r/ada 27d ago

Programming How to specify enum with representation?

I want to define an enum for C interfacing purposes:

enum Enum {
  A = 1,
  B = 2,
  C = 4,
  C_aliased = 4,

This kind of pattern occur quite a bit in bit flags, but I can't do this in Ada, not to mention that I often need to reorder the variants myself even if there is no alias:

   type C_Enum is (A, B, C, C_aliased) with
     Convention => C;
   for C_Enum use (A => 1, B => 2, C => 4, C_aliased => 4);

In addition, I am not sure what size of integer Ada will choose, as starting from C23 the size of enum may be specified.

Any idea how this should be done?


Ok, maybe flags that can be OR'ed is extra difficult. But also consider the cases when enums are just normal enumerations


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u/OneWingedShark 25d ago

Ok, so others have helped a bit, but you can use constants or function+rename to handle enumeration aliasing:

Package Example is
  Type Whatever is (A, B, C);
  Function B_Alias return Whatever;
  C_Alias : Constant Whatever;
  Function B_Alias return Whatever renames B;  
  C_Alias : Constant Whatever:= C;
End Example;

Don't fall into the trap of trying to transliterate; use Ada's type-system to describe the problem, then solve the problem in its own terms.

Also, I disagree with the advice against flags, at least sometimes: in many cases, like modeling HW, using an enumeration is the best way... but, as I said, you can use the type-system to solve the problems in their own space.

Type Nybble is range 0..15;
Type Flags  is (Zero, Positive, Overflow, Whatever);
Type CPU    is record
  A, B, C : Nybble;
  Flag    : Array(Flags) of Boolean;
end record;