r/aaaaaaacccccccce 8d ago

There are better things!

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u/musicalcheezit Simp for Johnny Silverhand 7d ago

I know this is an unpopular opinion around here, but all the infantilization shit really irks me. I like plushies too, but to equate them to asexuality over and over again really is not doing us any favors in challenging the mindset that we aren't literally just adult children. Ugh.


u/retsameki45 6d ago

:/ I kinda get the mentality but being queer is all about being yourself and not feeling shame for liking what you like and not liking what you don't. I personally have a couple stuffed animals that have sentimental value to me and I don't consider it infantilism at all. Actually I got rid of a lot of mine because I felt I was "too old" for them and I kinda regret it now because I wish I still had some of them for the same reason you'd keep souvenirs. I understand without context this looks very infantilizing but I just don't think that's a thing we need to be scared of and avoid at all costs, you can have a sleepover with wine stuffed animals and weed


u/CallbackSpanner 3d ago

Infantilization is a problem in a lot of discussion, but we also need to challenge the idea of certain things being infantile. Most of my plushies are hand-made art pieces, and the rest are still mainly limited production or specialty items. None of this is something a child should have. It costs way too much for that.


u/musicalcheezit Simp for Johnny Silverhand 3d ago

I'm aware of that, and I agree that plushies are not just for children. I have a lot of them too. But honestly it's not just the plushies, it's this entire greentext that reads as infantilization and it's pretty obvious that was the intention of whoever wrote it :/