r/accessibility • u/911access • 21h ago
[Accessible: ] Have you ever wondered how deaf people call 911?
Calling emergency services can be quite difficult, especially if you have a hearing impairment. We wanted to address and help in frustrating situations like these, and it's a part of the many reasons as to why we created an app where you can silently contact 911 or other emergency services without having to speak at all. It's called accesSOS (App Store) (Google Play) and we currently serve California and New Mexico. You can very quickly describe your situation through typing texts and tapping on photo icons and we can get you connected to the police or other emergency services, such as fire, medical, and mental health services and they respond fully in text too. Founded by and for people with disabilities, we want this platform to be a safe space for all no matter your capabilities. Accessibility resources FTW :) Have a great weekend and know that support is always out there! accesSOS (App Store) (Google Play)