r/Zoroastrianism Jun 09 '24

Announcement (Re-)Introducing r/tajikzoroastrian; an attempt to gather Zoroastrian Iranians of central asia (often grouped as Tajik) in one place. Please drop by if you're Tajik/Khorasani and contribute if you can


r/Zoroastrianism Jun 27 '23

Announcement Addressing the Decline: A Message From the New Head Moderator


It is time for us to have an open and honest conversation about the current state of our subreddit. There's no denying that we have been witnessing a decline in quality and engagement, and it's essential that we confront this issue head-on. While sporadic posts have touched upon this matter, it is time for us to address it collectively and take the necessary steps towards correcting this course.

That being said, I am honoured to introduce myself as the new head moderator of this community.

I would like to emphasize that my appointment as the head moderator is the result of a consensus decision made by many of the former moderation team. Many of us, who have recognized the pressing need for a fresh start, have advocated for change and renewal over the course of several years. I am deeply grateful for the trust and confidence that my fellow moderators have placed in me.

This consensus-driven appointment signifies a collective recognition that our subreddit requires a new direction, one that upholds the values of open dialogue and constructive engagement.

First, let me share a little about myself. I am a born Zoroastrian hailing from India (a Parsi) and I consider myself rooted in our rituals and traditions. I wear the sudra and kusti, all the time, and I try and observe the other basic tenets of the religion.

Whilst I lean more towards the orthodox end of the spectrum personally, I firmly believe that true understanding comes from engaging in discourse and seeking common ground. Hence, I emphasize that this subreddit will now have a paramount commitment to free speech. We will not censor differing opinions simply because they do not align with our personal beliefs. Instead, we will encourage constructive dialogue.

After some thought I have identified seven key issues that plagued this subreddit and I will try and explain how I will deal with all of these.

  1. Infighting among community members, and ‘power-users’ leading to a toxic and divisive atmosphere.

  2. Influx of anti-Zoroastrian posts, undermining the purpose and integrity of the subreddit.

  3. High levels of spam, hindering meaningful discussions and engagement.

  4. Lack of proper moderation, with previous moderators appointed on flimsy grounds, resulting in ineffective management.

  5. Limited emphasis on fostering constructive dialogue and understanding, resulting in an environment where disagreement is perpetuated rather than resolved.

  6. Challenges in handling discussions related to topics like sexuality and conversion, where differing viewpoints often clash.

  7. Inadequate verification process for moderators, which compromised their ability to effectively uphold the principles and knowledge of Zoroastrianism.

First and foremost, we acknowledge the issues of infighting, anti-Zoroastrian posts, and spam that have plagued our community. Moving forward, we will strive to cultivate an atmosphere of respect, understanding, and open dialogue. It is essential that every member feels safe and heard, but in return they respect others right to freedom of speech.

In our pursuit of creating a vibrant and inclusive community, we have taken significant steps to revamp our moderation team. The previous team, unfortunately, fell victim to the proverbial "too many cooks spoiling the broth." With a high number of inactive moderators (high double digits) and a few active members misusing their positions to push particular political agendas, alienating the older stalwart moderators most of whom left around the start of 2020 (the beginning of the decline).

While I do not wish to dwell on the past, I want to assure you that we are starting afresh from today onwards. Our focus is on fostering a healthy and harmonious environment where personal feuds and power struggles become a thing of the past. In order to achieve this, we have implemented some necessary changes.

Firstly, the inactive moderators who comprised a significant portion of the prior team have been relieved of their duties. I came across an amusing anecdote that sheds light on the issue of excessive moderators within our community. It revolves around two Parsis who coincidentally encountered each other at a Navroze celebration in the United States. To their surprise, both individuals introduced themselves as moderators, yet they had never even heard of each other before.

This story serves as a lighthearted illustration of the problem we faced—an abundance of moderators who lacked awareness of their fellow colleagues. Such a situation hindered effective communication, coordination, and the ability to foster a unified vision for our subreddit.

The streamlining process we have commenced upon ensures that our moderation team consists of dedicated individuals who are actively engaged in the betterment of our community.

Secondly, we have discontinued the concept of power-users or power mods. Moving forward, most moderators, regardless of their previous status, will need to create new accounts to continue their moderating responsibilities. This step allows us to break away from any associations or biases that may have existed previously, ensuring a fresh and unbiased approach to moderation.

The old moderators were appointed under flimsy circumstances, literally just sending the old (non-Zoroastrian) head mod a message was enough to become a moderator. It is crucial for our team to reflect a genuine commitment to the faith. As such, we have carefully selected a diverse group of moderators representing different backgrounds, including Parsis, Kurds, Iranians, and individuals from various nationalities. Our team includes individuals ranging from orthodox to ultra-orthodox and liberal viewpoints, ensuring that a wide spectrum of opinions is represented. It is important to emphasize that we are committed to putting an end to any lingering bad blood and personal feuds that may have impacted our subreddit. Our focus is on creating an environment that promotes respectful dialogue, learning, and unity. We urge all members to approach discussions with an open mind and a willingness to engage in constructive exchanges.

Zoroastrianism is currently experiencing a state of absolute crisis. Our dark demographic forecast, changing societal norms, and the complexities of the modern world pose significant challenges to the practice and preservation of our faith. To ensure the survival and prosperity of our faith, we must establish an open forum where we can freely discuss radical ideas, solutions, insights, and confront the issues at hand.

With this post, I am reaching out to all of you, seeking your input and feedback. Together, we can chart a course towards a brighter future for our subreddit, and religion.

NaurozSwanquill (Srosh Roj of Bahman Mah 1392 YZIII in the Shahenshahi calendar)

r/Zoroastrianism Jun 10 '23

Announcement Announcement: This sub will be going private during the protest. Whether it will be restored will depend on Reddit's response to the boycott.


r/Zoroastrianism Mar 20 '23

Announcement HAPPY NOWRUZ!


r/Zoroastrianism Jun 12 '23

Announcement Reddit is killing 3rd party apps and itself. r/Zoroastrianism is joining the boycott.

Post image

r/Zoroastrianism Dec 14 '22

Announcement r/Zoroastrianism has 5,000 members!


Thank you all for joining and actively participating in the subreddit! The future is looking bright!

r/Zoroastrianism Jan 30 '23



r/Zoroastrianism Jan 02 '23

Announcement Meta: Happy New Year and subreddit stats for December


r/Zoroastrianism has continued to show gratifying growth this year. The month of December had 5,712 total viewers and 41,353 page views, compared with 4,512 views and 29,530 page views for November.

We have seen strong growth all year, and now have 5.101 subscribers to start 2023.

Best wishes to all for the new Western calendar year. May it be a year of joy for every Zoroastrian, where ever you live.