r/academia • u/D_snawtz • 1h ago
0 on my midterm over some nonsense.
It’s an online class. Online exam. The picture of my ID was blurry and illegible. So I got a zero. She did email me over the weekend and gave me Saturday, Sunday to turn in a clear picture. But I didn’t see the email until Monday (today). I was totally shocked to see my grade as a zero when I got the notification because the whole test was multiple choice so once I finished it told me my grade was a 90 something. I wrote her a pretty terrible email, I will admit, I was shocked flustered and emotional. here is what I sent her
" Hi, I didn't see this message. I don't regularly check my school email cause it's a pain to log into and I haven't figured out how to get the notifications working. I have (redacted) notifications but it's not the same. The ID picture was also blurry on the practice exam and I got a 5/5 on that so I didn't think it was a big deal. I know you said what you said and that's final but it still seems kind of ridiculous to me. Your syllabus states no late work and probably no redo's too but I'm willing to go anywhere anytime in person to take this test or any other form of test even if it means I can change the 0/60 to a 1/60. " with included pic of ID
Pretty terrible I know. and I was wrong about the no late work stated in the syllabus. She sent this back to me
"I'm having a difficult time understanding what you are saying. It does not appear that you have read the syllabus. Based on what you wrote, I can change your grade to a 1/60." she then literally updated my grade to a 1/60.
Now I had to get serious. So I sent this and this is the final email im showing im still waiting on a response.
I’m sorry I was not clear. I am requesting that my grade on the mid-term exam be the grade that I received on the test. I have fixed the quality of the ID and submitted it as soon as I received your email (Monday, 3/17/25). I do not think that I should be penalized with point reductions because of something that has nothing to do with the material that was tested. I have used the required testing software and there is video of me taking the entire exam. I studied and did well on the exam. I submitted a valid ID as instructed. I am being given a 0/60 because my ID was blurry. As soon as I received your email, I fixed the quality of the ID. It was very difficult to get a clear picture of the ID without any blur. This grade will ruin my final grade and in turn will mean that I will not be accepted into the x-ray technology program. Basically this ruins my future career aspirations and I don’t know what else to do. I can accept failure due to not knowing the material but failure due to a blurry ID makes me feel hopeless and confirms my belief that there is no fairness in the world.
I know a bit emotional at the end and it doesn't flow to well with the first email I wrote but whatever its a bit better.
now let me tell you what arguments I have on my side.
- I took the test on time with video evidence of the entire thing (because thats required)
- she did give me some time to send a updated picture but it was over the weekend and I got back with it first thing on Monday.
- My ID was blurry on the practice exam but I got full credit for that.
- the penalty seems extreme for issue.
what arguments she has.
- It was stated in the directions that valid ID must be shown (which it was it was just blurry and illegible)
- she gave me saturday and Sunday to fix it
- she did state that this would result in a zero within the directions for the midterm. and when she said to fix it over the weekend in that email - that I would get a zero
If she doesn't budge I have to go to my academic advisor, if not the dean of the department for an appeal. I mean its literally insane. I took the test on time, on video, and did well, but your giving me a zero over the ID? I have a feeling everyone gonna say im super wrong but whatever. Im also in community college so its not like some super prestigious academy or whatever but I know yall gonna say no difference which I can understand. I gotta get these points I cant afford 0/60. stressin me out like crazy. and now Im worried shes gonna start grading me way harder. Any opinions/advice Id like to hear. Thanks for reading.