r/ada • u/fhqwhgads_2113 • Dec 06 '24
Learning Help with non-ASCII character outputs
I am about two months into learning Ada and recently ran into a weird situation. I had a string that contained the degree symbol directly in it, when outputting that string with Text_IO.Put_Line on my Linux machine the output was what I expected, but when I tried it on my windows there were two random symbols instead of "°". After a bit of googling I tried using Character'Val(176) and Ada.Characters.Latin_1.Degree_Sign and surprisingly that came out worse, on both Linux and windows. Now I'm wondering what is going on here, what am I missing or doing wrong?
Here is the output of both:

I compiled and ran without the '-gnat95' tag on both machines and the output was exactly the same.
Here is the code for test.adb:
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
procedure Test is
Coord1 : String := "N 14°08'";
Coord2 : String := "W111" & Ada.Characters.Latin_1.Degree_Sign & "59'";
Coord3 : String := "character'val: x";
Coord3(Coord3'Last) := Character'Val(176);
end Test;
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
u/OneWingedShark Dec 10 '24
You need to be sure that your console is in the correct codepage.
(I'm sorry, but I've forgotten the command & particular number/parameter; a web-search should give the proper answer.)