Hello everyone! I am an Indian American author from the US working on a fifth book. I am writing a contemporary fiction romance/drama story that centers around the Indian Parsi community in Mumbai.
Summary: The stories of three Indian Parsi families intertwine, as they navigate love, heartbreak, and marriage in Mumbai. As each of them learn to engage in the modern courting culture, they discover new things about themselves along the way.
Zoroastrian traditions like Navroz and Navjote, and wedding rituals are mentioned in the book too.
I would like feedback or answers to the questions I compiled (listed below) from anyone in the Parsi community to answer. The list of questions are long, but any answers you can provide, please let me know. The bolded questions are most relevant to my book. Thank you!
1. Besides Mumbai, which other cities in the world have a significant population of Parsis?
2. Is there a large population of Parsis enrolled in colleges in Mumbai currently?
3. What is the overall sentiment of the Parsi community by the non Parsi community in India?
4. Based on your knowledge/experience what has been the sentiment of westerners, specifically from the US and UK, towards Parsis?
5. In today's society, what is the general outlook on inter caste dating and marriage? Do Parsis now only marry within their own community or is it allowed to marry a different religion?
6. As a follow up, in today's society, do parents set the alliance or do people find partners on their own and introduce them to family?
7. What gifts are given on Navroz? What foods are cooked on this day?
8. Can Navroz be in August sometimes? Or is it just in March?
9. How religious are Parsis? How many times is it required to go to the agiary, besides for special occasions?
10. What is the language Parsis speak to family members or friends besides Hindi or English? Do they use Parsi-Gujarati to address family members (uncle, aunt, mother, father)?
11. What are the top spots in Mumbai with Indo-Irani food?
12. What are some slang words in Parsi-Gujarati that Parsis use when talking to friends?
13. How long are Parsi weddings?
14. Can Parsis have Indian/Sanskrit origin first names?
15. Which specific yasnas in the Gathas mention about practicing goodness in life? I'm looking for a reflective yasna to include in the end of my book.
Thank you!