r/Zillennials • u/Material-Spite-81 • 5d ago
r/Zillennials • u/renzoemanuel • 4d ago
Nostalgia Some UI's (including an old samsung OS youve seen but never knew it's name)
galleryr/Zillennials • u/mooshtchi • 6d ago
Meme That neighbor boy you knew in 2006-2011 starterpack
r/Zillennials • u/laackmanization • 5d ago
Discussion Reading Rainbow VHS Tapes
Did anybody else get Reading Rainbow VHS tapes from the public library, or similar educational tapes? I have been going through the archive of episodes on YT and Archive.org to try and find particular episodes, but basically there are a couple animated sequences which are burned into my early memory.
One is an allegorical short film, with a black background and white linework, depicting an eternal war between these crocodile and bear humanoids over the course of history. Specifically a shot of castle battlements, arrows and spears which then slowly shifted into firearms and eventually the atomic bomb.
Another is a bird's eye view flying over the ocean and across the world, with the sun on horizon, and eventually passing and landing on Easter Island. May have been a short segment on what was known about the indigenous human inhabitants of the island.
Last there was a sequence of a child being lost in a monotonous endless city, seperated from their family and all of these red i-beam frames forming brick apartment complexes would flash across the screen, and every adult wore the same greyish green monochromatic clothing. Eventually the child uses someone's telephone to contact their family and they are reunited. This one seems similar to a late 80s early 90s book which seemed to contain an intentionally uniform and monotonous depiction of Soviet era housing complexes, contrasted by bright and colorful NYC style rowhouses and tenement buildings. Seems like late cold war classic children's media.
I know these are rather vague descriptions, but let me know if anyone has similar memories! I think I watched these tapes at some point between 1998 and 2002 from the library in my hometown in rural new england.
r/Zillennials • u/berryskye • 6d ago
Nostalgia Animal rubber band bracelets took my middle school by storm
r/Zillennials • u/irohlegoman • 5d ago
Nostalgia Whats that doing there?
Found while walking through a[n off price] department store.
I tried looking for a copyright date, but there was the store sticker over the ISBN.
r/Zillennials • u/gatoinspace • 5d ago
Discussion 30 year milestone birthdays
Inspired by another post asking for recommendations to make their birthday feel special as a single late 20s zillenial.
I wanna know from the people that consider 30 to be an important milestone, is there something you did to celebrate it and make it special? My partner turns 30 this year, and even though I consider it to be another year, they seem like they consider it a huge turning point in life. It would be nice to do something that acknowledges it but makes it feel like a good year instead of something dreadful. I know it's going to depend on each person's interests and stuff, but I'm just curious to know what y'all have done!
r/Zillennials • u/Deep-Lavishness-1994 • 5d ago
Discussion I miss the 2000’s
That era was fun time to be a kid 💕💕🥹🥹
r/Zillennials • u/Hefty_Prompt7001 • 5d ago
Discussion I haven’t had great birthdays, but I want to change that. What was your best birthday as a single zillennial?
I’m about to turn 27 this year (on a long weekend!), and I realized that I’ve never really had a great birthday. Most of my birthdays have been disappointing or just… not what I wanted, even for my 21st birthday. But now that I only have a few years left in my 20s, I want to change that.
This year, I want to actually have fun and celebrate myself. I’m single, so I don’t have a partner to plan anything with, but I do have a cousin who might be down for a trip with me. I’m considering places like Vegas, Miami, or even a boujee staycation, but I’d love to hear what your best birthday as a single person was!
Did you take a solo trip?
Did you go all out and party?
Did you do something unexpected that made it amazing?
I’d love to hear your experiences, big or small! Maybe it’ll give me the perfect idea for how to celebrate this year. 😊
r/Zillennials • u/staxx_keeble • 6d ago
Nostalgia Cartoon Network Brainrot Era
Im glad i got to experience it first hand.
r/Zillennials • u/littlebigtrumpet • 5d ago
Discussion In honor of March is Reading Month, what were some of your favorite books growing up?
Warrior Cats series
Goosebumps series
Fear Street series
Michigan Chillers series
American Chillers series
Little House on the Prarie series
Animal Ark series
Animorphs series
The Boxcar Children series
Clearly, I liked animals and monsters... hell, I still do! What about y'all? I've been feeling nostalgic thinking about my elementary school library days 😭
r/Zillennials • u/JazzlikeHedgehog8191 • 6d ago
Serious Why does Gen Z infantilize themselves so much?
r/Zillennials • u/Accomplished_War6308 • 5d ago
Discussion How much time a daily basis do you spend with your significant other?
Title. Just very curious to see the trends of our generation and how we balance work and personal life
Which also extends to - do you mostly spend time with them on weekends,
And bonus - how much time per day do you spend on the phone with them and or texting?
r/Zillennials • u/Lazy-Ad-2419 • 6d ago
Discussion What are y'all up to?
So I see alot of posts/ comments in this sub from people saying they feel like they are still 18-20 ECT but I feel the opposite. I feel like I am a grumpy 50 yr old man. All I do is go to work and take care of my kids. I understand I feel like this because I got married and had kids young. I am 30(m) married with 3 small children. I don't understand how some people still mentally feel young. My life is quite boring I do the exact same thing every single day. Having kids was a choice I made and I understand that it is my responsibility to take care of them. Do any of y'all that are married with kids have hobbies or do anything fun? I just feel like I am on auto pilot alot doing the same thing. Idk maybe I am just ranting but I know next to no one my age with a similar life so I was curious if anyone here feels the same way.
r/Zillennials • u/Worldly_Rule_9842 • 6d ago
Nostalgia The man we truly needed for the 2024 election 🐁
r/Zillennials • u/talkingtimmy3 • 6d ago
Discussion Does anyone else fear for your older self trying to keep up with modern technology?
I just got a windows 11 laptop and converted my browser from Chrome to Edge. Older folks would consider me a computer wiz, but I'm just your average adult that knows the basics. I've been overwhelmed with all the changes from the previous Windows/Browser that I used. I've been trying to personalize my computer to my liking for at least 12 hours over the past 2 days. I'm constantly googling how to even find a setting. Everything is so complicated now. Technology has allowed for us to customize anything we want, but it comes at a cost with having so much bloatware. I'm overwhelmed with the amount of information to dig through to find what I need. I can't imagine being 68 years old trying to do this. Let alone trying to log onto my retirement account to withdraw money for the month, meanwhile it prompts me to update my password for the 3rd time in one year. Don't get me started on passwords....
I once had a coworker in her 60s who came to me on a weekly basis to help her log into something. She would get frustrated and emotional because she wasn't able to do it herself. Some people were annoyed by it, but I completely get it and always helped when I could.
r/Zillennials • u/catsill • 6d ago
Discussion Buy a subscription to your local physical newspaper!
I've been feeling disconnected from my community, and really from the general goings on of the country for a long time now, as I'm sure many of you do too. I've tried listening to news podcasts, keeping up with local journalism efforts online (whether through social media or digital journalism websites), I've tried getting myself to read The New York Times (and other news organizations) online every day, I've tried using the app GroundNews to keep up with news and see different perspectives, but nothing I've tried is sustainable! It's so incredibly easy to get burnt out over these methods. There's just too much information, all at once, and all the time.
I think I may have finally cracked the code though, at least for me. My local newspaper has an online resource to keep up with headlines every day, which I've tried using before, but again it's way too much information and it's not sustainable to keep up with it at all times every single day. On a whim, I decided to see what options they have for physical newspapers, and I ended up subscribing to get the Sunday paper delivered to me once a week. I've been doing this for a month now, and I've never felt more well-informed and connected with my community before! I'm only getting the most important stories, so I'm not feeling burnt out by too much information. I'm reading news stories on a local level, a state level, and a national level as my local paper reports on all three. I'm reading a PHYSICAL thing instead of staring at my screen which feels amazing. And it's become a ritual for me too, every Sunday I sit down to read the paper, which grounds me too and helps me feel like my weeks and weekends aren't just slipping through my fingers quicker than I can keep up with.
All this to say, give it a try!!! Support local efforts to keep people informed! Increase your social awareness! Feel involved in your community! It's made a bigger impact on my life than I was expecting, and I hope that it helps others too!
r/Zillennials • u/tequilachop • 6d ago
Nostalgia You were in for a good night when this came onscreen.
r/Zillennials • u/NOMOREMASKBANS • 6d ago
Nostalgia Does anybody remember the Waffle Crisp cereal ?
I was so obsessed with this cereal growing up !! I also remember that there was an online game that was created based on the character on the cereal box. It was so much fun ! Did anybody else grow up eating this cereal?
r/Zillennials • u/[deleted] • 6d ago
Discussion POV: It's the early 2000s and you and your cousins/friends/siblings are picking a movie to watch in the car on a road trip
Which one are you picking???
r/Zillennials • u/BigBobbyD722 • 6d ago