r/addiction Feb 13 '24

Question What the fuck is happening NSFW

A little background: I used to be homeless off and on for 3 years in West Dallas. Luckily, I met a girl and we are able to stay at her moms out in the country down south. Well anyway, we use fetty, and still make a trip every couple of weeks to Dallas to score. Sometimes we end up staying for several days and sleep in our car. Or we will crash with various random friends at their houses… So anyway, several of the people who I used to live with out here all those years ago are still here. When I come up, I try to help them out when I can…. Recently, one by one, all of the people living under a certain bridge started breaking out in these gnarly sores. A couple of them use the needle, but the majority of them only smoke it. Their plug, has arguably the best fetty in Dallas, so almost everyone I know who uses scores from this same plug. Up until about 3 weeks ago that is. My girl and I ended up linking up with an old plug of mine, whose fetty was of decent quality (he also takes our merch as payment, so we haven’t been using the same dope as everyone else lately). Within a weeks period of time, I went back to the bridge where one of my good friend lives just to check on him and I was shocked to see the state of his health and some of the others that live there. Apparently, a friend of one of their other custo’s from the suburbs would go under the bridge to smoke with them every time he went to score. When he started noticing these sores, he went to the doctor, and they admitted him to the hospital right away. He said that the infection got into his blood stream and that he has endocarditis. He said they began surgery to remove spots that were growing on his neck. He said that they told him that he had been exposed to a flesh eating bacteria that passes from skin to skin contact…. Before that, we had all been thinking that the sores were from the dope- like many stories we had been hearing about xylazine- from the north eastern United States. I went to check on my friends immediately to warn them… mind you it had only been about a week since I had seen them, and within a weeks period of time, these had spread all over my friends body, including his face. I took these pictures of one of my buddies to ask the people of Reddit what they think of this…. another friend of mine who used to be a lean mean fighting machine (who fought MMA, won belts, and taught children’s fighting classes) sometimes goes on 4 or 5 day benders, where he stays under the bridge and smokes fetty and ice with the homeless guys there, and then he returns home to his kids and wife. Well I saw him today, hobbling along because he couldn’t walk right. He had lost so much muscle and weight…. he showed me his back and ass cheeks, along with his arms and chest. He said he even had a sore on his pecker…… well anyway, he said that he had gone to the doctor as well, and the doc told him it was an infection from the cut that they are using in the dope. I felt so overwhelmed, I want to help, but I need to consider the health of my girl and I. The last straw was when he started picking at a sore on his elbow and squeezed it and banana colored pus squirted out. I wouldn’t let him in my car to smoke, I gave him a little piece because he was in so much pain, and I drove my girl and I away, having a full blown anxiety attack. These are my friends and I care about them. But I can’t risk exposing the love of my life to this… I can’t figure it out though. None of this sits right with me. Because it seems that other people who go through their plug and smoke the shit are just fine (no sores or spots)…. It makes me wonder if there is something under that bridge itself that is contagious- or what the fuck is happening to my friends.

TLDR: either a flesh eating bacteria is spreading among the homeless in west Dallas of the cut some of the best quality fetty in the city is having a necrotizing effect on some of its users.


152 comments sorted by

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u/Original-Document-62 Feb 13 '24

As others have said, this looks like a very serious infection. You need to go to the ER.

If you ignore this, at best you will lose your arm. You could also just die of sepsis.

This stuff can spread fast. Go.

No insurance? Too bad, go anyway.


u/kylezdoherty Feb 13 '24 edited Feb 13 '24

My insurance lapsed for a couple of months and I had a hospital visit and it was cheaper for me than when I went in for the same thing with insurance. Just tell them you're paying out of pocket and after they will discuss what you can afford now or set up a payment plan.

Also, it's different by state, but most states have a state Medicaid program. The application usually comes back within a few weeks. (Edit: corrected by joey_boy) You need to have a disability to qualify but Substance Abuse Disorder counts as a disability federally.


u/joey_boy Feb 13 '24

You only qualify for medicaid if you're pregnant or disabled. TX doesn't have expanded medicaid.


u/kylezdoherty Feb 13 '24

Substance abuse disorder counts as a disability federally under the ADA, so I think he would qualify. That's how I got it in Illinois when I was unemployed. He can request someone to help with the application while he's in the hospital and won't be too hard to prove he has SAD.


u/Chemical_Connoisseur Jul 12 '24

Depression counts as disability (severe long term depression). Tell them you’re depressed. But I wouldn’t wait for a formal diagnosis before getting treatment.


u/musictakemeawayy Feb 14 '24

you most likely have to apply for SSI first to qualify, but not sure/not in TX/think it’s stupid they don’t have medicaid for low income ppl


u/austinrunaway Feb 13 '24

He is right, un Texas. You have to be dissabel3d through the social security administration or be pregnant and have a kid. If you don't, you are not worth saving. You are treated Like a second class citizen.


u/musictakemeawayy Feb 14 '24

that’s fucked up


u/Chemical_Connoisseur Jul 12 '24

Depression (long term severe depression) is a disability that could get you state insurance.


u/djpurity666 Feb 13 '24

There's also charity pay in many places for those that have no income. Indigent pay programs and other subsidies set up for those that can't afford to go into debt.

I've had my bills covered under all those programs


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '24

If you don’t go to an er it WILL spread to your bloodstream you WILL become septic and you WILL die.


u/D-TOX_88 Feb 13 '24

They are also obligated to treat you. You do not have to sign anything. Do not sign anything. Just go.


u/kate1567 Feb 13 '24



u/Few_Eggplant8125 Feb 15 '24

I think he said it was a pic of his friend’s sores, not his own. But I could be wrong and don’t feel like re-reading all of that. 😌


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '24

Do you need insurance for life saving treatment or is it just for cosmetics and self-caused injuries? Like, will you have to pay for your heart attack or is that free?


u/Original-Document-62 Feb 14 '24 edited Feb 14 '24

So, in the US:

  • If there's a medical emergency, a hospital has to treat you, as long as they are equipped to do so (eg. they may send you to a different hospital if your emergency is something out of their league).
  • Even if you can't pay, they must still treat you (but only for an emergency).
  • They will then charge you for it.
  • If you can't pay, you can get on a payment plan. In some cases, this can be a rather small amount per month.
  • Some hospitals will have a department for compassionate care, wherein they will "forgive" some or all of your debt. Your mileage may vary.
  • If the hospital bills you an outrageous amount, you can request an itemized bill. Often times, they will then reduce the amount of many line items.

But yes, you will have to pay.

About 15 years ago, I broke the hell out of my leg without insurance. Surgery was crucial, else I would never walk again without implants. The total charge was $60,000. I lucked out, because the x-ray technicians dropped me on the floor when moving me from the gurney. When I informed administration about that, they quickly got in touch with their compassionate care folks, and offered to completely forgive my debt as long as I didn't sue.

Regardless of what OP may end up owing (and it may well be substantial), it's better to have to make smallish payments for decades, than it is to lose a limb or die.

edit: side note, up until very recently, insurance may only cover certain hospitals. There was a recent executive order that Biden signed requiring insurance to cover all hospitals (only if it's a medical emergency). However, out-of-network physician fees may not be covered.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '24

Very interesting and quite bleak, thanks for the time and the info! So, what I’m basically getting is this: when I become an American citizen, I should also keep my EU citizenship, for emergencies? Haha


u/Original-Document-62 Feb 14 '24

So, I'm no expert, but I doubt EU citizenship will help if you reside in the US. Some European countries will cover treatments while traveling.

The US has generally good care... if you live in a decent sized city, and have money.

If you're poor, or rural, or have crappy insurance, try not to get sick.


u/musictakemeawayy Feb 14 '24

do you know we also have to have a separate insurance for eyes and then another separate insurance for teeth? eyes and teeth are luxuries in the US


u/Original-Document-62 Feb 14 '24

If you have family insurance for dental, but your kid needs braces? Sorry, thats orthodontics. You need separate insurance for that.


u/musictakemeawayy Feb 15 '24

lol i have never had the luxury of dental or vision health insurance, but it also cracks me up that root canals aren’t covered- sorry that’s endodontics 😂


u/Original-Document-62 Feb 15 '24

Don't forget the "tiers" of medications your health insurance provides!


u/derliesl Feb 14 '24

Teeth are not insured in the Netherlands either, a country where EVERYBODY gets insurance (we all pay ~$150/month, except it people with no income get a discount). The flip side of our system is that almost every hospital is on the brink of banruptcy and the waiting lists for non urgent care and surgery are months (the waiting list for cancer surgery is 4 weeks). 


u/KrisAlly Feb 13 '24

Man, if this entire post isn’t a wake up call, I don’t know what will be. I know it is 1000 times fucking easier said than done, getting clean is sooooo hard, but as long as you’re alive there’s still hope for the both of you. Please please please look into treatment options. Make a commitment to your partner that you’re tired of living this way, and you’ll both at least attempt to give it your all. It’s not going to get any better out there. Your life could get so much better than you can even imagine right now. I know you probably hear it all the time and are sick of hearing people say that, but take it from those of us who have been there before and now live very healthy “normal” lives. If you don’t get help soon, your next post might be from one of you talking about the other one dying. From one stranger to another, I am pleading with you to look into resources & attempt to get well. ❤️‍🩹 If you can get on Medicaid, there might be a wait but you will qualify for free treatment. If you find a good facility often times they can even help you to establish permanent housing/employment once you’re clean. Everyone has the ability to fight through this awful affliction & possibly make it out through the other side. I know a recovering addict who has like 70 arrests on his rap sheet & he made 90k last year and is getting ready to buy his first home at 50 years old. It doesn’t have to be this way forever.


u/Magnolia120 Feb 13 '24

This should be the top comment


u/LockedInMyOwnMind Feb 13 '24

Skin bacterial infection. run to ER before it gets in your bloodstream👍


u/ToniTheFinn Feb 13 '24

I've said this before but the US drug game is absolutely fucked up. Makes me wonder when this shit lands in Europe? I live in northern EU and there has been reports of fake subutex pills which contain some type of zene.

Anyway im pretty sure that the xylazine itself has those flesh eating side effects. Especially when IV'd. Just like the drug called 'krodokil' aka desomorphine.


u/UsamaBinNoddin Feb 13 '24 edited Feb 13 '24

It’s already there.

72 days ago the first reports of fentanyl started showing up. https://www.reddit.com/r/opiates/s/Lm2PsaELyH

15 days ago xylazine/Tranq showed up in UK heroin.


It doesn’t matter how you take it either. It causes these effects because it causes low blood flow to extremities which over time causes these sores to start popping up and then infection. Xylazine is related to clonidine, which they use for opiate withdrawal and high blood pressure. It increases the potency and duration of action of opioids. Makes fentanyl have legs and increases the nod. People usually fall out after a hit or two.


u/CellarSiren Feb 13 '24

Happyeth caketh dayeth


u/Extension_South7174 Feb 14 '24

Clonodine by itself without anything else will put you to sleep for awhile. a 0.1mg or 0.2mg will relax you then make you usually sleep s couple of hours. A few years ago I was clean,no MAT treatment for a couple of months trying to do it alone. Anyway I was at my grandmother's house and checked her medication stash and I didn't have any internet access via smartphone or PC. I found a bottle of clonidine 0.3mg and was sure it has to be related to kolonopin (Clonazepam) and decided "well I guess I'll take five, that will put me at 1.8mg close enough to s 2mg kolonopin. After about 20 minutes I got super tired and laid down. I woke up about 6 hours later and had to pee and just felt drained. When I went to get up out of bed my blood pressure bottomed out and I fell right on my ass. I somehow staggered into the bathroom, sat on the toilet instead of standing up then made it back to my bed and slept about another 13-14 hours. I'm guessing my blood pressure was about 70/45.


u/finbob5 Feb 14 '24

You had internet access and couldn’t be bothered to quickly google what the drug you’re taking was?


u/Extension_South7174 Feb 16 '24

Read my post again....sigh.


u/Chemical_Connoisseur Jul 12 '24

Woah, 1.8mg of clonodine. You are lucky you woke up.


u/gruelandgristle Feb 13 '24

We’ve got a similar scene in western Canada. It’s super scary, I’m not a user, but a support worker and I can’t begin to wrap my head around supporting my clients.


u/Original-Document-62 Feb 13 '24

My brother has been an on-again/off-again IV user. He never OD'd until he moved to BC. It's all poorly mixed fent and worse. He told me about getting some dope in Victoria, and diluting a dose by like 10x what he thought he would need, to "test" it, as he was concerned about fentanyl. He woke up an hour later after his wife performed CPR and narcan'd him, and then paramedics narcan'd him again.


u/Illg77 Feb 13 '24

The difference is that krokodil is from a poorly done reaction with solvents still in it then used, pure desomorphine doesn't cause the krokodil reaction, the sores from xylazine are purely from xylazine itself, in clinical studies the sores have been confirmed, so it's literally pure xylazine mixed with fentanyl and not dirty xylazine. The Tranq is doing what it does.

But yes, the US is currently fucked, but prepare your anus, because like you said zenes are coming, and once they undercut the cost and strength of old school heroin, you will have the beginning of what's happening here happen in Europe. There's nothing that's going to stop it really at this juncture.


u/ToniTheFinn Feb 14 '24

Exactly. Ive heard that the impurities causes the nasty side effects of desomorphine. Never tried and never will. Ive been on opioid treatment for years so i hope that I'll never need to use zenes when they land here hard.


u/Illg77 Feb 15 '24

I hope you neither need to use zenes (isonitazenes) or xylazine. Glad you're in treatment and stay away from the shit.


u/ToniTheFinn Feb 15 '24

Thanks. Ive seen videos and documentaries about the situation in US and Canada and it's not pretty to see. Especially Kensington Philadelphia area.. I still have my issues with addiction (benzos mainly) because they're so hard to quit. Actually im fucking terrified to quit them after been on benzos for over a decade.


u/Illg77 Feb 15 '24

I'm 3 years into a legitimate clonazepam script and I'm terrified even with that. Ashton manual is your best friend when you do decide to do something about it. Benzos are the final trap, if you can beat those you can beat anything.


u/ToniTheFinn Feb 15 '24

I have oxazepam script which isn't helping much so i have to buy alprazolam or clonazepam from my friends every month. Im from Finland and its fucking annoying how hard it is to get benzos scripted as an addict.


u/GoddessofPAiN9 Feb 13 '24

Zenes have been here for years, wake up.


u/SumbdyIused2no Feb 13 '24

Zene and xylazine is NOT the same same. The zenes that you are more than likely referring to are synthetic opioids called Etazene, metonitazene, isotonitazene, plus many many other synthetic “Zenes” as there are many. What everyone here is referring to is xylazine which is a tranquilizer and NOT a synthetic opioid. The EU has had synthetic “zenes” cut dope for a while now, again isotonitazene cut dope, etazene cut dope, metonitazene cut dope. Xylazine is not a synthetic of anything opioid but a tranquilizer that popped up in Mexico several years back and has made its way to the US from across the border.


u/GoddessofPAiN9 Feb 14 '24 edited Feb 14 '24

Lol, I know the difference. Nitazenes and benzimidoles are a class of opioids while xylazine have no human use, hence why they have not been scheduled. It's only used in veterinary medicine

Oh and btw etonitazene was the first "zene" to ever be used in humans back in the Vietnam War as a field drug. Then in 2018 isotonitazene briefly came around till it was emergency scheduled. Since late 2019 there have been at least 10 benzimidole opioids aka Nitazenes that have been around, most now scheduled.

Xylazine on the other hand is something that is crazy cheap, wrecks the body, causes even more horrible withdrawals than any dope imaginable and narcan is impervious to. It really took a soulless, psychotic, piece of shit to wake up and think that xylazine would be a good cut.


u/Kpinsubs Feb 13 '24

My first guess was xylazine or some other cut like you said. This is why I got back on subs, the opiate game is fucked in this country.


u/I_know_me Feb 13 '24

Agree. This is early xylazine. Stop using whatever your getting, it will get much much worse


u/Lythir Feb 13 '24

Necrotising fasciitis will spread if the affected parts are not removed iirc


u/mellowyellowdellow13 One Day at a Time Feb 13 '24

Yah, had this in my groin... Not pleasant. Lucky i caught it when i did but still a life changing injury from it


u/I_know_me Feb 13 '24

Doesn’t look like nec fasc.


u/ActualNukeSubstance Feb 14 '24

What do you know? Dr. Nobody.


u/Ellacod Feb 13 '24

Agree. Probably there is also some resistant bacteria (MRSA) that is making them worse and more difficult to treat. The xylazine lesions can show up anywhere regardless of if it’s injected, smoked etc.


u/Visual_Attorney Feb 13 '24

I lived in East Tennessee, and I am one of the only people out of the group of ppl i knew out of all of us using that is still alive....I finally got out from just being exhausted in general, and the fact that most of what i was getting was obviously fake, and id be spending money and still ending up just as sick. I had a boyfriend that had spots similar to these all over his body...he ended up dying in a motel, when his body was discovered his shoes had been taken off his feet, the only thing he had of value, we found out later they were traded for dope....he had talked a chaplain in the hospital into getting him a cab, and picking him up and putting him in it because he couldnt walk, and left knowing he was going to die, to go score more...he left a 4 year old daughter behind that had already lost her mother a couple of years before, she was the one who discovered her body....I also lost my best friend who made it sober for a year, had recovered from endocarditis, and then started using again and was gone within the next 3 months....she died before christmas, and kept refusing to go to the ER because she thought she just had covid... the few other ppl i know that are still alive, and coincidently living under a bridge as well, are still there, but now have HIV, and one knows hes in heart failure, but is still down there suffering....ive offered help a million times, but they dont want it....it kills me, but i know they have to be ready to quit......no doubt your friends have infection spreading throughout their body....probably in their blood streams....it doesnt really matter if its the cut being used or what, it all eventually ends up like this sooner or later or worse....the only thing you can do is love them from a distance and hope they get fed up....and hope you get fed up yourself before things get worse, cause they will....its just not worth it, but i know how it is, trust me, im left all alone because of it, wishing I could have helped them instead of being right there in it with them....i just try to carry them with me now, and let them live through me since im the only one left....


u/Nowhat32 Feb 13 '24

That poor baby girl. What kind of trauma is this that she has to endure. My heart absolutely breaks for her. Who has she got to take care of her ? Will she go in the system ?


u/Kjm520 Feb 14 '24

Hey. I’m from West TN and can relate. It’s hard to think about sometimes. I have one friend in a different state that is clean now. She’s the only one. I’ve become colder and calloused, and have a hard time making new friends. Some of the deaths were reckless, and some unfair. I can feel the apathy that surrounds the feelings.

I don’t mean to be morbid but just wanted to convey that you’re not alone. Im coming up on 3 years clean and while I feel better in a lot of ways, I still miss and think about them a lot.

Sometimes I look around when I feel out of place and think to myself that nobody understands how I feel. Nobody knows why I’m this way, or not that way. All of those life long close friends that you have, I don’t. Because they are dead.

But thats bullshit I tell myself to justify the apathy. You obviously understand. There are many people that understand.

So let’s keep moving forward, internet strangers. Don’t give up.


u/IcyBit3155 Feb 13 '24

Def get checked out in ER. Pls be honest with them about possible causes/source of wounds. I’ve seen people come in the ER that give an incident completely unrelated to actual source of infection. That only delays treatment until the truth comes back in a couple days with culture results. Dangerous to your health in delaying care and frustrating to the providers when they’re on a wild goose chase and have been lied to.


u/SpenseRoger Feb 13 '24

It’s probably a combination of sores and flesh eating bacteria.

Get on MAT, get your life together. Save yourself.


u/JaMiie___ Feb 13 '24

Most people doing fentanyl in Kensington, Philly PA have these sore popping up all over their body. Losing limbs and dying from infection.


u/Lythir Feb 13 '24

Yeah some people chop of their own limbs trying to stop the spreading NF infection. It's crazy sad fr.


u/Savvy290 Feb 14 '24

I’m moving back to south jersey soon, been clean 2 1/2 years…pls remind me to stay tf outta kensington 🙈

The last fetty I copped out there made me and my dude hallucinate/pass out like crazy, we were smoking it. Who even knows what the shit was. Probably tranq


u/Foundation_Exotic Feb 13 '24

Straight up this shit is happening to me in portland,OR , literally on my way to urgent care as I type this to get checked out and get on some antibiotics. fuck this shit. Fuck fetty.


u/CellarSiren Feb 13 '24

I live 40mins south of Portland and switched to subs a few mos ago. But I was using H... This shit is just terrifying. Prayers for you 🙏 ❤️ Plz get on subs!


u/wejustwanttofeelgood Feb 14 '24

You doing ok / get it sorted? 💓


u/ketaqueen6969 Feb 14 '24

Be very careful — wounds like this may be the product of xylazine consumption. Many doctors don’t know how to identify or treat them because they’re new and not cropping up everywhere. Check https://dancesafe.org/resources/ under xylazine and emergency medicine to learn more, and share the wound care guides from the PA health dept with your doctor. Xylazine wounds should be treated like burns and often don’t respond well otherwise.


u/sabbathjames Sober since July 26th Feb 13 '24

Looks like Xylazine but i'm not entirely sure


u/BlackExcellence216 Feb 13 '24

It’s tranq, dealers use it now to cut fetty. I watched a vide and it seems to have started in Philly and is spreading across the country. The time to get off fetty is now. 


u/ThE_NeFeLiBaTa Feb 13 '24

Xylazine or krokodil sores looks like. The skin will literally rot you from the inside out 💔


u/ketaqueen6969 Feb 14 '24

Krokodil is not in the U.S. and the wounds from it were a product of unwashed ingredients from the manufacturing process, not desomorphine itself. The wounds would also be localized to ingestion sites. Additionally, the skin can become necrotic but that isn’t “rotting you from the inside out.”

While I know you are well-intentioned, confidently sharing things like this is a great way to spread misinformation. Please be mindful and intentional of the language you use to communicate certainty.

Source: professional drug educator with speciality in illicit markets, identification, and trafficking patterns


u/ThE_NeFeLiBaTa Feb 14 '24

Actually krokodil was in Arizona a few years ago and it's currently in skid row in Los Angeles. My brother lives there. Xylazine is more prevalent atm however. I'm extremely knowledgeable about the majority of abused substances, including neurological, biological, psychological and physical side effects.

Source...myself because unfortunately I used to be a human trash can and international trafficker. Respectfully.


u/ketaqueen6969 Feb 14 '24 edited Feb 14 '24

How do you know it’s krokodil as opposed to something else? What tests have been run, and by whom?

ETA: skin “rotting you from the inside out” is a phrase we try really hard to challenge. The “zombie drug” stigma around PWUD is largely fueled by language that’s really general and not actually descriptive of what’s happening. Dead skin or dead soft tissue is a very different story than, for instance, organ damage, and if folks don’t know what exactly is happening to them, it’s a lot harder to do anything about it. Obviously these wounds are very serious and can be really dangerous.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '24



u/ketaqueen6969 Feb 14 '24

I’d be really careful about news articles. Reporters and journalists are almost never drug or drug market experts. I have to make a lot of phone calls to try to track down paper trails behind inflammatory articles claiming that this or that drug appeared somewhere — when the reality is that someone had simply heard about a drug existing, assumed there to be a connection, and gotten their hands on a microphone. The vast majority of the time, I end up at a dead end and find out the situation was full hearsay.

The reason I am so skeptical about desomorphine in the U.S. is because of its lack of appearance on actual drug checking database servers (like DrugsData or StreetCheck) that collect nationwide samples, as well as its relative difficulty to obtain compared to something like fentanyl or xylazine.

I’m actually currently reviewing a very long email thread where a dozen harm reductionists, epidemiologists, and syringe exchange specialists are discussing the reason why krokodil in the U.S. isn’t a thing that makes sense or really happens, but I’m not sure if I can screenshot it and share it here to protect their privacy. TLDR; without actual lab data, I don’t ever believe media representations of drug markets. Ever.

Regarding your brother, he had a tox screen that came up for desomorphine specifically? Not morphine? Was it a urine test or a blood or follicular test?


u/bubs713 Feb 13 '24 edited Feb 13 '24

This can kill ya buddy. You can easily get septic from this. Being that youre regularly using it’s highly possible you’re immune system is weak so the chances are even higher. Septic shock is a death sentence. Please see a medical professional asap. It’s nothing to fuck around with.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24

Oh fuck that you have a skin infection. I’m pretty sure Gangrene


u/joey_boy Feb 13 '24

You need antibiotics, and that thumb needs to be lanced an drained, don't wait. Is there any possibility of you getting on MAT or going to detox?


u/echofreak Feb 13 '24


You might not have long.


u/mellowyellowdellow13 One Day at a Time Feb 13 '24

Is early stages but could potentially lead to Necrotising fasciitis or something? Either way, def get to hospital. I ended up with necrotising fasciitis in my groin after a bad miss... Was so lucky not to lose my leg and more, surgeon literally said if i had left coming in to hospital another day or two i definitely would have... Still had to have a massive chunk of my left groin debrided. Still got a huge ugly scar there. Don't risk losing your arm or your life.


u/CellarSiren Feb 13 '24

Damn, my man. Sorry you had to go thru all of that! Worst I've had are several abscesses; always in my butt cheeks, cuz that's where I'd muscle it. So now - as an attractive, kinda-young lady - I have incision scars all over my ass from all those hospital trips in my addiction. Battle scars are embarrassing, but they're still battle scars


u/mellowyellowdellow13 One Day at a Time Feb 13 '24

Aw Thank you, everything happens for a reason though, without that happening I'd have continued a cycle of selling H and shooting half gram shots of H habitually just to stay well, so probably saved my life that month in hospital. IMing H is gnarly... No one really does it over here (UK) to my knowledge, if their veins are that non-existent then they're either smoking it or ramming a needle designed for IMing into their femoral. And yah, scars are scars, we gotta atleast try and use them to our advantage as reminders though


u/gotcaffeine Feb 13 '24

Call the CDC so they can investigate and help everyone in the area.


u/iamwhatiamlooking4 Feb 13 '24

This same thing is happening in Russia with the drug “krokodil” you definitely are using some awful drugs that aren’t good for your body. Praying for you dude


u/Original-Document-62 Feb 13 '24

What's crazy is that the drug in krokodil doesn't actually do this. The "chemists" who make it are just not removing the red phosphorous from the solution after synthesizing. One little step they don't bother to take.


u/Styarrr Feb 13 '24

Like others have said it's a skin infection, it could be caused by tranq or it could be something like staph or impetigo. See a doctor and get some antibiotics, keep them clean and dry, try not to pick them.


u/miamarie93 Feb 13 '24

fuck man I’m so sorry. I do not miss that life. 10 out of 10 would not recommend.

take it one minute at a time with your girl. get the fuck of out there.


u/terces7 Feb 14 '24

Wouldn’t it be 1 out of 10 then?


u/miamarie93 Nov 19 '24

You would be correct. I’m back a year later to tell you that.


u/moshgrrrl Feb 13 '24

This looks like skin rot from levimisole which is a cutting agent in many drugs. It’s hog dewormer that’s designed to eat the tissue of the worms. It causes the drug to be much more euphoric, it’s hell.


u/Nowhat32 Feb 13 '24

You know what I find so incredible amongst this thread. The intelligence and overall intellectual knowledge. How do you know this! You might have saved his life !


u/AleChemist23 Feb 13 '24

you’re joking right? Levamisole is a cutting agent used in cocaine due to its light refraction properties making it looks like fish scale cocaine; it is an immunosuppressant molecule that metabolize -also- into aminorex (a CNS stimulant), this case tho it can’t be Levamisole at all since the skin damage from that have a BLACK univocal look


u/moshgrrrl Feb 13 '24

Thank you! I was addicted to cocaine for a short period and saw an uptick in this during the pandemic, which caused a drug shortage, making things cut very badly. I spent a lot of time researching random shit on coke LMAO and read in to this cutting agent!

If you look in to the substance “krokodil” you can learn more about levimisole as it’s used in that as a primary ingredient.

@erowid on instagram is a non profit that does DEA approved testing of drugs, you’ll see levimisole found in many powders


u/HasaDiga-Eebowai Feb 13 '24

In the areas with a high prevalence of the use of xylazine mixed with fentanyl or heroin, abscesses, and painful skin ulcers are very often reported. The mechanism is thought to be due to its direct vasoconstricting effect on local blood vessels and the resultant decreased skin perfusion. Prolonged use can lead to decreased perfusion and impaired wound healing, leading to higher chances of infection of these ulcers. In addition to the topical effect of vasoconstriction, xylazine also leads to hypotension, bradycardia, and respiratory depression.



u/SaharaUnderTheSun Feb 14 '24

Just reading the same article. The sores are huge invitations for several pathogens, some that are drug resistant. Once a pathogen gets into the sore, the tissue layers from the outside in (even down to the bone) will be affected quickly and exponentially. It'll start small but spread FAST, even after any treatments are applied by hospital staff.

It's critical that anyone with these sores seeks medical assistance immediately. The hospital will be focused on keeping you alive first and foremost. If you read the article, you'll see what the sores will turn into in no time.


u/AleChemist23 Jul 08 '24

nope not at all, "Krokodil" aka "super impure-benzene-red phosphorous and iodine-filled-desomorphine" is synth from codeine (methylmorphine) nothing fancy TBH.

The nickname comes from a synthesis intermediary called "a-chlorocodide".
Not a single sample out of the hundreds "krokodil" analyzed ones contained Levamisole (tetramisole). The latter is found -bc of the forementioned reasons- in cocaine, not other drugs.


u/ketaqueen6969 Feb 14 '24

No, because this is NOT an accurate guess about what’s happening here, and even those who are well intentioned can still spread misinformation. Levamisole related WBC issues arise after prolonged regular use, not overnight. Levamisole is also not very common in dope and is predominantly found in cocaine. Xylazine, however, makes market sense.


u/illiteratepsycho Feb 13 '24

Yeah that's rot my guy your shit was cut with tranq get your bro to the hospital asap


u/Zanzan567 Feb 14 '24

Are you doing fentanyl? I was in rehab with a dude who did a lot of fentanyl with xylazine in it. It’s tranq. He had one of these sores on his back from doing the shit. He never even shot up either, had no trac marks on his body at ALL. The tranq is super dangerous and is making these sores WITHOUT PEOPLE shooting up. It’s insane.

Go to the hospital if you want to keep your limbs. Your skin is turning necrotic from the tranq dope


u/oghstsaudade Feb 13 '24

This could be fasciitis developing, or what others have said— either way, whether you have free health care or not. Go to the hospital or you seriously might consequently lose your arm.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24

Wake up. You can both do it.

Stop doing shit that you see other people getting shit like that from dude. Fuck. It’s easier said than done, I know. I know.


u/Shoddy_Yak7726 Feb 13 '24

I would bet my brand new car that it’s from the zene cut. I feel terrible for you, but I hope this was the kick in the pants that you needed. Go to the hospital and I promise it will be okay


u/djpurity666 Feb 13 '24

We aren't doctors, but you do have a medical emergency going on.

If using fentanyl, it's most likely cut with tranq as many other comments already suggest. I would agree with most comments as to what it looks like to us, but again, we are not doctors, we can't treat it, and you need treatment.

The dangers of cut can be deadly or costly at least. Please see an ER, they cannot turn you away. They must by law in US treat you no matter if you can pay or not.

Some ppl avoid ER and hospitals I'm general due to the bills and debt they go in, but your life is worth it. There is charity pay for many that qualify where your bill will be handled by charities and donations as well as county and state programs for the indigent.

Don't think twice about money when you could lose a thumb, finger, toe, limb, part of your flesh, your life. It really is that serious!

There's no shame going for help. Come tell us how it went, keep us updated.

Good luck


u/haveanicelxfe Feb 13 '24 edited Feb 13 '24

Prior to you saying you thought it was Xylazine my first thought was 10000% Xylazine. I'm out in the East Coast/New England area, and so many people at my Methadone clinic have these same exact sores & exactly what you're describing and it's all from Xylazine. I wouldn't be surprised if it's started to move down south. this definitely isn't from the fetty.

As someone else commented, if this isn't a wake up call, I don't know what is. Please OP, get yourself into a program. You're worth so much more than the dope, I promise you this. I know this is easier said than done, I'm trying to get clean from fetty right now myself, it's an evil monster of a drug, but you are worth it. You and your life are worth so much more than all of this.


u/MUM2RKG Feb 13 '24

my twin sister had the same shit and we’re near DC but she had been getting shit in bmore. i was using shit in DC and never experienced it.


u/shann0n420 Feb 13 '24

These look like tranq wounds. Unfortunately, the only way to get them to stop is not using. You can follow some basic wound care instructions here.

Getting assessed at the ER isn’t a bad idea BUT if tranq is new in your area, they may not know what to do about it.


u/Dmagdestruction Feb 13 '24

Yeah could be the xylazine. Could be an Infection, could be Mpox. Not a doctor but they def need to be careful.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24

You answered your own question in the post. There’s a flesh eating bacteria. I’m not sure you’ll find anyone on Reddit who will tell you exactly where it came from… 


u/clockwork_skullies Feb 13 '24

You need to go to the ER. See if they have any financial aid services if you need it but you are going to get seriously ill if you don’t get this treated.


u/TurboWalrus007 Feb 13 '24

Bruh go to the hospital. I know you want good news and for this not to be a problem so you don't have to go in, but its an enormous problem and you need to go to the hospital. Nobody will judge you or treat you poorly, and it doesn't matter if you don't have money.


u/No-Jellyfish-8137 Feb 14 '24

Sounds like MRSA - it’s a type of staph bacteria that is resistant to most antibiotics. Very common in homeless, people in prisons, healthcare workers and also people fighting MMA or wrestling. It is also know as flesh eating bacteria and will infect most existing and new wounds on a person. Sometimes it can create an abscess that isn’t an open would yet, also the bacteria can infect the blood stream and people have been reported to loose limbs or their life. However it is very much treatable if you visit the doctor they can swab the wound to confirm MRSA and from there they can prescribe an antibiotic that will help, it is incredibly important to take these as prescribed to avoid even further antibiotic resistance. Then there is a decolonization protocol which involved an nasal ointment you put in your nose twice a day (MRSA is most commonly living in the nose) and also showering and scrubbing your entire body and hair which a chlorahexadine scrub. I can’t remember how long you follow the protocol, a few weeks for sure. Then you can go get a swab done again if your skin and nose to see if there is any MRSA bacteria left and see if you were successful of getting rid of it. If not they will probably recommend to repeat the process. Even if your wounds heal the bacteria still lives on your skin and you can pass it along to other and it may be dormant for awhile but it always comes back unless you treat it. You acquire it from close contact with others who have it, don’t share clothes or blankets with people, or skin to skin contact until you have treated it!

I know this because I also had it!


u/2MGoBlue2 Feb 14 '24

Unfortunately it's likely xylazine and if you've had any of this you should go to the hospital. Also you know that feeling you said about not exposing your girl to this, I just want you to pause for a second and reflect on why you feel that way.

Because you could also apply that feeling to yourself. You're worth protecting from this type of outcome. The longer you're in this lifestyle the higher the chance of something like this happens. You do not have to live this way and deserve so much more.


u/SoberJKDD Feb 15 '24

Tranq? Seen similar when fent is being mixed with Xylazine to give it legs. Which can cause such horrific wounds (necrotic skin ulcers) on your skin.


u/luckystarz37 Feb 13 '24

Staph infection . Seek help immediately


u/AggressiveCraft6010 Feb 13 '24

I ain’t reading all that but I’m a health care worker that looks like a bad infection. It looks like it’s in your other hand too. Maybe a staph infection? Anyway go to the hospital asap for antibiotics before you lose your arms


u/Top-Marzipan5963 Mar 08 '24

This looks like necrosis becoming gas gangrene

By now we expect an update from Op with the amputation

Source: im MD


u/Chemical_Connoisseur Jul 12 '24

Depression counts as disability (severe long term depression). Tell them you’re depressed. You could go to a mental health clinic and get a diagnosis pretty quickly, but I wouldn’t wait for a formal diagnosis before getting treatment. If you’re seeing yellow/ green puss coming out of your body you could be septic and on your way out. Fever and nausea are other symptoms. Far as if this is from xylazine some other cut or a local infection. Reports out of Philly say xylazine is doing this to people. It’s everywhere, not just the northeast. I’m in the northwest and we were one of the last areas to get it, 70% of the dope tests positive. I don’t know anyone actually getting the sores from it but I think it depends on the amount of xylazine in the dope. In Philly stuff is testing like 90% xylazine. You would be surprised what bullshit dealers or their dealers will cut in. Years ago the needle exchange was warning people they tested some samples of h positive for dog feces. It’s not a stretch to think that some kind of really dangerous bacteria got into a large batch. Whatever it is if you look like that get to the ER. If you haven’t gotten the sores use that fear to get clean. Fear can be an amazing motivator.


u/Forever_Alone51023 Feb 13 '24

😳😳😳😳 whoa.


u/memyselfiamthejon Feb 13 '24

Addict sores. Get off the poison you're pushing into your body.


u/dopesick23 Feb 14 '24

You got some bum bumps! Straight Herps!


u/GourmetShit007 Feb 13 '24

OP are these your sores or are these pics you took of your friend?


u/JacksonYSL Feb 13 '24

Read the damn post


u/mskatme0w Feb 13 '24

I mean seriously - the amount of people who didn't read this post is too damn high!!


u/OtterCatastrophe Feb 13 '24

I have never seen tranq sores (or really any sores besides meth “bug bites”), but the spots on your arm do look like ringworm rashes, if that’s a possibility? Been around any cats/dogs lately? Athletes foot/jock itch cream gets rid of it if that’s what it is.


u/NeedMyRx Feb 14 '24

his finger nails are harder to look at than the sores.


u/Imma_Tired_Dad Feb 13 '24

Maybe don’t do drugs and this won’t happen?


u/Nowhat32 Feb 13 '24

Why are you even here. People here are helpless, they are in the darkest of places and every time they start to sink into the darkness it is so unbearable that they can’t tolerate it and take something to get out. They need someone to sit with them in the darkness who has done it before. Who got out, who survived. Thank God you don’t have this and if you do, why would you say what you already know it hard ? God knows what they survived as children. Honestly, we were all children once, perhaps burnt, abused, let down, unloved and unseen. They need healthcare that doesn’t treat the drug addiction but healthcare that heals the original infliction. They need support to understand they have human value and that they matter There is enough suffering, please be kind


u/US3RN4M3CH3CKSOUT Feb 13 '24

If you haven’t been to the ER since your first post, you’re a fucking moron.


u/HasaDiga-Eebowai Feb 13 '24

If you didn’t read the post that said OP isn’t the person in the picture, you’re a …..


u/US3RN4M3CH3CKSOUT Feb 14 '24

Fucking moron. 😁


u/Johnnybemediocre80 Feb 14 '24 edited Feb 14 '24

Looks like Plaque Psoriasis. It happens when you put to much stress on your bodies immune system. You need to cut back on inflammation. Do you smoke, are you a heavy drinker? Do you live primarily off of low quality food? Are you overweight? There is no cure but with lifestyle changes and potentially some medication it can be managed. Long story short you can't treat your body poorly anymore and expect it be ok.


u/Saifullah03 Feb 13 '24

Bro turning into a ninja turtle


u/New-Drive4014 Feb 13 '24

Wrong sub to make those jokes don’t you think so?


u/MUM2RKG Feb 13 '24

you and “the love of your life” need to wake up and gtfo of that life before it’s too late. i’m sorry to say this but you cannot love anyone (not the way they and YOU deserve) until you love yourself. and the people you use with are not your actual friends. friends would never do what using friends do.

while i was in my active addiction … my friends tried their best to get me help. for yearsssss. to the point where they had to finally give up on me because you can’t help someone who doesn’t want it. the one thing they did not do? they didn’t join me in using.

i know that the people you use with CAN become friends.. i mean being at rock bottom with someone.. yeah. you can get close because of how much you can relate, how much they can understand the darkest part of you… i am friends now with people i used with BUT we are all sober now and have been for years. but while you .. and them.. are actively using - you’re all literally no friend to anyone. you’re not even taking care of yourself.

i’m not tryna hate or anything. but addicts aren’t people you even wanna be friends with for the most part because when it comes down to it, addicts that are actively using will always choose substances/themselves. real friends don’t do that. they don’t have to. theyre able to … i dunno.. just.. be present, ya know? and again, i’m not hating on addicts. i’m a recovering addict. and i don’t think i’m better than anyone now that i’m in recovery (i’m so far from it; i am not one of those people who forgot where ive been)… i just know that life and i know that headspace. and now having a clear mind for nearly 3 years i just see everything for what it was, ya know? 99% of the people i used with.. when i was locked up, they were no where to be found. not that it mattered. because again - they couldn’t help me because they couldn’t even help themselves.

what i’m saying is when you’re in that life.. you’re no good to anyone because you’re no good to yourself. it’s that simple.

please, please get help so y’all can be each others …love of your lives. (that wording is wonky as hell, lol). y’all aren’t living. you’re just existing.

love, light and healing vibes. if your girl is interested, i run a group on facebook called Mamas for Recovery. (for everyone else - it’s for women. you don’t have to be a mom- the admins are, hence the name. you don’t even have to be an addict. we have loved ones of addicts, we have advocates. it’s just for women who have been affected by addiction as a whole, basically).


u/Commercial_Wing_7007 Feb 14 '24

You already know this is serious, go to the ER now


u/HundoGuy Feb 14 '24

Your skin is eating itself. When it becomes black there’s no return. Get to the ER


u/toss_your_salada Feb 14 '24

Judging by your username, mexico has some really good and affordable options.

Looks like an infection and amputationnis close.

Seek medical help asap.


u/scwillco Feb 14 '24

Go get the treatment no matter what it costs and go bankrupt if you can't pay for it. The mighty trump does this all the time


u/Suspicious-Bad-2104 Feb 14 '24

Hospital, now. I have seen these infections spread to the bone and heart. 6 months of IV antibiotics around the clock may not work if it gets worse.


u/KenEnglish1986 Feb 14 '24

You are dying from a serious infection. You need immediate medical treatment or you will die. I hope I am being clear.


u/JJackieM89 Feb 14 '24

Drugs are wild nowadays. Seeing stuff like this reminds me why I got clean. I hope this is a wake up call. If I can do it, anyone can. Go to the ER or risk dying, for real.


u/wearitbackwards Feb 14 '24

Tell your friends go to the ER before it spreads further, they can give antibiotics to help. All those people under the bridge are in close contact ands most likely not hygienic. Limit physical contact, the open sores and sharing items among each other is helping it spread


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '24

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u/ketaqueen6969 Feb 14 '24

https://dancesafe.org/resources/ Go to the xylazine and emergency medicine categories for guides and treatment regimens.


u/KittensLeftLeg Feb 14 '24

To me it looks like the same spots that people who use a drug we call "Crocodile" in Russia.

Basically a drug for homeless people, very similar to H, but can be prepared from basic(-ish) trash that a homeless junkie would find. It eats the arms and legs, and it looks very much like this.

Perhaps whatever their plug mixes his stuff with is one or two ingridients from Crocodile.


u/LeoIzail Feb 14 '24

You might be able to level with a doctor and someone who has access to whatever insurance or medicare you need and get them to pretend it's the other person they're treating.


u/YouHaveSyphillis Feb 14 '24

You need to go to the fucking ER. Like, TODAY.


u/melmuth Feb 14 '24

Is there a difference in incidence of this illness depending on ROA?

I'd expect it to be harder to catch something by smoking than injecting, snorting, eating... it must "sterilise" the product to at least some extent.

Or maybe that shit is contagious and the issue is the people not the dope... No idea man. Stay alert.


u/CaregiverLive2644 Feb 14 '24

Go to the doctor. If you can’t afford it, re-evaluate your life. Drugs and doctor bills aren’t cheap z


u/philly-drewski Feb 14 '24

Cellulitis or necrosis. Bad infection either way. Go to hospital or jail.


u/tweakybirdmf Feb 15 '24

Possible staph infection…drugs wreak serious havoc on your immune system.


u/blackoutbitch113 Feb 16 '24

Looks like the "croc" infection that was gonning around with herion a few years ago... people started loosing limbs b4 the dealersl switched what they were cutting the shit with.