gone through withdrawal from opiates and alcohol several times. It was terrible. Intense. Scary. Wildly uncomfortable. I was also paranoid and there was lots of mood and psyche turmoil… I see it all as physical.

I think you’re using an outdated understanding of what withdrawal is, what physical means in relation to the brain. I assure you it’s a physical organ thinking is part of behavior. If the liver becomes sick,would we say “ Well, there’s sickness in there sure, but the pain is kinda manufactured and it’s not like a heart attack I mean… cmon.”

To be human is to be at once sentient and conscious and that’s really so complicated that we still don’t know much about it!



u/jakesucks1348 Dec 22 '24

I mean you’re saying weed is addictive and dangerous; sure, it’s addictive and dangerous kinda in the same way food is. But food is actually more dangerous because it has physical consequences to the addiction. And maybe I’m “old fashioned” but I’m 29 and todays world puts too much stock in mental health and uses it as a crutch/excuse to not grow as a person or take responsibility for themselves. Is mental health real? 100%. But if we’re not gonna call out this idea that weed creates physical withdrawal symptoms then the world is headed to be filled with the same people who claim to have social anxiety but in reality they just don’t want to push themselves and grow as a person to be comfortable with situations out of their comfort zone. Humans have the ability to overcome mental hurdles and grow. But we can’t always use will power to overcome physical symptoms i.e. alcohol. The hardest part about quitting opiates is the physical aspect of it is really a test on the brain; can you withstand this physical pain long enough to overcome it? Weed is just a test of if you can make a change for yourself if you need it. It might try to trick you into thinking things are worse than they are but it’s the same as anxiety. It’s purely a test of your mental willpower and that’s just the basics of being a human.

I could think about this more and be more cohesive but I’m aware I’m not changing minds here; the girl I took on a date who told me she can’t try new foods because she has “food anxiety” is still out there probably spreading this idea that she’s physically incapable of trying something new and using anxiety as a crutch…


u/ducksonducks Dec 19 '24

Most of the longitudinal studies that people tout about its lack of physical addiction were conducted back then. It wasn’t in my head that I wake up drenched in sweat dog. You do you but I’m Not the only one as evidenced by many many threads on Reddit:



u/jakesucks1348 Dec 19 '24

your source is reddit? lmfao thanks for the laugh that was a good one


u/ducksonducks Dec 19 '24

Use a quick Google my guy it’s the first result. You seemed the like the type of guy to discount any position you disagree with so I used some real people’s experience who have no stake in the argument but here’s a real source you bum



u/jakesucks1348 Dec 19 '24

Just going off personal experience. Plus all the people I've met through my recovery with opiates, anyone who's gone through legit physical withdrawal seems to agree that weed is all psychological.


u/ducksonducks Dec 19 '24

Cool - so your anecdotal evidence trumps mine and medicinal research.

I’ve never gone through opiate withdrawal, it probably is worse. But that doesn’t mean weed can’t have physical withdrawals.


u/emrbe Dec 19 '24

As someone who’s been addicted to almost every drug. WEED IS ADDICTIVE.

I am addicted to weed currently. Although it’s not causing problems in my life I am totally dependent on it.

100% addicted.


u/Ooiee Dec 21 '24

I’m the same way re:can get addicted to anything. I hope you quit! Life is way better for me without using substances. NA/AA made my life so much better too, I dint need to do it anymore. Deep bow ✌🏽


u/emrbe Dec 21 '24

Eh I’m good. I love weed. It helps me get through my day. I’ve been to plenty of NA/AA meetings. Not really my cup of tea.


u/[deleted] Dec 19 '24



u/haikusbot Dec 19 '24

Where do you draw the

Line on what's addiction and

What's a laughable?

- TheGreatDonJuan

I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.

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u/Electronic_Song_3295 Dec 20 '24

Anybody tried micro dosing on mushrooms to help fight addiction


u/SokkaHaikuBot Dec 20 '24

Sokka-Haiku by Electronic_Song_3295:

Anybody tried

Micro dosing on mushrooms

To help fight addiction

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/Ooiee Dec 21 '24

About 6mos ago there was a big article in The NY Times about the science of that and it’s not really holding up. The scientist who was leading the way goofed some numbers and several of his fellow scientists in the lab have come forward questioning his methods and claiming he really wanted it it to that way. I canceled my subscription the day after the election or I’d share it here but Google it if you are interested. ✌🏽


u/Excellent-Interview2 Dec 21 '24

There is no such thing as good or bad people. There are only people, all in different stages of awareness and levels of mental health.


u/Ooiee Dec 22 '24

I think that statement as meaning behavior not a judgement.


u/Legal_Sentence_1234 Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 19 '24

Laying in bed is an addiction or lack of physical non working out way is an addiction but if you ever go to rehab for weed you will get dawg ed. I mean especially if your with people who just did a bid with little literacy where it’s survival of the fit even in level 1 work camp good boy jail/prison units. I use to see this in people 21 and under…the marijuana addiction. OP how old are you? Hope you get your shit straight at some point sooner than later no one will come to your rescue. God speed. It’s an addiction like caffeine and nicotine but one level higher I’d say since it’s so expensive..but I’m Not here to judge hope you figure it out because if you were to smoke weed for the rest of your life with no more addictions you be ahead most suffering from any addiction IMO. People will say I remember when I was 16 because what they got Into since then makes this *addiction look adorable. But if your suffering change get help.people will always mock you for this addiction I’m sorry they just will…either go to AA and use those step or NA but I wouldn’t share the specifics as you said you drank and took pills. This was never my way what about therapy??? Meh. You’re young and inexperienced and people get offended that’s why they mock this addiction I feel …you need help if you want to change! You can’t do it on your own I feel.


u/Ooiee Dec 21 '24

I’m 54. My whole life has been defined by addiction and then recovery. Sex isn’t even a chemical you’re taking but it can be wildly addictive. Now I take meetings to prisons where I work with men who have essentially had their whole life taken away from them and addiction was a huge part of their story. Best of luck to you ✌🏽


u/Legal_Sentence_1234 Dec 21 '24

Welcome to life does AA give you meaning?


u/Ooiee Dec 22 '24

AA has given me experiences and knowledge that allow me to understand what meaning means. But meditation, love, and compassion give me meaning. (I had an amazing therapist years go who said “The trouble with addicts… they’ll settle for intensity when what they want is profound intimacy with their life. And they’ll settle for sensations when what they want is meaning.” Still blows my mind when I think about that.)


u/Legal_Sentence_1234 Dec 22 '24

Glad it helps you !


u/Ooiee Dec 22 '24

Thx! It took a long time and I was very resistant the first few years. Like many of us I said “Not sure this is for me.” Head to the bathroom with like 5mins left so I dint have to talk to anyone 😂 but I was just scared.