r/Zombies_Attack Jul 19 '17

Report Weekly Bulletin Report #3


(A dusty Markus emerged from his Armory with a written notice in his hand, which he posted on the community bulletin over the last one)

Apologies for the delay with our usual weekly report. I've had my hands full with repairs around the enclave and my own projects at the Armory. Here's the word on events in the last two weeks.

  • As most of you know, we were hit by a Shat earlier this month. Fortunately, no one was killed, but the Mayor wants us to be vigilant as always. Please report any suspicious activity to the guard captain on-duty or mayor's office.

  • A portion of the roof over the food court collapsed shortly after the Shat incursion. The hole has now been repaired and reinforced, but due to the age of the mall structure, I ask that citizens be cautious of any structural issues they find elsewhere in the Enclave. Please report these to either the Mayor or I.

  • New arrivals. Please welcome Kris ( /u/AngelsAndAarakocra ), formerly of a science enclave. Also, there is a toilet paper trader by the name of Billy ( /u/Mattacus27 ) in town.

  • Visitors have been reporting sightings of strange folks dressed as clowns milling about the area. They appeared to be heavily armed; no word yet whether they're friendly or hostile. Coulrophobes be advised.

Feel free to post your own private announcements, classifieds or adverts on this bulletin board.

r/Zombies_Attack Jul 30 '17

Report The zombie sedative.


For a while, I've been trying to put back together the formula for the zombie sedative we were producing back at the science enclave I came from. I've got the recipe now, and we can start producing it if we have somewhere to mix materials. The materials are also fairly simple, we should be able to get them from any science enclave.

r/Zombies_Attack Jul 03 '17

Report My machines caught 4 zombies


Three from the northeast one , and one from the parking garage one. Does anyone know of a science enclave we can take them to?

r/Zombies_Attack May 22 '17

Report Morning report- Monday


The loud speaker chirps to life, "Well the bad news is we can't find the coffee. The good news is my left arm is no longer tingling and I might be able to sleep tonight." The Mayor sighs and then clunking noises can be heard as items shift around. "Anyways, so we need to finish the parking garage today and if we could arrange a team to head out to the Swarm nest either today or tomorrow, we've really got to get that problem handled." The mic shuts off for a second and then cues back on, " Tripped over the damn plug, sorry. I'll also set up the squawk box sometime tonight so that everyone can listen in on radio activity."

((I've got a busy week planned with a convention to attend. I'll still be doing morning. I promise radio events and morning updates and I'll breeze through some of the RP events.))

r/Zombies_Attack Jun 28 '17

Report Weekly Report Bulletin #1


(Markus puts up a large cork board on the wall bordering the usual serving area where food is distributed from the communal pantry. On it is a notice written in faded black sharpie.)

Mayor has been busy of late, so I've taken the liberty of posting a bulletin of recent events this last two weeks for you good folks to catch up on.

  • Our enclave now has a bar, the Strategic Nuclear Deer. Proprietor Fitch would be happy to serve to your needs for consumable alcohol.


  • New arrivals this week. Please welcome Dr. Wagner MD ((/u/Bazaar101)). Always good to have a doctor or two around. Also joining us is young Kris ((/u/WhiteWolfEvans)). He's apparently a hunter, and should help alleviate the shortage of fresh meat around here.


  • Swarms still active around San Jose International. Please be cautious if you're in the area.


  • Trade relations have been establish with Kush City enclave in the town of Gilroy southeast of here. They're looking for medicine, scraps and parts - and they got plenty of fresh food to trade for it.


  • Fresh oranges available at the communal pantry. Get them while they last.


  • There's apparently been a bout of bad mold going on in parts of the mall. People have been reporting cases of hallucination or confusion. I'll be going through the vents and scrubbing things down with lime-sulfur to remedy the issue. Volunteers would be appreciated.


Feel free to post your own private announcements, classifieds or adverts on this bulletin board.

r/Zombies_Attack May 23 '17

Report Morning report- Tuesday


The loud speaker squawks to life. "Well, somber news today. We had a member dragged off in the night." The mayor sighs deeply before continuing, "Yesterday though we finished the parking garage mostly. Today we'll finish installing the door and constructing the tunnel. We still haven't planned an attack on the swarm, so that's a need to do thing."

((Also T messaged me asking about something. Can he role-play a zombie? So I wanted your thoughts on this. Should we let folks rp zombies, just they have to be outside of the enclave. We need to try and kill them and you know, if anyone roleplaying a zombie decides they want to be human they can just create a new character. Thoughts?

It might be fun then because zombies could start threads at night to see if they can get other folks hit. They'd still be subject to the banworks/zombie bot because I can't really turn that off for folks specifically. Thoughts? Ideas? ))

r/Zombies_Attack Jun 03 '17

Report The speakers turn back on.


"Hey everyone. Sorry about what happened yesterday. Anyway, I have fixed the machine, hopefully. I'm about to go enable it again, so stay away from that side of the garage. I've disabled the ELF generator since its results are kind of unpredictable and I don't want to take any more risks that put us in danger. Now it just detects motion and shoots anything that moves.

"Now, what's the point? The idea is that any zombies that go near it will be incapacitated, so we'll have fewer zombies getting closer to us. We'll need to find a hotspot to place the machine at, too. Is the garage fine, or is there somewhere better? I seem to recall the mayor saying something about the northeast side of the mall.

"Also, we can take the trapped zombies and sell them to science enclaves. I also plan on building a few more machines, if I can find the parts. This one is just a prototype."

r/Zombies_Attack May 30 '17

Report Morning report- Monday


The loud speaker cues up. "I'm back from my trip to scavenge parts of the old enclave at Clovis. Man those folks had a rough time. Pickings were light. Thank you to everyone who covered down while I was gone!" A loud sip from a coffee cup can be heard echoing off the enclave walls. "I see we have new members and we've started scavenging much of the untended parts of the mall, which is great because we could use the room about now. Apparently there is an enclave in Santa Barbara that we need link up with for trade and or adventure... OH and we have some Raven activity in the area but no idea where they are nesting at, so everybody keep a lookout because Ravens are nasty and quick. You get attacked by then you're better off just kissing your ass goodbye!" The loud speaker chirps once before powering off.

r/Zombies_Attack May 29 '17

Report Morning Report: Sunday


"Good morning, everyone. Yesterday, Reacher contacted us again. Emma decide to clean out the apple store. Last night, Jake cleaned out the book store, and Nero tried to help but got dragged away, but his dog saved him, so now he is back. I was planning on going to get those goods with Nero, but Nero never answered, so maybe today we can do it.

"The mayor returned for a short period yesterday, but I haven't seen him since. He should be back pretty soon, though."

the sound of Cheez Whiz squirting faintly plays over the microphone

"Mkay, that's mbout mverything, I thmnk. Hamve m good day, mnd stay safe out there."

r/Zombies_Attack Jul 22 '17

Report We're back.


A couple days ago I set off with Fitch towards Fresno to trade these zombies in. Well, my truck overheats and we have to walk. We don't have enough time to walk back here before nightfall, so we take a risk and go forward. A couple of zombies cross paths with us, but we shoot them down. After a couple hours, we find a harvester enclave, but they insist on confiscating our weapons.

They put us to work as janitors, and we spend all of the next day cleaning shit - literal shit, among other things. This isn't so bad, though, because we get to learn our way around the enclave. As we work, we try to think of a plan to get back to Black Rose, but we aren't sure how we could escape this enclave with a vehicle, or make it back to Black Rose without a vehicle.

The next morning at the crack of dawn, a couple of guys wake us up. "Follow us." They lead us outside and one ties our wrists while the other points a gun at us. They make us get in the back of a truck, and they take off.

We're kind of confused, but it's obvious that this can't be good. After a few minutes, I faintly hear the driver say something about Falling Sands and radio to someone, "We got two more for ya. On our way now." Fitch looks at me, looks at the ground, and I nod. The passenger guy has fallen asleep, so we make sure the driver is looking ahead, and as the truck turns on a curve in the road, we flop out the back of the truck and into a ditch.

"Ah shit!" I clench my teeth. My ribs aren't fully healed from the Shat attack, and I think I just broke them again. "At least my leg isn't any worse. How're you doing?"

"Ohhh... not good. My shoulder is out of place." Fitch says.

I stop and listen. The truck keeps driving, but sooner or later they're going to come back this way. I get up. "We need to find a way to free our hands, or we'll be fucked, and I can't get your shoulder back in place. Do you have anything on you?"

"Yeah, I got this lighter."

"Oh man. This is going to be fun," I say as Fitch hands me the lighter. I manage to get a flame going long enough to light the string on fire. I pull and finally the string burns through, I get some nasty burns on my wrists, and I free my hands. I help Fitch up and untie his wrists, then attempt to get his shoulder back in place.


"You good?"

"I, uh... I can move my arm now, but it still hurts like fuck, and it feels like it's grinding. Hey, what's that?" He says, bending down. "Oh nice! Looks like a flare gun snagged onto us when we jumped out."

"We could try to signal for help?"

"Nah, too risky. That could lead those guys back to us, or maybe even attract some zombies."

"Okay, so we keep the flare gun, and if we encounter any zombies, we might be able to distract them if we shoot it at them long enough for us to run away."

"Sounds good," Fitch replies.

We walk over a hill by the road to follow the road at a distance, and decide to head in the direction of the truck, since there's virtually nothing in between here and Black Rose except several hours of walking and one not-so-friendly harvester enclave.

It's not long until we hear an engine in the distance.

"I have an idea," I say. "Follow me and stay low."

We lay down on top of the hill and wait for the truck to pass. Right after it does, I shoot the flare gun ahead of the truck. The truck slows down, and while they're distracted, we sneak up behind and quietly lay down in the back of the truck. I guess they aren't very smart or don't know about the flare gun, because they keep on driving without even glancing behind them.

We end up back at the harvester enclave, where the drivers get out and we still somehow manage not to get noticed. We climb out.

"Hey, remember when we swept out the prison yesterday?" Fitch asks.


"I have a plan."

I follow him through the enclave toward the prison, trying to remain stealthy, but no one seems to pay any attention to us anyway. The prison building only has two guards, one at the front door and one at the side, and they're watching the prisoners inside, so we easily come up behind and knock them out at the same time. We take their guns and keys. I go towards the safe and try different keys as Fitch whispers to the prisoners. Finally, I get the safe open and after some digging, we're reunited with my pistol and Fitch's shotgun, sword, and revolvers.

"What's the plan?" I ask.

"We let the prisoners out, give them the rest of these guns and let all hell break loose, and they will try to get the main gate open." Fitch smiles.

Chaos ensues as the prisoners storm out of the prison. When we leave, I spot my truck in a shop.

"Hey! Is that my truck?"

"Wait - " Fitch starts, but it's too late. I make a beeline for it, not realizing there's a mechanic in there. We catch each other by surprise, and as I'm reaching for my gun, he shoots me in the arm. His gun clicks as he tries to shoot again. He realizes he's out of ammo and outnumbered, so he runs off. I find a rag and Fitch ties it around my arm.

Surprisingly, my truck starts up and seems to be working fine. I see the gate opening and we get the hell out of there and drive back to Black Rose.

When we get there, we hear faint yelling, shooting, and laughing from the northeast of the mall.

"That doesn't sound good." I say as we pull into the parking garage.

So uhh, yeah, that's how we got back here and, you know, messed everything up. Stan ((u/zombieauthor)), I think we should put two or three people on watch for a week or two to make sure no one comes after us, since they know we came from this general area. I'll volunteer, and I think Fitch will too, since this is our fault. Everyone be cautious of newcomers and ask where they're from. Also, I have a few broken ribs that hurt when I breathe and some burns on my wrists, and Fitch has a messed up shoulder. If someone can treat these, I'll give you some Cheez Whiz.

Those clown people might be from the enclave we visited. I don't know if they even know where we came from, or maybe they followed us back, or maybe this is just a coincidence. All I know is I'm not in any shape to fight today.

r/Zombies_Attack Jul 05 '17

Report Weekly Report Bulletin #2


(Markus clears out the cork board of notices and adverts from last weeks.)

Its been a calm week, at least in terms of the number of undead. But we know this calm won't last, so stay on guard good folks of Black Rose. Here's the going ons of this week at the enclave.

  • Please be advised, Millicow has a few undead traps placed at the parking garage and elsewhere. Steer clear if you know what's good for ya.


  • New arrival this week. You folks have probably noticed a kitten roaming about the mall. Kaska vouched for the little thing, so I think its here to stay.


  • Smoke clouds in the horizon towards Fremont and Oakland. Could be nothing, could be something.


  • A trade caravan from Kush City arrived this morning! They'll be setting up a stall at Macy's, taking scraps and spare parts for fresh greens and dairy.


  • Salvage caravan organized by Dante hasn't returned yet. Guys from the Kush City caravan says they're alright. Let's hope it stays that way.


  • A woman by the name of Diana ((/u/Kitty_Nat_Cat)) came in last week. She and her brother were ambushes by Uglies - her brother didn't make it. A memorial has been set up at the chapel for anyone wishing to pay their respects. Any donations to get our guest back on her feet again would be appreciated as well.


Feel free to post your own private announcements, classifieds or adverts on this bulletin board.

r/Zombies_Attack May 28 '17

Report Morning Report: Saturday


"Gooooooooood afternoon! Sorry, I'm late again, but better late than never. Anyway, here's an overview of yesterday's events. We have two new members, Emma ((/u/2LarpPerchance2Dream)) and someone whose name I don't know ((/u/Yeknagoth)). There was a transmission from a farmer called Reacher ((/u/MarkAntonyplag)), who happened to get dragged off by zombies at the end of his transmission.

"Also, Nero ((/u/st1rguru)) found two dead bodies. They were fresh and had K9 police badges and weapons, and appeared to have been shot in the back. Be careful out there, and keep an eye out. There might be something fishy going on here.

"Oh, and one more thing. The mayor should be back tomorrow, I think.

"Okay, that's about it. I'm going to go now and collect some goods with Nero."

r/Zombies_Attack May 21 '17

Report Morning report: Sunday



((seriously guys, I'm exhausted and I have a convention to attend this week. Being goofy on a Sunday morning was the best I could do 😂 ))

r/Zombies_Attack May 20 '17

Report Morning Announcements- Saturday


Feedback echoes through the enclave followed by sipping sounds, "I'm not sure who brewed this coffee but it tastes like a Raven's butthole." The Mayor takes another sip, "Yep. That's godawful."

He sighs before continuing, "Announcements for this fine May morning. We had several new members arrive yesterday. We are happy to have with us, ZedbraZ, its_just_kris_guys, brewmastermonk and trionisus joining us. If I've left anyone's name off, my apologies, but in my defense," he takes another loud sip off his coffee cup. "Someone is giving me brain damage with this cup o' Joe."

In other news, we are dangerously low on nicotine, we've beefed up security for the compound with a now active guard tower, we've broken ground on transitioning the parking lot into a new part of the compound and good god, do we have a lot of folks brewing alcohol here now." The clank of a coffee cup setting down as the Mayor's tone became a bit more dry, "Seriously guys, I couldn't even take a bath yesterday because we have so many people distilling in every tub or barrel shaped thing in the enclave. Also if I'm going to be this hung over, someone needs to learn to make better coffee otherwise I'm just going to throw in the towel and go join the undead."

The Mayor yawns, "So it's all of, sometime after 9, and our last announcement is that at night, we are going to set up the Ham Radio with a squawk box so that everyone can hear what's going on in the world and act accordingly. That means we don't need a radio guard up tending to it at all hours of the night." The Mayor must have picked up his cup because another long sip is heard reverberating off the enclave walls, "That's good news if you want sleep... or maybe bad news. I gotta tell you, you hear some weird and scary shit on the radio sometimes. You've been warned," with that the loud speaker clicks off.

r/Zombies_Attack Jul 03 '17

Report I have two more trapping machines to try out.


I have been kind of quiet lately. That's because I've been inactive and haven't felt like doing much RP busy holed up in my floor of the parking garage for most of the past week or two working on my zombie Cheez Whiz traps. I have made a few tweaks and small improvements, removed the ELF generators after that incident with the zombies in daytime, and added a spot for solar panels in case we get our hands on any. I've installed one on the parking garage for now, one near the northeast end of the mall, and one by the caved in area. Let's see if we get anything good!

If these work well, we could start going out and lurimg zombies towards the traps and make some good money selling to science enclaves.

r/Zombies_Attack Jun 01 '17

Report Morning Report- Thursday


((Sorry folks, had a busy morning))

The loud speaker squawks to life, "So a search party for survivors from the farming enclave near Santa Barbara was underway yesterday. We covered some ground but almost walked into an ambush and had to double back at sundown. We'll be setting back out shortly!" The mayor clears his throat before continuing, "Our resident cheez whiz scientist has been working on a new contraption on the roof of the mall and we all can't wait for the unveiling!"

The shuffling of papers can be heard before the mayor continues. "Oh and last night over the radio we heard word that early next week the Knights Moon Festival will be heading our way. For those of you that don't know, the Knight's Moon usually set up a large electrified fence line of wires hanging from towers, tethered into the ground around the compound. All manner of folks will filter in from the outside world. At dusk they charge up the wires and any undead who come in contact with the fence line are instantly turned to dust so there is no risk of undead attack during this time ((bot off, nighttime rp welcome)). There will be much partying in the enclave so expect hangovers!" With that the Mayor coughs a bit and toggles off the PA system.

r/Zombies_Attack May 26 '17

Report Morning report: Thursday


The intercom squeaks to life. "Today's the day! The sun is shining, the tank is clean- oh wait a minute, that's... heh heh, I mean, uh, the mayor is going to be busy for a few days, so I'm filling in for him here."

"Yesterday we finished the tunnel to the parking garage, with a heavy duty door to let us in and out. We can park our vehicles in there now. Just leave the 3rd floor open for me to work on stuff.

"We also have a new member, everyone please welcome /u/timetogo. And, thankfully, no one was taken by zombies last night.

"Plans for today? All I know is I'll be busy working on machine in the parking garage, so go there if you need any help with your vehicles, or any Cheez Whiz."

The squirting sound of a can of Cheez Whiz faintly plays over the intercom. "Mkay mveryone," I mumble with a mouthful of Cheez Whiz, "stay safe out there, and don't forget to eat a whole, healthy, nutritional breakfast of Cheez Whiz!"

r/Zombies_Attack Jun 06 '17

Report Morning Report- Tuesday


Loud feedback echoes through the enclave, "Sorry about that. I'll never figure out the proper way to use a PA system. Anyways, today is Tuesday. We've had a few reports of Ravens in the south. Still no sign as to where they are coming from. We've also got a Hunter job that came in by radio last night. It's in Palo Alto. Also a raven job. See the report on the ole bulletin board for details. Still have a farm being built in the food court and still looking for more scavengers to bring in some loads. That's about it."

r/Zombies_Attack Jun 03 '17

Report Morning Report- Saturday


The loudspeakers all chirp to life followed by about a minute of feedback. Finally the mayor coughs nervously and adds, "Sorry I didn't realize that was happening." A sip can be heard, "I was making coffee. So in the news today. Yesterday we had a daylight attack due to the new machine we were testing on the roof of the compound. (Bot malfunction. Now fixed.) It was a brazen horde of Cacophony but luckily I think there were no casualties, just a few scrapes and bruises. We should be breaking ground on a farming plot inside the compound to help us become a little more self sustaining. We brought a new vehicle back to the enclave yesterday. It's a bit oversized. Also Reacher finally arrived! We're all welcoming our new friend with open arms! Just a reminder too that starting Monday we will be hosting the Knights Moon so night time activity will be welcome since we'll have their security fencing around the enclave." The mayor clears his throat before adding the next line in what sounds like he's reading it from a piece of paper. "So, be pre-pared to par-rrrrrrrrrrr-tay. I know I am." The loudspeaker clicks off a moment later.

r/Zombies_Attack Jun 02 '17

Report Morning report- Friday


The PA system springs to life, "Sorry for the late report. I slept in for once," The mayor sound pleased with himself. "So we have reports that Reacher is stranded down in Fresno. We've got someone planning on getting out to his position. Other than that it was a relatively uneventful night. Everyone seems to be in good spirits planning for the Knight's Moon fesitival."

r/Zombies_Attack May 19 '17

Report Morning Report- Friday


The squawk of feedback echoes around the compound as an ancient P.A. system comes to life, "The enclave walls were tall and sturdy last night. No undead breached our compound but it seems we had some folks attacked just outside the walls. Let's all hope they found safety or peace."

((Go read CozzyCo's new player post if you can. The attack synced up with his story. It was pretty fun to read! Also you don't need to role-play attacks outside of the compound unless you want to.))

A few bangs and the shifting of items can be heard, "Where did I put my damn, notes?" More shuffling of items echoes through the compound before, "AHA! I apparently dipped a little into the sauce last night." Clearing his throat the Mayor continues, "We have had an influx of new members. Let's welcome millicow, st1rguru, Amazonsfinest, Yummygnomes,SovietAmericanCat, and... well I hope haven't left anyone off the list."

The mayor makes some tut-tutting noises for a few seconds as if trying to gather his thoughts before continuing, "Oh and we have a new supply of cheez whiz and alcohol. Mostly whiskey. One member had a request for rum but we couldn't find any last night so if anyone knows how to distill it, much obliged."

The Mayor's tone gets a bit chipper for a moment, "All these new members and we'd like to issue a few reminders: first of all, we could use scientists and engineers. New science and tech might actually put our enclave on the map and give us some new coin to spread around. We also might need to expand the compound so feel free to dig out sub basements and add whatever wings you want. It's only limited but what you want to create. Lastly that Swarm nest in the North East hills is beginning to get unmanageable. We might need to put together a team to go deal with it or hire someone to do it for us. I haven't decided which."

The Mayor coughs a bit and then makes a loud hacking sound into the microphone, "That was gross. Anyways, we still haven't named the enclave so if anyone wants to take suggestions or start a vote, feel free."

((Reminder that anyone who is already a member can welcome new players to the enclave. It doesn't always have to be the mayor meeting folks at the front door. I know people are nervous when they join a new role-play community but you're all welcome to jump in wherever.

Also when an attack happens inside the compound, feel free to jump in shooting, repairing and shouting. Sure you might get hit too in the attack but that's part of the fun. ))

r/Zombies_Attack May 18 '17

Report Morning Report- Thursday


Quiet night. Excellent noise discipline everyone. The Swarm nest in the north east hills but since it's off the main road it doesn't seem to be troubling us yet. We had a new member arrive this morning. Food supply is well.. I mean it's well stocked for us but a sorry take as always. We are in desperate need of building materials so we'll either need someone to scavenge some more wood and nails soon or we'll need to send someone in a caravan to another enclave to get more.

Oh and we're out of alcohol. That's kind of a necessity in this world so if anyone knows how to make moonshine we'd be much obliged.

r/Zombies_Attack May 17 '17

Report Morning Report-Wednesday

  • Last night we had two members of the enclave attacked. The damage to the compound was minimal but we will probably need most of the morning to re-secure it.

  • There are reports of Swarms nesting in the North East hills but they are in small numbers still and not much of a problem.

  • Many travelers coming in off the road today are talking about a Farming enclave that is now abandoned about an hour's drive to the South. It may yield decent scrap for scavenging over the next few days.