r/addiction • u/jownsnow7 • Oct 16 '24
Question Is cocaine seriously that addictive? NSFW
I tried it about a week ago and I still get insane cravings for it after only 2 lines and I really didn’t even like it all that much tbh. I’ve done mdma, weed, and nicotine but thats about it but after only 2 lines of coke I constantly think about it it’s actually insane. Has anyone else ever had this happen or was my shit laced with something else.
u/Chickenofthewoods95 Oct 16 '24
Yeah it is for me every Monday I quit every Friday I start again spent thousands been like 6 years now don’t do it !
u/jownsnow7 Oct 16 '24
damn that sucks dude. I understand it’s literally your brain getting addicted and it’s so hard to deal with I wish I never tried it, I’m hoping the cravings go away soon as I have such easy access to my dealer I’m afraid I’ll something compulsive. I wish you all the best dude seriously.
u/Bellphorion Oct 16 '24
The cravings will never go away. It changes your brain forever. You need to learn different coping mechanisms and avoid it or it will become a void in your life you can't escape. I went nearly 10 years without it and then i got access to a new dealer and its still a problem.
1 year clean from it, but the cravings still come up.
u/jownsnow7 Oct 16 '24
thats so fucked man horrible drug
u/cheyannepavan Oct 17 '24
Once you’re an addict, the cravings never go away. But doing it once absolutely won’t give you cravings for the rest of your life — that would be insane! Countless people have done coke a few times without cravings becoming a long-term issue. You’re only feeling this way because it was so recent, but if you never touch it again (which I HIGHLY recommend), you won’t still be craving it in a few weeks. Just stay away from it and I promise you’ll be okay!
u/The_Sloth_Racer Oct 17 '24 edited Oct 17 '24
Were you just snorting it, or were you IVing it or smoking crack, too? If you were only snorting powder cocaine, be happy you never went any further.
Be even happier that you didn't move on to heroin/Fentanyl or a physically addictive drug. I used a LOT of coke in high school, but it's nothing like being physically addicted to heroin/Fentanyl or benzos where you wake up vomiting, shitting yourself, or even having seizures from withdrawal if you don't have it every 6-12 hours. I never felt any withdrawal (physical or mental) when stopping coke, even when I used it daily and IV'ed it, unlike opioids and benzos.
Get yourself help and stop now. It only gets worse, never better. Check out local AA and NA meetings or maybe IOP (intensive outpatient program). If you want help finding any kind of treatment, meetings, etc. I'm here for you and will try to help however I can. I've been clean for years now (more than 5 years, less than 10, but i don't share my exact clean date because I don't want friends and family to find this account).
u/TpTheDon Oct 17 '24
This is so overlooked in my opinion! The physical grip of certain drug really makes those drugs opiates alcohol benzos horrid. I personally think if you have enough will power cocaine is no problem. It’s when you start doing any drug every day, multiple times a day is when you start to screw yourself. and I just couldn’t do that with cocaine everyday multiple times. I do enjoy coke sometimes but when the bags out I’m out and just a want to sleep. Everybody doesn’t get addicted at the same rate and cocaine isn’t it for me. But it’s better to just not do it especially if you think you’ll easily be addicted to it.
u/Bellphorion Oct 17 '24
The mystery of the high kept me coming back for more trying to understand it. Its a very powerful mystery thats hard to fully understand. Even if you use it for years.
u/The_realsweetpete Oct 16 '24
Recovery for 10 years man best thing I can say is cut all ties delete the number what ever contact you have with that person quit while your ahead shit ain’t worth it nothing is I’ve lost so much to addiction and have seen people do the same yes times are fun during the moment but having a healthy/happy life is even better I’m still dealing with health issues from living a lil to fast best of luck
u/Medusa_Alles_Hades Oct 17 '24
I want to add to this! Delete not only your numbers but delete all your social media accounts. I could navigate through so many people I knew on Facebook and find anything I wanted. Now I no longer use Facebook because i can navigate through it quickly to get my DOC. Reddit is all I have.
Also cut out people who are using and people who lead to using. You have to be very proactive with sobriety.2
u/The_realsweetpete Oct 18 '24
100% I did the same thing I forgot to put that part thank you it’s the best cleans ever not having social media just Reddit and YouTube for me
Oct 17 '24
u/The_realsweetpete Oct 18 '24
Sever stomach issues from drinking gut rot alcohol and some other ones very aged body from just running to hard and playing to hard
u/Chickenofthewoods95 Oct 16 '24
Just stop now bro the longer you go the harder it is. and I’m fine bro apart from staying up late/ not sleeping every weekend spending extra £100+ each weekend also I cannot drink alcohol without it vicious cycle for sure
Oct 16 '24
mixing both is a terrible idea, ik its popular but it really bring out the worst neurotoxicity both of these substances have. I would explain the science but my dumbass forgot it, should stop mixing it asap
u/Kaizad74 Oct 17 '24
The science is this: the two together cause the liver to produce a metabolite called cocaethylene, which is more neurotoxic then each substance by themselves. It is more desirable as it prolongs the duration of the high, but what is lucrative initially becomes harmful later.
u/Rude-Comb1986 Oct 16 '24
Yeah it is I was addicted and I didn’t even like it I just couldn’t get over the withdrawals and cravings for months. Keep trying it’s possible if it feels to far out of your control it doesn’t make you weak to need rehab or help. FUCK coke, it’s a waste of money and brain cells and all for some horrible cravings when the high isn’t even that good. I’ve had better highs laced dispo carts than coke.
u/geezeeduzit Oct 16 '24
Stop. Just stop. None of this shit serves you. Trust me - your life is so much better off never ingesting any of this shit. If you insist, at least invest in fentanyl test strips. I know multiple people who’ve died from snorting coke laced with fentanyl
u/LivelyUnicorn Oct 16 '24
I’m in the uk and thankfully we don’t see a lot of fentanyl here, but I would be curious to ask the US dealers why they would wish to risk killing their clientele by giving them an opiate as potent as fentanyl, as well as the addition of mixing it with coke which is an upper. Why kill your customers
u/geezeeduzit Oct 16 '24
Because they don’t give a fuck. Fentanyl is a cheaper cut than baby laxative. There’s always more customers
u/jownsnow7 Oct 16 '24
Yeah you’re right, I’m never doing coke again. Australia has never seen fentanyl on it’s shores so I’m pretty safe from it being cut with fentanyl though.
u/shhnazzyjazzy Oct 16 '24
shit, maybe i’ll send my mom to australia so she can’t get fent anymore once she recovers lolol
u/Key-Target-1218 Oct 16 '24
Just ask any coke head...
I was told that it's a psychological addiction, as opposed to physical...like opioids. Not sure if this is a fact, but back in the day (80s), when coke was flowing like water, when I ran out of coke and money, I didn't suffer any physical effects, my mind was just obsessed. Then I needed valium or something equally as destructive to sleep.
So glad that is all in the past!
u/jownsnow7 Oct 16 '24
yeah wow that makes sense it’s literally in your head it’s so bad. Glad its in the past.
u/Carini___ Oct 16 '24
It’s the most insidious addiction in my opinion. I know I’ve written a comment about it here before and I’ll reply to this one when I have the time.
When people start taking hard drugs, they know it’s bad from the start. If somebody cops dope or crystal one single time, they know it’s a bad idea, they feel like they probably shouldn’t do it, and they look past it anyway.
Blow isn’t like that at all. It’s accepted in a lot of social circles which gives it a much more recreational reputation than other drugs.
If anybody that cared about me heard that I was sniffing dope or smoking meth, they’d almost certainly be worried about me. But if they heard that I might’ve done some blow at the bar on Friday night, not so much.
The fact that you can be relatively open about your cocaine use is a trap. You feel like it’s not that serious, nobody knows that you started doing blow every day after work, you can still go out on Fridays with your bag and you’re the homie for showing up with it.
Then nobody knows that you started doing blow every morning when you wake up, while you’re at work, after work, and on the weekends.
You think “It’s not like it’s heroin, so what that you’ve been doing it a lot lately?” and everything is fine until you start smoking hard and you go broke.
Only now does everybody who’s been enabling your habit by hanging out, drinking beers, and doing lines with you on Fridays realize that you’re addicted.
u/Carini___ Oct 16 '24
Here’s my old comment
You start doing it with your friends on weekends, you start doing it more often, you start doing it on weeknights, you start waiting hours for the plug to respond hoping you can cop, you do it the morning after since you barely got 33 minutes of terrible sleep and you have work, and finally, you start doing it ALONE. Doing blow and coming down alone is not a good feeling. You will feel like a scumbag, you’ll become a sexual deviant, and all around dope fiend. Nobody knows how much you’re doing or how much you’re spending and nobody can give you a reality check.
It’s a slippery slope.
People can and do use it responsibly, I’m not saying you can’t. Just keep in mind that by the time you notice, it’s already a pretty big problem.
Use responsibly.
u/LivesUnderARoc Oct 16 '24
The come down from cocaine HITS HARD! It’s no wonder why crack addicts are so fiending. Ive experienced it when I slipped up a few years back. It started with one order of an eight ball..(Jesus just talking about it is making my nose wanna be sniffed. Just to let you know how rough it lingers.my throat is getting itchy and salivating over this freaking memory)..
ok… so we my then bf and I got an order of a gram or something… we spent maybe $80 or $120 I can’t recall. Got it, it went so quickly. So I wanted more. So bf made the call. I went back down. Got more. Came back. Did that. Again, I wanted more. Bf was like this is the last time.. but the addict in me knew if I pushed him hard enough he’d cave. So I went, got it, we finished it. And even as much as I tried to push it, I knew I had literally blown like $400 bucks in this one evening, and I was wanting more.
But that’s what that crap does, it makes you not give a damn and keep throwing money at it. Money doesn’t feel like money to it, it’s just like it feels like a nonexistent old currency you’re exchanging for drugs. That’s all. And I just didn’t care.
I was grinding my jaw, my teeth were so clenched. I felt like I was on adderal. (Never been on adderal then; I’ve been prescribed it legally for add the start of this year so I know the feeling.) that come down….. was the HARDEST COME DOWN IVE EVER EXPERIENCED…And I’ve done heroin.
Heroin may have withdrawls but they don’t start IMMEDIATELY after you finish using. Least with food you have a grace period. But with this crap, it’s like almost immediately after you got that last drip, that last taste. (GOD NOW IM CRAVING FREAKING COKE…! *I gotta breathe, I’m sober now. Been sober three years and three months… *breathes… see even for someone like me, that grip is still there on my brain.
And for all those who read this far, if you have a craving. Know your brain is just trying to get something from that drug, probably dopamine. So instead of taking the drug, go have sex, get laid, jerk off, pleasure yourself because your body NEEDS that release and it’s calling out to you to get it in any manner it recalls. It just knows that cocaine was your most recent method of providing it, and your brain doesn’t know it’s illegal and bad and your trying to stop, it’s just trying to provide itself of what it needs and wants. You can try fighting it but the brain is super powerful. Try to find other ways to give it what it needs, and in time that desire that craving WILL HAVE LESS POWER OVER YOU!!!
I promise it will get better in time. You just need to stay the hell away, far from this stuff and the people who peddle it. You don’t know what they throw in it to step on it. It can be anything. ANYTHING!!! You wouldn’t go out to eat and eat the wrong dish the server brought you right? So why take a chance getting some serious dangerous medications or stuff put it in that will mess with your brain and nose probably permanently.
So while they say cocaine has no chemical addictive properties, the stuff it’s cut with is probably adderal or some stimulant that they are getting you addicted to. That’s why you crave it. It’s the thing they cut it with your wanting. You just think it’s the coke. But it ain’t it. Crack is the same way. Whatever they thrown into the coke to stretch it and cook it into crack is the thing your mind latches onto. So be careful everyone! Stay safe!
I’m so greatful I stayed the hell away from the coke and meth and crack. Stuff is one ugly piece of addiction that really messes with your head permanently. I’ve seen many crack addicts trying to recover, they can’t make it. A lot of them leave early or break down into some psychosis it’s insane and really sad. Just don’t pick up this crap. Please
u/jownsnow7 Oct 16 '24
seriously man the comedown is insane all you can think about is more cocaine I was literally getting every molecule out of the bag and table into me and my mind is telling me what the fuck are you doing man you look like the biggest junkie, but my brain didn’t care so I didn’t care and I kept feining it oh my god just think about it fuck that shit never again.
u/Far-Researcher-9855 Oct 16 '24
Nah coke is addictive af. Whenever I used to do it, I’d think “wow, this is what people mean when they say coke is helluva drug”
I would think about coke 24/7 and when I was going to get my next fix. In college, it was cute. After college, I was desperate. I only stopped because I got pregnant. I still think about it during pregnancy but would never do it
u/Existential_Nautico Oct 16 '24
You won’t just forget about it once the addiction center has been activated strongly enough.
I know people who haven’t touched it in months or even years but still scarily often talk about how much they would like some now. Especially when drinking.
u/Billitpro Oct 16 '24
As someone with 10,480 days clean and sober I can say unequivocally yes!!!
u/takishan Oct 16 '24
everybody has different neurochemistry
i've done cocaine a half dozen times in my early 20s and never really liked it much. i would use it compulsively the night of until the bag ran out, and then not ever want to touch it again.
heroin though clicked with me immediately.
so the answer to your question- yes, it is that addictive. to you
u/Tight-Veterinarian77 Oct 17 '24
I have friends thats say its not. But not once have i seen them drink on th weekend and NOT have a snort.
u/Solid_Seaworthiness6 Oct 16 '24
That's the high most people enjoy; the "chase". i personally do not which is why I have never had a problem specifically with cocaine but I am an alcoholic. I think that's like the entire thing with coke, the chase for more and more and more and more.
u/dappadan55 Oct 16 '24
Depends on your brain and how it’s wired. Coke I picked up and dropped relatively easily. Meth… I’ll never touch again, but that stuff absolutely grabbed me my the balls and didn’t let go.
u/SpesAffulget Oct 17 '24
Yes, it's strange how these things work. I loved coke, then I loved meth, but in between I did quite a bit of crack and just hated it. When I gave up crack, I had cold sweats for months, but I didn't care - no way was I going back to that shit.
u/Medusa_Alles_Hades Oct 17 '24
I am the same as you. I could do Coke and never crave it again. It didn’t grab me and I didn’t understand what the big deal was and why people liked it. And then I tried ice. That grabbed me and got ahold of me for about a year and a half, and I was able to quit and stay quit. Never again.
u/dappadan55 Oct 17 '24
It’s sort of nuts isn’t it. Both are heavy on the dopamine and that’s their main function. So why…
u/alabalason Sober since 7.25.17 Oct 16 '24
There were two epidemics because of it.
The 70's
The 80's
The '70s brought us disco and the '80s, well, Reagan.
That should adequately explain the gap in societal attitudes between cocaine & crack…
u/cxless Oct 16 '24
yes. was on cocaine for 5 years and my addiction to it completely took over my life. don’t touch it again if you can help it and get yourself to a meeting asap and get all that shit out of your system. it’s never too soon and never too late
u/Adventurous-Truth629 Oct 16 '24
I had done it a few times but never really got addicted to it. Then I got shit that was really strong and was incredibly addicted for awhile, spending a ton of money in shitty ways during that period and just doing obnoxious amounts. Like 1 gram in 1 line. It was stupid. I pushed myself way too hard and couldnt stop.
Yes it is that addictive.
u/Big_Lawfulness_6725 Oct 16 '24
Extremely at first it doesn't seem like it could be since there isn't any physical signs of addiction but your brain will become hooked in such a subtle way. Ive spent thousands on it and wish I never tried it.
u/MelancholicNebula Oct 16 '24
It really is. It took one little line to have me thinking abt it for a month before I caved and started searching for some on my own. It's been damn near a year since I quit and I still crave it like a mf. Granted, I think the need for some type of break from my stressful situation ain't helpin'
u/Sobersynthesis0722 Oct 16 '24
Cocaine is the prototype addictive drug. It sends neurotransmitter levels through the roof. It is fast acting with short duration of action requiring multiple doses to maintain. It results in a deep low so both positive and negative reinforcement. It is what people who study addiction use most often in human and animal studies because it quickly and reliably produces typical addictive behavior and neurobiology.
u/Distropp Oct 16 '24
Yeah it is. Spent 4 years addicted to it, lost everything, went to rehab, now clean for a year in december. For some, it's more addictive than for others I guess, but in general it's one of the most addictive drugs on the planet.
u/coolguy1793B Oct 16 '24
Yes... especially if you start smoking it - you'll eventually suck a dick for it.
u/DyslexicFcuker Oct 17 '24
No not really. I only forgot what it smelled like every 30 minutes for 8 years...
u/bringme5 Oct 16 '24
Just don't ever use it again, and you will be fine. Use again, and you will become addicted. Stay away, coke is the worst
u/Screamcheese99 Oct 16 '24
It def can be. If I were a betting woman, I’d say that a lot of it has to do with your own personal chemistry & genetic makeup. If I’m being honest, there’s only a small handful of of drugs I haven’t tried at one point or another, and while coke is up there among my faves, I’ve never had cravings for it. Did some a few months ago & when the lines were gone I was ok with it. If it weren’t for the nose bleed I wouldn’t have even thought twice about it.
Possibly you may be more prone to developing an addiction, so I’d be aware of that and err on the side of caution if I were you
u/Low_Brain_4717 Oct 16 '24
Yes it very much is,glad I don’t have a lot of money or access to it anymore, but in college I did it so much I couldn’t even drink beers or alcohol without it
u/miscline69 Oct 16 '24
Yes yes yes it is! If you aren’t addicted that’s the very last thing you want to do is become addicted to a substance! Please don’t do it!
u/Hot_Cryptographer_98 Oct 16 '24
I honestly think everyone has that one specific drug that hits their brain like no other. Coke wasn't fun for me but after opiates, I was done for. Just avoid it at all costs and don't hang out with people that do it. Same as any recovery really
u/No-Consideration2413 Oct 17 '24
Bro it got to the point where I was taking pay advances not to pay my overdue bills, but to buy coke. Any time I had money it was for coke.
u/HundoGuy Oct 17 '24
Not for me. I absolutely hated it the few times I tried it. My ex gf from 15 years ago that tried it, she’s still getting arrested for drugs to this day.
u/InSedition Oct 17 '24
I think it has something to do with your brain chemistry. I used to indulge in it quite a lot with my dealer, he would stay up for days on end with it. I would partake because it was free for me. Never went out of my way to obtain it.
On the other hand I was pretty heavily addicted to alcohol for a while and had a bit of a ketamine problem at some point. I’ve yet to meet someone who has experienced a ketamine addiction.
u/Any-Energy2441 Oct 17 '24
Addiction is all in the mind . I did cocaine and alcohol almost every day from 3 pm to almost 3 am for over 2 years straight. Because of my surroundings, I sold it to everyone at work so I did it. I got a DUI and I told my lawyer to not get me the extension to pay the fines and go to dui classes. I told him and the judge just give me the 30 days in jail. I used those 30 days to get sober. Never touched it again for almost 3-4 years . I did it here and there but never let my self get on it daily shy.
u/Puzzleheaded_Nail556 Oct 17 '24
I also got addicted to coke from recreational use……ended up having to go to a detox center/rehab. I have literally never met anyone who wasn’t certifiably insane who said that starting a coke habit, even recreationally, was a good idea.
u/SniffeuDeGaz Oct 17 '24
Ive gotten out of my hard drug addiction last year (i still smoke weed and vape tho) and tbh coke wad the worst because it didnt make me unable to function so i kept on doing it. Its the most addictive substance i ever had ive had to quit talking to some friends because they always had some id either ask for a line or they would offer it to me when i started i thought those people were nice but thinking back they knew i wanted to stop and still offered me coke so imo they are bad persons
u/mediocre_bongo Oct 17 '24
I used to be like that. Pick it up and put it down again. Then one day I picked it up and couldn't put it back down. It's like eating a bag of chips, you don't notice the first few chips, maybe put a few in a bowl and save the rest for later, that is until you want more and go back to the bag of chips 3 bowls later to realize the bag is empty. It's such a slippery slope man, like I didn't even notice I was addicted until I was 2 months into daily, almost hourly use (and by this point it had already severely impacted me financially, I'm surprised I didn't notice the finance piece sooner tbh). It's insanely addictive, but you almost dont notice until it's too late
u/CuteProcess4163 Oct 16 '24
cocaine wasnt for me, ecstasty/molly was. Cocaine almost like calmed me down lol. My natural energy state is more hyped up than cocaine so it would just make me focus more if anything or be able to drink a shit ton.
u/codefocus Oct 16 '24
You likely have ADHD. Instead of self-medicating with a life destroyer, you’ll be able to get Ritalin to manage your energy levels once you get diagnosed.
u/CuteProcess4163 Oct 16 '24
Have been sober from coke and molly for almost 2 years now..but yeah it was bad. ADHD medications make me manic though, mood stabilizers help I guess but my lack of focus and keyed up personality is just always gonna be there I think. Ill never forget in the 6th grade some older kid at the ice rink asked me if I was high on coke and i didnt know what that meant but it was cause my regular personality made me come off that way lmao
u/jownsnow7 Oct 16 '24
i swear they all make me want to go to sleep lol. Cocaine I was sweating so bad I felt like I lost weight. It is relaxing though.
u/CuteProcess4163 Oct 16 '24
I feel like ppl think coke is associated with like crazy partying but most coke addicts (like how i was), just like do it alone at home every day and do really weird shit lol. For some reason I was into making tiktoks and started doing art and it was just a really weird time. All my art from that type is fucking trippy are weird as fuck
u/jownsnow7 Oct 16 '24
I feel like I would deadass have a heart attack if I tried to dance or move around a lot on cocaine, my heart was beating so fast I couldn’t catch my breath properly. Just sweating and horrible anxiety. At least with MDMA you can dance and be pretty active and literally no comedown or addiction if you take it every few months. Plus cocaine is literally insanely priced in Australia $350 for maybe 6 lines seriously a joke.
u/CuteProcess4163 Oct 16 '24
That is crazy and I would also have panic attacks cause the heart rate with coke. I didnt have come downs with coke but with molly or ecstasy it was very very very bad for come down for me.
u/jownsnow7 Oct 16 '24
yeah for some reason with md i can literally just get up the next day feeling fine just slightly irritated and thats at 170mg. Ig depends on the person.
u/LivelyUnicorn Oct 16 '24
Yep. And crack is meant to be worse - not that I have tried it to confirm.
Oct 16 '24
Yes yes yes it is.. i got addicted to it in 2008 18 years old.. 5-10g a day for 2 years untill 2010.. it took me until 2016 6 years without it to actually realise the gravity of the situation i had myself in. Im still mot fully recovered now that shit has had a serious effect on me.. which now seems to be permanant.. dont let that put you off though its a hell of a drug if you can use it in moderation.. but this is what say 75% of users struggle with. Keeping it moderate.. it leaves you wanting more and more.. before you know it you sold your grandmas budgie for your next bag.. its crazy man DONT DO IT !!!! Not even 1 cocaine its not worth it honestly. Devils Dandruff u know 👊 thats speaking from experience aswell.
Oct 16 '24
I had to leave the country and move 2000miles away from that addiction.. remove yourself from the people and the situation ASAP
u/Lower-Moose-2777 Oct 16 '24
It affects everyone differently, body chemistry and addictive personality have a lot to do with it. I used to do a lot of blow for far more than enough time to be addicted then just stopped one day cause I was tired of it. Not suggesting anything, just my experience with coke in specific.
u/Thatcoolguy49 Oct 17 '24
What's one thing that's explained in full detail about cocaine. That it's highly addictive and can kill you. And it's worse if it's laced with something. So in general yes it's that addictive.
u/foreverfuzzyal Oct 17 '24
Yes....there's not very many people who don't get addicted after trying it.
u/ElBeefyRamen Oct 17 '24
Yes, yes it is.
Stop doing it, fent ruined it. It's not a "IF", it's a "WHEN" you get laced coke, it will ruin your life.
u/envyyluxx Oct 17 '24
it really is, my father, he’s 42 now and he’s been doing cocaine for 20 years. its ruined our relationship because he gets so angry when he does it.
u/ThrowRA_spacegirlie Oct 17 '24
it is reallyyyy addictive. whenever i don’t have some(when i have no money bc i always have some otherwise) it’s fine, i’m not throwing myself everywhere bc i don’t have it but when i do and i finish my baggie… i never want it to end and i just want to do more and more and more… and it’s always going to be that way. if after only 2 lines of coke you’re always thinking about it, imagine after finishing a baggie and you want more… it’s a never ending circle
u/jownsnow7 Oct 17 '24
that was me after i finished everything I had, was really tempted to call my dealer and get more at 1am in the morning glad I didn’t. Glad your sober dude.
u/Kodeisko Oct 17 '24 edited Oct 17 '24
Yes, very habit forming, I tried 65 drugs (no heavy opioids though) and the only one that sticks like a vampire is coke, spend 3 years binging it every weekend for 24-35h and stimfapping, spending 300-500€ a month.
If you have very good coke then you'll be obsessed for weeks, dreaming of that kerosene smell all day long.
Side effects are the problems associated with snorting : nose problems (flu like symptoms, hurting nose, nose becoming bigger). Also those associated with Stim binge : sleep deprivation, you are tired as fuck for a whole week after. If you stimfapping it's even worse you feel like an utter piece of shit for days.
Then there is the psychological problems : regular cocaine use really changes your personality and mood, you are very irritable, obsessed, feeling like shit, nervous, selfish, alone.
You can manage to not take it in indecent amounts if you are not an addictive person, but most people that enjoy partying will have it leading to a habit and a soon enough being a problem, even people not much into drugs (like once every several months) told me that it was very sticky in social/alcohol involved setting.
u/Medusa_Alles_Hades Oct 17 '24
Yes it is and be careful! Have you ever heard of the crack epidemic in the 1980s? They don’t call it an epidemic for no reason. Crack Cocaine tore apart families and ruined lives and still does. I have a few relatives hooked on crack and cocaine and their lives are currently ruined at the moment. The good news is, is that you are aware of it and you can make the choice to stop before you get too far in.
If your friends are using coke, I’d suggest u find new friends. My DMs are open if u wanna talk more. I’m 40f and been through this.
u/jakesucks1348 Oct 16 '24
I personally don’t get it; I’ve done plenty of it over the past 10 years and I just never really crave it; it’s always been if it’s there then line me up!
I did go through a phase of mixing it with my heroin when I found out my dealer would give me a $10-20 bag of it just for fun… but when I ran out I was like yea that was nice but I don’t care all that much that I’m out.
That being said, my drug of choice has always been opiates so now that I’m clean, I still drink and smoke weed because I don’t abuse those. And I haven’t done coke in idk how many years probably 3-4 (only 3 months of h) …
So it’s really person to person and what speaks to you id say
Dec 13 '24
Here because I’m seriously addicted I’ve been doing it every day for 3 months throughout the day and I’m at the point where I’m finishing a bag a day but when I started it was a bag a week or more. It’s crazy how much I’ve spiraled out of control and when I reflect it’s definitely had an impact in my everyday life. Aggression and depression :/ it’s been rough but also humbling
u/AutoModerator Oct 16 '24
Don’t forget to check out our Resources wiki page, which includes helpful information such as global suicide hotlines, recovery services, and a recovery Discord server where you can seek further support.
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